Diary of a Human-Raised Imp:...

By helluvafalls283

532 13 3

Throughout his life, Blitzo only knew three things. One, he does NOT look human. Two, his loving normal human... More

The Weirdo on Molten Street
Murder Family
Chapter 4: Loo Loo Land
The Succubus Pop-Star
Spring Broken
Harvest Moon Festival
Truth Seekers

The Vanishing of Billie Knolastname

126 2 3
By helluvafalls283

Note: Takes place in an alternate universe, so there are major and minor differences in canon. Like Blitzo being separated from his family at birth, Striker being the owner of I.M.P and one of the (sorta) good guys, etc.

Also, Millie and Verosika used to date, but are on good terms and are dating guys (Millie obviously dates Moxxie, while Verosika dates Wally), as they are bisexual.



Someplace near Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, Earth

In a lab, lights flicker and there is no sound...

Until a scientist runs out in terror, as other scientists are heard screaming.

He reaches an elevator and, in a panic, presses the button many times before a roar is heard...

He sees nothing in the hallway, until hearing an unearthly growl above him...

As something grabs him and pulls him off the floor as he screams while the door closes.


Imp City, Pride Ring, Hell

In Hell, the supernatural realm of demons, an impling male says, while playing a board game, "Something is coming. Something hungry for blood..."

Like most imps, he, named Mikey Knolastname, has red skin, no ears or nostrils, and a tail. The impling male wears a dark blue shirt with a pentagram symbol on it, and black jeans. He also has hooves like his father, and black-and-white-striped horns which are curved similar to his father. He has black hair like his mother, but in the hairstyle of his father, and a chip tooth like his mother. Like both his parents, he has yellow sclera and black pupils.

A succubus male, the imp-succubus hybrid son of Wally Wackford and Verosika Mayday named Wilson, anxiously says "Shit, please tell me it's not the Demogorgon."

He wears 80s-style clothes, has white hair with pink accents, yellow sclera with pink irises and slit black pupils, and pink-and-black horns like his mother.

"It's not the Demogorgon!" A hellhound pup, named Vortex, says.

He has black-and-dark-gray fur, red sclera, white irises, and black pupils like most hellhounds. However, while not shaved, he has no hairstyle (instead having a head like most feral wolves), wears a gray shirt with a red choker, and blue jeans.

"An army of Troglodytes rush into the chamber!" Mikey says, grinning.

"See? I told you!" Vortex says, proudly.

"Wait...you hear that? Boom...boom...boom...BOOM! A large creature enters the chamber...THE DEMOGORGON!" Mikey shouts, putting a disturbing monster chess piece on the board.

"Aw come on!" Vortex yells.

"We're in deep shit!" Wilson exclaims.

"Billie, your action!" Mikey says.

"Shit, I-I don't know!" Billie, his twin brother, says.

Billie, like him, resembles their mother more than their father, but has their father's curved horns and hairstyle. He wears a red vest with a yellow shirt and blue jeans.

"Don't be a pussy, do it!" Vortex exclaims.

Billie rolls the dice, but it falls somewhere else.

"Shit!" The young demons all yell, before trying to find it.

OST - Kids - Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein

"Where is it?!"

"I can't find it!" Billie exclaims.

"Alright, Wilson, time for your friends to go." Verosika, Wilson's mother, says.

"Come on, we played for 6 hours!" Wilson exclaims.

"Six hours? That is too much time." Verosika says, scolding.

"Alright, guys. Guess it's time to go." Vortex says, before going up.

"Wait, Tex. I found it, rolled a 7, does it count?" Billie asks.

"Did Wilson see it?" Vortex asks.


"Then it doesn't count, come on." Vortex says.

As they go out on their bikes, Billie tells Wilson "I rolled a seven."


"The Demogorgon...it got me...see ya later!" Billie says, biking with Vortex and Mikey.

Wilson then sees lights flickering, but shrugs and walks back inside.


As they bike off together, Vortex teases "Goodnight ladies!"

"Kiss your mom 'night for me!" Mikey says teasingly.

"Hey Bill, whoever gets home faster gets my Sonic the Hedgehog comic collection!" Mikey says, smirking.

"Really?" Billie asks.

"Yeah!" Mikey says, grinning.

Then, Billie speeds up.

"Hey! HEY! I didn't say 'go'! GET BACK HERE! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Mikey yells annoyed as he tries to keep up.

"I'll take the #623!" Billie calls back.

Mikey stops and groans "Son of a bitch!"

Then, he mutters "I should probably call mom and dad..."


As Billie bikes home, his bike light flickers off and then on.

He is startled and horrified to see an abnormally tall humanoid standing silhouetted and then looking back at him.

He bikes away and trips, falling into an alleyway.

