King of Hearts (Book 1)

By scorpio_xxxx

483K 4.4K 176

The story of Damien and Ella: He's a ruthless killer, but she is his only saving grace. Damien had all the po... More



18.8K 514 28
By scorpio_xxxx

"Sorry." I heard her mumble after retracting her hand. Her eyes were averted and I could tell that my hostile behaviour wasn't very appealing to her.

For some reason, I felt bad for frightening her and being rude, but this was my nature and I do not change to please anyone.

"Follow me, slave. I shall give you a tour of my palace now so you will be able to do the things I tell you without getting lost." I turn immediately and start walking out of the library with my slave in tow. I could hear her heartbeat distinctly and her mouth-watering scent was encircling me. I really just wanted to devour her but there was also a part of me that wanted to actually keep this one.

This didn't make sense; I never keep my slaves, I never feel anything other than indifference towards them, so why I don't entirely want to kill her was lost on me. I decided that the reason I was not killing her was because I must be utterly bored what with no wars occurring between our realms. The string of wars had stopped once I'd massacred Marcus' entire army.

Marcus, my own brother, had gotten jealous that father handed over the throne to me and tried everything in his power to kill me so that he would inherit the kingdom. I do not even like to call him family; he is a disappointment, a helpless, selfish bastard. This is why I do not hold up family. It's not like I have bad relations with Claudius, my younger brother, but I do not trust him. Sure, he seemed fine now, but you never know when he'll become a traitor like Marcus. For the time being, it was Claudius' company that I enjoyed the most since he is just like me when it comes to ravaging humans and laughing about their brutal deaths. This is why it would be an interesting afternoon what with Claudius' arrival and me planning on letting him kill Steven; maybe I'd pitch in a little.

I walked across the hall towards my office, letting the slave follow me in and then I shut the door behind her, not wanting Rio and Ramsey to interfere since I could hear the thoughts of the morons coming from not too far. They must have re-entered the dining room because I could hear their voices from directly under me.

"This is my office, usually I'd ask you only to come here if I need you get any supplies that I need." I pointed to my countless cell phones and other little things that I had. I made sure to hide the weapons and what not underneath the desk.

I looked to the slave as she walked more into the room and took a good look at the scattered papers and pens all over my desk. She looked as if she were analyzing the way I kept everything and this again made me feel uneasy. These were one of the many times that I wish I could hear her thoughts. I'd kill to be able to hear human thoughts, hell I'd kill either way, but still - I'd like to hear what runs through the minds of these vulnerable and idiotic creatures. She ran her hands over the papers and stacked them into a pile while organizing everything and making it look presentable. Why was she doing this? It's not like I asked her to do anything and she was touching my things without permission! Seems as though she really had a death wish. I stepped over towards her and glared down at her as she looked up.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask in my hostile voice again; I couldn't allow myself to get close to her even though a part of me wants to. I remind myself that it's only because I have nothing to do around here anymore. I'd have to change that, maybe I'd start a fight with Marcus just so I would be entertained; hell, it would be way more fun going on killing rampages than to be stuck here and feed off of randoms that Rio and Ramsey bring over. I was still staring at her and she looked up - her piercing green eyes were looking into mine. I could sense that she was afraid, but not as much as she had been before because she wasn't shaking. Now this, I did not like. Seems as though I have to up my game because I cannot have her think that I'm a wuss.

"I was organizing your desk; it's cluttered. How do you even find anything with everything flying around?" She tilted her head and waited for my response. She'd actually spoken without stuttering and kept her intense gaze on me; now that was pretty impressive since I'd never had a human, let alone my slave, questioning my actions especially after they've found out that I love to kill mercilessly.

"It's not like I get the things that I want, that's what I have slaves for. Like I said before, if I want something, I'll send you for it. The mess in that case would be your problem, not mine." I say gruffly and she just smiles. Her smile is quite stunning and to think about it, it is the first genuine smile that has ever been directed at me. Usually I get looks of pain, anger, sadness, desperation, but never happiness. Odd that my slave would smile at me, especially after I had just told her that I do not care of the troubles that she would go through.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask as rude as possible so that she would stop acting like I was pleasant to be around. I was far from pleasant and I actually enjoyed that aspect about myself; I will not have some slave trying to befriend me. I haven't had a friend since I was an infant and I wasn't about to start now.

The smile was still evident on her face and she walked closer to me, touching my face again. The incessant warm feeling once again took over my body; this was quite sensational and gave me a high; not the kind of high I would get if say I were to tear her limbs and drink from her, but a different kind of high that I can't really explain. I do not understand why this human was continuously stupid; she had touched me before and I had acted upset, why would she do it again? I wanted to me be cruel, and tell her off but I was selfish. I liked the feeling of her skin on mine, so I would let it go for now.

"You're hurt. I'm going to make it my mission to heal you." She whispered caressing the side of my face. What the hell? Did she fall on her head or something because last time I checked, I was the life sucking monster that could hurt her. I was hurt?!

"The only person that is going to be hurt is you if you don't keep in line with my demands. I could snap your neck at any moment and drink all of your blood without any second thoughts or remorse." I say, looking right at her so she knew that I wasn't fibbing. Her smile faltered but she didn't quite show any fear. Her hand was still caressing my face and this time, she spoke in a serious tone.

"I know you could kill me and if you do, that would pretty much suck for me. But it's not as if you'd let me go home anyways, so I might as well try to find something to do while I'm alive right?" She looked to me and now it was my turn to grin.

"That was the smartest thing you've said since your arrival."

She continued talking.

"And that something is to fix you. You might not admit it or even know it, but you're hurting. You have no notion of love and companionship; you don't seem to have a care for anyone other than yourself. I'm going to teach you how to love." I was speechless. This human comes into my world and has decided to pick on my characteristics. I'm hurt? She's just delusional. This time, I take her hand off my face and gave it a squeeze, knowing it would cause her pain since I was ten-fold stronger. She whelped and I removed my hand immediately.

"Don't touch me again." I say, leaving the room and not waiting for her. What the hell was that? I enjoyed watching humans in pain, but when she was in pain, I just couldn't take it. Whatever this strange feeling was, I didn't like it and I guess I would have to hurt her some more to get over this. That I would. I am not going to become an emotional loser like those idiots I call my cousins. 

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