Whispers Of The Heart

By vivimaryyy

172K 6K 6.3K

"Look, I don't want a valuable life lesson right now, I just want an ice cream" ... More

Whispers Of The Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

3.6K 161 246
By vivimaryyy

Emery Rose

With a groan, I blinked my eyes open, only to be greeted by the sight of Joey, his paw firmly tangled in my hair.

With a huff of annoyance, I shifted slightly, prompting Joey to leap off the bed with an exaggerated flourish. As he disappeared into the walking closet, no doubt seeking refuge from the chaos he had caused. I couldn't help but roll my eyes- truly, he is an orange cat.

The soft glow of morning sunlight filtered through the bay window, casting a warm, golden hue over the room and illuminating the space with a gentle radiance.

I hate it.

Despite the peaceful ambiance, my head throbbed with a dull ache. I reached up to massage my temples, the pressure of my fingers providing some small measure of relief to the pounding in my head. Summoning all my willpower, I mustered the strength to sit up, only to be greeted by the sight of Joey peering out from his hiding spot with an expression that clearly said "You're not mad, are you?"

I closed my eyes, needing a moment to collect my thoughts and process the events of last night.

Each passing moment seemed to bring the memories flooding back with startling clarity, the fog of sleep slowly lifting to reveal the truth lurking beneath the surface.

I remembered being at the party, the pulsating music and flashing lights a dizzying blur as I navigated the crowded room. Justin had offered me a drink, something foul-smelling and suspicious, but I had accepted it nonetheless. Can I get drunk with one drink?

The next thing I knew, I was walking, the cool night air offering little solace as I struggled to find my way home. But how had I ended up here, in my own bed, safe and sound?

Holy shit.

I thought, eyes widening as the realization hit me like a ton of bricks, sending a surge of panic coursing through my veins.


It had been Grayson who had found me, his concern evident as he guided me back to safety. And not only had he found me, but he had also been there for me in my time of need, offering a comforting presence and a shoulder to lean on.

I remembered the warmth of his embrace, the gentleness in his touch as he had held me close...

Oh, my god.

I buried my face in the pillow, a wave of embarrassment washing over me, my cheeks burning with shame at the memory of my vulnerability in Grayson's arms. Why did I let my guard down like that?

Being a cheerleader meant projecting an image of strength and resilience at all times. I had always prided myself on my ability to maintain composure, to never let anyone see the cracks beneath the surface.

Yet, here I was, feeling like I had failed miserably. My sister had never once allowed her emotions to betray her, and I had always admired her for it. But this week alone, I had cried more times than I could count.

And to think, it was Grayson, of all people, who saw me at my most vulnerable.

Im such a cry baby.

But as I sit there, the events of the night swirling in my mind like a whirlpool of uncertainty, I couldn't shake the nagging question that lingered at the forefront of my thoughts- why had Grayson been so gentle and kind to me?

It was a stark departure from his usual demeanor, his stoic facade giving way to a tenderness that I hadn't seen in years. Despite the comfort his presence had provided, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of confusion.

Had his actions been nothing more than a fleeting moment of compassion, or was there something more beneath the surface?

"This doesn't change anything"

His words echoed in my mind, a stark reminder of his declaration when I had asked for his help with math.

He had made it clear that our interactions didn't signify a return to friendship, and his demeanor had always hinted at a certain disdain for me. So why should I believe that last night meant anything more?

I glanced out the window, my heart skipping a beat as I noticed something unusual.

His curtains were open—the same curtains that had remained closed for months, severing the only connection between us. But today, they were drawn back, allowing a sliver of light to filter into his room.

My mind raced with possibilities, each one more tantalizing than the last. But deep down, I knew that I couldn't allow myself to read too much into it. After all, actions spoke louder than curtains, and Grayson's words had made his feelings abundantly clear.

With a resigned sigh, I pushed aside the tumultuous thoughts and reached for my phone on the nightstand. My eyes landed on a water bottle and a packet of ibuprofen placed neatly beside it.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized that Grayson must have left them there before he left. The simple gesture filled me with a warmth I hadn't felt in a long time, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for his unexpected kindness.

Shaking off the lingering sense of unease, I focused on my phone, scrolling through notifications. Missed calls from Leslie, Justin, and even Dylan blinked on the screen. I decided to call Justin back, knowing he must be worried sick.

With each ring, I hoped that his voice would bring a sense of normalcy back to my chaotic world.

"Baby?" Justin's voice sounded relieved but concerned.

"Hey" I greeted, my voice sounding hoarse as I rubbed my temples, attempting to dispel the remnants of the pounding headache

"Where were you? I was freaking out!" Justin's concern was evident.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn't feeling well, so I left early," I explained, attempting to downplay the severity of the situation while secretly hoping my voice didn't betray the truth.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line "I'm just glad you're okay. Do you need anything? I can come over if you want,"

"No, no, I'm fine now. Just needed some rest," I reassured him.

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything, alright?"

"Thanks, Justin" I said, genuinely touched.

