The Book Of A Scout

By Doctor_sn0w1831

26.5K 806 471

Y/n Langnar lost everything. His family, his friends... he would avenge them. No matter what. More

Sudden Terror
57th Expidition
Smoke Signal
Old Story
The Braus Family
The Night Before
The Eldian
New Eldian Empire
New Arrival
The Enemies Home
It has begun
Shiganshina Invasion
The Rumbling
The Rumbling Pt2
Epilouge pt1
Epilouge Pt2
Epilouge End
Bonus Chapter

The End

285 12 9
By Doctor_sn0w1831

Levi and Hange stood near the railing of the boat. Below, waves crashed into the side of it.

Levi: Once again, he's managed to evade death. Bastard won't stay down, I guess.

Hange: Hm... Well... you remember all those speeches Erwin would give about the fighting spirit.

Levi: Well, I'd say he's got far worse than just a fighting spirit. I don't know what the hell happened to him. I don't know if it was that rock that nearly took off his head that did something to his brain, and it turned him into a psychopath or what... I just...

Levi hung his head. Bandages were rapped around his wounds. Missing fingers and nasty cuts on his face.

Levi: I wish I understood.

Hange looked at him sadly.

Hange: It's not your fault. There's no stopping his ambitions. He's just like Eren.

Levi: Is that right...?

Levi said, his voice trailing off as he gazed out across the waves.


Y/n sat upright in a chair, one leg crossed over the other. The man had his journal out and was drawing a picture of a deer. A dead one. It's side torn open with his entrails spilling out. Mikasa, who quietly entered the room, peered over his shoulder down at his artwork. The girl had a worried look in her eye.

Flashback, four months before Y/n took power...

Sasha, Mikasa, and Y/n were walking back to the port with supplies. Sasha rambled on to Mikasa, who only sort of listened to her.

Sasha: I've heard talks of big feast tonight! It's all I've been able to think about! What about you, Y/n? Aren't you excited?

Y/n hummed in response, causing Sasha to scoff and groan.

Sasha: What's with you? You've been such a bummer recently.

Y/n: I'm tired, Sasha.

Sasha: So am I, but you don't see me complaining.

Y/n: Whatever you say.

Y/n replied in a deadpan tone.

Sasha: I can smell the food in these boxes! I can smell the...

Sasha paused. The two turned and looked at her with confusion to see that her face had contorted into one of disgust.

Mikasa: What's wrong?

Sasha: Somethin' smells rotten.

The girl said in her unique accent.

Sasha: There.

The three of them walked over to the side of the rode to see a deer. A dead one. Rotting from the inside out. Mikasa and Sasha looked at with sadness and disgust. While Y/n just stared at it blankly.

Mikasa: C-Come on. We should get going.

Sasha: Right.

The two continued down the road. Mikasa stopped and looked over her shoulder to see Y/n still standing there staring at it.

Mikasa: Y/n?

Nothing. The boy didn't move a muscle. He was seemingly entranced.

Mikasa: Y/n.

Mikasa said with a sharp tone in her voice. Y/n flinched and looked over at her.

Y/n: Oh... right...

He said, following after them both.

Flashback end...

Mikasa: What are you drawing?

Y/n sat there for a moment before continuing his illustration, ignoring her question.

Mikasa walked over and sat on the bed in front of him. The girl kept her gaze on him as he was focused solely on his drawing.

Mikasa: You feeling okay?

Nothing. She didn't even get a nod from him.

Mikasa: At least you still got your journal. I know how much you like drawing in it. I had always wondered what it is you Wright in there.


Mikasa: Please talk to me, Y/n.

Still nothing. As her frustration rose, she snatched his journal from his hands and closed it.

Mikasa: Please...

She spoke softly as she placed her hand on his leg.

Y/n: What do you want to hear from me? That I'm sorry? That I regret the things I've done? You're wasting my time and yours. I don't regret a dman thing. Everything I did was for my people. You morons included. And you... Betray me. Betray your home. Your people. You're not better than me, Mikasa. None of you are.

