Life As We know It

By lexidulac

2.5K 37 2

Story follows Angel and Lex just dealing with the shit life they have been dealt. At least they have eachothe... More

Ch 4
Ch 5

Ch 3

309 5 0
By lexidulac

Angel woke up first. He gently extracted himself from Lex’s embrace and stretched, yawning widely. He looked down at her, her peaceful face framed by tousled hair, and felt a surge of affection for her. He chuckled softly as he watched her sleep. Her cheeks were flushed and her breathing slow, the sight was enough to make his heart flutter. With gentle care, he moved her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead, his lips leaving a faint trace of warmth behind. Quietly he made his way to the bathroom. He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the lingering scent of sex from his body.

As Angel stood under the shower, he couldn’t help but smile at the memory of their passionate evening together. A sense of contentment washed over him, knowing that he was loved and that he had made love to his best friend instead of just fucking with some random sinner. As the water cascaded down his body, Angel let out a sigh of contentment. He reached for the soap and began to lather himself up, taking his time to clean every inch of his skin. His cock stood erect before him, glistening with water droplets.With a small smile on his face, he reached for his dick and started stroking it slowly, enjoying the sensation of the warm water running down his skin.As he stroked himself, he couldn't help but think about the previous night and the passionate encounter with Lex. He remembered how her body responded to his touch, how she moaned his name in pleasure. It made him chuckle softly. "Oh, Lex, You're something else." With a low groan, he felt himself getting closer to climax. He pinched his nipple, hoping to prolong the pleasure.

As the water continued to cascade down on him, Angel let out a loud moan, his body tensing up as he reached his peak. His cock throbbed and spurted streams of hot cum into the shower, the water washig it quickly away .With a contented smile, he finished rinsing off and stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel.

Lex smiled as he came back into the bedroom. “ You make the most sinful sounds when you jackoff.”

Lex’s voice brought him back to reality and he grinned. “You like hearing them, don’t you?” He asked, wrapping the towel around his waist.

“I love every sound you make.”

Angel leaned in and pressed his lips against hers in a gentle, passionate kiss. Pulling away he smirked. “ You know as much as I want to fuck you into this mattress right now..... I’m starving, let’s go see about some food.”

Lex chuckled softly and nodded. “Food.....” She stood up and stretched, her body arching deliciously before she grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top to wear. “

“ You look so fucking hot in those shorts.” Angel smiled as he playfully swatted her ass.


“Oh my gosh! I was starting to worry you guys weren’t getting out of bed today!” Charlie says, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Lex chuckled. “ Hunger has a way of forcing us out of bed.”

”Well I can’t have you two skipping out on a meal, now can I?” Charlie asks playfully.” “So, what are you two in the mood for today?”

“Steak..... barely cook it.” Lex giggles. “If it ain’t bleedin I ain’t eatin.”

Charlie looks at Alastor as he chuckles. “ You would get along great with her.”

Alastor looks Lex up and down. “She is definitely easy on the eyes.”

Angel looked at Alastor “I think Smiles has a bit of a crush on Lex”

Lex smiles. “ Not going to lie.... He’s hot.”

Charlie giggled “You know, I think that crush is mutual.” She winks playfully before turning to the kitchen to start preparing their meal.She chuckles softly as she hears their conversation, amused by the flirtation between Lex and Alastor.

Angel smiles as he Listens to the two flirt. “ You know Lex is kinda a handful Smiles....”

Alastor chuckled softly. "Is that so?" He asked playfully. "I must admit, I find her quite irresistible." He took a sip of his drink, savoring the taste.

As they ate, Alastor couldn’t help but feel the heat of the mating season intensifying. His gaze kept drifting towards Lex, and he found himself growing increasingly restless.

Lex chuckled as she leaned on Alastors table as she and Angel were on their way out, smiling she leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Tell me something .... have you ever had anyone help you when in rut?”

Alastor’s ears perked up at Lex’s whisper, and he grinned mischievously. “Why do you ask?” He replied, his voice low and seductive. “Are you offering to help?”

Angel smirked. “ Be careful Smiles.... she is a freak in the sheets.”

“Oh, I’m always careful,” Alastor replied with a sly smirk. “But I’m willing to take risks when the reward is worth it.” He glanced at Lex, his eyes filled with desire and challenge.

