Mafia Family Heroes x ROTTMNT

By sailorneptuna

296 4 0

Since Y/n and Sonic's Mafia adventures became a big hit, I'm bringing them 2 years after for their new advent... More

Mystic Mayhem
Origami Tsunami
Donnie's Gifts
War And Pizza
The Fast and the Furriest
The Gumbus
Mrs. Cuddles
Hypno! Part Deux
Al Be Back
The Longest Fight
Bug Busters

Down With The Sickness

25 0 0
By sailorneptuna

In the lair, me and the others were watching Nya, Jay, and Raph playing on the Dance Dance Revolution game.

"I don't think they got this," Leo said.

"Hey! Leave them alone," Mikey scolded.

"What? I'm just saying they don't have this," Leo said.

"You're just trying to get in our heads," Jay said.

"Oh, my peaches and cream, they just doubled," Donnie exclaimed.

"Rag! Now!" Raph, Jay, and Nya commanded.

"Have I ever told you that I'm happy to have you and Nya as my siblings in law," I asked while wiping the sweat from their brows while Mikey did the same for Raph.

"No, but thank you," Nya and Jay replied.

"Uh, they're about to set a new high score. I can't watch, but I can't not watch!" Kai exclaimed.

"You know what they say about big-time moments?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. They say that in big-time moments, leaders make . . . ." Raph cuts off.

"Brain!" Splinter exclaimed from behind us.

"Ow, my brain!" Splinter exclaimed as he clutched his head.

The turtles shrieked at the sight of him while we looked at them, dumbfounded.

"No! Why?" Donnie exclaimed.

Splinter inhales sharply and then sneezes weakly.

"Gesundheit," Leo and I said.

"Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, Splinter's a zombie!" Charmy exclaimed.

"Charmy, zombies are interested in other people's brains," Saffron said.

"Rat Flu. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill, guys," Raph alerted.

"Down With The Sickness!" Narrator said as I and the mafias heard it.

"Are we the only ones hearing him," Jay exclaimed, breaking the 4th wall.

Splinter lying down as we stand over him. Leo fans him with a handkerchief while Don peers at him through his lenses.

"I feel terrible. Do I look terrible? Be honest," Splinter asked.

We pull back, while reacting with fear.

"Whoa!" Manic exclaimed.

"Okay," I said.

"You look great, not horribly sick at all," Raph said as he grabbed the curtain and pulled it shut, cutting Splinter off from us.

"He's horribly sick," He said.

"Look, a flu this intense is going to affect all areas of his brain. I'm talking the full seven stages, before his body naturally heals itself," Donnie said.

"What are the seven stages," I asked.

"You'll see," Donnie replied.

"You guys know what the full seven stages mean?" Raph asked as his brothers whimpered.

"Another chance to get whatever we want!" Raph exclaimed, happily.

"Yeah!" The turtles exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Kai exclaimed.

"But poor Dad. He must feel terrible. But lucky us, he'll say yes to whatever we ask for! Whoo-hoo!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Only if we make it all the way to the end of the flu, the elusive stage seven. And we never get there," Donnie said, doubtfully.

"This year's gonna be different. Nobody's getting bit. Nobody's getting infected," Raph said.

"When we do make it to the end, which I'm now calling the Must Say Yes stage, what are we gonna ask for?" Leo asked.

Everyone stares at Raph.

"Well, this year, I was thinking we could ask for, uh, um, er—uh . . ." Raph said.

"You have no idea what to ask for, do you," Shadow asked.

"Aww, he's got nothing. We're dead," Leo complained.

"Hey, I got something, all right? Like a, uh . . . ." Raph said.

"Uranium! Oh, we should absolutely ask for uranium. I mean, if I could finally get my hands on a little of that, we would be virtually unstoppa . . . ." Donnie cuts off.

"What about a brick oven for pizza?" Mikey cuts off as he jumps in front of Donnie.

"Who's gonna clean that? What we should ask for is matching unicorn onesies. Those are sick! Pun intended. And I nailed it," Leo cuts off as he shoves them aside.

They grunt as they wrestle with each other.

"Enough. I got this, all right? I'm gonna ask Splinter for something that benefits all of us," Raph stated.

"This is so exciting! But terrible for Dad," Mikey said.

Mikey stares as if he saw a breath. He breathes and then exhales, seeing his breath. Raph blows on his hand and sees his breath.

"Buckle up, guys. It's about to get weird," Raph said.

"Stage 1: Fever!" Narrator announced.

"Fever," Charmy exclaimed, breaking the 4th wall.

