š‘Øš’š’˜š’‚š’šš’” š’Žš’†š’†š’•

By dude_wthhh

7.9K 361 149

Elora found herself burdened by the weight of her destiny as the Avatar, a role thrust upon her at a tender a... More

Some things about the fanfic
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144 10 13
By dude_wthhh

       Chapter thirty one

The king's reassurances did little to quell our unease; if anything, they only fueled our sense of urgency. Lora, in particular, was on edge, her panic clear as she insisted on finding Katara. With determination driving us forward, our first stop upon returning to Ba Sing Se was the house we had stayed in.

As we stepped through the door, Momo, greeted us with frantic chitters, his agitation mirroring our own. "I knew something was wrong!" Lora exclaimed angrily, her frustration bubbling to the surface. Before we could react further, Toph shushed us, her senses attuned to the slightest disturbances around us.

"Someone's at the door, actually, I know who it is," Toph remarked with a mischievous smile, striding confidently towards the entrance while the rest of us stood there, exchanging puzzled glances. "It's an old friend of mine," she added casually before swinging the door open.

"Toph, you really need to work on expanding your social circle," I quipped sarcastically, as we all stared in disbelief at the unexpected visitor standing before us.

To our collective astonishment, the figure at the door revealed itself to be none other than General Iroh, his presence a testament to the unpredictable twists and turns of fate.

As the gravity of the situation sank in, we found ourselves grappling with the reality that both Katara and Zuko had fallen into the clutches of the treacherous princes who now held sway over the Dai Li.

"We'll work together to fight Azula and get them back!" Lora declared with unwavering determination, but her resolve was met with immediate opposition.

"Woah there, you lost me at Zuko," I interjected firmly, positioning myself between them, unwilling to entertain the notion of cooperating with the Fire Nation prince.

"I understand your feelings about my nephew," General Iroh began, moving forward to place his hands on my shoulders, his tone earnest and persuasive. "But believe me when I tell you that there is good inside him."

"Good inside him isn't enough!" I retorted sharply, pushing him away from Lora, my protective instincts in overdrive. "Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay?" My words were a blunt rejection of the notion that Zuko could be trusted, echoing the lingering bitterness and distrust that had festered between us for so long.

"Sokka," she murmured, her gaze meeting mine big brown eyes set in the most beautiful face, and that's all it took for me to feel sedated. "He's not evil. He doesn't deserve to die. Even if he was, we need to get him and Katara out of there."

Her words struck a chord deep within me, stirring a tumult of conflicting emotions. I couldn't deny the power of her conviction, the way her pure eyes saw the good in even the most corrupted souls. It was both maddening and endearing, leaving me torn between frustration and admiration. Yet, ultimately, her unwavering belief in redemption compelled me to set aside my doubts and join her in the fight to rescue our friends.


With the help of the Dai Li agent captured by Iroh, we finally obtained the crucial information we needed to locate Katara and Zuko. Aang and I wasted no time, rallying General Iroh to our cause as we set out to free our friends from captivity.

Meanwhile, Toph and Sokka took on the critical task of warning the Earth King about the imminent threat posed by Azula and her allies.

"So, General, Toph says you give great advice," I remarked casually as I effortlessly earthbended our way deeper into the earth.

"And tea!" Aang chimed in with enthusiasm, earning a soft smile from Iroh.

"The key to both is proper aging. What's on your mind?" Iroh inquired, his tone gentle and inviting as we continued our descent through the earthen tunnel. With a moment to gather my thoughts, I paused before responding.

"Well, I met with this guru who was supposed to help me master the Avatar State and control this great power, but to do it, I had to let go of the people I love. And I just couldn't," I confessed, sharing a significant glance with Aang as we paused in our journey.

"Perfection and power are overrated. I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love," iroh responded, his words carrying a depth of understanding that resonated with me deeply.

In that moment, I knew that despite the challenges and sacrifices we faced, our bond and our commitment to each other would always be our greatest strength.

"What happens if we can't save anyone and beat Azula? Without the Avatar State, what if I'm not powerful enough?" I questioned, my doubts surfacing as I resumed my earthbending.

"I don't know the answer. Sometimes, life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving," Iroh responded, his voice steady and reassuring as I worked to clear the path ahead. With a final burst of effort, the rocks gave way, and Iroh's fire flickered out, a serene smile gracing his lips. "You will come to a better place."