Mikasa: I know...

Mikasa gently grabbed his hand.

Mikasa: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for everything. We've failed you.

Y/n breathed heavily for a moment.

Y/n: Can I have my damn journal back?

Mikasa nodded and handed it back to him. The girl stared at him with a sad expression as he continued drawing as if she wasn't even there.


They arrived at the port of Odiha. It was now nighttime. The port was illuminated by flood lights scattered across the port.

Y/n leaned on the railing of the boat, his eyes locked onto the lighthouse across the way. He stood there and watched as the light within it spun around and around.

Kiyomi: Quite the situation, huh?

Y/n didn't even look back at her. She joined him at the railing.

Kiyomi: The others are scared. But I doubt you are. You've gotten exactly what you wanted. I still remember back when you explained to me your ambitions. Seeing them put into action is almost surreal. I've been dying to ask you... what now?

There wasn't any wind. So the water was quite calm. They could faintly hear the sound of small waves below them.

Y/n: I will return home to my people as Emporer. And I would like to spend time with my daughter. The others want to stop the rumbling... this goal of there's is moronic. All of them may die. They are fighting to sustain a world where we are slaughtered like cattle. They've got a habit of caring about their enemies.

Kiyomi: Your friends could've killed you. And yet, they have spared you. One would think that would warrant a bit of care and worry for them.

Y/n: It does. In truth, I don't want them to die. But I can't stop all of them on my own. If they want to run off and die trying, so be it.

Kiyomi examined the man for a moment.

Kiyomi: Not long ago, you were holding me hostage and you executed my men right in front of me. But yet, I hold no hatred for you. I mean, yes, I think you are a vile monster, but still, you intrigue me. Some of your friends have stated how drastically you've changed. And that you were once very different. I'd like to meet that version of Y/n Langnar. Maybe I'll get to know you better. I highly doubt my country exists anymore. It's a shame.
I was wondering if I could come back to Paradis and live out my remaining years there. That is, if you don't plan on having me executed.

Y/n: Sure, why not.

Kiyomi smiled.

Kiyomi: Splendid. I'm sure Paradis has some beautiful sights that I have yet to see.

Y/n: The mountains are beautiful this time of year. You could move there. It's quiet and peaceful. When I was young, I hated living in the city. I was always so envious of those who got to live in the countryside. I'm thinking about building a beautiful house somewhere nice and quiet. Maybe next to a lake or something. I'll live there with my daughter... In peace.

Kiyomi: What about the rest of this land? Once the rumbling is complete, there will be nothing left but rubble.

Y/n: We'll reclaim it and rebuild. I'm not doing this just for us now... but for future generations of Eldians. My dream is for Eldian citizens... man, woman and child alike, to grow up without war or hatred. Without fear of foreign powers coming and slaughtering them. I want to... survive... I want my people to survive.

They could hear a door open followed by footsteps behind them. They both turned and saw Peick walking across the ship deck. The girl stopped and turned to the two of them.

She looked like she wanted to say something but didn't. And so she carried on.


The next morning rolled around finally. And the flying boat has finally been prepared. Annie was the other one who wouldn't be going along. She just wanted to get back home to her father. The others gave her a final Farwell. Except for Levi, who just glared at her.

Y/n was near the warehouse where the flying boat was stored. He gave it one final look before walking back toward the boat.

Mikasa: Y/n, wait!

The man stopped and looked at her.

Mikasa: I wanted to say goodbye. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I want you to know that no matter what, you're my friend. You always will be. Say hi to Agnes for me.

The girl said, giving him one final smile.

Y/n: It's a real shame. I had hoped Agnes would get to meet her aunt.

The smile on her face vanished as she realized that he really thought they were going to die. Before she knew it, he had walked away and was now climbing the stairs to the boat.

Suddenly, gunshots. A lot of them. Floch had appeared and unloaded his guns on the plane. Mikasa was the first to spring into action and launch her anchor into his throat.

All of them stood around Floch as he lay on the ground, choking on his own blood.

Hange: Floch... don't tell me... did he let the ship drag him all the way here?