He sees the creature's shadow coming closer, and runs off, scared.

He runs into the apartment building and locks the door, running up the stairs as he hears a door burst open.

He closes the door and runs into his apartment floor and then his apartment.

"Mom?! Dad?! Maxie?!" He calls out, scared, before seeing their hellhound, Summer, bark at the door.

A shadow looms at the window, as the door then telekinetically unlocks.

Billie then runs into the closet and gets his dad's shotgun, before loading it and pointing it at the door...

However, the creature rises behind him and growls, as he looks back and then up in horror and fear.

OST - Lights Out - Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein

The light's brightness increases abnormally, as it then goes back to normal...

Both Billie and the creature have vanished...


Main Title


At breakfast, the boys' mother, Millie, says "Hey Billie! Time for school!"

No response...

"Billie, seriously!" Moxxie says.

They then look and see Billie's empty room.

Concerned, Moxxie asks Mikey "Hey Mikey, have you seen Billie?"

"No, he sped up and I couldn't catch up to him. Why, is he not in bed?" Mikey asks.

"No, he's not." Moxxie says.

"Hey Max, have you seen your brother?" Millie asks.


"Sweetie, where were you?" Millie asks incredulously.

"I was working my job at the market, remember?" Maxie asks.

Maxie looks like her brothers, but has feminine features like eyelashes. She is 15 years old.

"Maybe you should call Mrs. Wackford?" Mikey suggests.

"Good idea." Moxxie says.


Verosika answers the phone and says "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Millie."

"Oh, hey, Mills!" Verosika says, happily.

"I was just wondering if you've seen Billie anywhere?" Millie asks.

"Oh shut up, big sis, you obviously have no idea—" Wilson says, arguing with his older sister.

"Kids, I'm on a phone call with my ex-girlfriend!" Verosika says.

"W-was that Billie?" Millie says, small hope in her voice.

"No, it's Wilson. Why? Is he at your house?" Verosika asks, concerned.

"No, he-he's not." Millie says, worried.

"Well, maybe call your boss." Verosika suggests.

"Okay, V. Thank you so much, love ya." Millie says.

"Love you too." Verosika says, smiling.


At the I.M.P office, the boss, an imp-snake demon hybrid named Striker, waits.

Moxxie and Millie arrive, scared.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen wraiths." Striker says.

"Strikes, our son Billie is missing." Moxxie says, worried.

"O...kay? He probably is fine, I trust it." Striker says, shrugging.

"Please, Mikey says he last seen him when they were bikin' and Billie sped up." Millie says, worried.

"Also, my gun was off my hinges." Moxxie says.

Striker sighs and says "Look, as shitty as this city is, 99 out of a hundred times, kid goes missing, they are with a parent or relative."

"What about the other time?" Millie asks.


"You said 99 out of a hundred! What about the other time, the one?!" Millie says, desperate.

"Look, the worst thing I've seen happen to a kid is when a demon owl attacked an impling's head because it thought his head was a nest." Striker says.

"Please, just find our son, Strikes! Find him!" Moxxie begs.

Striker sighs, and calls the police.


After Striker called them, the police search, and look in concern at Billie's abandoned bike after tracking it down using hellhounds.

"You think...something actually happened?" A female imp officer asks.

"Maybe..." An imp male officer says, concerned.


Soundtrack - P!nk - So What

At school, Mikey, Wilson, and Vortex go to school.

Vortex asks "Hey, where's Billie?"

"I don't know." Mikey says, scared.

"Maybe he just ran away, I hope he's okay, though." Wilson says, reassuringly.

"No way he'd run away, we have loving parents and a pretty stable lifestyle." Mikey says.

"Hey look who it is!"

Mikey, Wilson, and Vortex all mutter "Fucking dammit..."

A group of tough implings corner them.

"If it isn't Furbag, Queer-boy, and Possum-face!" A bully says.

"Look, just leave us alone, okay?" Vortex asks.

"Where's the Fag?" Another bully asks.

"Don't FUCKING call him that!" Mikey says angrily.

The bullies laugh and walk away.

"One of these days, I'm gonna kick their asses..." Mikey mutters.

"Mind if I join?" Wilson asks.


After class, Vortex goes up to the teacher, Mrs. Mayberry, and asks her, his tail wagging, "Hey Mrs. Mayberry!"

"Hey kids!" Mayberry says, smiling.

"So where is the ham radio?" Wilson asks.

Mayberry frowns sadly and says "I'm sorry...but..."

"...It came!" She says smiling.


OST - Talking to Australia - Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein

The pup, impling, and junior incubus run excitedly to the radio, as Wilson says into the radio "Hello, Australia, today we are having ketchup rain!"

