Jaune: Fate

By Darkdecade97

36.9K 971 1.6K

Jaune Arc was both lucky and unlucky. He was able to arrive in Beacon for initiation. But he wasn't ready for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

3.1K 91 129
By Darkdecade97

Ozpin: So, Mr. Arc. I believe I can demolish JNPR Mansion now that you have other means of a Base of Operations.

He says that to Jaune, who is with Amakusa, Karna and Arjuna, they are in Ozpin's Office right now as they look at the giant Fortress that is floating in the sky, it is placed near Beacon Academy for everyone to see. This is the work of Semiramis' Noble Phantasm called Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Jaune: Indeed, Headmaster. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is enough to house my Team and all the other Servants. Amakusa and Semiramis worked tirelessly to make sure it's possible.

Amakusa: It was no problem at all, Master. But I do have a problem that concerns the populace of Beacon, and it is that of the Atlas Fleet as you call it, being posted in the Lands of Beacon. I was told by Semiramis and Shakespeare, that these Atlas Soldiers show great concern that we are a threat, and there is a possibility they may try something.

Karna: And knowing us Servants, if it concerns the safety of our Master. Then there will be nothing left of the Atlas Army in Beacon. I'm sure you can understand that, Ozpin?

Ozpin: Indeed I do, and that is why I told General Ironwood of this whole secret we have between one another.

When he told that, Jaune's eyes widen.

Jaune: Headmaster-

Ozpin: Worry not, Jaune. Unlike that of Glynda. James is in full support of the Servants and knows victory against Salem and her Forces is well assured. He will do his upmost best to help you with everything there is regarding the remnants of the Grand Order, as well as keeping any unwanted groups at bay.

That gave Jaune relief, as he won't have to worry about the Atlas Army coming to his doorstep. Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted when Medea manifested in front of them, looking very concerned.

Medea: Master, we have a situation.

Jaune: Is it involving the remnants of the Grand Order?

Medea: Indeed, I, Tamamo and Gilles were able to pinpoint the location of the remnants, and it's massive.

Ozpin: And where is it located?

Medea: In the Dragon Continent, the Magical Energy is high and took up most of the Lands, eliminating all Grimm and even the populace in the Area. But the worst part is, Gilles was able to recognize the Magical Signature, and it is related to that of the First Singularity, which was located in France.

Jaune: France? Isn't that where Jeanne's origins came from?

Medea: Yes, and that is why she and the Servants who are in our command that were part of the Singularity, will go there. We need to go as soon as possible as we were able to detect multiple Servant signatures in the Area and it's massive. Jeanne already has an idea on who's leading this and wishes to leave at once.

He nods and turns to Ozpin for the approval to leave.

Jaune: Headmaster?

Ozpin: You have approval to go, and I wish to join you on this mission, Jaune. I wish to see what kind of dangers these remnants bring.

Jaune: Of course, Headmaster.

They quickly head out of Ozpin's Office and make haste for the Dragon Continent.


Jaune is now joined by his Team as they are now donning Armor similar to that of Jaune's, again, was reluctantly provided by Gilgamesh. After all, now that they are part of this whole Servant business, they need the upgrade. They jog over to the Bullhead to see Ozpin and the Servants waiting for them, the Servants that are part of this mission are as follows, Mash, Jeanne d'Arc (Ruler), Vlad III (Lancer), Gilles de Rais (Caster), Siegfried, Elizabeth, and Lancelot (Berserker).

But before they head into the Bullhead, they were stopped by none other than Team RWBY.

Ruby: Wait, Guys! Where are you going?!

Pyrrha: Oh, Ruby. Well, from what Jaune and the Headmaster told us. We are to head off to the Dragon Continent to deal with a Grimm Infestation.

Pyrrha did not disclose the full details, knowing they need to keep Jaune's True Power a secret. But Blake narrows her eyes, knowing something is very suspicious here.

Blake: Are you sure? From what I can tell, it seems to be related to what happened in Patch. Seeing as you have Jaune's Summons with you, and a lot of them. Considering from what we have seen, these number of Servants is how Yang would say-

Yang: Overkill.

Ozpin: I'm sorry, Miss Belladonna. But information regarding this mission is classified. 

Weiss: If this is classified, Headmaster. Then please explain to us on why Team JNPR is a part of it? Surely this type of mission should be handled by a Veteran Huntsman and Huntress? And not that of a Team of Students?

Ozpin: Like I said before, Ms. Schnee. This information is classified and I cannot disclose the reason on why Team JNPR is a part of this. And don't even try to follow us, I have informed you before what happens if you disobey my orders. So do keep that in mind if you wish to participate in the Vytal Festival.

He heads to the Bullhead where they can see Team JNPR and the rest of the Servants already inside, but Blake shouted something to the Headmaster as he was about to step inside.

Blake: Is this mission to hunt down and destroy a White Fang Base!? I know what you did in Mt. Glenn. Are you doing the same in the Dragon Continent?!

Ozpin turns his head towards the Cat Faunus.

Ozpin: No, Ms. Belladonna. This mission isn't involving the White Fang, but something else entirely.

The Doors of the Bullhead shut as the Ship takes its leave from the Air Field and flies on out of there as Team RWBY watches it disappear from their sights.

Yang: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Blake: Yes, we need to find any information regarding these missions, Jaune and his Team are taking. They're hiding something and I intend to find out.

When in actuality, Blake just wants to know if these missions are related to that of the White Fang, seeing as though they most likely annihilated all of the White Fang in Mt. Glenn, remembering they had no hesitation in slaughtering the White Fang. She needs to put a stop to this madness once and for all.

