Biggest secret of my life

By EyesOfMind

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This is an arrange marriage story. Where Tara Mehta who belongs to an upper middle-class family and Armaan Si... More

Introduction 2
Chapter 1: She and her family
Chapter 2: He and his family
Chapter 3: Anxiety and panic attack
Chapter 4: Mesmerizing eyes
Chapter 5: Shopping
Chapter 6: Day out of younger Rathors
Chapter 7: plan for Sanaya's wedding
Chapter 8: Finally, they meet
Chapter 9: Armaan's anger
Chapter 10: Radhika admired Tara
Chapter 11: Preparation for Anniversary party
Chapter 12: Anniversary party
Chapter 13: Marriage proposal
Chapter 15: Tara's first visit in Rajmahal
Chapter 16: Armaan's answer to Tara
Important Note:
Chapter 17: Armaan knows about Sana
Chapter 18: Tara's time with Rathor sibligs
Chapter 19: Small drive of Tara and Armaan
Chapter 20: Surprise for friends
Author's Note
Chapter 21: Tara's suffer
Chapter 22: Glimpse of past
Chapter 23: Date fix
New story
Chapter 24: Unknown Parcel
Chapter 25: Different Feelings
Chapter 26: Party at Saxena
Chapter 27: Beautiful moments
Chapter 28: Beautiful moments 2
Chapter 29: Shopping and preparation
Chapter 30: Engagement
Chapter 31: Surprise
Chapter 32: The Talk
Chapter 33: Accident
Chapter 34: Hospital
Chapter 35: Preplanning?
Chapter 36: Culprit and The Secrets
Chapter 37: New Change in Pink city E.M.
Chapter 38: Mitali and her Minions
Chapter 39: New Project
Chapter 40: Get-together
Chapter 41: Continue...
Chapter 42: Mission
Chapter 43: Mother's concern
Chapter 44: Emotions
Chapter 45: Marriage Preparation
Chapter 46: Wedding shopping
Chapter 47: Who is she?
Chapter 48: Bua sa and The Girl

Chapter 14: Mehta's reaction on proposal

472 23 0
By EyesOfMind

Mehta House:

Radhika: we want Tara's hand for our Armaan... (to Harish)

First Harish look at Ramya and then Tara who still in shock...

Abhinav: we are not forcing you, you can take your time beta (dear) (to Tara)

Tara looks at Abhinav and then to her parents because she did not know how to react as everything was new for her as she did not mind the previous proposal but here, she got proposal that too direct for the king...

Tara's POV:

What is happening here I did not think about it in my life that I will get proposal from the royal family...

I know somewhere I like him but what about him... if I say yes will he accept me as I am and the most important thing how can I think about marring him, he is the king and he deserve more better than me...

Even he did not come to see the girl he is going to share his future... what if he rejects me after knowing about my past and what if he did not accept me with my past...

We are not as same as their status they are Royal and I am simple middle-class girl...

And don't want to become a burden on him, I know I am carefree girl but somewhere I still did not come out of my past...

And the biggest problem what if he got to know about my BIGGEST SECRET... will he support me in that...

But if my papa and maa are ready then I will say yes because I can't see them sad... Tara goes with the flow... don't think much... (I said myself)

POV ends.....

Harish: can I talk to Tara in private... (casually)

Tara comes out of her thoughts... hearing Harish...

Abhinav: why not...

Harish gesture Ramya to come and then they move towards the room and made Tara sit...

Ramya: what are you thinking Harish ji?

Harish: I know Hukum from very long time he is nice person and he handled everything very well and our Tara will be happy with him... but still I am confused... and lastly everything will be depended on Tara...

Ramya: hmmm... Tara bachhe what are you thinking?

Tara: maa I will be happy whatever decision you take... (with slight smile)

Harish: Ramya, what you are thinking about the proposal...

Ramya: Harish ji, they are good people and we know then for years... we will not find any good alliance than this... and after seeing their bond with Tara I am sure she will be happy in that house... (caresses Tara's head)

Ramya said this with small smile and little tears in her eyes...