The air whooshing through the vents of the air conditioning unit. Splinter stands before it in his underwear, babbling under his breath. Suddenly lifts an electric razor into the air. We're in the center of the lair, a heat lamp over us. We all huddled together and shivered. Leo, in a full body parka, sits a foot away, sipping a hot beverage.

"I hate stage one. Think warm thoughts. Pizza ovens. Bricks from Italy. Wood chips roasting," Mikey said while shivering.

"How long will his fever break," I asked while shivering.

"We're four hours in. His fever's gotta break soon," Raph replied.

"How come Leo's getting warm and we don't," Sonic complained.

"I told you guys to plan ahead. Now I'm sitting here all toasty," Leo said.

As a shadow appears. All look stunned and Leo spits out his drink.

"What? Wha . . . why?" Leo exclaimed.

"Had to air myself out," Splinter said as all of his fur shaved off.

He falls on his face as wisps of smoke rise off of him. Then he growls and lifts his head, screeching and looking demonic. We start screaming as he charges at us and begins chasing us.

"Stage 2: Wild Rat Man!" Narrator announced.

"Wild Rat Man, what?!" Manic exclaimed, breaking the 4th wall.

We started screaming as we ran along the balcony in the lair with Splinter chasing them. Some of us are in full hazmat suits, while others are trying to get into theirs.

"Don't eat me! Raph and the hedgehogs are tastier!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Not now, Mikey," Sonia and Manic exclaimed.

"Suits on! Suits on! Donnie, Tails, Gadget, get the device ready," Raph commanded as he was still tugging his suit.

"Oh, it's ready," Tails said as he and Gadget puts on their suits.

"You know, my inspiration for this device was simplicity. Why dress something up with lots of bells and whistles when you can just let it speak for its..." Donnie said while putting on his suit.

"No one has time for this!" Gadget yelled.

Donnie presses a button on his gauntlet. There's a deep rumbling as water from a pipe stops flowing and a large clear ball rolls out, smashing into Leo, who grunts as it hits him. He falls to the center of the lair with the containment ball.

"Nice," Raph said.

"Quick, let's get him inside," Espio exclaimed.

We're all on the ground floor, standing around the ball. Leo opens a box containing pizza and Splinter approaches, snarling. Leo throws the box into the ball and Splinter leaps after it, going into the ball. Donnie shoves a giant plug into the entrance.

"Okay, this should hold him for a while," Donnie said.

"And you're sure this isn't cruel?" Jay asked.

"He loves pizza and confined spaces you can barely breathe in," Cole replied.

The ball starts shaking violently while Donnie tries to hold on.

"Donnie, is it gonna hold up?" Sonic asked.

"Most definitely!" Donnie exclaimed as the ball started rolling.

Donnie caught on outside, screaming as inside, Splinter runs like on a hamster wheel trying to get the pizza. Ball gets airborne, Donnie still stuck to the outside. Ball begins bouncing off the walls of the lair and then bursts open, releasing Splinter, who jumps into a pipe and disappears. Donnie hits the ground with a thud.

"Mikey, everyone follow me, and be careful. We can't afford to lose anyone before stage seven," Raph said.

"I thought we all agreed it was now called the Must Say Yes stage," Leo said.

"The Must Say Yes stage is the last stage," I asked.

"Yep and It would be easier for me to be careful if I knew Raph were gonna ask for a pizza oven," Mikey replied.

"I'm still thinking!" Raph exclaimed.

"Quick question, is uranium still on the table?" Donnie asked while laying on the floor.

Raph groans in frustration. Some of us went into Splinter's room while Raph had a flashlight in his hand.

"Where's Splinter? Mikey, Y/n, Blaze, you smell him?" Raph asked.

Mikey and the others look fearful and whimper as Raph squats next to Splinter's bed and lifts the ruffle sheet. Mikey and others gasp as the roach crawls out. Raph sighs in relief and then Mikey gasps again.

"He's not under there," Raph said.

Raph looks at us, who appears terrified.

"Uh . . . ." Mikey said.

"What?" Raph asked.

Raph turns around and Splinter is clinging to his back, we suddenly shriek.

"Use your words," Raph said as he turned back to us.

"He's . . . on . . . you," Cream squeaked in fear.

"What? Heats on stew?" Raph asked.

"He's on you," Charmy said in fear.

"He's on me?" Raph asked.

"Yes," Tikal squeaked.

Raph hears snarls and freezes. Splinter's hands come down on his shoulders and Raph screams. Reaches back and grabs Splinter, pulling him loose and flinging him across the room. Splinter lands on his face, snarling. Then he pushes himself up and turns around, hands on cheeks and wearing a loving expression.

"Oh, my favorite son," Splinter said as the hearts appeared over his eyes.

