A Way Out?

By -Mochana-

5.4K 95 13

A Green x Indigo story. More information is on Notes. Cover made by me. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Final Note

Chapter 5

462 10 0
By -Mochana-

Green POV

The place was always huger than ever, but the downfall was that it was messy.

I was next to Indigo, watching the leader instruct the other Impostors. Glitchy was sitting on my head watching the scene as well.

What were they doing? I'm not sure, but I think they were trying to move the broken pieces of the wall that fell.

Clearly they wanted to clear the path and make sure it was safe to walk through. I thought that was kind of nice to do that.

Jeez don't be a fool Green..they are Impostors, not Crewmates.

"Boss! we cant get this to move!" One Imposter said and the other one nodded.

I decided that this was my opportunity to show my skills.

I put Glitchy down on the ground and walk up to them,"Don't worry guys, I got this." I said confidently.

My leadership remains shown as I started to hold the giant broken wall piece and try to pick it up.

Once I did that, the wall remains still. Not even an inch.

I huffed in annoyance and use all of my strength to pick up the damn heavy piece.

It still wouldn't bulge!

I could hear laughing from the two Impostors. I felt embarrassed so I stopped holding on to it and look at the ground sadly.

Damnit..I thought I was strong enough to move it..

The large wall piece began to move up, it was Indigo holding it up like it was nothing. My mouth was open in shock at the sight I was seeing.

He then throw the heavy piece at the laughing fools and they screamed before quickly dodging the attack.

"Get the hell out of here." Indigo ordered.

The two Impostors nodded in fear and quickly ran away like scared cats.

I watched them leave and it took me a minute to even proceed after what just happened.

"I was going to pick it up you know! Just give me like a few minutes.." I pout a little at the end.

The tall Impostor only stare at me for a moment before letting out a small laugh.

"Oh really? I thought you couldn't handle it." He said with a smudge.

I put my hands on my hips angrily,"I was so gonna pick it up! Your mean y'know!"

This made Indigo laugh even more. I sighed in defeat and let him laugh before he slowly calm down.

Yes I was embarrassed that I couldn't pick up a heavy object or a piece. But I was thankful he made them go away.

"I um.."

Indigo look down at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Thank you, for helping me out..and trying to protect me.."

I admitted while avoiding his gaze. This was already embarrassing enough than last time. I hate this so much.

I heard a little grunt coming from Indigo. I look at him and noticed he was looking away.

I tilt my head a little in confusion why he was like this. I hope I didn't say anything to make him mad.

"It's fine, just be careful next time."

His voice was low, it was kinda hard to hear but I caught the words.

I nodded in response before he took off.

Later on, through the whole time it was mostly about Indigo checking on to see if his workers were doing what he asked to do.

After the little incident I decided not to step in this time and just observed from the back.

I didn't mind waiting, but Glitchy doesn't.

"Now Glitchy if you keep whining I'll flick your head." I said in a warning tone.

Glitchy growled and bite my finger, causing me to hiss in pain.


Glitchy landed on the floor and took off running. Oh crap, I can't lose him!

I chase after Glitchy angrily,"Glitchy! Get back here!" I yelled.

Obviously this doesn't stop him from slowing down.

Glitchy ran in the lobby through a crowd of Impostors. I stopped my tracks before I could bump into anyone.

I panted between my breath and looked around to see if I could find him but there was no sign of Glitchy.

Yellow is going to kill me if I come back without Glitchy.

"Glitchy! Glitchy where are you?" I yelled, trying to find him.

I couldn't care less if people were staring at me, Glitchy is the important mini Crewmate in the world.

Which he will be a Crewmate soon, just not now.

"Glitchy! Glitch- Ak!"

I yelped when I bump into someone. Geez I really need to watch my surroundings more.

"Well well well, look at this Red-Eye. It's the same lamb that got us into trouble."

It was the same twins that I saw last time. Oh shit.

"It is! Say, how about we teach the lamb a lesson?"

Blue-Eye agreed and they both started to grab my wrist.

"Hey! Let go of me you assholes!" I struggled.

"Shut it lamb! We're gonna treat you so nice." Red-Eye chuckled evilly and so did Blue-Eye.

Oh god where are they gonna take me? I need to escape before they find out I'm a Crewmate!

After many struggles I was taken inside a dark room. I was roughly thrown to the ground making me grunt.

I try to get up but a foot step on my stomach. I groan in pain and look up at the twins.

"I wonder what your screams will be once we cut you up."

W-what? Am I gonna die!

I flinched when I felt Red-Eye hold me from behind. I struggled to break free but there was no use.

Blue-Eye open their mouth, a sharp tongue came out.

"N-no! Please don't hurt me I-I'll do whatever you say!" I begged for dear life, but they didn't listen.

The tongue came closer and closer to me. I breathed heavily and shut my eyes, hoping the pain would end soon.

"Hey what the- Ah!"

"No no we're sorry just don't- Ak!"

I felt my wrist being released at that moment.

I slowly open my eyes to see Indigo in front of me. Glitchy was on Indigos head while drinking a juice.

I look around me to see the twins knocked out for good. I'm still alive..

"Are you okay? Did those bastards hurt you?" Indigo asked and kneel down to my level.

He checked my body to make sure there wasn't any scratch mark or bruises on me. After checking I was fine, he sighed in relief and let go of my hand.

I was tackled to the ground by Glitchy who was crying in tears. I couldn't help but let out a weak giggle and pet his head.

"I'm ok..just don't run off next time okay? I was worried sick."

Glitchy sniffled and nodded before hugging me again.

I smiled at this and hug him back. I slowly got up and look at Indigo.

"I'm sorry if they hurt you, Glitchy told me you were there so I checked and-"

I interrupted him by giving him a quick hug.

