Reverse The Mind | Mission Fo...

By woah212115

616 28 46

TW : mentions of hallucinations and suicide in the moment of my birth, i was someone who's worth. fifth year... More

Chapter 1 : Mirror, Mirror, On The Ceiling.
Chapter 2 : Movies and Shattering.
Chapter 3 : The Start of Mischief.
Chapter 4 : I'm Fine, Not Really.
Chapter 6 : Destroyed and Abandoned.
Chapter 7 : Your Greatest Villain.
Chapter 8 : I'm Sorry.

Chapter 5 : Escaped From Death.

47 3 4
By woah212115

"Now approaching the abandoned shuttle." The Starship was nearing the wrecked shuttle. "I'm calling Zeeb." Miles said, hitting buttons as the call was ongoing. "Zeeb? Zeeb are you there? Come in, Zeeb!" His words did not go through. The signal was too weak.

Mirandos turned to Loretta and raised an eyebrow when the screen infront of Loretta turned red. "There's no QuestCom range here, we can't get in contact." She said. 

"That aside, why is your screen red?" Mirandos asked her. "I have absolutely no idea, but all information stayed intact though, nothing happened." Loretta replied, to which Miles interjected. "Right now, our Mission is to rescue Zeeb from that shuttle. Haruna and Mirandos, you're with me. Loretta and Blodger, keep an eye out for that star." 

Loretta opened her Bracelex for information regarding the soon-to-explode looking orb. "Good luck and hurry, 'cause this star explodes exactly in 8 minutes and 46 seconds."

"Got it. Let's go, guys!"


"How is a tiny abandoned ship so incredibly spacious?" Mirandos' mouth gaped at the amount of hallways she saw. The space shuttle was quite small on the outside, but everyone knew better than to judge a book by it's cover.

"Alright- uh.. this mission just got a lot harder." Miles muttered, gritting his teeth. "We'll split up then." Haruna suggested bluntly. 

"Right, Mirandos, take North. Haruna will take South and I will go East. If one of us finds Zeeb, QuestCom each other." Miles commanded, pointing at said directions. "Are we on it?" 

"Yeah, we are!" Mirandos cheered. Haruna just gave him a thumbs up, which really didn't effect Miles that much. Externally.

"Then let's go."



Miles scouted the East side of the area as planned. Right now, he regretted not going West, because the space here is incredibly big. Not to mention they forgot a holo-map.

The place looks incredibly wrecked, too. Broken wires everywhere, and there's a lot of debris. Miles looked everywhere for the missing robot, but was nowhere to be found. There were just rusted hardware and tiny cargos.

After floating around the shuttle, he reached the engine room."Zeeb, are you around here? Hello?"

"Captain Callisto? Is that you?" A robotic voice echoed somewhere near the ceiling. That must be him!

"Zeeb! I'm coming, do not leave anywhere!" Miles floated up towards Zeeb's voice. He caught Zeeb tangled in a lot of wires. He managed to untangle the wires, and helped Zeeb in escaping from the engine room. But there was something off about it, and it probably has to do with a clone.



Mirandos was scavenging north from the main point. At the same time, Haruna was almost done covering south. As the two floated around, they soon bumped into each other.

"Hey, didn't see you there." Mirandos greeted him. "Sure you didn't." Haruna rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face. "Did you manage to find Zeeb?"

"Nope, he wasn't at north. I take it he's not at south either?" Mirandos replied, followed with her question. Haruna simply shook his head as a no.

"Where is Miles anywa-" Mirandos was interrupted with both her and Harunas's QuestCom's blinking sound.

"Guys, I've found Zeeb. Meet back at starting point." About time. "Great! We'll see you there." Mirandos said. Haruna simply nodded in response.



While heading towards the main point, Miles heard a beeping sound from Zeeb. It sounded similar to a timer. A countdown timer.

Miles set him down, and proceeded to check wherever the sound was coming from. That sound came from Zeeb's control panel, and there was a micro sized ticking bomb. 3 minutes until it explodes. Miles thought.

So now there's two things that's gonna destroy, and one of it will possibly take the lives of the three. However there's something more worse than this.