Weiss: Are you seriously doing this?! We could get in trouble with the Headmaster for all we know!!

Ruby: I kind of agree with Blake over here, Weiss. Team RWBY and Team JNPR are suppose to be like sister teams, yet Jaune and his Team are keeping secrets from us. As our friends, they should tell us what they're up to!! And we're missing out on all the fun!!

Weiss: Ruby, this isn't-

Yang: Then it's settled. Let's go find out what Team JNPR is up to!

Weiss sighs in annoyance as Team RWBY heads inside Beacon.

Remnant: The Dragon Continent

The Bullhead is making its approach in the Dragon Continent, and from the view in the Cockpit, they can tell the Land is completely different than what they've seen before, or in some cases, what Ozpin has seen during his long life here. The Lands are nothing but fire, flames engulf the Forests showing no signs of life from Human, Faunus, and even that of Grimm. In the middle of it all is a Castle, a Fortress whose shadow illuminates the Lands in a foreboding manner, showing all, who's in charge.

Nora: I think it's obvious where the Big Bad Servant is probably hiding.

Jeanne: And I have a feeling I know exactly who we are going to face. It's her....

Vlad: Indeed, we must be prepared for what she'll throw at us.

All of them have gathered in the middle of the Bullhead as they discuss the plan going forward.

Ozpin: Judging by the Fortress in the middle of the Dragon Continent, I take it that is where our main Target is?

Jeanne: Yes, judging by what we are seeing, these are remnants of the First Singularity, a Singularity where all of these Servants in this Bullhead, have taken part in it.

Jaune: So you know who we're up against?

Jeanne: We do, in short, she is the Alter Version of myself, and if I'm correct. Like from before, she will have her own group of Servants to defend her.

Siegfried: With the only difference here being Caster over here is not her ally.

Jaune: And we are certain you are not going to betray us, Gilles?

Gilles: Of course not, Master! For I am your Servant and will follow your orders to a fault!! But I know you will be the very Man that will bring back Jeanne to me and I will do my upmost importance to ensure such a task will be accomplished by any means necessary!!

Jaune: Okay.....

Ozpin: And were there any allies in this First Singularity?

Siegfried: Yes, there are. Our first task should be finding them in the Dragon Continent. Best believe they are dealing with the remnants of the First Singularity. So the best place is to look for an Area that is under attack. There, we will be able to find them.

Elizabeth: Yup! They will help us deal with Alter and are no doubt your new Servants, Master! But the worst part of this is I have to deal with that Land Lizard Hussy!! There is no way I will let her near Master whatsoever!!

Jaune: Who?

Jeanne: You'll see soon, Master.

As the Bullhead flies around the Dragon Continent, they hear a large thud that hits the Bullhead.


The impact caused the Bullhead to tilt to the right as everyone there had to hang on, with Mash rushing over to Jaune and protecting him. Jaune holds on to Mash as Ozpin runs to the Cockpit, turning off the Auto-Pilot and taking control of the Bullhead, putting it up to full speed as it flies away at whatever it hit them. Siegfried went to the edge of the Bullhead to see who's attacking them and sees a swarm of Wyverns surrounding them.

Nora: Swallows!!

Ren: Swallows? Nora, those aren't Swallows.

Nora: Well that's what Kojiro calls them!!

Jaune and the rest of the group rushes over to the edge of the Bullhead to see the Wyverns making their way to the Ship.

Pyrrha: Jaune, what's the plan?

Jaune: With the Wyverns, there's no way we can land. I want all of you to fire at these Wyverns, Medea and the Casters infused your Dust with Magecraft, meaning they can take down these guys compared if we use standard Dust. Lancelot and Gilles will support us. The rest of you take down any Wyverns that get too close.

Everyone: Understood, Senpai/You got it, Fearless Leader!/Yes, Master!

Team JNPR went up to the edge and aimed their Weapons at the oncoming Wyverns, with Jaune now equipping himself with an Automatic-Crossbow, a Weapon created by the collective efforts of Jaune, EMIYA (Archer), and Medea. Lancelot and Gilles can be seen getting ready, Lancelot can be seen armed with a Minigun and Rocket Launcher.

Once the Wyverns get close, they opened fire, the Bullets that Team JNPR are firing are beams, compared to Dust, they were able to deal damage towards the Wyvern, it will take a lot to kill them, but it will do the job. As for Jaune, he continues firing his Automatic-Crossbow and activates a feature, the tip of the Arrow glows a bright yellow before he releases it. The Arrow explodes into multiple Arrows as they direct themselves towards the Wyverns and the minute they made impact, it explodes, taking out a few of the Flying Creatures.


Lancelot equips the Rocket Launcher and proceeds to aim the Launcher at the Wyverns, then fires. The Rockets fly towards the Wyverns and explode, the Wyverns roar before falling to the ground. Then we see purple beams coming out of the Bullhead and hitting the Wyverns, this was courtesy of Gilles as he shoots out Spells to keep the Wyverns off their backs. For those who get close, a blue slash line turns them into nothing but ash as Siegfried makes short work of any who get close.

Vlad: Ozpin, land by those Mountains, that should give us enough cover to lose these Wyverns.

He nods and directs the Bullhead towards the Mountains at full speed. To get the Wyverns off their tails, Jaune brought out a Bomb that was created by Medea and pulls the pin, a purple mist erupts from the Bomb as Jaune went over the edge of the Bullhead and throws it. The minute the Bomb reaches the Wyverns, a huge explosion of purple and blue flames erupts, the screeches of the Wyverns can be heard as they get engulfed with flames. Seeing the opportunity, Ozpin floors it and flies towards the Mountains, with Siegfried looking behind to see none of the Wyverns are chasing after them.