As his words hung in the air, we emerged into a vast chamber of the Catacombs, bathed in a mesmerizing green light. In that moment, it felt as though the universe itself was offering us a sign of hope, a beacon of light guiding us forward through the darkness.

"Come on, Katara is this way!" I called out eagerly, utilizing the earth to sense her vibrations, a skill honed through Toph's invaluable lessons.

"Aang!" Katara's voice rang out in joy as we earthbent our way into their cellar, her face lighting up as she rushed to embrace my little brother, who eagerly returned her hug.

"Lora, I knew you would come," Katara exclaimed in relief, turning to embrace me as well. However, my attention was momentarily diverted by the prince, his glare directed squarely at me.

"Uncle, I don't understand. What are you doing with the Avatar?" Zuko demanded, his accusatory gaze fixed on me.

"Saving you, that's what," Aang declared, positioning himself protectively in front of me, a silent testament to our unwavering loyalty to each other.

Zuko's growl reverberated through the air as he took a confrontational step towards Aang, but before tensions could escalate further, General Iroh intervened, halting his nephew's advance.

"Zuko, it's time we talked," General Iroh declared, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of urgency. Then, turning to us, he urged, "Go help your other friends. We'll catch up with you."

With a nod of understanding, we heeded his words, knowing that there were still battles to be fought and allies to be rallied.

"We've got to find Sokka and Toph," I gasped out, my breaths coming in ragged bursts as we sprinted towards the exit of the catacombs.

Suddenly, an intense shot of blue fire erupted from behind us, catching us off guard. Reacting swiftly, I used earthbending to intercept the attack, but the force of the impact sent me stumbling backward several steps.

As the smoke cleared, Azula emerged, her menacing presence palpable as she stood before us, her fingertips still smoldering with deadly intent. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I knew that the battle was far from over.

As Katara swiftly countered another attack with her waterbending, sending a powerful wave crashing towards Azula, I moved to support her, readying myself for the inevitable retaliation. However, Azula proved to be a formidable opponent, effortlessly vaporizing the water with her firebending.

Taking advantage of the mist created by the evaporated water, Azula leapt onto a nearby crystal, her movements fluid and precise. With a swift motion, she unleashed two blasts of blue fire, aimed directly at us. Working in tandem, Katara and I combined our waterbending abilities to intercept the fiery onslaught, forming a barrier of water to deflect the deadly flames.

Undeterred, Azula gracefully landed on a rock pillar, poised and ready for her next move. Sensing an opportunity, I focused my earthbending on the pillar, causing it to crumble beneath her feet. With a gasp of surprise, Azula leapt off the collapsing pillar, landing between Katara, Aang, and me, her expression a mix of defiance and determination as she prepared to face us head-on. With tensions mounting, we braced ourselves for the impending clash, steeling our resolve for the battle that lay ahead.

As an orange fire blast suddenly erupted in the midst of our standoff, we turned to see its source: Zuko. His gaze shifted from Azula to Katara and Aang, his indecision palpable as he weighed his options. However, when his eyes met mine, a sense of dread washed over me, realizing the dire implications of his choice.

Desperately, I pleaded with him silently, my eyes betraying the fear that gripped my heart. But as Zuko raised his hands to unleash his firebending, I gasped in horror,bracing myself for the impending attack, knowing that there was no escape.

In a split second, Aang reacted, utilizing his airbending to evade the incoming blast, narrowly escaping its fiery reach. As the flames engulfed the space where I had stood just moments before, a sense of disappointment and disbelief washed over me.

Meanwhile, Azula's smile only widened, reveling in the chaos and discord that now enveloped us.

As the fight unfolded, the intensity of the battle only escalated, with each side pushing themselves to their limits in a desperate bid for victory. Despite our best efforts, Zuko and Azula proved to be formidable adversaries, their relentless assault pushing us to the brink of exhaustion.

With Katara and Aang locked in combat against the relentless onslaught of Zuko and Azula, I knew that I needed to intervene to turn the tide in our favor. Summoning every ounce of determination within me, I leapt from the rubble of the old building I had been thrown into, my resolve unyielding as I earth-surfed towards Zuko and Azula.

With a fiercely determined look etched upon my face, I charged towards them, intent on putting a stop to their relentless assault on my friends.

