Whispers Of Regret | Hyunlix

By Cookie_buttereu

8.5K 591 2.9K

In the hushed corridors of a grand mansion, the echo of heavy sobs pierces the stillness. A desperate plea ha... More

Cœur brisé - Broken heart
Chéri(e) - Sweetheart
Je t'aime - I love you
Éternité - Eternity
Fleur - Flower
Doux rêve - Sweet dream
Charmant(e) - Charming
Douceur - Sweetness
Cœur - Heart
Abîme - Abyss
Courroux - Wrath
Éclatant(e) - Dazzling
Sombre - Dark
Lumière - Light
Grâce - Grace
Ténébreux - Sinister
Désespoir - Despair
Douleur - Pain
Larmes - Tears
Souffrance - Suffering
Amertume - Bitterness
Amour déchu - Fallen love
Brutalité - Brutality
Peine - Suffering
Brume - Mist
Lueur - Glow
Désir - Desire
Enivrant - Intoxicating
Tentant - Tempting
Étincelle - Spark
Agonie - Agony
Espoir - Hope
Séduction - Seduction
Fleurir - To Bloom
Souffle - Breath
Flamme - Flame
Effeuillage - Petals falling
Apaisant - Soothing
Confiance - Trust
Crépuscule - Twilight
Lien - Bond
Pulsion - Urge

Chaos - le chaos

134 7 16
By Cookie_buttereu

La folie, c'est de faire la même chose et de s'attendre à un résultat différent

Translation: "Madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results."


The pharmaceutical company names and news agency mentioned herein are entirely fictional and bear no resemblance to any real-life entities, even if they were to exist. This usage is purely for fictional purposes.

With a tired huff, the brown-haired girl slumped onto the bench nestled within the expansive school garden. Towering trees enveloped the area, while a grand fountain served as a sanctuary for delicate birds seeking refreshment. Countless varieties of birds and butterflies danced through the air, while diligent bees scoured the distant, enchanting flower field for nectar. In the distance, bees buzzed as they harvested nectar from the magical flower field, while the entire scene gave off a relaxed park-like vibe rather than a typical school garden setting. Yongsan, with its sprawling two-acre flower garden, epitomized botanical luxury, boasting the largest school garden in the country.

"Oppa, it looks like we're sticking with plan A since plan C tanked. That stoic jerk won't be of any help digging into Aera's past," Harin remarked. Jisung hummed while sipping a drink as he lazily sprawled on the opposite bench, gazing up at the evening sky.

"Oppa, say something," the brown-haired girl complained, stomping her feet cutely while pouting. Squeezing the last drop from the packet, the quokka sat up straight and aimed it at the nearby dustbin, perfectly landing inside.

Glancing at the brown-haired girl, the brunette suggested, "It's a bit risky, but how about we try plan B first?" Rising from his seat and extending his arm towards her, the quokka raised an intrigued eyebrow. With a shake of her head and a light smile, the school's diva placed her hand in his and stood up. They ambled towards the school, exchanging chatter and laughter, their cheerful tone mingling with the sweet chirps of the little birds echoing in the expansive garden.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Kim Seo-hee, bringing you live updates from SBC News. Tonight, we have a breaking news report on a crisis unfolding within the esteemed Hwang Group. Elixir Pharmaceutical Company, a cornerstone of the conglomerate, is grappling with a devastating lawsuit stemming from a medication mishap. Join us as we delve deeper into the unfolding details of this critical situation.

"Elixir Pharmaceutical Company, a crucial part of the esteemed Hwang Group, finds itself tangled in a devastating lawsuit following a medication error. This mistake has landed people, from kids to the elderly, in the hospital with worrying symptoms like vomiting and lethargy. Outside Hwang Enterprises, where a key shareholders meeting is happening, reporters and shareholders alike eagerly await Mr. Hwang's appearance, hoping for answers. Despite its worldwide respect, Elixir now faces a critical moment as loyal consumers demand explanations for this unexpected crisis.

Within Hwang Enterprises, shareholders gather with concern, questioning Mr. Hwang's silence amid the chaos. With Elixir's respected reputation on the line and investors pulling out from major projects, the future of HwangLee's flagship new hospital project in Busan is uncertain. Shareholders are selling off their shares, and the outcome of ventures hangs in the balance."

"Joining us now for additional information is Park Seo Hun. Mr. Park, are you able to hear me clearly?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim, for the update. As you can see, we're stationed outside Hwang Headquarters, where tensions are running high amidst the ongoing shareholders meeting. Despite mounting concerns and calls for accountability, Mr. Hwang's silence on the matter has only heightened attention. Reports suggest that affected individuals are not only seeking answers but also compensation for the hospitalizations caused by the medication mishap. And now, our focus shifts to the upcoming arrival of the Elixir CFO, who has just returned from England. Stay with us as we await his response to this unfolding crisis."


A middle-aged man emerged from his car, encircled by bodyguards shielding him from the swarm of reporters. The air was filled with the hurried clicks of camera flashes and a chorus of questions from the press.