Siegfried: It looks like we lost them.

Jaune: Good, let's get our bearings and figure out a way to deal with Jeanne's Alter along with finding the other Servants. Cause I believe we'll need all the help we can get.


By the Mountains, the Bullhead is parked by the Area in the Forests below the Mountain, Ozpin was able to find a good spot where the Wyverns won't be able to find the Bullhead. Once they're all set, the group makes their way towards the Fortress, and the group has been walking for quite a while. Jaune and Jeanne can be seen looking at a Device that shows a Magic Circle on it, Ozpin sees it and can tell the Magic Circle is beeping and a small light erupts after every beep.

Ozpin: Mr. and Ms. Arc, may I ask what Device or form of Magic you are working on?

Jaune: Oh, this? This is a Tracker that Medea and Tamamo made. The Servants and I have discussed that we need to create such a Device to track the Servants in a quick pace. We want to deal with this situation as soon as possible and rid the remnants before any of this gets out of the 4 Kingdoms, or worse, Salem.

Ozpin nods at the explanation, this will definitely catch the eyes of Salem if they prolong this.

Suddenly, the Magic Circle starts beeping in a fast manner as the light of the Magic Circle is glowing brighter and brighter, meaning the Device was able to pick up the Servant's signature, and it's close.

Jaune: It seems the Device was able to detect a Servant. Jeanne, how close are they from our location?

Jeanne: Just by the end of the pathway, Master. We need to move quick before we lose sight of them.

Jaune: Right!

The group can be seen sprinting to the Servant's location, with the Servants sprinting way ahead of Team JNPR and Ozpin. The group moves in closer to the location as they hear the sounds of weapons clashing, which means there's a fight going on as the Servants were already on the task. Team JNPR and Ozpin sprint faster than ever until they reached the end of the Forest and were met with a sight.

In the destroyed Forest that has been turned into nothing more than ashes, all of Jaune's Servants can be seen fighting what appears to be Skeleton Soldiers, the same ones they fought back in Patch.

Jaune: Great, more of these guys again.

Before Team JNPR were about to head into battle, they see a bunch of Skeleton Soldiers charging at them. But the Skeletons didn't get a chance as Mash appears, sprinting right for them and bashes them with her Shield, shattering them into pieces as she swings the Shield around and eliminates any Skeleton Soldiers attacking Jaune or sends them flying.

Mash: Master, stay back and let us finish off these Monsters!! We're carving a path towards the Servant's Camp!!

Jaune: Wait, you found the Servants? Where are they? How many of them did we find?

Mash: Two, Senpai! And they are right there in the middle! We found them fighting these Skeletons when we arrived!

Team JNPR and Ozpin looked to where Mash is pointing at and sees two Servants fighting the Skeleton Soldiers in the middle. The first among the two is a Man described to have long flowing black hair and dark gray eyes. He is wearing silver Medieval Armor with parts of it being a dirty green color, underneath the Armor, the Servant is wearing a black Bodysuit. He is also wearing a grayish blue robe by his waist and legs with a white cloth that is stained in blood. This Servant right here is the Saber Version of Gilles de Rais.

Gilles (Saber) sprints towards the Skeleton Soldiers, delivering quick and precise strikes towards the Skeletons, a bright slash line can be seen after every hit as Gilles (Saber) takes them out with ease. He then moves back before sprinting again towards the Skeleton Soldiers, jumping in the air and delivering a strike, stabbing a Skeleton Soldier before removing his Sword and slashing at the remaining Skeleton Soldiers as Gilles (Saber) executes a heavy slash that is filled with energy, causing a small explosion.

Then we see the other Man with Gilles (Saber), the Servant is described to have much longer brown hair and brown eyes. He is wearing bronze Medieval Armor with the right shoulder being that of a Dragon opening its mouth and a shape tooth-like spike coming out of it, with the right arm having more Armor than the left. He also possesses a cape and robes that are connected together, their colors are white with a red stripe. This here is the Servant known as Georgios.

Georgios can be seen mounting his Stead as they charge towards the group of Skeleton Soldiers, the Horse tackles the Skeletons, sending them flying as the Horse stomps the ground, causing a small explosion of dust. Georgios jumps off his Horse as he begins his attack, equipping his Sword and delivering sword slashes coated with blue energy, finishing off the group by getting into a stance as the blade of his Sword glows in energy and delivers a heavy slash that causes an explosion of energy as debris fly off from the ground.

Seeing the Skeleton Soldiers have all been disposed off, Jaune and the rest of his group walk up to the two Servants as they sheathe their Swords and approach Jaune, bowing to him.

Georgios: So you must be our new Master. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, we were informed of this when we were summoned to this World.

Ozpin: Informed? You were informed that you would be the Master of Mr. Arc when you are summoned to our World?

Gilles (Saber): Yes, the same can be said for the Servants of the First Singularity. But we do not know the Identity of the Entity that sent us here.

Vlad: I see, we will have to discuss this with the other Servants back at Base and see what they can come up with from this information.

Jaune: Explains why some of them wanted to test if I'm worthy of being a Master. Artoria or Salter is an example of that.

Siegfried: Indeed, and I believe Alter wishes to do the same as well. But we would have to give it our all to get through that Fortress and reach her location.

Gilles (Saber): That is correct, but I believe we shouldn't talk about this for the Monsters that lurk this barren Wasteland will return. So please follow us to the Camp. 

They all nod as they follow Gilles (Saber) and Georgios to the Camp. With more questions than answers to what is really going on here.