Indigo seems taken back for a moment. I then pulled away before he could do anything.

"Thank you.." I smiled.

I was thankful to be alive still. I couldn't imagine being dead and leaving Glitchy all alone.

Indigo nodded,"Let's get you back to my room."

I obeyed and took Glitchy with me as we left the room.

On our way back we saw Slate eating another meat that was easy to chew on. Glitchy drooled at the meat and look up at me for an approval.

I look at him for a moment before sighing,"Alright, but ask kindly please." I said before putting him down.

Glitchy jumped happily and ran to Slate for some of his food.

I smiled before opening the door and entering the room. I turn the lamp on with the switch and look around.

I didn't feel a need to sleep so I sat down on the chair to grab a piece of paper to continue with the plan.

"Sleep is a thing y'know. "

"Ah!" I yelled and turn to see Indigo inside with the door closed.

"Oh uh..I'm fine, just felt like drawing is all." I lied.

Indigo only stare at me before reaching his hands out and pick me up.

I gasp at this and squirm around his grip,"Put me down! I said I'm not tired!"

"You need some rest, don't resist." He ordered.

I was dropped onto the bed once again. I sighed mentally and saw Indigo opening the door to walk out.

I wasn't sure why, but I want to stop him for some reason. But why?

"Wait!" I yelled.

Indigo turn to me, his hand still holding onto the door knob.

I felt shy for a second but continued,"D-don't you need rest as well? You seem exhausted."

"I'll be fine. Now go to sleep."

I frown at this, he has a very stubborn attitude.

"I won't sleep until you sleep with me!"

Indigo paused at what I said. I had my arms crossed with a glare.

The room was silent for a minute as I waited for his answer.


I smiled happily at this, so I scoot over so I could make room for him. The bed was big, so hopefully it's still big enough for him to fit in with me.

Indigo slowly got on top of the bed so I grab the blanket and put the covers on him.

Now that I think about it...why the hell did I lead to this?

I'm sleeping with THE infamous Impostor himself. The leader of the hideout group. Is this even the right idea to do this?

It was quiet, but mostly awkward. So I decided to speak up.

"So um..how long have you been here?"

If I could facepalm myself, I would right now.

Indigo was quiet and didn't respond. I took the hint that he didn't wanna talk so I dismiss it.

"For over 30 years from what I can remember."

I was a little surprised that he responded. 30 years? Seems like a lot.

"I see.." I mumbled.

Now that I think about it, I wanted to ask something..

"Has there ever been a cure?"

Indigo look at me silently. I flinched and panic a little,"A cure for a Impostor is what I mean! Is there a way to make an Impostor to a Crewmate again..?"

I needed answers to see if this was possible. I mean, that's why we were here in the first place. To cure Glitchy.

"There was, a long time ago."

He spoke.

"Back then, everyone was Crewmates. No Impostors at all. But then, when the doctors try to bring in a very important box..it somehow fell and cracked open."

I hummed and listen him to continue on.

"Inside was all the dangerous creatures inside the vile. They were broken as well. The tentacles attacked the people, turning them into an Impostor. It was like a virus spreading everywhere. People were scared, those who were infected killed their Crewmates."

Indigo sighed before speaking.

"As many years pass by, my dad retired since he grown older. So now I've been a leader for many years for my people. I like the way I am, I don't need to be a Crewmate to be normal. I'm just myself.

I blinked at that statement. He's..happy the way he is? But..I don't get it..

"There is a cure, it is a plant held in a glass safely. But the maniac known as Dr. White has it. I couldn't care less though."

Dr. White..so it is the doctors on the top floor! There is a cure after all! Glitchy can be saved!



"Why would you ask?"

My thoughts were interrupted when Indigo asked.

"Oh uh..Glitchy asked since he's always curious, that kid is always curious about everything heheh."

I said as an excuse to cover the truth. I can't let him know I was asking it for him.

"..alright then."

I let out a small sigh before laying down. I still couldn't sleep, my head was filled with thoughts and wonder about everything.

But there was one thing that's been stuck in my head for a while.

Why does my heart pound fast whenever I'm near Indigo?

Maybe it's fear... Indigo is the scariest imposter I have ever met. He's huge too, big hands with claws..but I always wonder if it's soft hands..I kinda wanna hold it.

"You're staring."


I haven't realized I was looking at Indigo the whole time while daydreaming. He was looking up at the ceiling with his eyes (helmet?) closed.

I blushed madly and quickly look away,"S-sorry u-uh I'll look away if you need me to I'm sorry-"


I immediately look up when I felt a presence in front of me.

My heart immediately dropped.

Indigo was pinning me down on the bed.


I could feel my heart going faster every second. Why is he on top of me? Do I do something? I'm starting to sweat a lot now!

"You know..I have to admit, you're very cute whenever I take control."

Indigo said before putting his hand on my cheek. I flinched at his touch, his hands were warm and nice for some reason. They look scary, but they were soft.

Indigo chuckled before leaning down more closer and closer. My face was growing red at this point, I don't think I can take it anymore.

He lean close before whispering,"You like it when I take control, don't you?" He said softly in a low voice.

My body was heating up, this never happened before. What's happening to me? Is this even normal?

I wanted to speak, but I couldn't find any words or speak out anything. I was too flustered to say a single word.


"Oh, seems like I'm interrupting something. Am I?"

I paused after hearing a familiar voice. I turn to look to see it was Slate, he was holding Glitchy but quickly covered his eyes.

Me and Indigo were silent, mostly shocked at this moment.

"Don't be too loud okay? I need my sleep!" Slate yelled before closing the door.

Indigo was still on top of me, not moving an inch. I think he's more shock than I was. I mean, it was his father after all that caught us.

I never wanted to die this badly before.

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