Ramya: I just want happiness of my Taru...

Harish: can we say yes to this... but before that I want to talk to them...

Ramya and Tara nod and they move to leaving room...

Harish: Rani Hukum, you don't have any problem with our status different as we are not even come near each other...

Radhika: Harish, status comes with the manners in person, if you have good upbringing in my POV you have a great status, but if you have money but don't have good upbringing then you have no status... and now you decide why I come here for Tara only... I have many girls from big society, but they are not good for my family as well as my Armaan and our kingdom...

Harish: we will be happy if my daughter gets such a good family... so yes from our side... (with little tear in his eyes)

Hearing this all youngsters from Rathor family scream in excitement and instantly hug Tara all four of them... Tara also hugs them back with little smile...

Seeing their love for Tara, Harish and Ramya become happy but the happiest one in their family is Karan... because he knows how good The Rathor Family is...

Karan come and hug Tara happily...

Here someone is getting more jealous and thought to destroy Tara's image in front of Rathor Family in next some days... but she did not know that in all that she will embarrass herself in front of them...

Mohit and Mohini also come and give their blessings to Tara and hug her...

Then they all sit and talk to each other...

Ramya: we prepare dinner here... you all have to stay here till dinner...

Nisha: no no Ramya ji, we have to share this news with Armaan, because of some emergency he did not come today so... but I have an idea what if we surprise him tomorrow... you all come to Rajmahal for lunch and then we all will spend some time with each other... what say Baba sa and maa sa... (excitedly)

Adhiraj: that's a good idea Nisha, so any of you will not say anything to Armaan...

Radhika: nice plan, let's do it...

Everyone agrees for this plan and think to execute it tomorrow... and all will come tomorrow at 10:30 am to Rajmahal...

After that Rathor depart and here in Mehta House everything become emotional...

Ramya: Harish ji, time fly very fast, we did not know that when our daughter become this big... (emotionally with tears)

Harish: hmm... you are right Ramya... (with little tears)

Atmosphere become too emotional so to make it light...

Mohit: now we have to find bride for Karan, otherwise he will become Devdas in his love with hospital... (jokingly)

Karan: Kaka I am fine in my bachelor life; I don't want any lady because I already see the side effect of marriage in front of me... (pointing his finger on Mohit and then Harish)

Ramya and Mohini fake glared at Karan and everyone laughs little except Sana because she already left to her room to make plan for tomorrow to make worse day of Tara's life... but in that she did not know that it will come to her at the end of the day...

Anyways everyone departs to their room so Tara also...

Tara's POV:

I enter in my room and close the door... and sit in front of my dressing table... after looking myself like this I become shocked because literally I am blushing...

I remember our encounter on that Sanaya's wedding, it was the first time when I see him and also, I did not know at that time that he is King of Jaipur but when previous day I heard about it I was so shock to react anything, so as much as possible I tried to avoid him because I know that he will not even look at me as I am just a simple girl...

But today when they come and ask my hand for him, I got a biggest shock of my life... but then I thought to go with flow and now I will soon be going to meet him and my heart is literally beating like a marathon...

As few hours ago I did not even think that something like that will happened... oh god what is happening to me why my heart is beating like that... now I am afraid that what will happened when I meet him tomorrow will he be happy seeing me... what will I talk to him... many questions are running in my mind, but I know that these questions will answer only after meeting him...

So, I take a deep breath and then suddenly something come in my mind that I have to inform that two idiots, and now I am smiling like a fool because I will give them surprise so now, I have to wait till tomorrow...

Because everything will be fix by elders and before that I have to talk to him let's see what will be his reaction... after that I will think any other things...

Then I look at the clock it's already 10 at night so thought to change and sleep... so I move towards washroom to fresh and then change into my night cloth and lay down on the bed...

Suddenly, one thought come in my mind, is he know who I am... what if he doesn't know because everyone is talking to surprise him... let's go to sleep Tara otherwise you will get up late you have to go to Rajmehal tomorrow... after some time sleep took our me...

POV ends.....


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