It is now sunset as the group walked a few miles from their original location to the Camp. There, as Gilles (Saber) and Georgios lead them to the Entrance, they were met with two Servants that greeted them. The first Servant is described to be a Young Woman with medium-length white hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a short dress that is red with a petal like design that is colored purple on the left side of her chest. To top it all of, she has four Armor Pieces by the sides of her dress, has a small part under the red dress that is brown, red gloves, long white boots, and a large circular hat that is red in color with a ribbon on top and two cloth flowing that serve as Ornaments. This here is Marie Antoinette.

The next is a Man with long flowing curly gold hair and gray eyes. The Man is wearing black robes with an Ornament of green leaves around his Outfit with purple cloth hanging around his body, a white piece on his neck, white gloves, and a large black cape. He is also wearing an intricate design of a Hat which is purple. This Man here is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Marie: Oh, my. It seems we have Guests, and most of them are familiar faces!!

Mozart: Indeed, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, Master.

He says this as Mozart bows in front of Jaune and his Team, removing his Hat as he does the gesture.

Gilles (Saber): Master, this here is Marie Antoinette and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. You can refer to them as Marie and Mozart.

Jaune: A pleasure to meet you both, my name is Jaune Arc, and from the Command Seals glowing on my hand right now. This signifies that I am your Master and you are my Servant.

As he gestured to the glowing Command Seals on his hand.

Marie: Whassup, my homies! It's good to finally meet you all!!

A deathly silence erupts when they heard what Marie said. Even Ozpin was taken aback by the language spoken by someone who looks like they are of Royalty.

Mozart: Ignoring what she said, from what I was told by your Servants. It seems the minute you meet us, the Command Seals automatically contracts the Rogue Servant to your command, Master.  

Gilles (Saber): Indeed, and from what our dear Jeanne has said. There are those Servants that will only make a contract with our Master should he defeat them in combat or prove his worth to them.

Jaune: That's basically the gist of what's happening every time we encounter situations such as this.

Ozpin: And no doubt more Servants will continue to appear in Remnant as the days go by. 

Georgios: Speaking of which, where is-

???: I will destroy you, Pathetic Dragon!! To think you were the first to be summoned by Anchin-sama!! Someone like you doesn't deserve the love he gives you compared to the likes of me!!

Elizabeth: You are one the that's going to be destroyed when I'm done with you!!

Everyone turns their attention to Elizabeth arguing with a Servant. They are described to be a Young Woman with long flowing green hair, yellow eyes, and white horns. The Kimono she is wearing is a bright shiny green with the Obi being black and the decorative Obi String being yellow, she also has an Ornament on top of her ears and a large yellow ribbon on her back, white leggings, and Kimomo Shoes. This here is Kiyohime.

The two Servants continue arguing as Jaune walks up to them with Jeanne and Mash.

Elizabeth: You Land Lizard Hussy!

Kiyohime: You Idol Failure Personified!

Jaune got in between the two Servants and push them back to stop the fight from getting worse or have it going for too long.

Jaune: Okay, okay, that's enough you two.

Kiyohime: Ah, my Anchin-sama! You have finally returned to me!!

She went to Jaune and hugs him tightly, Jaune blushes red a bit. But he has a feeling if he tells Kiyohime to get off, something bad may happen to him.

Elizabeth: Hey, get off him!!

Elizabeth pushes Kiyohime off, or grabbed her and throws her off of Jaune. Before Kiyohime was about to start another fight, the other Servants ended it.

Vlad: Alright, that's enough. We have more important matters at hand.

Jeanne: Gilles, do you and the Servants have a means to infiltrate the Fortress?

Gilles (Saber): We do.

He gestures Georgios to set up the plans as he brings out a large brown paper and lays it on the ground, showing a Map of the Castle, they can see numerous notes written on the paper indicating key points in the Map with the middle of the paper being circled, Jaune has an idea on what this is.

Georgios: As you can see here, we were able to gather information about details of the Castle, both inside and out as well as how many Soldiers, Alter has in her Castle. But we do not know how many Servants she has in her disposal.

Jeanne: Is it the same as the Servants she had in the First Singularity?

Gilles (Saber): Yes, but we detected 4 Unknown Servants in the Castle and they are those we have not encountered in the Grand Order.

Vlad: I see, this will be problem if we do not know who we are facing with.

Jaune: Even so, our best option when we face them is to improvise. But our main concern is getting into the Castle and making a break for where Alter is.

Ozpin: I take it you have a plan, Mr. Arc?

Jaune: I do.

Everyone there gathered around as Jaune explains the plan of attack.

Jaune: From what the info says, Alter has a lot of Minions at her disposal and no doubt those Servants are guarding the Entrance to the Castle. That is why I plan for Lancelot and Vlad to use their NPs to thin the herd. Once that happens, I will have Siegfried use his NP against the Wyverns. I don't want any of these Guys distracting us while we fight the Servants. The minute Siegfried delivers his attack, we all charge towards the Castle.

Pyrrha: And will we deal with the Servants?

Jaune: No, the rest of Team JNPR along with the Headmaster, Jeanne and the two Gilles will make a break for the Castle while the Servants are distracting the Rogues. I don't want to waste time fighting the Servants when we could be gunning for where Alter is.

Jeanne: And do you have a plan to deal with my Alter and her Servants?

Jaune: If my hunch is right, let's just say I'll give the Servants in Alter's disposal a surprise they'll never forget.

Siegfried: And are you sure you can handle Alter and her Servants, Master?

Jaune: We can, we just have to hold them off for a bit until I initiate that part of the plan. Don't worry, I will explain it on the way. Now let's get a move on before Alter and her Servants ambush us.

