It's A Match

By LoyalSong

247 9 0

The main characters story begins in the early 2000s. Girl meets boy, boy meets girl and they fall in love. Ma... More

1: Prologue
2: Introducing Marcellus
3: Introducing Francesca
4: Two Doves Diner
5: Who Is He?
6: We're At the Same School
7: Is That a, Yes?
8: Meant For Each Other
9: Anthony's Sister
10: Zackeriah's Accident
11: Ethan's Call
12: Elijah's Situation
13: Moving?
14: A Proposal
16: Finding My Purpose
17: Dolly Thompson
Short: 👑The Royalty Story👑
18: Moving To Texas?
19: Goodbye By Philadelphia
20: New Sweet Home
21: First Day of Work
22: New Friends
23: We're Going to Be Parents!
24: Winter Break
25: Where The Times Gone
Author Note

15: Pregnancy

9 0 0
By LoyalSong

2002 - Two Years Later

Two years has passed since Marcellus proposed to Francesca and it has been a year since the two got married. Anthony and Zackeriah went off to college, Anthony still doesn't know what he is meant to do and Zackeriah went to study music. The year after they left for college Ethan, Elijah, and Marcellus were still high school. Once Ethan graduated, he left with his parents to travel the world and Elijah went to college to study how to make video games because he wants to make Christian video games.

Marcellus stayed behind and attended a college in Philadelphia so he can stay close to his wife. Francesca did not go to college like Marcellus and instead she decided to keep working at her mother's diner and she moved in with Marcellus's parents home.

Marcellus is studying business so he can one day have his own business but before he can have his own business, he needs to work for someone. The college student might be studying but that isn't going to stop him from job searching.

The eighteen-year-old walked into grocery store. He walked up to one of the cashiers and asked, "Excuse me?"

"Yes sir? What can I help you with?" 

"I called in last week for a job interview."

"Oh, the caller, yes my boss told me you were coming. I was pointed as the person to interview you." The boy said, He looks close to Marcellus wife's age. "Samantha! Can you take over for me?" He yelled at a blonde girl. He smiled at him, "Come on, the interview will be taking place in the manager's office."

Marcellus followed him behind a counter, and they entered an office room. 

"My names Gabriel and I'll be interviewing you." Grabriel laughed after sitting down in a chair behind the desk. Marcellus laughed and nod, "Hello, my name is Marcellus White and saw that you guys were hiring for a new cashier?" Marcellus sat in the chair on the other side.

"Yes, our last cashier quit, and we only have two others me and Samantha. Is there any other position you are interested in?" Gabriel asked looking at a piece of paper. Marcellus felt like he was reading off questions that were on there.

"Well, whatever needs to be done, I'll do it." The young boy grinned.

Grabriel put the paper down and smiled at the boy in front of him. "That is what I call teamwork. So, Marcellus tell me about yourself." 

"Okay, I graduated high school two years ago, I'm in college now and... I'm married."

Grabriel's eyes widened and his mouth gaped, "Uh... I'm sorry, how old are you?"

The younger boy laughed and the older boy's surprised face. "I'm eighteen, my wife is a year older than me." Marcellus didn't know if that was necessary to tell him, but he did anyway. Grabriel cleaned out his ears with his finger and paused, "Oh. So, I heard correctly. Dude, you're married. I only nineteen and I single, like what? When did you even get engaged?" 

"When I was sixteen but didn't get married until after I was finished high school." Marcellus told him but a thought popped in the boy's mind, "Aren't you supposed to be interviewing me?"

Grabriel brushed the papers out of the way, "You're hired."

"Really? That was quick don't you need to call me in a few days or something to confirm or not that I got the job?" Marcellus questioned him with a raise eyebrow.

"The boss already had plans in hiring you when he first saw you." The older boy shrugged. Marcellus tilts his head, "Huh." 

Grabriel can tell that there's something about Marcellus, he can feel this light shining from the boy and his smile can light up a room.  They both stand up and shook hands, "Marcellus, I think we'll be good friends."

"Same here. Thank you for the job and God bless you."

"Can you start work tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure." Marcellus agreed.

"Great! Have a good day and God bless you too." Grabriel smiled and Marcellus left the store not being able to talk to Francesca and his parents when he gets home.

Francesca hasn't been feeling well, she called in to work and asked for her to not go in. This morning when she got up and her husband went to school, she had this urge to throw up and ran to the bathroom.

"Ugh, Did I eat something?" She wondered as she got up off the floor from slouching over the toilet. She wiped her mouth and walked tiredly to the sink, "Is it even worth brushing my teeth after I threw up like three times today?" She asked herself picking up her toothbrush and squirted some toothpaste on it.

She sighed and stared in the mirror as she brushed her teeth. She gurgled some water then spit it out in the sink and went to sit on the bed. Francesca looked down at the pregnancy test in her hand, "Is this possible?" She whispered.

"Is what possible?" She jumped and looked up to see Marcellus standing at the door. He walked to her and sat beside her, "I heard you didn't go to work today." She avoided his stare and looked back down. He lightly nudged her, "Franny, is something wrong?" He frowned when she wasn't looking at him.

"I haven't been feeling good this morning and threw up in the toilet." She tried to hide the test. He lifted both his eyebrows in worry, "Are you sick?"

"Um, it's a kind of sickness but a good kind... even when it might not feel so." She told him.

He gave her a confused look and looked down at her hands, "What are you holding?" He asked his wife who is timid at the moment, which is unlike her. "you're not telling me something." He says, she lets out a breath and gave the test.

His eyes widened, "A pregnancy test." He glanced at her, and she nodded. He looked back and asked, "Did you use it?"

"No. I was scared."

"Scared? Franny, we have talked about having a family together. Why are you scared? You told me how much you wanted to have children." He asked her softly. She shrugged, "I know, it's just that I didn't know it would happen this quick." She stared up at him, "You are also still in college and today you went to an interview. Speaking of interview how did it go?"

"Don't change the subject." He said shaking his head. Marcellus looked up at the ceiling, "Well, only one way to find out." He gives the test back to her, "Take the test."

Francesca got up and walked to the bathroom and Marcellus waited in the bedroom until she finished. He hears the toilet flush and the opens, Franny exits the bathroom staring down at the pregnancy test with shaky hands. Marcellus stands up and slowly walks up to her waiting patiently for the answer. "Marcie?"

"Yes, darling?"

"I'm pregnant."












Hope you have or had a Blessed Day :)


Psalm 127:3 Children are a heritage from the Lord,
                             offspring a reward from him.

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