Onyankapon: Hange!

The fuel tank on the flying boat as bullet holes in it.

Onyankapon: He shot up the tank... we can't fill it! We're trapped! The boat is grounded!

?: Don't give up.

One of the mechanics said.

?: it'll fly if we can get these holes sealed.

?: Grab the welding tools!

Hange: How long is it gonna take?

?: Patching it with tin should be the fastest way. And hour should be--

They froze as they noticed the tools on the table began to vibrate.

Hange: We haven't got an hour.

Reiner: No! No! No!

Reiner said with anger as he ran out onto the port.

Reiner: It's here... the rumbling is here!

They all stared in shock as the massive clouds of smoke rose above the horizon.

Floch: Dont... please... don't do it...

Hange: We're here, Floch.

Floch: Everyone on the island... they'll all be killed... Our... Devil... is the only one... who can save us... our only... hope...

The color in Flochs eyes began to fade.

Jean: No, hold on!

Hange: he's gone. It's true, Floch. We can't protect them all. But still... we have no choice but to try. And even if we fail today, maybe someday...


From the deck of the ship, Y/n watched as hange flew off toward the horde of incoming titans. He felt pain in his chest, and his lip quivered as a tear threatened to fall from his eye. He quickly wiped it away as the woman disappeared into the steam.

The flying boat kicked on and emerged from the hanger. One by one, the Colossal Titans fell at the hands of Hange Zoe.

The flying boat took off... and Hange plummeted to the earth like a burning star.

Y/n: Farewell, Hange...

Y/n mumbled to himself as the boat departed. He felt relieved he wouldn't have to watch his other friends die. Though it still bothered him. He tried his best to look toward the future.


Journal Entry:
They're gone. And it is done. I am done. I wish there was something I could've said to them to convince them to just give up and go home. But knowing them, they would never. I'm anxious about my return. The public will learn that I am now Emporer. This will be a day of great celebration. But as of right now, the only thing I want is to see my daughter. I miss her so much. I hope I get to see her soon.

He closed his journal and placed it into the pocket of his uniform. He still wore the all black uniform. He had no idea where his ODM gear rig was. They probably left it back at the port in Paradis.

The man flinched slightly at the sound of pounding on the door. It opened to reveal Annie.

Annie: We're going.

Y/n: What the hell are you on about?

Annie: Falco can fly us to them. With his titan!

Y/n: I thought all you wanted was to go back to Paradis to be with your father? What's changed?

Annie: My father's safe... that's all that matters to me. I don't give a shit what happens to me. But why run away when I can help? Why cower when they could use my abilities?

Y/n: Believe what you want, but what makes you think I'm coming with you? My only goal is to let the rumbling run its coarse.

Annie: There won't be much left of this ship after. And I doubt there is only one lifeboat. I doubt there will be any room with kiyomi, yelena, and the engineers.

Y/n: And what exactly do you expect me to do?

Annie: I don't give a damn what you do. You can sit back and do nothing for all I care. Just come on. There's ODM gear in the other room. I've got no idea how to use this version of it. So you're gonna have to. Also, there's no blades or thunder spears. Only pistols. I'm not sure how much help you'll be. That is, if you'll be help at all.

Annie turned and left, leaving Y/n. Just as his frustration began to rise, an Idea entered his head.


Y/n clung onto the net on the Falco's Titan as they swooped under erens Founding Titan and grabbed Mikasa along, Connie, Jean, Reiner and Levi.

They all stared at Annie in shock.

Annie: I know. You never imagined a titan could fly, huh? But he pulled it off. So here I am. Didn't have much of a choice. Neither did he.

She motioned over her shoulder. Everyone looked to see Y/n, staring off at Erens Founding titan.

Annie: That Said, I'm glad to be here.

Reiner: And you, Gabi? Why are you here?

Gabi: Because I can fight! Isn't that obvious? You guys never should've left us behind!

Reiner: Annie!

Annie: Look, the Azumabito's ship ended up sinking. It couldn't withstand Falco's Titan transformation. Even though we had no proof he could fly, Kiyomi agreed to let him make an attempt.