He stood up and rolls the paper, keeping it in a Pouch on his waist, as the rest soon followed, preparing for the attack in the Castle.


It is now the dead of night as the Castle is well-guarded, no longer are there Skeleton Soldiers posted up by the Entrance, but are now that of Zombies, donning Armor from 14th Century French time, with Wyverns flying around the night sky. But all of sudden, a booming sound can be heard as the Zombies look up towards the sky. There, they see a Fighter Jet that is black in color with red veins all over it, and in the middle, controlling said Jet, is none other than Lancelot.


He stands up right as the Berserker Servant equips his Minigun and fires multiple rounds at the Minions in the Castle Entrance, following it up with a swarm of Rockets that caused multiple explosions as they hit the ground, and as Lancelot flies past the Castle, an even bigger explosions erupts, taking out half of the Minions in the Castle. Then the stragglers were immediately eliminated when Stakes start bursting out of the ground and stabbing the Zombies in the chest, killing them as blood spills onto the Stakes. This was done by none other than Vlad, as hundreds and thousands of Stakes engulf the field.

???: It seems they have begun their attack.

The Servant who said this is described to be a Woman, despite their Gender not being known. They have medium-length blonde hair and blue eyes. They are wearing what appears to be an Outfit similar to that of the Musketeers, which includes that of the Cavalier Hat. This here is Chevalier d'Eon.

They stopped when they see a beam of blue energy shooting out towards the sky. They watch as the beam moves downwards to the Castle, the blue beam shoots out and eliminates all the Wyverns in its path, the range and power was increased due to Jaune using the Command Seals, the Wyverns screech in pain before disintegrating into ash. What makes the situation good for Jaune was the blue beam hitting the Castle, causing a massive explosion that left a large opening in the Castle.

???: And now they have taken out our support from the air, and made a way inside the Castle.

Standing next to Chevalier, is a Woman with long purple hair and blue eyes, wearing.......a very revealing Nun Outfit, too revealing in some parts. Her name is Martha, or Saint Martha. A Saint wearing something like this, hoo boy!

???: Indeed, in a matter of 5 minutes. This new Master was able to eliminate majority of our forces in three attacks, and was able to use three Noble Phantasms. From what I can gather, they were increased by the power of the Command Seals. I'm impressed by what he has shown us and believe he is quite the excellent Strategist. Wouldn't you say?

The next to speak is a Man with medium-length grey hair and red eyes, he has a Mask that is covering the half of the right side of his face and is wearing some sort of old fashioned suit with a very large torn out pure black cape. This Man right here is the Phantom of the Opera.

???: It matters not, even if they get past our defenses. They will have to deal with the Woman's Servants, ones that we have not faced or seen before. I wish to see how the Master plans to defeat them.

The next Servant to speak is a Woman with pale skin, long curly white hair and red eyes. She is wearing an Ornament on her head that represent horns, then a dress representing one worn from Olden Times and an Outfit that is a bit revealing on some parts, as well as black stockings. She is also in possession of a large Coffin by her back. This here is Carmilla.

???: They have begun their attack and are making their way to the Entrance!

And the last to speak is a Man with white hair and blue eyes, wearing a white polo with a purple tie and large coat, outfitted with 4 Armor Pieces resembling that of Horses. This Man right here is Charles-Henri Sanson.

The Rogue Servants all get into a stance as Jaune, Ozpin, and the rest of Team JNPR can be seen mounting Marie's Mount, which is Horse made out of Glass. Marie can be seen controlling the Horse with Mash and Jeanne sprinting alongside it.

Jaune: Elizabeth, soften them up now!!

He raises his hand up as the Command Seals glow, giving Elizabeth a boost in power.

Elizabeth: Understood, Master!!

Jaune: You better cover your ears for this one.

They continue pushing on to the Castle as Elizabeth appears in front of the Rogue Servants and initiates her Noble Phantasm.

Elizabeth: I've summoned the Stage, so let's start the show!!

She spins her Spear around as Hearts fly out, then proceeds to stab the Spear in the ground, causing a Magic Circle to appear. From there, a large mist with sparkles coming out, appears as a Castle rises from the ground, you can see the Caste is filled to the brim with Speakers, its design is a mix of Medieval and Techno.

Elizabeth: It's the last number. I'll absolutely enchant you!

Elizabeth is now standing by the Towers of the Castle as she readies her attack.

Elizabeth: Bathory Erzebet!!

She breathes in, her Dragon Wings appearing as Elizabeth sings out a note, releasing out a screech that has heart shapes on it. The Speakers soon followed as they blasted out sound waves that engulfed the Rogue Servants, clearing a path for Jaune and the others.

Despite the Noble Phantasm being unleashed upon them, some of the Rogue Servants were able to get up and see Jaune and his group almost reaching the Entrance of the Castle.

Carmilla: Stop them!!

Vlad: Oh no you don't!!

He didn't give Carmilla a chance to attack as Vlad unleashes hundreds of Stakes engulfed with a red aura to come bursting out of the ground. Carmilla jumps out of the way as Phantom delivers a counterattack by summoning some sort of Chandelier as it comes crashing down to Vlad, who dodges the attack, when the projection made impact on the ground, it caused a small explosion of energy.

Using his Presence Concealment, Sanson was about to deliver a sneak attack at Vlad, but was immediately stopped by Elizabeth, who unleashes strikes filled with pink energy as Sanson gets pushed back, it was made worse when Kiyohime appears and fires off a beam of concentrated flames from her mouth. Mozart suddenly appears and unleashes his attack, summoning Stone-like Birds that have the Motif of an Angel, when they are summoned, Angelic Music plays. They fire a blast of energy right at Sanson as he gets sent flying to the ground, with Mozart firing another blast, you can see it's a literal Music Sheet when it hurls towards Sanson.

