Alpha Female

By FireIsRed

1.6K 14 0

"Why do I have to choose huh? I want you, I want you, I want you and I also want you. I love all of you, don'... More

Authors note
Eris (18+ chapter)
picture perfect
Eris: Punishment


29 0 0
By FireIsRed

The dinner has been fine I guess, seems like I know John. We've done business before so it was less tense.

"Never have i thought that a lethal women like you could win the hearts of both these deadly men. Already approved" John says with a kind smile.

"You could never know man, things happen. Thank you though" I said replying with a smile.
"So E? Yes?" Amanda says witha tone i can't recognize. "Yes E or better yet Ms Rodrigo" I said lacing my reply with the same tone.
"How did you 3 meet? In a bar?" Why does everyone think that I met them at a bar or club?

"Oh actually we met at a coffee shop, they sent a guard for my company. Told them I wasn't selling and they took matters to their own hands, here I am" I said smiling at her, not a genuine one. "Why a bar though? Xavier said club. What's with that?" I asked taking a sip of my glass of water.

"You seem, I don't know. Bar worthy" she says witha smug. "Oh i see, not my kind of spot. You'll find me in a room filled with millions, not a bar. Anyway i get it, not everyone is meant to recognize greatness. It's okay I don't blame you sweety" I say pouting. Seemingly I pissed her off.

"So where did you meet John here, I'm sure you met at a fancy party or restaurant" I asked, knowing very well I did my assignment. Checked her background and all.

Her face pales, "we uhm... Ahem we meet on some street" she says gulping down her drink. "Oh we meet at a street downtown. She was being chased down by her then pimp, saved her and the rest was history" John answers obviously not sensing the tension.

"Aww I'm sorry, I'm sure you've healed now. John here I'm sure takes care of you, you found a good man. Be nice to people, you had it rough before John" I said picking up a piece of stake with a knife. Gracefully chewing it.

"How's the empire Ms Rodrigo? I heard the main ones got bombed and you're heading to construction next week" he asked changing the topic.

"It's fine, my workers are back on track. Everything is going well, luckily our creations and important documents were in a resistant box. So we're good to go, the building should be done in a month or less" I answer pushing my plate away, the food wasn't that good. No one likes a well done steak and stone cold smash and overcooked veggies.

"You're good baby?" Killian asks, I hate this already. "I'm good love" I said kissing his cheek.

"You're a strong and powerful woman Ms Rodrigo, I like that. The guys needed someone like you, submissive but strong at the same time" John says with a look of jealousy that Amanda also caught.

"She's perfect" Killian says picking up my hand and kisses it. Returning a smile to him.

"Love birdies" Anderson clapping like a kid, the room giggles obviously used to him.

Trying to be a big girl, I take Kians hand too. Who freezes but doesn't push me away.

After all of us were done eating we decided to leave.

"Thank you for dinner Mr and Mrs Wiley, greatful for the approval" I said smiling. Still holding Kians hand.

"Don't sweat it E, 1 down 4 more to go. Goodluck" he said with a smile.

After a 30 minutes car ride, we arrive at their place. Still this fucker Xavier is with us. Obviously spending the night.

After getting inside the car I made it to my room, closing the door behind me. Taking the third shower of the day and wore my pajama shorts and vest. Drinking my meds I went to my bed.


It's 3 am and I'm awakened by the same noise, seemingly Kian is having another episode.

Doing exactly how I did yesterday I fix him on top of me and this time around I can't sleep.

"Why?" He whispers, I can't make out how his voice sounds.

"Why what?" I answered back, in hopes he'll speak up as I did.
"Help me" he whispers again.
"I don't know" I answer truthfully.
He hums on response and it goes quiet again.
"I hate what you did to me, I wanted to kill you both tha day" I say to him
"You should've" he whispers again.

Finally not finding anything else to say I close my eyes in hope of sleeping. I feel his hand on my stomach then under me.


Waking up I feel tired, yesterday was a long night. Kian is nowhere to be found. Making my way to the bathroom to shower, I have to go to my place, my brothers must me almost worried. I'm sure they tracked me down and found me. Hence the less text and calls. .

Getting done fixing up myself, I pick up my phone. It's 8 am, no wonder I'm still tired.

Making my way downstairs, the kitchen is filled with 14 men.

"Good morning" they all turn around to look at me. "What's with the serious faces?"

"More of our warehouses are getting compromised" Killian answers, almost as if he says I'm responsible.

"Look I did one shot, I'm not petty. Get me a computer I'll help you, not because  I hate you less. You have useless men that's why" I said sitting down, the guards obviously angered by my statement.

"What? If you weren't whoever did that would be found now isn't it? Someone bring me a computer I have places to be. Oh and get me those Chocolate pancakes and my meds" stretching out my neck and arms. As I got ready, Killian leaves to get my food ready and Anderskn picked up three sets of computers.

"You're a smart man Andy" I said patting him on his back.

Finally making my way around the computers trying to access Nick(the device) I reach him. Then connecting him to all their warehouses and accessing the cameras and deleted footages and voices. I got done in 2 hours.

"I'm hungry now, food?" Killian places the pancakes. After devouring them with water, I took my meds.

"What are those for? Cancer? I hope it is so you can die soon" Kian grunts to what Xavier is saying. Obviously in disapproval. "This is the only thing stopping me from feeding you your heart boy" I said smiling.

"So other than this bitch here I found your guys. It's Russian men, some talking about stolen shipments and shit. So it's revenge, deal with it" I said standing up.

Killian almost breaking the table and cursing. "They are in a hotel, 2 hours from here. I can bomb their warehouses in Russia if you want me too. I'd say kill them but they did nothing to me so yeah" I said nonchalantly.

"Do it" Killian says, "they won't stop, we have to neutralize them and we can't do that when we aren't in any business with Russia. That'll bring us a whole damn hurricane. Especially of they find out we were there" Anderson says.

"Who said anything about going to Russia, silly boy. I destroy whilst I'm in my bed eating Ice cream. What's your job here Xavy? You're just a ugly bitch no help? Shame"

Going back to my computers I find a wayto access their servers, all rounding up to 15 warehouses. Finally finding a way to bomb them up, almost breaking my heart. I hate ruining Tech.

"Just press this button and all 15 of them will be in shreds. Just to be safe all 4 of you be somewhere in public and signal me to press the button."

"How do you do these things?" Anderson asked. "My parents were Military parents, it happens" I just shrugged.

"Infact to compensate my work, unfreeze my account. I know I can do it myself but I want you to do it. Deal?" I let out my hand to Killian to shake. Instead he takes it and pulls me towards him and I hit his hard chest.

"No?" I laughed "that's funny because now you're in my mercy Killian, go against me you'll be broke in 3 seconds.

I said walking out, knowing very well he'll obey me. I'm good at what I do

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