Gabi: She out her faith in us, and now we need to live up to it by doing what it takes to stop the rumbling.

Reiner: Gabi...

Annie: Hang on, where's Arm-- I mean, where's peick?

Mikasa: Armin was captured! His life's in danger!

Annie Gasped.

Mikasa: The titan that took him should be back by the tailbone. Annie, we need your help.

Annie nervously smiled.

Annie: Your childhood friends sure have a way of getting themselves captured. But yeah, I'll help you get him back.

Gabi: What about Peick?!

Reiner: She's by the skull. She tried to blast the nape, but the Warhammer Titan caught her.

Gabi: To blast it?

Levi: We're gonna need to split up. Agh...

Connie: Captain?

Levi: One group will go to the tail and save Armin. We're gonna need the Colossal Titans explosion. The other group will move towards Eren's head and try to blow off his neck. We'll form two teams and launch a two pronged assault. We no longer have the luxury of worrying about Eren. Hell, we never had it to begin with.

Mikasa: But, Captian...

Connie: But what?! If Falco hadn't miraculously flown in and saved us, we'd already be dead!

Jean: You guys! Y/n's making a break for it!

They watched in shock as Y/n used his ODM to fly off toward Eren's Founding titan.

Connie: Dammit!


Reiner yelled as a flurry of arrows came at them. Falco just barely managed to dodge them all as they got close. Reiner jumped off with Jean, transforming in the process.

The armored Titan took on the army of warhammers as Jean sped off toward the detonator.

Multiple jaw Titans flew out of nowhere toward him, but luckily, the cart titan was quick to his rescue, tearing open the nape.

Jean: Peick! You need to make a break for it!

As the head of her titan was sliced off, Peick launched herself out of her nape.

Peick: If you think my titan is only for utility, you're wrong! With the carts endurance, I can transform a hundred times over!

She yelled out, transforming repeatedly, killing a titan each time. Eventually, peick killed all those around them. She left her titan and regrouped with Jean.

Jean: What the hell?

They both looked on in shock as two Jaw Titans defended them. Holding down to others.

Peick: Porco! Marcel!

The girl said with tears in her eyes.
Many of the other Titans have switched sides as well. It was a strange phenomenon, but this was perfect for them. But for some reason, the rumbling stopped.

Reiner: NOW JEAN! GO!!!

Jean charged off towards the detonator at high speeds, dodging countless titans clawing for him in the process.

He grabbed the detonator and was about to press it when... he was shot. Right through the shoulder. The man stumbled back and dropped the detonator. Everything went completely silent for a moment. And everyone wondered when the explosion was gonna happen.

Jean: Uh... h-huh?!

Jean looked up and saw Y/n standing there, the barrel of his gun smoking.

Jean: Y-Y/n... you can't! Please!

Jean sprinted forward at him and clashed.


Y/n yelled before headbutting Jean right in the nose.

Y/n: I won't let you do this, Horseface!
You'll doom us all!

Y/n aimed his gun at Jeans head. But suddenly, Mikasa came flying in and tackled him.

Mikasa: Jean! Do it now!

She screamed out as Jean dove for the detonator and pressed down the lever. With a massive explosion, Mikasa and Y/n were both launched into the air. As the head of the Founding Titan came off, a massive luminescent blue centipede like creature emerged.

Jean: That thing! It's after Eren's head!

Reiner, who is now down on the ground, held it back with all his strength.  

Falco and the others came by, grabbing Jean, Peick, and Mikasa. Y/n, however, missed Falco's Titan and plummeted.

Quickly, he fired his Anchor into one of the ribs of Eren's Founding titan, helping him descend to the ground.

But just above him was a massive explosion. Armin had transformed.
Y/n was unsure if he was gonna make it out. Debris of all sorts rained down from above and down onto him.


His blood was draining rapidly. He had more open wounds than he could count. Y/n didn't have long left. And his mask was completely gone.