"Favorite son?" Mikey questioned.

"Run!" Silver exclaimed.

"Stage 3: Captain Cuddle Cakes!" Narrator announced.

"Cuddle Cakes," I exclaimed while breaking the 4th wall.


"Ugh, these things do not breathe," Leo said while taking his suit off.

"I know, right? Uh, now, are we sure we're safe?" Donnie asked while removing his helmet.

"Yeah, are we," Scourge asked.

"Calm down. We're fine. Raph and Mikey have it under control . . . oh, no," Leo replied until he heard me screaming.

"Y/n, honey, what is it?" Lloyd exclaimed.

"Stage three! Stage three," I shrieked while running past them.

"What's stage three," Scourge asked.

"CUDDLE CAKES," Silver exclaimed.

"Oh, little baby blue, come to Papa," Splinter said while running with hearts in his eyes.

"Suits on! Suits on!" Raph yelled while running.

"Leo, Donnie, why weren't you two in your suits?" I asked.

"It was Leo," Donnie replied while putting his helmet back on.

"No one forced you to, Donnie!" Leo exclaimed until he fell down, then reappeared in his suit.

"Ugh, what's that smell?" Leo asked.

"I love you this much," Splinter said as his head pushed up next to Leo's inside the suit.

"No, no, you don't. I'm your least favorite!" Leo said as he fell back while Splinter started kissing him.

"Uh, Leo's infected," Donnie said.

"QUARANTINE!" Tails yelled.

Raph and the others zips up the plastic wall, locking Leo in.

"Hey, you need me to get to the Must Say Yes stage. We need to ask for the onesies . . . Whoa, it is really hot. Is there a fire? There's a fire here, right? The floor is made of lava?" Leo said, feeling woozy.

He screams as jets spraying blue mist hit him.

"Down to 50. All right, fellas, let's be careful so the rest of us can make sure we get what we want. Who's got eyes on the package?" Raph asked.

"Oh man, we lost him," Marine exclaimed as she gasped, looking at a practice dummy covered in lipstick kisses.

Purple flash as the dummy explodes and Splinter appears in full ninja garb and carrying a sword.

"Stage 4: Ninja Supreme!" Narrator announced.

"Ninja Supreme?!" Espio exclaimed, breaking the 4th wall.

Splinter tosses throwing stars at Raph, who catches them on his tonfas.

"Hot soup!" Splinter yelled while charging at us.

"Mafias, Dead drop!" I alerted as me and the mafias did a dead drop to the ground.

Splinter runs past us, swinging his sword. The turtles yelp as he runs past and their hazmat suits practically disintegrate, and all of us got up from the ground.

"Where'd Splinter go?" Raph asked.

Suddenly the lights went out.

"Everyone, stick together. Don't get infected," I alerted.

"Guys! I think I felt him" Mikey exclaimed.

"Hey, that is my butt," Donnie exclaimed.

"I can't see anything," Tails exclaimed.

"Stay close, bro," I said.

Raph flies across the screen, lands on Donnie, and then stands back up. Mikey leaps on Raph, knocking him to the ground.

"Ow! Would everyone please stop hitting me?" Donnie exclaimed as he pulls down his goggles and sees Mikey and Raph wrestling.

"Now I've really got him. Take that, itchy fuzzball," Mikey said.

"Wrong one, Mikey," Knuckles exclaimed.

They continue grunting and groaning as they wrestle. Donnie scans upwards to overhead ledge. Sees Splinter's tail as he vanishes into a room.

"Oh, not my lab!" Donnie exclaimed.

Donnie creeps towards his lab. Stops just outside the door to listen. Pulls his staff as he slowly enters the room. Perched above him on the ceiling is Splinter. Then we suddenly hear a crashing sound from a above.

"Donnie, you hit?" Zane asked.

"No, no, I'm fine. I just cut myself on that janky old door. Everything's okay. Raph, did you decide what we're gonna ask for?" Donnie replied while holding his arm.

"Yeah, I got it. I'm gonna ask for . . . Huh? What?" Raph exclaimed.

"What's he doing now," Nya exclaimed.

Splinter in ninja gear lands a few feet away. When he stands back up, he's in his robe and holding a microphone, then starts singing.

"Stage 5: Karaoke Love Songs!" Narrator announced.

"Love songs?!" Amy exclaimed, breaking the 4th wall.

"I can't feel my ears! Nothing is worth this!" Mikey exclaimed while all of us covered our ears.

"We're so close. Only two stages left," Raph said.

"If you say so," I said.

"And 50 totally healthy heroes left. Man, why is it so hot in here?" Donnie exclaimed as his nose started dripping.

"Oh no," Gadget said.