Lex giggled exchanging a look with Angel. " Oh it would be worth it."

“Is that a promise?” Alastor asked, his voice dripping with anticipation. He couldn’t help but feel the heat between them growing stronger as they spoke.

Angel smiled. " Speaking from experience she's a firecracker." He chuckled. "I'm good with whatever she wants to do, so if you want her and she's good with that so am I."

“Mmm, I think we can make that arrangement,” Alastor purred, his eyes never leaving Lex. He took a step closer to her, his scent filling the air as he towered over her. “But first,” he added with a sly smile as he pulled Lex in close. “I believe it’s only fair that I get a taste of what I’m about to claim,” Alastor said, his voice low and seductive. He slowly trailed his fingers along Lex’s jawline before movingndown her neck.As his fingers traced the skin of her neck, Alastor could feel her pulse racing beneath his touch. It was intoxicating, and he found himself unable to resist the pull of the mating season. “Perhaps another night my dear. I know you two were heading to work. “

Lex shivered as Alastor’s fingers trailed down her neck, her heart racing in anticipation. She couldn’t deny the desire that surged through her at his touch. “Another night it is,” she agreed softly, unable to tear her eyes away from him.

Alastor chuckled, a deep rumble that vibrated against Lex’s skin. “Excellent,” he said, his eyes glinting with hunger. “Until then, perhaps you could think about what I have in store for you.”

Charlie cleared her throat as Lex and Angel left. “ Really...... You realize Angel and Lex are together right.”

“Oh, of course I know,” he replied with a shrug. “But it doesn’t stop me from enjoying their company... or their scent.” He flashed a predatory grin. “Besides, I have permission now.”

“Permission?” Charlie repeated.

Alastor nodded, his eyes never leaving her face. “Yes, permission,” he said, his voice low and seductive. “Angel gave me permission as long as Lex gives consent. And you can see how eager she is, She practically begged me to claim her."

Charlie shook her head. “ You realize what she does for a living right? Both her and Angel are highly oversexualized and you shouldn’t take advantage of that.”

“Oh, I’m not taking advantage,” he replied smoothly. “She wants this just as much as I do.” His hand trailed down her arm, the heat from his touch seeping through her clothes. “And who am I to deny a beautiful creature like her?”

Angel chuckled as they walked. “ So you really gonna let Smiles fuck ya?”

Lex smiled wickedly as she turned to face him. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?”

“ Al is a little old fashioned Lex..... I haven’t ever really seen him have an interest in sex either.”

“He’s in rut Angel,” Lex sighed. “It’s hard to explain.... He probably still has no interest in sex, it’s the animal side that wants it.”

Angel stopped and turned to her, his eyes wide. “You really think so?” He asked, biting his lip nervously “I mean, I know animals do that too...”

“Why do you think I get all claim crazy a couple times a year.” Lex chuckled. “Difference is my animal side is about the same as I am.”

“Wow, I never thought about it like that,” Angel admitted with a blush. “So... what happens when your animal side takes over?” He asked curiously, unable to hide the excitement in his voice.

“Nothing all that different.” Lex ran a hand thru her hair. “Only difference is my scent gets stronger...... it can make certain males respond differently.”

“Oh,” Angel said softly, his eyes wandering over Lex’s body. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be near her when she was in heat. The thought made his heart race and his cock twitch in his pants. “Wonder what sex is like with you then.”

Her hands slowly trailed up his chest and along his shoulders, causing tiny shivers to run down his spine. “You already know.” Leaning closer she whispered. “ Been in heat for 3 days.”

Angel’s eyes widened in surprise and excitement. “Fuck,” he whispered, his hands reaching out to grab her hips. “I had no idea.”

“You didn’t know all the other times in the past either.” She smiled. “ Told ya I’m really not all that different.”

“Wow.” Angel said as he exhaled. “ Really wish we didn’t have to go to work right now.”

Lex moaned softly “I know, Dusty, But we’ve gotta.” She bit her bottom lip. “Maybe we could sneak off somewhere later?”

Angel’s lips curved into a devilish smile. “I like the sound of that,”

Stopping st the studio doors Lex sighed, “ What scene are you shooting today?”