"Mr. Byeom, what are your thoughts on the ongoing crisis? Do you have anything to say to those who have been hospitalized due to your company's medication?"

Squeezing his way through without a response, the CFO hurried into the headquarters without offering any further remarks.


In the opulent confines of Hwang headquarters main office, the loud smash of a remote echoed, accompanying the frustrated gestures of a middle-aged man rubbing his temples. With sleeves rolled up and his blazer discarded in a corner, a casualty of the owner's wrath, he let out a sigh of exasperation. Turning to his secretary, he demanded, "Mr. Kim! What's going on? Didn't I hand all the responsibility for Elixir to you? This has never happened before. Do you realize how many people are affected because of us?"

With a nervous bow, the chubby middle-aged man apologized, "I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Hwang. I should have been more attentive to what was happening in the absence of the CFO. I'll take full responsibility for it. I'm really sorry."

With a hand pressed against his face, the CEO let out a deep sigh before speaking, "Go set up a press conference. Let's compensate all those affected and call Mr. Nam and file a case to look into this matter." The secretary's eyes widened. "Mr. Hwang, do you realize the demands they'll make? We can't just compensate so many people."

With tight lips and a disappointed expression aimed at the secretary, the CEO countered, "Are you only thinking about money here? We should be grateful that no lives were lost over this. No matter how much they ask from us, we're the ones responsible for betraying our loyal consumers. Now, go before I lose my temper." Bowing politely and apologizing, the secretary left.


As the sun dips below the city skyline, a somber mood descends upon the headquarters of Hwang Enterprises. The recent troubles at Elixir Pharmaceutical Company have overshadowed the company's once respected reputation. Shareholders enter the building, their faces reflecting a mix of worry and disappointment, eagerly awaiting Mr. Hwang's announcement. Elixir, once celebrated for its innovations, now faces an unprecedented crisis. Outside, reporters gather in clusters, their cameras poised, eagerly awaiting the moment when the company's fate hangs in the balance. As uncertainty fills the air, all eyes turn to the CEO, the central figure in this unfolding drama. As whispers of uncertainty echo through the corridors, all eyes turn to the looming figure of the CEO.


Speeding down the Seoul highway, the blonde's mind swirls with various thoughts, all centered on a certain blue-haired boy. He yearns for the small ball of sunshine like never before, feeling an eternity has passed since he last hugged him, tasted his pillowy lips, or cuddled with his boyfriend.

Overwhelmed by a sense of guilt and sadness, the blonde feels devastated, knowing he has let down his loved ones. A single tear trickles down his cheek, a silent testament to his inner turmoil. Brushing away the tear with a trembling hand, the blonde decides to drown out his thoughts by turning on the radio as he continues his journey to reunite with his lover.

"-day. Mr. Hwang has swiftly organized a press gathering to address the medical mishap. Despite the arrival of Elixir's CFO this afternoon, we're still awaiting any official statement from their end. Let's remain hopeful for a positive outcome from the conference. Thank you for tuning in to SBC. Up next, we'll dive into the latest sports news"

With an abrupt halt of the vehicle, the blonde was taken aback by the mention of their pharmaceutical company and his father's name. Swiftly retrieving his phone from the car seat beside him, he punched in the keywords, and a cascade of recent articles flooded the screen, leaving him stunned. With fingers trembling, he hastily dialed a number and pressed call, urgency pulsing through his veins.

Skipping the pleasantries, the blonde cut straight to the chase. "Appa, I've seen the news. Is everything okay at headquarters?" A heavy sigh emanated from the other end of the line as Mr. Hwang responded, "No, son, it's a complete mess here. I don't know how to resolve this situation. Shareholders are dumping their shares in HLH, our biggest dream. Min Hun wouldn't blame us, but I still feel like I let him down. Both of our companies have put in so much effort for this project, and now....."

With a heavy heart, the blonde fell silent. It's their family's dream to construct a hospital in the countryside of Busan, catering to those unable to afford travel to Seoul or the city for medical consultations. Mr. Lee and his father were eagerly anticipating it, as was his boyfriend. As the youngest ambassador for UNICEF, it's Felix's dream to provide healthcare to underprivileged children in rural areas. They have both been assisting their fathers whenever they have free time to discuss the project.

His thoughts were disrupted by the sound from the line, "Son, are you in school?" Shaking his head and responding, "No, Appa, I was on my way. But now I can't leave you alone to handle this. I'll come there, and let's talk this out."

With a weary agreement from the other end of the line, the blonde hung up the phone. Slamming his hand on the wheel multiple times, he released a heavy, frustrated breath. Knowing he couldn't see his boyfriend today, he felt a wave of sadness wash over him. But he knew he had to address this problem first. With a heavy heart, he turned the ignition, reluctantly driving back in the opposite direction.


I apologize for the short chapter, I'm dealing with some health issues and haven't fully recovered yet. Thank you for your understanding and support ^^

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