Sanson: Tch!


Explosions erupt outside of the Castle as Lancelot charges in with his Rocket Launcher and sprints towards Martha, he is joined by Georgios as both d'Eon and Martha sprint towards them. Lancelot equips his Sword and attacks Martha, who fires beams of Magic at the Berserker. He zig zags back and forth until he jumps towards the air, executing a strike that Martha had to block using her Staff, Lancelot sends her flying by kicking Martha. D'Eon comes in with their Rapier, charged with blue energy and delivers quick attacks towards the Berserker. They were immediately brought to the defensive when Georgios comes in and attacks D'Eon with strikes filled with yellow energy, causing a burst that sends them rolling to the ground.

Phantom can be seen fighting Siegfried as Phantom's hands turns into Claws, dashing towards Siegfried and delivering quick slash attacks filled with purple energy as Siegfried blocks and parries the Assassin's attacks. Siegfried was able to counter his attack by firing out a beam of blue energy from his blade, causing Phantom to jump out of the way as the Saber went to engage the Assassin. Carmilla was stopping Siegfried by shooting out a wave of blood, but had to cancel her attack when more stakes appear on the ground. Vlad charges at Carmilla as she uses her Staff to block his attacks, red and purple energy mixed as the Weapons made impact.

Georgios: Siegfried! Have they made it inside the Castle?!

Siegfried can be seen delivering a kick as Phantom slides towards the ground. The Saber of Black looks at the Castle Entrance and sees they have made it inside.

Siegfried: They have!!

Vlad: Then let's finish these Rogue Servants off once and for all. We cannot allow Alter to call in reinforcements.

The Servants nod as they continue to deal with the Rogue Servants.

Inside the Castle

In the Throne Room of the Castle, there in the middle, we see the Servant leading this group of Rogue Servants and is in control of everything that's around here. The Servant sitting on the Throne, their appearance is the exact same as that of Jeanne. The only difference being she has pale skin, white hair, and yellow eyes, with the Armor being that of black and an added fur coat by the cape and neck area. This right here, is none other than Jeanne d'Arc (Alter).

An explosion erupts from the Doors of the Throne Room as Team JNPR, Ozpin, Mash, and Jeanne enter the Room and come face to face with Jeanne (Alter). She stands from her Throne and walks up to the group, eyeing Jaune because he is the one in possession of the Command Seals.

Jeanne (Alter): I see, so you must be this Master I was told about. To be honest, you don't look like much, reminds me of an Old Master a long time ago. In fact, you remind me too much of him.

She looks at the group of Servants with him and notices Jeanne there.

Jeanne (Alter): And it seems you have the Maiden with you!! No matter, if I were to be your Servant, you would have to defeat me in combat. But from what I'm looking at, you won't be able to do such an action. For your head will be on the floor right at this moment!!

Mash's eyes widen as she heard a rush of movement beside them and immediately took action.

Mash: Senpai! 

She rushes up to him and blocks an attack from a Servant. The rest of them got a good look at the Servant and they are described to be a Young Boy with blue hair, wearing a mask similar to that of the Hassans. He is wearing black robes with blue lining on his arms, and legs, with his chest the only one without clothing. He also has cloth wrap around his arms and legs, armed with two Sickles on his waist and is wearing Sandals. This here is Hassan of the Shining Star.

Mash swings the Shield as Shining Star jumps off and disappears in the shadows. Both Jeanne and Mash get into a defensive formation, with Team JNPR standing behind Mash's Shield and Ozpin moving in front of the Team of Students.

Jeanne: We've now detected three more Servant Signatures in front of us!

They look in front of them as they see 3 Servants that both Jeanne and Mash have never seen before in the Grand Order nor in the Lostbelts. The first is a Woman with a similar appearance to that of Marie, but older. She has pale skin, white hair, and yellow eyes. She is wearing a black dress with a Queen's style cape, a Crown Ornament on her left shoulder, black stockings and a black ribbon tied to her head, with the other being a grey ribbon on her left leg. This here is Marie Antoinette (Alter).

The second is a Man whose appearance is exactly the same as that of a certain Avenger. He has white hair and red eyes, with a black metal piece covering his left. He is wearing a black top hat along with a metal vest, his left arm looks to be all Armor with Ornaments that are purple, a very intricate cape, a belt, and black pants that have a design on it. This here is The Count of Monte Cristo.

And the last is a Man that has white hair with long strands flowing all around his body, with the top part being braided. His eyes are red on the left and green on the right. He is wearing a gray and black formal Suit with Armor by his legs and red boots, he is also in possession of a Cane. This here is Alessandro di Cagliostro.

Jeanne: Looks like this fight will be more difficult than we thought. These aren't Servants we have encountered before.

Jaune: Even so, we stick to the plan. Mash, make sure you defend us at all costs!!

Mash: Understood, Master!

The three Rogue Servants begin their attack by firing out projectiles at them. Cagliostro summons two projections of giant hands as they open their hands to fire blasts of green flames, then we have Monte Cristo's cape moving upwards as it shoots out purple-like Spikes out of it, and finally we have Marie (Alter) opening a red and black portal up in the Ceiling, shooting out a Spear-Axe hybrid on the group as they dodge their attacks, albeit with difficulty. The group continues forward despite the projectiles being fired at them as Team JNPR and Ozpin fire their Weapons at the Ceiling, using it at full power and destroying parts of it, they are being protected by Mash who is up in front with her Shield while Jeanne parries the projectiles. The Rogue Servants didn't notice them firing at the Ceiling as they believe it is them destroying the projectiles raining down on them.

