Melodies\ a salvis fanfic [𝘿...

By d3ad_b0n3s

633 34 53

"Melodies" follows the journey of Travis, a closeted gay teenager struggling with his own internalized homoph... More

The melodies of the piano
The melodies of the electric guitar
Vivid dreams
when melodies collide
lost in thoughts
Arcade games
Burn Marks
Pancakes and Razor blades
Can men have feelings?
The Party
Encounter of the wolves
A mark was made
A Hospital Visit
Welcome Home

It was just a dream

30 1 0
By d3ad_b0n3s

TW: nail biting, cigarettes, Vomiting

⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧

Travis felt an icy chill slice through the air, causing his skin to prickle with goosebumps and sending shivers cascading down his spine. The sudden drop in temperature made him acutely aware of the cold, wrapping around him like a clammy embrace. Uncomfortable tremors rippled through his body, each one a reminder of the biting cold that seemed to seep into his very bones.Travis's bare arms stretched outwards, exposed to the elements without the comforting shield of his hoodie. As he shifted, his head made contact with the unforgiving surface of the hard wood beneath him, sending a jolt of discomfort through his senses. With a slow, groggy awakening, Travis fluttered his eyes open, greeted by the serene sight of Windigo Lake sprawling before him. The tranquil waters mirrored the azure sky above, casting a sense of serenity tinged with a hint of mystery. Travis bolted upright, a surge of confusion electrifying his senses. His mind raced, grappling with the disorienting realization that he wasn't where he expected to be. Just moments ago, he recalled being at Kenneth's place, but now he found himself in an unfamiliar setting. Waves of bewilderment crashed over him, flooding his thoughts with unanswered questions and leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

He blinked, his eyelids heavy with disbelief, and gently rubbed his eyes, as if trying to coax reality into alignment with his expectations. Yet, as his vision cleared, the surreal truth remained steadfastly present before him. Was it possible that the haunting encounters with the cult were merely fragments of a dream? With each passing moment, the unsettling reality settled in deeper.His fingers moved through his bleached hair, tousling the messy ponytail that still clung to the scalp. It served as a tangible reminder that what he had experienced was undeniably real, leaving him to grapple with the unnerving implications of what lay ahead.

"What am I going to do? Travis thought, questioning himself. He let out a pitiful sigh and scrunched up in a ball. He was energized but didn't want to move. He tried biting at his already short nails. The flesh on his hands ripped off and blood trickled down from them and wrapped around his fingers. "Fuck" He thought looking down at the crimson streaks staining his tanned skin. He wished he had somewhere to go but he didn't. He could not go to Sal's since the argument. He definitely would not go to his dad's. "Phil's"  He thought. School has already started though. He didn't care and got up to  walk. He took out his phone and opened it. 

Phil :)


hey dude can I come over

Phil :)

sure man I drove my car to school today.


Travis was surprised at the sudden text but put the phone back in his pocket and walked. He saw the high school pop into view. He ran till he saw Philips blue car. He looked in the car to see Phillip with a cigarette between his lips. Philip rolled down the car window and took the cigarette away from his lips. "Well get in" Phil said motioning for him to get in. Travis rolls his eyes and smiles. He opens the car door and gets in. "Wanna cig" Phillip says holding it between his fingers and pushing it to Travis. Travis took it and placed it between his lips. He blows the intoxicating smoke in the car. Phil pushed on the petal and spun out of the drive way and drove on the road.

Sal laid on his bed. He probably missed so much school. Luckily Larry found his prosthetic. So there he was laying down there with the uncomfortable mask. His head hurt from the massive amounts of alcohol that he drank that night. He got up to go to the bathroom. He clipped off his mask and threw it on the bed. He walked in the bathroom looking at his disgusting face. Travis probably did not like him any more. Did he possibly catch a glimpse of the distorted mangled face that lies on Sal's face? 

Sal thought of that. He caught the glimpse  of the purplish yellow bruises that laid comfortably on his neck. He did not know who gave him them and he wanted it to stay like that. 

Sal's stomach convulsed violently, as if a bomb were ticking inside, ready to detonate. Frantically, he dashed to the nearest bathroom, his footsteps echoing with the urgency of impending disaster. Bending over the toilet, he succumbed to the merciless onslaught, retching with a force that seemed to wrench his insides apart.First, a frothy tide of white foam surged from his lips, followed by a vile torrent of yellow bile, mingling with saliva in a sickening kaleidoscope of colors. Sal huddled over the porcelain bowl, his body wracked with shivers of agony, each tremor a testament to the overwhelming nausea gripping him.His shirt clung to him like a second skin, saturated with a repulsive cocktail of sweat and vomit that seeped into every fiber. With a grimace of disgust, he carefully peeled off the sodden garment, leaving it discarded on the tiled floor, a testament to his ordeal. Despite the hollow ache gnawing at his gut, Sal's torment showed no mercy. Wave after wave of vomit surged forth, relentless in its assault, each expulsion leaving him gasping for breath, his lungs burning with the effort of expelling the vile contents of his stomach.Finally, when it seemed that he could endure no more, the onslaught ceased, leaving Sal sprawled on the cold tiles, his senses reeling from the aftermath. Vomit pooled in the corners of his mouth, a bitter reminder of his ordeal, causing him to cringe with revulsion. With trembling hands, he wiped away the foul residue, only to be met with a searing pain that scorched his tender skin, a cruel reminder of the punishment his body had endured.

His phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket looking at the message.

Larry face 

Larry face 

Hey man wanna go to a party??


Dude we just went to one 

Larry face



no plus I just threw up dude

Larry face

Ur fault dude I heard this party will be awesome.


Sal rolled his eye and placed the phone back in his pocket. Sal couldn't go to another party his stomach was messed up from the last one. He remembered what happened that morning with Travis. Ya Travis did probably hate him now. 

⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧

(sorry for not writing more about sal 🥲 also I'm sorry I have not been posting. Sorry for the short chapter!!)


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