"So, what happened last night? You were having a good time when I last saw you," Justin's curiosity piqued.

I actually wasn't...

"Yeah, I was. But then I started feeling lightheaded, so I decided to head home" I replied, deliberately omitting Grayson's involvement, knowing it would only complicate matters.

"How did you get home?" His question caught me off guard, and for a split second, panic coursed through my veins as I scrambled for a plausible explanation.

Oh shit.

"Uh... I walked,".

"You walked? Alone?" Justin's concern turned into frustration.

I hesitated, guilt gnawing at my conscience. "Yeah, I just... I didn't want to bother anyone," I lied, my words faltering as I glanced at the water bottle and ibuprofen Grayson had left behind.

"Emery, you're so stupid! You could've called me. I was worried sick when I couldn't reach you" Justin's frustration seeped into his tone, his worry mingling with irritation.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to worry you," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper, stung by Justin's sharp words.

"Well, you did" Justin retorted.

"I said I'm sorry" I snapped, a surge of defensiveness rising within me as I struggled to contain the guilt that threatened to consume me.

There was a tense silence on the line. Then Finally, Justin spoke again, his voice softer now, the edges of his anger beginning to soften.

"Let's not let this ruin today, okay? Today is our date, remember? Let's just focus on that," he suggested, his tone laced with a hint of exhaustion.

Memories flooded back, memories of our plans for a romantic dinner at the Italian restaurant, plans that fell apart a week ago when Justin completely forgot, leaving me stranded and disappointed. But tonight was different, tonight we had the chance to make things right.

But another memory surfaced, one from that day when Grayson unexpectedly drove me home for the first time after years of not talking. The tension in the car was palpable, his demeanor cold and distant, a stark contrast to the warmth and kindness I had once known. It was an awkward, uncomfortable ride, leaving me questioning what had changed between us.

I couldn't help but wonder... why was Grayson so distant that night, only to be unexpectedly kind tonight?

I swear, that boy is more confusing than a math problem

Lost in my thoughts, I barely registered Justin's voice calling my name, snapping me back to the present "Emery?"

"What...? oh! Yeah, okay," I relented, feeling a mix of relief and guilt for causing the argument in the first place.

"Okay. I love you" Justin's voice softened again, the tension easing slightly.

"Yeah... I love you too" I said softly before hanging up the phone and letting out a long sigh.

The weight of keeping Grayson's involvement a secret only added to my guilt, but I couldn't bring myself to risk Justin's reaction by telling him the truth. I knew he wouldn't take kindly to the fact that Grayson had given me a ride home and stayed to comfort me. So, I kept Grayson's involvement to myself, hoping to spare Justin's feelings.

My gaze drifted to the water bottle and ibuprofen Grayson had left on the nightstand, a silent reminder of his unexpected kindness in a moment of need.

I shook my head, pushing the thought aside. Without hesitation, I reached for the water bottle and unscrewed the cap, taking a long drink to quench the dryness in my throat. The cool liquid soothed me, washing away some of the tension that had been building inside me.

As I swallowed the ibuprofen and chased it down with another gulp of water, my alarm clock rudely interrupted the quiet of the room, reminding me of the looming responsibilities ahead. I groaned in protest, the thought of having to get ready for work in just two hours feeling like a cruel punishment.

Despite the short shift ahead, the prospect of leaving my bed and facing the outside world seemed overwhelmingly daunting.

If only I could stay cocooned in my blankets forever..

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and I shut down the alarm clock with a swift fist, ready to tackle the day ahead.


I found myself sprawled on the floor behind the counter at Ella's place.

The cafeteria was unusually empty today, a rare occurrence that I welcomed with open arms. I had no desire to engage in small talk or force a smile for the customers. All I wanted was a moment of peace and solitude.

But amidst the quiet solitude, my thoughts were anything but calm.

"Here, you need this, love" I blinked my eyes open when I heard Olivia.

She approached me with a steaming cup of her signature coffee. Olivia had taken it upon herself to be my unofficial coffee supplier ever since I started working here, and her concoctions were nothing short of miraculous in their ability to soothe my troubled mind.

As I sat up, resting my back against the counter, I accepted the coffee with a murmured "Thank you"

Olivia settled down beside me, her own cup of coffee in hand. With practiced ease, she stirred her drink, her movements fluid and comforting. I couldn't help but chuckle as I recalled my disastrous attempt at making coffee myself at home.

"You know, I tried making coffee once... Let's just say it ended up tasting like regret in a cup" I confessed, shaking my head at the memory.

Olivia laughed softly "Leave the coffee-making to the experts, okay?"

I raised my cup in a mock toast, offering a silent tribute to Olivia's superior barista skills. "Lesson learned"

But Olivia's perceptive gaze cut through the quiet morning like a well-aimed arrow, her concern evident in her tone as she remarked "You look like you've been through a war."

I sighed "You're not far off. There was a party at Jake's place last night... I barely got any sleep."

I chose to leave out the part about drinking for the first time, a decision that weighed heavily on my mind.