The kids laugh, before Vortex says into the radio, with a mock British accent, "Hello, England, get any tea?"

They laugh as Mayberry smiles at their friendship, before a knock is heard.

"Oh, uh, kids." Mayberry says.


"Uh, the police would like to ask you some questions..." Mayberry says, slightly worried.

They see police imps and hellhounds.


"S-so you're telling us, my brother's likely been abducted?!" Mikey says, terrified.

"We don't know, but we are presuming so." The chief says

"We can help!" Wilson says.


"I'm a hellhound, I can find him!" Vortex says, pointing at his black nose.

"No! We can't risk anymore abductions, so you're gonna stay home, alright?" The chief firmly says.


"Do I make myself clear?" The chief asks, sternly.

"Ugh...fine..." the kids say.


Mikey heads home, and sees the garbage can in the alleyway tipped over.

"W-who's there?" Mikey asks.

He hears a noise and looks behind, before looking back and going into the basement.

He takes out a flashlight and flashes it...

He sees a harlequin-like imp with no hair, black-and-white-striped horns, yellow sclera and red irises, sharp yellow teeth, a heart-like mark on his forehead, and a hospital gown.

"Uh...what's your name?!" Mikey says, scared.

The imp winces, as Mikey calms down and asks "What's your name?"

The imp goes up and shows him his arm, showing the number 15.

"Do you have a name besides that?" Mikey asks.

"B-B-Blitz...o..." The imp, or Blitzo, says, scared.

"Hey Maxie, you there?" Millie asks, before going down and seeing her son teaching Blitzo about music.

"There are many main types of music: my favorites are dance-pop, urban pop, electropop, punk rock, classical, glam rock, alternative hip hop, country, electronic dance, and R&B. Ya know, Rhythm and blues. Usually the alternative or contemporary type."

He gives Blitzo headphones, as Blitzo eyes it curiously.

"Put them..." Maxie says, before pointing at his very tiny, unnoticeable ear-holes, saying "Here."

Blitzo takes the headphones and puts the earmuffs on his ear-holes.

Mikey plays a track.

Heartless - The Weeknd

Blitzo listens to the lyrics and the trap beat, tilting his head in intrigue.

Mikey puts his own earmuffs on and listens, before bopping his head to the hip-hop beat.

Blitzo slowly begins to bop his head, before having a small smile.

"Mikey, who is that?" Millie asks.

"Oh!" Mikey says, before saying "Hi, mom, meet, Blitzo...Blitzo, meet, mom."

Blitzo tilts his head, anxiously.

"Are you homeless?" Millie asks, concerned.

Blitzo nods his head.

"Can you talk?" Millie asks.

Blitzo doesn't respond.

"He doesn't talk much." Mikey tells his mother.

"When were you born?" Millie asks.

"One-nine...nine...nine." Blitzo says, timidly.

"Oh, you're young, aren't you?" Millie asks.

"Yes..." Blitzo says.

"Would you like to stay here? We...have a guest room." Millie offers.

"Wait, he's staying here? What's dad gonna think?" Mikey asks his mother.

"He'll probably be fine with it, baby." Millie reassures her son.


Moxxie goes home and sees Blitzo.

"HEY, WHO ARE YOU?!" Moxxie yells, thinking he's an intruder.

Blitzo gets scared.

"Moxx, calm down! He's stayin' here!" Millie says, trying to calm her husband down.

"Wait, what?" Moxxie says, now worried.

"Dad, please, trust him. He doesn't even know what movies are! It's like he's a sinner or something, we can teach him!" Mikey tells his father.

"O...kay...hi, I'm Moxxie. Your name?" Moxxie asks, awkwardly.

Blitzo looks away, before Mikey explains "His name's Blitzo, he has a number tattooed on his arm."

"Really? What number?" Moxxie asks.

"15." Millie answers.

"Well, we might need to get you dressed. Would you like to change?" Moxxie asks.

Blitzo then gets naked, as Moxxie says "Agh, no! There's a changing room over there!"

Mikey says "Wait, dad, look!"

They see scars on his back. Deep scars and burn marks.

"Oh crumbs...I..." Moxxie says, feeling bad.

Millie smiles and gives him clothes, before Blitzo goes to the changing room and changes.

He now wears a black shirt and blue jeans.


As Blitzo goes to the guest room, he sees a fan and glares at it...

It stops without him even touching it.

He looks at a playlist, and curiously plays a Depeche Mode track.

Never Let Me Down Again - Depeche Mode

As he sleeps, he sees Billie hide in a strange world, alongside a pack of dog-like creatures.

Blitzo wakes up with a gasp.


Looks like Blitzo knows where Billie is! Will he have the key to where Billie is? We'll find out in Chapter 2!

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