"QUARANTINE!" Jay yelled.

The second plastic wall being zipped up to hold Donnie as blue disinfectant sprays him.

"Oh, you're gonna get squat from Splinter without Donnie, not without ol' Donnie! I'm the brains behind this operation!" Donnie grumbled until he sneezes.

"Uh, what stage are we on now?" Mikey asked.

"Stage 6: Fan Fiction!" Narrator announced.

"Okay, okay, okay. Listen, listen, listen," Splinter said as he set the action figure of Lou Jitsu on the table.

Some of us took out some notebooks to draw or write down Splinter's imaginations.

"Okay, we opened a noodle shop. It's raining. Lou Jitsu... hot soups, two assassins," He added as he acted out the fighting scene.

"Then wham . . . interdimensional doorway opens, and out walks...dun-dun-duh! Jupiter Jim, and we smash to titles!" He ends as he pops up with a helmet.

"This is amazing. Keep going," Mikey said while writing.

"We're almost at stage seven. This is the closest I've been to success, uh, ever," Raph exclaimed.

Raph was about to high three with Mikey but then Mikey sneezes. Raph pulls back and Mikey falls to the floor.

"He's infected too," Lanolin said.

"QUARANTINE," Kai yelled.

Third time with a plastic wall being zipped up to enclose Mikey.

"We're done. Raph is totally gonna blow this. He has no idea what to ask for, which means . . . Getting hot. It's like I'm in the sun here," Mikey said, feeling woozy.

Mikey hops around as blue disinfectant sprays him.

"We're not gonna blow this," Raph chuckles.

"Raphael, I love you, my brother, but you do tend to fail in big moments. Pish Posh. But that's what makes you, you. Now bring it in, buddy. I'm gonna hug you till a smile comes out," Leo exclaimed.

"Oh god, he's in the cuddle cakes. That's stage three," Bunnie exclaimed.

"Enough! Raph's got this, 'cause in big time moments, leaders make big time shots, and I'm big time!" Raph said with triumph.

"He must say yes. Make him say yes," Donnie hissed.

"Oh Boy, Donnie's on stage 2!" I exclaimed.

"Enough! Don't mess this up, Raph. Don't mess this up," Raph said.

"Don't forget we only get to ask for one thing, my little Raph-a-doodle," Leo said.

"I know exactly what I'm asking for," Raph said as we gasped.

"Stage 7: Must Say Yes!" Narrator announced.

Raph facing off with Splinter, who moans and sniffles. Raph, who looks determined.

"Master Splinter, I know you'll say yes to whatever I ask for. I want you to give . . ." Raph gets cutted off.

"Raph-a-doodle a hug!" Leo yelled.

"Leo, no," Tails exclaimed.

Leo slices through his plastic sheeting with his sword and runs towards them, leaping between Raph and Splinter.

"Everybody loves hugs!" Leo yelled.

"What? No! Anything but that!" Raph exclaimed.

"Come here!" Splinter exclaimed as he leaped on him, knocking Raph to the ground to hug and smooch him.

Raph sneezes and Splinter sits up, clapping his hands.

"Ooh, flu. Papa wants a new bike," Splinter cheered.

"Great, now what?!" Blaze asked.

"Brother, make the antidote quick because Leo is chasing my tail," I exclaimed while running from Leo.

"Don't worry Sis. I got ya," Tails yelled.

A few minutes later...

"Ok, got the antidote ready. How's Y/n," Tails asked.

"Uhh... Not good. She got into the cat instincts again," Lloyd replied.

"What?! Gadget, get the tranq dart ready," Tails exclaimed as he ran out of Donnie's lab.

Tails placed the antidote in the injection and ran over to Splinter and Raph to inject the antidote.

"What's going on," Raph asked.

"No time, we have to cure your brothers and hopefully calm Y/n down," Tails replied.

Tails immediately injected the antidote in Donnie and Mikey and looked at Leo who was still chasing me. Gadget came in with the dart gun and tried to aim it at me.

"I can't get a better shot. Especially with Leo, who was chasing her," Gadget said.

Tails flew over to Leo and injected him with antidote.

"What just happened," Leo asked.

I immediately leaped into the air and was ready to latch my claws at him.

"Gadget, now," Tails yelled.

Gadget shot out the tranq dart from the dart gun and the dart immediately hit me right on my waist, then I fell to the ground, knocked out.

"Is Y/n okay," Leo asked.

"Yeah, Gadget got her with a tranq dart and I think she's out for now," Lloyd replied.

"Do you think it's possible if we can make a wristband that can change her appearance between human and hedgecat," Raph asked.

"I'll try," Tails replied.

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