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Per nujscntes

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her parents desperately want her to fall in love, Delphine doesn't want to be in a relationship....until a da... Mรฉs

characters pt 2,


113 4 1
Per nujscntes

julia - "You're still short." She said to me.

delphine - "Haha, very funny." I said to Julia.

julia - "I mean, Chloé and I have been gone for about a year and you still haven't grown." She said to me.

delphine - "I get it, Julia. I'm short and I'm never going to grow....can you stop being rude to me for once?" I asked Julia.

julia - "je ne sais pas, peut-être pas" (I don't know, maybe not) She said to me.

⇒ I sighed. Yep....those are my sisters.


                               { DELPHINE'S POV }
                                     { TIME SKIPS }

⇒ We all were at the dining room table catching up.

mom - "So Chloé and Julia, how was California?" She asked Chloé and Julia.

chloé - "It was amazing! Tante Béatrice and oncle Fabien took us to various places in LA and it was so great, Julia and I had a wonderful time." She said to mom and dad.

dad - "That's great chéries." (darlings) He said to Chloé and Julia.

julia - "I didn't want to leave and come back here." She said to mom and dad.

dad - "Julia, nous ne t'avons pas manqué ?" (Julia, didn't you miss us?) Dad asked Julia.

julia - "Vous m'avez tous manqué, mais je ne voulais pas revenir ici où je ne suis pas heureux" (I did missed you all, but I didn't want to come back here where I'm not happy) She said to dad.

⇒ Julia is a self-centered, inconsiderate, wrapped in oneself, spoiled brat that only thinks about herself. Julia is like this because my tante Beatrice and oncle Fabien have spoiled her ever since she was a kid. Even thought Julia is only 14 years old, she acts like this.

mom - "Why aren't you happy here?" She asked Julia.

julia - "I feel like I could be happier." She said to mom.

⇒ I cleared my throat.

delphine - "Just admit it Julia, you aren't happy because of us." I said to Julia.

dad - "Delphine, fais attention à ce que tu dis" (Delphine, be careful what you say) Dad said to me.

delphine - "It's true papa, Julia isn't happy because we can't provide for  her of what she wants." I said to mom and dad.

mom - "Delphine ! c'est assez!" (Delphine! That's enough!) Mom yelled at me.

⇒ I got silent.

chloé - "C-can we just change the subject?" She asked all of us.

mom - "You're right chérie, let's change the subject." She said to Chloé.

mom - "Oh! Delphine had a boy over here." She said to Chloé and Julia.

julia - "Wait, what? Is this some kind of joke?" She asked mom.

delphine - "Maman (mom) worded it wrong. I had a classmate that is a boy over to do a class project." I said to Chloé and Julia.

julia - "I didn't know you could pull boys, after you, Chloé, and your ex's incident." She said to me.

⇒ Chloé looked at me awkwardly. Of course, Julia had to bring that up.

chloé - "U-um Delphine, did you both finish the class project?" She asked me awkwardly.

delphine - "No, he's coming over here tomorrow so we can officially finish everything." I said to Chloé.

mom - "So you and Julia can meet him, he's so handsome and so tall." She said to Chloé and Julia.

julia - "I'd like to meet him, I'm curious about this now." She said to me.

⇒ Oh no, can this get any worse?

                                   { THE NEXT DAY }
                                          { SCHOOL }

⇒ I received a text message from Jay. I opened the chat quickly and he wrote a lengthy paragraph. He was basically saying that he was sorry and that his brother stole his phone and wrote those early text messages.

⇒ I texted him that it's okay and I understand. I was happy that I felt butterflies in my stomach.

annalise - "Hello! Delphine!" She yelled wavering her hand in my face.

⇒ I jumped back in reality and looked at Annalise.

delphine - "O-oh, hi, what's up?" I asked Annalise.

jin - "You have been spaced out for a while, what's on your phone that's got your attention?" She asked me.

delphine - "U-um, I know I'd say I delete the dating app, but I couldn't and I'm glad I didn't delete it because Jay texted me back." I said to the girls.

nalerie - "What did he say?" She asked me.

delphine - "He said that his brother stole his phone and wrote those text messages and he apologized." I said to the girls.

nalerie - "Ah, makes sense." She said to me.

jin - "So it's back on for you two?" She asked me.

delphine - "I guess it is back on." I said to Jin.

jiro - "What's back on?" He asked coming up to us.

⇒ I flinched from Jiro's voice.

delphine - "Don't do that, you startled me." I said to Jiro.

jiro - "Don't do what?" He asked me.

delphine - "Never mind, don't worry about it." I said to Jiro.

⇒ Jiro nodded.

jin - "Your name is Jiro, right?" She asked Jiro.

jiro - "What if it is?" He asked Jin.

⇒ I scoffed from his foolishness.

jin - "O....kay. Well, can I ask you something?" She asked Jiro.

jiro - "Make it quick." He said to Jin.

jin - "Are you Korean, by any chance?" She asked Jiro.

jiro - "Yes, why are you asking?" He asked Jin.

jin - "I'm Korean as well, our family will get along." She said to Jiro.

jiro - "I'm sorry?" He asked Jin.

jin - "I-I-" She said to Jiro but she got cut off.

⇒ The bell rang.

jiro - "I will be at your house by 4, right?" He asked me.

delphine - "O-oh, about that....can we do your house? I don't want us to get distracted again." I said to Jiro.

jiro - "U-uh, my house isn't good either." He said to me.

delphine - "Why?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "U-uh u-um....m-my house is being renovated." He said to me.

delphine - "Oh, if it's being renovated, where are you staying at now?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "I- uh-" He said not completing his sentence.

jiro - "Fine, we can do my house." He said to me.

delphine - "So it's not being renovated?" I asked Jiro.

jiro - "N-no." He said to me.

delphine - "A-alright then, I will be by your house at 4:00pm." I said to Jiro.