“Some crazy orgy,” Angel replied with a laugh. “Should be fun. You gonna watch?”

Hell yeah!” Lex grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I can’t wait , just hope Val doesn’t have me shooting in the other studio.”

“Well, if he does,” Angel purred, leaning in close enough for their bodies to brush against each other, “Maybe we can find a way to sneak off together anyway....... Maybe tonight at the club” He winked playfully before heading inside the studio and to his dressing room.

“Lex.” Valentino purred... “ Come sit with me.” He patted a seat next to him. “Watch Angel shoot this scene.”

Lex slowly made her way over to him. “So I don’t have to shoot right now?”

“No.” Valentino chuckled, running his hand up her leg. “You’re just here to watch for now...” He leaned in closer, his lips nearly touching her ear. “Do you need a little pick me up” Valentino grinned, pulling a small vial from his pocket he placed the substance on the nearby table.

Lex eagerly nodded “Yeah... that would be nice,”

Valentino watched Lex carefully Prepare the lines on the nearby table, He looked up as Angel walked onto set. “ Angel Cakes?”Valentino’s lips curved into a smirk as Angel walked over. “Why don’t you join us, sweetheart... you look like you need a little pick me up as well.”

Angel smiled as he took the rolled up bill from Lex. “Yeah... still a little tired.” He placed the bill to his nose and quickly inhaled one of the lines.

“Good boy,” Valentino purred.”Let’s begin,” he commanded, his voice filled with anticipation.

Lex smiled as she took the remaining line before settling back onto the couch.

Valentino smirked as he saw Lex eagerly snatch the last line. He knew she was just as dependent on the drug as Angel, and it gave him a sense of power to have such control over them. “Alright Angel.” He smiled as the other 6 guys walked onto the set. “And.... Action.”

Valentino watched with eager eyes as the scene unfolded before him. Angel, high on the drug, was more submissive and obedient than usual, making his performance all the more enthralling. The other six men took advantage of this, pushing their boundaries further than ever before.As the scene continued, He couldn’t help but grow more aroused. He was surrounded by lust and depravity, his favorite things in the world. He watched as Angel pleaded for more, his body aching for release.Finally, after what felt like an eternity of sinful pleasure, Angel collapsed onto the ground, spent. The other six men followed suit, their work done. Valentino clapped his hands together in delight as the camera cut and the lighting shifted, indicating the end of the scene. “Well done..... thats a wrap.....the club opens in 10”

Valentino watched as the other 6 guys quickly exited the set, eager to catch their breath. He turned his attention back to Angel, who was still lying on the ground, his body trembling with exhaustion and pleasure.”You did well, my little angel,” he purred, slowly he walked over and ran his fingers through Angel’s long hair. “Now get up and go freshen up for the club.”Valentino watched as Angel slowly struggled to his feet, his body aching from the non-stop action they had just filmed. The camera had captured every moan, every groan, and every drop of sweat that had fallen from their bodies during the intense scene.“That’s my boy,” he said as he patted Angel on the cheek, his voice laced with false affection. As Angel disappeared into the bathroom, Valentino turned to Lex. “Alright my Little wolf... you're on first at the club tonight”

Lex slowly stood. “ Alright.”

Valentino looked at Lex with a twisted grin. “I have an idea for tonight. You’ll be chained up, but not just any chain...” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, thin metal chain that seemed to shimmer under the lights. “This chain is enchanted, it will respond to the person holding it.” Valentino leaned in close to Lex, his breath hot against her ear. “I think I will let Angel be the one controlling how much it tightens or loosens.” He gave a soft chuckle before stepping back with a wicked gleam in his eye. “You’re going to look so pretty all chained up, And you being in heat is going to make this so much better.....Oh, and one last thing,” Valentino added with a dangerous smile. “Since this is a special night, I think instead of just watching, I’ll join in the fun too. After all, I am the rightful Overlord of Lust and Depravity here.”

Lex looked to the floor “Yes sir.”

“I’m not hearing a Thank You.......”

Lex looked up. “Thank You Valentino.”

“You’re welcome,” Valentino replied with a smirk. He grabbed a collar from the table and locked it around Lex’s neck before attaching the chain to it. “Now, let’s see how well you behave for Angel.”

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