Clutching his pistol and breathing heavily, he soldiered on. There was another massive explosion. Y/n turned around to the massive crater in the distance to see another Colossal titan emerge.

Y/n: Eren... you're alive...

Y/n weakly croaked out. He was currently walking up the spiral ramp, leading up the fort Salta.

Armin's Colossal turned around and walked towards Eren.

As Y/n struggled his way to the top, he looked up to see something odd. There was a massive cloud of what looked like titan gas on top of the plateau.

Y/n: W-What?

The lights of countless transformations occurred. The heavily injured man hurried back down the hill, escaping the gas.


Time was a slow crawl. Mikasa's blades came closer and closer to Eren's neck. His eyes opened one last time to look at Mikasa... and then... it all ended.

The Colossal Titans began evaporating. All pure Titans reverted back to humans.

As Mikasa sat on the ground, clutching Eren's head, everyone else was nearby, mourning the loss of their close friend.

Man: Please, Secretary Muller listen! Eren Jeager is dead and gone and the power of the titans was destroyed with him!

A man yelled with everyone standing behind him. Secretary Muller stood with armed soldiers aiming their rifles at the crowd.

Man: We're just people, nothing more!

Muller had his hand up, waiting to give the order for them to shoot.

Muller: Can you prove that for a fact? Here, and now?

Man: If we could take a blood test--

Muller: I said here and now!

Suddenly, someone dropped their odm gear and marched toward the front.

Armin: If we still had the ability to transform into titans, we'd be using it to defend ourselves. But, no. Even after we stare down the barrel of your guns, we remain powerless. There can be no greater proof that we're human.

Muller: And what of Y/n Langnar?

They froze.

Armin: We don't know where he is.

Muller: And who are you?

Armin: I'm an Eldian from Paradis. My name is Armin Arlelt. And I killed Eren Jeager. I stopped the Attack Titan and ended the rumbling!

Muller motioned for his men to lower his guns.

Muller: Alright, Armin Arlelt.

Muller walked forward and extended his hand for a hand shake.

Muller: My name is Secretary Muller.

They shook hands.

Muller: We will work with you. There is something I want to discuss regarding Y/n Langnar. He cannot live. No matter what.

Armin's breath hitched.

Muller turned back to his men.

Muller: Search the Area. Every inch of it.

The men spread out.

Muller: We'll help you get back to Paradis. I can arrange a boat for you.

And with that, Marley and Paradis would begin their newfound friendship on top of a pile of corpses.

Back home, Word spread about Y/n. And that he most likely died in the rumbling. Despite this, his death was never proved. Many believed his demise while many others doubted it. But in the End, Historia reclaimed power and began undoing the harsh teachings of Y/n Langnar one step at a time.

The world had deep wounds. But no matter what, they would heal. Historia hopes to erase the hatred that Y/n Caused. The battle of Heaven and Earth went on to be remembered as a day of mass mourning. Both for the world and For Y/n. An ocean of flowers were placed around his statue in the capital.

Queen Historia began sending out human aid services to the rest of the world in hopes of helping in any way. This was new age. It wouldn't be easy. But they would change. They had to. For the sake of everyone. What happened to Y/n Langnar is completely unknown. It is unsure of it will be ever found out.


A/N: The end I guess. There will be an Epilouge. And there will be quite a few epilouge chapters. But as for the main story, this is the end. I realize the ending may not be very good. But the fact that I'm shit at writing endings paired with my immense writers block really kinda fucked me over. Like I said, this isn't really the FINAL chapter. There will be Epilouge chapters. I'm sorry if you guys don't like the ending. I really do want to get better at writing so all criticism is welcome. I have no writing practice prior to this. I've never taken writing classes or anything like that. I just started typing on wattpad one day and it went from there. But still, I hope you all enjoyed this story to some extent. I know I have a tendency to go radio silent for long periods of time and then all of a sudden pop up out of no where with a new chapter. But all in all, I put a lot of hard work into this. And I love the support I get from you guys. It really makes me motivated to continue writing. As always, thank you all for the support thus far. And I'll see you in the Epilouge chapters.

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