⇒ Jiro nodded slowly.

                                         { JIRO'S POV }

⇒ Delphine and her friends left to go to class. I hit my fist on the locker while leaning my head against it. It's going to be so awkward because my dad will be home and he knows Delphine because of that stupid dating app.

                                     { AFTER SCHOOL }

⇒ Delphine texted me saying she's 2 minutes away.

dad - "デルフィンが来るの?" (Is Delphine coming?) He asked me.

jiro - "はい、お父さん、何もしないでください" (Yes, dad, please don't do anything) I said to my dad.

dad - "良かったね、ジロー、あなたとデルフィンはお互いを知ることができますね" (Great, Jiro, you and Delphine can get to know each other) My dad said to me.

jiro - "お父さん、いいえ。デルフィンと私はただのクラスメイトです" (Dad, no. Delphine and I are just classmates) I said to my dad.

⇒ I heard a knock on the door and I went to go get it.

jiro - "I thought you'd set me up." I said to Delphine.

delphine - "Don't repeat my words back to me, Jiro." She said to me.

jiro - "It's fun to piss you off." I said to Delphine.

⇒ Delphine scoffed.

mom - "지로! 문 앞에 있는 사람은 누구야?" (Jiro! Who is the person at the end?) She asked me.

jiro - "동급생" (Classmate) I said to my mom.

⇒ Delphine walked in and I closed the door behind her.

delphine - "So, where are we working at?" She asked me.

jiro - "In the dining room, follow me." I said to Delphine.

                                     { DINING ROOM }

⇒ Delphine and I walked in the dining room and my mom, dad, and grandparents were in there.

jiro - "My family doesn't speak English." I said to Delphine.

delphine - "Ah, okay." She said to me.

delphine - "How can I greet myself?" She asked me.

jiro - "My mom and grandparents speaks Korean, so you can say annyeonghaseyo, je ileum-eun delpin-ieyo" (Hello, my name is Delphine) I said to Delphine.

⇒ Delphine tried to repeat what I said in Korean, but she was a little off. I laughed and she hit me on the arm playfully.

delphine - "Say it slowly please." She said to me.

⇒ I said it slower to Delphine and she got it.

jiro - "To greet my dad, in Japanese, you can say Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha derufindesu (Hello, my name is Delphine) I said to Delphine.

⇒ Delphine repeated me in Japanese and she got it right on the first try. And with a couple of tries, she said right both in Korean and Japanese

jiro - "Let's walk in." I said to Delphine.

⇒ Delphine nodded and we went to the dining room.

jiro - "이 사람은 내 반 친구야" (This is my classmate) I said to my mom and grandparents.

jiro - "これは私のクラスメートです" (This is my classmate) I said to my dad.

⇒ I gave Delphine a sign so she can greet herself. Delphine nodded and did a deep breath.

delphine - "annyeong, nae ileum-eun delpin-iya" (Hello, my name is Delphine) She said to my mom and grandparents.

delphine - "Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha derufindesu" (Hello, my name is Delphine) She said to my dad.

mom - "네 반 친구 한국어 너무 귀여워" (Your classmate's Korean is so cute) She said to me.

delphine - "What did she say?" She asked me whispering.

jiro - "She said your Korean is cute." I said to Delphine.

dad - "だから彼女の日本人として" (So as her Japanese) He said to me.

jiro - "My dad said your Japanese is cute too." I said to Delphine.

⇒ Delphine smiled to herself.

mom - "네 반 친구는 배고프니?" (Is your classmate hungry?) She asked me.

jiro - "My mom asked if you're hungry." I said to Delphine.

delphine - "Just a little bit, but I will be okay." She said to me.

jiro - "그녀는 괜찮을 거라고 했어, 단지 조금 배가 고픈 것뿐이야" (She said she'd be fine, just a little hungry) I said to my mom.

mom - "알았어" (Okay) She said to me.

jiro - "우리 여기서 일할 수 있어?" (Can we work here?) I asked everyone.

mom - "아, 물론이지, 비켜가자" (Oh, sure, let's get out of the way) She said to me.

jiro - "お父さん、私たちはここ、ダイニングルームで働くつもりです" (Dad, we're going to work here in the dining room) I said to my dad.

dad - "ああ、分かった、私も邪魔から離れましょう" (Ah, okay. let me get out of the way too) He said to me.

⇒ As my dad walked past me, he tapped my shoulder and winked at me. I ignored him.

delphine - "Whoa, that's so cool." She said to me.

jiro - "What's cool?" I asked Delphine while sitting on one of the chairs.

delphine - "You speak Korean to your mom and grandparents and you speak Japanese to your dad." She said to me.

delphine - "Does your mom understand what you're dad is saying when he speaks in Japanese? Same as your mom?" She asked me.

jiro - "No, they use translate to communicate to each other. My parents wanted me to be fluent in Korean, Japanese, and English, so in English, I can help them get around here in the U.S." I said to Delphine.

delphine - "Wow, that's so romantic. Even when your parents speaks different languages, they still love each other and will always find a way to communicate to each other." She said to me.

delphine - "Is it hard for you to translate what you say in Japanese and Korean to your parents?" She asked me.

jiro - "It was at first, but I have gotten used to it." I said to Delphine.

delphine - "Wow, have you ever like spoke Japanese to your mom and spoke Korean to your dad before and got mixed up?" She asked me.

jiro - "Delphine, can we just work on this project without you having to ask me millions of questions?" I asked Delphine.

delphine - "Fine, I was just curious and thought you were cool for that." She said to me.

⇒ I sighed.

-to be continued-

Continua llegint

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