Miles looked at Zeeb, to realize the TTA logo plastered on his torso isn't there. Instead it was a Nemesystems logo. Furthermore there are no scars or damage to the torso, which can only mean two things.

First off, this is definitely not Zeeb. Secondly, this is a false call.

Now the only way to keep the bomb from detonating is to stop the timer. The problem is; how will Miles do that?

Miles has learnt a few precautions on how to deal with a ticking bomb before back at Galactic School. Too bad he's a forgetful person, so much so, he didn't know what to do.

"Cut the green wire. It'll stop the bomb from detonating." Silem spoke to Miles via headspace. Miles felt skeptical to trust Silem for a moment. "What if you made it detonate instead?" He asked. "Oh shut up, I know what I'm doing. Actually, let me take over." 

"Hell no, you're gonna do something stupid." Miles objected. Silem doesn't keep his promises like he said he would, and Miles knows that. He's his Reverse after all, an opposite.

"Shut your trap." Silem said, and all of a sudden, Miles felt a wave of dizziness spiral through his head. No, there was no way he's passing out here.

However, the dizziness caused him to have a headache, which gradually got worse. Giving in, Miles' muscles began to relax, as he fell unconscious, with the ticking bomb and a star about to explode.

Silem took this chance to grab out a meta sizer, and a bomb which was resized to fit in Miles' pockets. Without Miles' knowledge, Silem placed a tiny bomb into his suit's pockets. Just for evil things.

He tossed the bomb onto the ground, and resized it with the meta sizer. It turned back to its normal size, and Silem clipped the bomb onto the wall, setting a timer to one minute. He then cut the green wire of the bomb on the fake Nemetron. He quickly stepped back as the bomb detonated, destroying the robot.

Silem quickly switched back to Miles, who woke up feeling his eyes heavier than before. He'd better run, before the star explodes. He checks his QuestCom:


Well I'm fucked.

Miles used his jetpack to quickly fly his way over to starting point. Right after he left the engine room, something else exploded.

The bomb that Silem placed. The timer was up.

The entire shuttle began to explode and burn one by one, starting from the engine room. The explosion followed Miles, as he rushed over to the starting point. 

On the other side, Mirandos and Haruna heard a loud 'BOOM' , which cause the shuttle to quake. 

"Uh, what's happening?" Haruna asked, losing his balance and tripping a few steps back. "I don't know, but it's not good. Where in the world is Miles!?" Mirandos panicked. As though her call was heard, Miles was back at the starting point, appearing through the East hallway. Fire and explosions were coming from all three hallways, Miles quickly signaled them to abandon ship.

"Go, this place is going to explode!" Miles yelled at them. "But where is Zeeb?" Mirandos asked him. "That wasn't Zeeb, it was another Nemetron, they lured us here! Now GO!" Miles said, urging them to fly out of the shuttle.

Mirandos and Haruna managed to escape, but just as Miles was going to make his own getaway, the exit closed on him. He was stuck, about to die. Miles punched the door, but nothing worked. The fire was slowly approaching him. 

Was this it? Was he dying here? All alone?

He didn't even apologize to Haruna yet. There was so much he had to do and make up for. He couldn't die here.

But what can he do?

Miles surrendered, closing his eyes to embrace the impact of death. When all of a sudden a loud bang was heard. 

The door had been broken through, and Haruna grabbed Miles out of the shuttle and flew their way towards their Starship.

Haruna contacted Loretta via QuestCom. "Loretta, get us out of here." Loretta was at Miles' station, steering. "On it!" As she spoke, they fled from the scene, where the shuttle exploded and the star went supernova simultaneously.

Miles' space helmet was automatically removed, the air of the ship hitting his face, forcing his eyes open. He blinked thrice, and surveyed where he was; the hangar.

Haruna dropped Miles to the ground, and immediately knelt down and grabbed him by the collar of his suit. "What the fuck? So you really just wanted to die like that?"

Mirandos nodded in agreement. "He's right, Miles. You risked it way too much."

Miles looked at neither of them, but he stared at the ground. His mind was being occupied by nothing, except for one thought.

'So I didn't die, after all.'



i promised myself i'd finish two chapters today, but at this speed, i think I can go for 1chp/day. 

nevertheless, i still have quite the plots to add, so stay tuned :D

thanks for reading!! <3

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