As they make their way to the 3 Rogue Servants, Shining Star appears in a flash of light and has begun his attack. Shining Star dashes towards Jeanne while throwing his two Sickles, Jeanne dodges them but Shining Star appears out of nowhere at a tremendous speed, zooming back and forth, delivering strikes that have sparks and energy on it, bringing Jeanne on the defensive. He proceeds to deliver an X slash that pushes Jeanne back, followed by another cross slash which sends Jeanne rolling to the floor.

Jaune: Jeanne!!

Before he was about to attack Jeanne again, sparkles came flying out as they made impact on Shining Star, exploding in flashes of light. He then was hit by an unseen force as Shining Star slides towards the ground. The Assassin looks up seeing Gilles (Saber) and Marie. Marie took a glance and was surprised to see a Servant that is an Alter Version of herself, even Marie (Alter) was surprised by this.

Gilles (Saber): We will deal with Assassin! Take care of the rest!!

They nod and rushed over to the 3 Rogue Servants. Mash and Ozpin began their attack by charging at Cagliostro, Mash delivering heavy strikes with her Shield as Cagliostro dodges her attacks, but Ozpin dashes towards the Servant and delivers multiple quick strikes at Cagliostro using his Cane. Ozpin charges up green energy at his Cane and was about to do a jab strike but Cagliostro kicks it upwards, sending the beam of green energy towards the Ceiling and causing a huge explosion. Mash went for a full on sprint at Cagliostro, but the minute she went for a strike, Cagliostro grabs her Shield. He then delivers a punch towards Mash's stomach, sending her flying towards Ozpin as Cagliostro dashes at them with Ozpin firing beams of green energy at him as Cagliostro dodges them. He appears in front of the two and summons two Giant Hands, they began punching the two, a shockwave forming after every hit as they went sent flying

Ren, Pyrrha, and Nora can be seen fighting Marie (Alter), firing their Beams at the Alter as she teleports through a purple swirl before unleashing a tornado filled with energy, sending the three flying. They continue firing their Weapons as a Guillotine appears and narrowly misses Pyrrha. Marie (Alter) continues to send out Spear-Axes coming from the Ceiling as the three had no choice but to dodge it and can't go on the offensive. Marie (Alter) had enough of these people wasting her time and summons a purple orb that has black and red outline, sending towards the three, causing a huge explosion of energy.

Then we have Jaune and Jeanne facing Monte Cristo, Jaune unleashes a powerful upwards slash that Monte Cristo dodges, causing an explosion of energy and the Room to shake. This is followed by Jeanne who delivers strikes with her Flag, blue energy slashes appear after every hit, finishing it off by swinging her Flag as a swirl of blue energy appears from under her, Jeanne delivers a heavy slash filled with energy, pushing Monte Cristo back a few feet. But all that the Avenger Servant did is laugh as he began his attack. He starts it off by sliding his hand by the Blade of his Sword, purple and black flames appear as he delivers a slash, a flame-like mist appears around Jaune and Jeanne as sudden blue slashes appear out of nowhere and hit the two.

Jeanne came bursting out spinning, hitting Monte Cristo as Jaune delivers a heavy slash, the blade coated in flames as a large explosion erupts. Monte Cristo retaliates back by turning his Cape into 4 Spider Legs, the tip coated with purple flames and delivers a claw strike followed by a slam, pushing the two back. Monte Cristo laughs again as his entire body is covered in fire, he disappears in front of them as Jaune and Jeanne move back to back, looking for the Servant as he appears from above, coming in hot like a Meteor, the minute Monte Cristo made impact, it caused an explosion of fire, sending the two flying out of there.

Jaune and Jeanne slide towards the floor, with Jaune using his Sword to stop him from sliding, he is breathing heavily with a few burns, bruises, and scratches, the same can be said for everyone else. He turns to his left to see Shining Star finishing off Gilles (Saber) and Marie by transforming into a Shooting Star, flying around and crashing on the two Servants in an explosion of purple energy before he appears in front of them, dashing backwards and leaving an afterimage then appearing in their left and right, delivering quick slashed filled with energy, before he gets in front of them, executing a heavy strike that sends the two Servants crashing to the walls of the Throne Room.

Jaune: Tch! Let's hope you're set or else we're screwed.

He looks towards the Throne to see Jeanne (Alter) laughing at Jaune's pathetic display of a plan.

Jeanne (Alter): Ha! Did you really think you can take on my Army of Servants?! Tell me, Master. Did you even had a plan when you went here?! You are a fool to not use the full power of your Servants!! It seems you underestimated me. Kill them!!

Before the Servants could deliver their attack, Jaune made sure to tell them one last thing before he enacts his plan.

Jaune: No, Alter. It's you who has underestimated me!! Now!!

He and the rest of his group got out of the way as Jeanne (Alter) looks up, finally realizing why they destroyed the Ceiling as she sees blue flashes appearing in the sky before turning into a swarm of Arrows that rain down on the Throne, hitting the Rogue Servants dead on. This was done by Atalanta, who is perched up by the Mountains by the Castle.

Jaune: Gilles, finish them!!

Seeing the Rogue Servants are down, Jaune took this chance and had Gilles (Caster) unleash his Noble Phantasm, using his Command Seals to boost his power as Jaune falls to his knees for overuse of the Seals.

Gilles (Caster): Now then, my dear Jeanne!! It is time you come back to me!!