As I surged forward on my earth-surfing wave, ready to confront Zuko and Azula, a sudden interruption halted my advance. A Dai Li agent materialized out of nowhere, intercepting my path and sending me careening off course. With a cry of alarm from Aang echoing in the air, I was thrown from my earth-surf and tumbled through the air, a sense of helplessness gripping me as I fell.

As I struggled to regain my bearings, my attention was drawn to the emergence of more Dai Li agents, gathering behind Zuko and Azula like a shadowy army. Katara, her focus returning amidst the chaos, found herself surrounded by the encroaching agents, forced to defend herself with the swift movements of her waterbending.

With Aang rushing towards me, a surge of determination welled up within me as I rose to my feet, ready to face the daunting odds before us. But as the ranks of the Dai Li continued to swell, their numbers overwhelming, my initial resolve faltered, giving way to a sense of despair that washed over me.

"There's too many," I admitted, my voice heavy with resignation as I looked to Aang and Katara, the weight of our predicament pressing down upon us like a crushing weight. Despite our valiant efforts, it seemed that the odds were stacked against us, threatening to engulf us in a tide of darkness from which there might be no escape.

"Go," Aang whispered, his voice barely audible over the chaos around us, a tear glistening in his eye. Despite the overwhelming pain that pierced my heart at the mere thought of leaving him behind, I knew deep down what I had to do.

With a heavy heart, I closed my eyes, steeling myself for the difficult choice ahead. Turning away from Azula and Zuko, I summoned all my strength and focus, channeling my earthbending abilities into creating a protective shelter—a crystal tent

As I began to meditate, my consciousness delved deep within, seeking connection with the Avatar Spirit. Within the vast expanse of my mind, a towering figure emerged—the Avatar Spirit, holding an airbending sphere, while a smaller, normal-sized version of myself stood within the Avatar State.

Back in the crystal shelter, a gradual but unmistakable transformation took hold as I entered the Avatar State, the shimmering glow of the shelter intensifying as a beacon to those outside. Within the confines of the crystal sanctuary, my eyes opened, now ablaze with the brilliant light of the Avatar State. With a surge of power coursing through me, I shattered the crystal barrier above, ascending upwards with an ethereal grace, buoyed by the overwhelming might of the Avatar's cosmic energy.

Yet, as the power surged around me, a sudden, searing pain lanced through my being, cutting through the euphoric rush of energy like a dagger and then



"No! Lora!" My scream tore through the air, fueled by a primal fear and agony that gripped my heart like a vise. The hope that had swelled within me at the sight of Lora gaining control of the Avatar State now twisted into a gnawing dread, threatening to consume me whole.

As she plummeted from the sky, a fragile figure amidst the tumultuous storm of power, I knew that if she wasn't already lost to Azula's lightning, she would surely meet her end when her body collided with the unforgiving ground below. With every ounce of strength I possessed, I propelled myself forward, driven by a desperate need to reach her before it was too late.

With a bone-jarring impact, I caught her in my arms, the force of her descent driving the air from my lungs. But in that fleeting moment, as I cradled her broken form against my chest I vowed with every fiber of my being to fight on, to protect my sister

Despite the chaos and despair surrounding us, Katara remained steadfast, her tears mingling with the water she manipulated with precision and grace. With a wave of her hand, she summoned a powerful torrent that knocked down the Dai Li agents and Zuko, buying us a moment of reprieve.

But as she looked down at the lifeless body I cradled in my arms, her eyes filled with tears mirrored my own, her grief palpable in the air. In that heart-wrenching moment, I felt a surge of anguish wash over me, my own tears blurring my vision as I grappled with the unbearable weight of loss.

As Zuko and Azula prepared to renew their assault, a blast of fire erupted, halting them in their tracks. General Iroh, our unexpected savior, leaped into action, his fiery blasts serving as a barrier between us and our enemies. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he urged us to flee, promising to hold them off for as long as he could.

But pain and fear that gripped me, it was Katara who remained strong one With a steady hand, she summoned her waterbending abilities once more, lifting us up and away from the danger below.

As we soared through the air, carried by Katara's unwavering resolve, I clung to the hope that somehow, against all odds, Lora would emerge from the darkness and that this nightmare would soon come to an end.


okay guys tell me your favourite moments so far in this fic also sorry it took so long to get these last three chapters out I was travelling and school starts again booo


Heartbeats by Hanniou is Sokka and Eloras's song

Selora if you will🫴🏻


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