Breaking my promise never to touch alcohol was something I couldn't easily forgive myself for. Accepting that drink from Justin was a mistake.

"I know" Olivia interjected "I was there"

My eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what? You were there?" I asked incredulously, turning to face her.

She nodded her head slowly, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips "Yeah"

"At Jake's party?"  I asked to make sure, my disbelief evident.

"Um... yes"

"Shut up" I said, still in shock, unable to believe that Olivia, the queen of anti-social behavior, had attended a party.

She side-eyed me "I didn't say anything."

I took a moment to process it all. "Well, color me surprised. You, at a party? What's next, skydiving lessons? I thought you avoided parties like the plague. What happened to 'I'm never setting foot in a party'?" I said, attempting to mimic her British accent.

She laughs, shrugging. "I don't know. I got invited, and I figured, why not? Plus, my mom's been on my case about enjoying my teenage years instead of burying myself in books all day."

I couldn't help but smile at that. It seemed like every time I saw Olivia, she had a book in her hand, lost in another world. And honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with that.

"I didn't see you," I admitted, feeling a twinge of guilt for not noticing her presence at the party.

"Yeah, I kind of disappeared" Olivia's eyes darted away for a moment before meeting mine again, her expression slightly sheepish "Ended up hiding in the bathroom for a while before slipping out."

A pang of guilt tugged at my chest. "I wish I had known. I would've tried to find you."

Olivia chuckles "Emery, come on. I didn't want to intrude on your scene."

I furrowed my brows, trying to understand. "But Liv, you're my friend. You're always welcome wherever I am."

She nodded, but there was a hint of doubt in her eyes. "I appreciate that. But your friends... they're not exactly my crowd."

"What do you mean?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued as I sought to understand her perspective.

"I just figured your friends wouldn't exactly be thrilled to see me tagging along," Olivia confessed, her voice tinged with self-doubt.

"Why would you think that?" I pressed, sensing there was more to her reluctance than she was letting on.

"They just..." Olivia hesitated, her words trailing off as she struggled to articulate her thoughts. It was evident that she was holding back, perhaps out of concern for my feelings.

"Justin's friends are cool," I interjected, hoping to reassure her and dispel any lingering doubts she might have about joining us.

She scoffed lightly, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I guess... but they aren't exactly the nicest,"

Perhaps she has a point. While I knew Leslie and Dylan were genuinely good people, some of the others I hung out with weren't always the nicest. Their attitudes and behaviors could be off-putting, especially to someone like Olivia, who seemed more attuned to sincerity and kindness.

I couldn't deny that I often felt a twinge of discomfort myself, even though I had grown somewhat accustomed to their behavior. The truth was, I mostly hung out with them because of Justin, who seemed oblivious to their less-than-stellar qualities.

"Okay, maybeee some of them aren't the best, but Leslie and Dylan are" I asserted, hoping to reassure her.

Olivia seemed unconvinced, her brows furrowing as she stared down at her coffee, lost in thought. After a moment, she glanced up at me, her expression unreadable.

I could tell she wanted to say something else, but before she could speak, we were rudely interrupted by our boss.

"What are you two sitting on the floor?"

Our eyes immediately darted to Ella, who stood before us like Superman, her gaze piercing as she surveyed the scene with undisguised annoyance.

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I exchanged a sheepish smile with Olivia. Her brown eyes were wide, silently imploring me to come up with an excuse.

"I, uh, we were... uh... doing an impromptu floor inspection?" I stammered, hastily passing a finger over the ground and inspecting it as if to prove our innocence. "Yep, all clean. See?" I presented my finger to Ella, hoping she would buy our feeble excuse.

Olivia shot me a look that said, "Seriously?"

Ella's expression remained unimpressed as she issued her command "Cleaning the floor with coffee in your hands?."

I looked down at the coffee I was holding, suddenly aware of its presence. "Oh... uh... yeah-"

"Stand up."

We scrambled to our feet, chastened by her stern tone, and exchanged a nervous glance before averting our eyes as Ella left. Once she was out of earshot, Olivia shot me a questioning look, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Really?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest, but I could tell she wanted to laugh.

I shrugged, feeling the heat of embarrassment creeping up my neck. "I got nervous!"

Olivia shakes her head, a small smirk playing on her lips as she grabs a small towel to pretend to clean the already spotless tables at Ella's place.

There wasn't much else to do today; the cafe was eerily empty, devoid of its usual bustling energy. Before I could go and offer to help her, my phone buzzed in my back pocket, startling me out of my idle thoughts.

I glanced around, making sure Ella the witch wasn't nearby, before pulling out my phone.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion when I saw a message from an unknown number.

How are you feeling today

My heart skipped a beat as I scanned the message, my mind racing with questions. Suspicion gnawed at me, but before I could dwell on it further, I heard Ella's authoritative voice echoing in the distance.

"Back to work!" she commanded, her voice cutting through the air like a knife.

I whipped my head around, expecting to see her imposing figure, but she was nowhere in sight. Panic surged within me as I whispered-yelled to Olivia"How is she doing this?!"

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