He began the chant of his Noble Phantasm. Gilles (Caster) starts laughing maniacally as the Book he is holding has a purplish aura with something rising from behind him.

Gilles (Caster): Now the curtains will rise on the blasphemous comedy!

It turns out to be a giant Tentacle-like Monster, the Monster rises high up towards the Ceiling of the Castle as Gilles (Caster) is brought inside the Monster, slowly to its mouth. Tentacles now burst out of the ground as they make their way towards the 4 Rogue Servants, causing a fiery explosion as they make contact with them.

Gilles (Caster): Those screams shall indeed reach the heavens!!

From there, Gilles (Caster) is out of the Monster and standing on top of it, now looking at the fiery Throne Room with the Rogue Servants on their knees. Jeanne (Alter) sees this and does not have a happy look right now.

Jeanne (Alter): Tch! Very well, I will make sure to give you a fiery death, oh so called Master!!

Everyone's eyes widen as Jeanne (Alter) began her chant for her Noble Phantasm.

Jeanne (Alter): My flames of vengeance. My flames of retribution. I'll skewer you with my festering hatred!

A burst of flames engulfs the entire Throne Room as Jeanne (Alter) raises her Sword up, a wall of flames now appearing in front of her as Jeanne (Alter) slashes it, sparks fly out and reveals her smirking.

Jeanne (Alter): La Grondement du Haine!!

She then sends off a wave of fire from the ground as it's headed straight for Jaune. But Jeanne uses her Noble Phantasm to counter this as she begins her chant.

Jeanne: Oh flag of mine, protect our comrades!

A bright yellow light engulfs Jeanne and her surroundings, she raises the Flag up in the air as the night sky now turns into day for a split second. The minute the Flag is raised up for all to see, the skies shine brighter than ever, shocking Team JNPR and Ozpin.

Jeanne: Luminosité Eternelle!

A bright light erupts, forming a Shield around them as Jeanne's (Alter) attack made impact with Jeanne's, causing an explosion of fire and light that shakes the entire Throne Room, rubble falls to the floor as the attacks clash together one another.

Jeanne: Jaune, now!!

Jeanne's (Alter) eyes widen as she turns around and was met with Jaune, who was able to sneak behind her during the clash, is armed with his Sword as its blade is engulfed with gold energy. Jeanne (Alter) immediately defends herself, the clash of attacks caused an explosion of both light and flames as everyone there had to shield their eyes due to the blast.

Pyrrha, Mash, and Jeanne are worried that Jaune wouldn't survive this attack, but got their answer when they saw something through the smoke. As the smoke slowly dissipates, there, they see Jaune standing, but is exhausted and covered in bruises and wounds, then we have Jeanne (Alter) who's on her knees, dust and a few cuts can be seen on her face, she can be heard breathing heavily. Who knew those upgrades from Gilgamesh and Medea really did work out in the end.

Ozpin: 'Amazing, these Servants are truly a form of Magic or something more powerful that I have never seen before. I'm an truly glad that Mr. Arc is on our side'

He watches as Jaune reaches out his hand to Jeanne (Alter), she looks at his hand, then at Jaune, and grunts in annoyance as well as embarrassment, taking his hand while not making eye contact with him. Guess he proved himself worthy of being her Master.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Vale

In the Streets of Vale, the Arc Sisters have arrived in the City and are making their way to the Hotel they are staying at. Jade made sure to remove all details and info about where they are, the Sisters left abruptly without telling anyone and didn't inform their Parents nor the other two Sisters of this departure. They contacted Saphron and Terra about this though, telling them to lay low if the Clan was able to find them.

Aqua: We're you able to track down the Arc Clan's Scouts? We need to be careful here, from what you told us, Mason and the Elders will send some of their people to spy on Jaune, or worse case scenario, attack him to send a message.

Jade: I'm afraid they already have. By now, Baldor and Kranz should be arriving at Vale. Hopefully, we can be able to meet Jaune in Beacon and explain the situation.

Madison: And do you believe Jaune will trust us?

Jade: He will, I spoke to him beforehand right before he left for Beacon. He trusts us, as for Alex and Jean, no.

Aqua: And even if Baldor and Kranz did find Jaune. From what you told me about his Summoning Semblance, and the Footage you showed me. I think there's a chance he will win and those two will be dead.

Jade: Trust me, Aqua, they will lose. Then the minute their deaths have been discovered, it will lead to the Arc Clan hunting him down, but I have ways to make sure Jaune won't get repercussions.

Morgan: And what is your plan?

Jade: It invokes the contents in this Hard Drive, if this is shown to the Public, it will ruin those two's lives forever.

She shows off the Hard Drive as the Arc Sisters nod and continue their way to where they are staying at. Unknown to the 4, they are actually being tailed by a black Car parked at the end of the Street. Inside the Vehicle are two Members of Chronos, they are none other than Kranz Maduke and Baldorias S. Fanghini.

Baldor: What are they doing here? They weren't suppose to be in Beacon or in Vale.

Kranz: I don't know, but let's follow them and see where they're going. If they will lead us to Jaune, then this is our opportune moment to strike. I wish to show that Weakling his place and see if this Summoning Semblance is as powerful as Jade says.

Baldor: Indeed, and if he refuses the Elder's Will. We will show him what happens if he does. Just like we did to that Brat's Family.

The two let out sinister smiles on their faces as they drive off out of there.

Author's Notes:
- I do not own the Images and Gifs used here. They all belong to their respective owners.

- There will be a confrontation with Baldor and Kranz in the next Chapter along with the meeting of the Arc Sisters.

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