DNA| Sec 80. high power

By bloomup10

18.1K 484 29

Rhaella Targaryen was born in Pentos in 117AC. She is the youngest daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laen... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 7

1.2K 38 2
By bloomup10

              𝓐nother night of restlessness latched itself onto Rhaella. She rolled over with a groan of discontent.

It was morning. The beams of sunlight permeated through her chamber window. Rhaella's sleeping gown was dampened by sweat. 

The night terrors had not ceased since her time in Kings Landing weeks prior.

The darkness.The fire. It was a repeated pattern she could not escape from. 

Rhaella's brain pulsed with paranoia at the possible meaning of it all.

Had she been cursed?

Rhaella made herself ready for the day. Maids ushered themselves into her room. One straightened out her dress while another fussed with her silver hair, arranging it into a thick braid. Despite their best efforts, stubborn curls fray out onto her forehead.

The dark Dragonstone halls surrounded Rhaella as she walked towards the main room. There sat her father, Daemon at the head table. Rhaella hesitated to make her presence known to him.

 Ever since the death of her mother, their relationship had become strained.

More on Rhaella's part rather than his.

"Rhaella?" Daemon called out to this daughter. "Come sit."

Rhaella closed her eyes for a moment. Maybe if she stood still he would forgetBut to no avail. Rhaella knew her father would not ask again.

Walking over, Rhaella sat a distance away from her father. She tried to keep her expressions minimal.

Unfortunately for her, there was no hiding from Daemon.

" You were late to dock the boat when we left Kings Landing," Daemon said. There was no room for denying it. It had been stated as plain fact.

Daemon was met with silence. He watched his daughter slightly readjust in her seat, discomfort evident.

"What happened?"

Rhaella wondered if there was even a point to lie. Her father seemed to always know when something troubled her despite keeping to herself.

She hated that. It made her feel weak.

"I was summoned by her grace," Rhaella said.

"What did Alicent want with you?" Daemon said.

Rhaella had effectively backed herself into a corner. Was she really going to disclose that her carelessness was the reason for the meeting?

"Breakfast," Rhaella said. Daemon scoffed at this. Rhaella toyed at the fabric of her dress.

 Suddenly, she felt as though she was a young girl again, being helplessly scolded.

Daemon stared Rhaella down with such force, nearly compelling the information out of her.

"Do you think me an idiot?" Daemon asked. It was less of a question by the sound of his voice.

"No." Rhaella's response was immediate. Her hands were shaking, but it was far from fear that she felt.

"Then tell me the truth, Rhaella," Daemon said firmly.

"The entirety of it."

" The queen seemed to be concerned regarding my friendship with Aemond," Rhaella said. She decided it would be better if she chose her words carefully.

She watched her father lean back in his chair. Daemon raised an eyebrow at her choice of words but said nothing further regarding it.

Rhaella could tell her father wanted to say something regarding that, but let it be.

"She was worried about what people in the realm would whisper about my maidenhood," Rhaella mumbled.

Daemon heard it anyway. His eyes were enraged.

"Alicent is a shrewd cunt just as well as her father," Daemon said.

Rhaella could see it now. Her father would fly back to Kings Landing and burn the Red Keep to the ground.

It wouldn't be for her sake. Only to retain his own pride.

"Father, please." Rhaella urged. A slight panic inched its way onto her face.

"I've taken care of it," Rhaella said.

Daemon shot his daughter a stern glance.

"Have you?" Daemon said. Rhaella glanced down the hall. She knew her sisters were no doubt listening in.

"For all you know, Aemond could be whispering in his mother's ear about you," Daemon said.

No. Aemond wouldn't dare do such a thing to her. Of this fact, Rhaella was most sure.

Rhaella's silence only further infuriated Daemon.

" Do you think he'd go against his mother for you?" Daemon scolded.

Rhaella couldn't even look her father in the eye. She knew the truth.

The same truth that she would do anything for her family.

"And the maesters tell me you are the smartest of my children." Daemon scorned further. Rhaella stood from her seat swiftly, causing the chair to push back with a screech.

"Whatever you wish to say to me father, I can take." Rhaella snapped. No matter how hard she wished to repress her nature, the blood of the dragon was hard to deny.

" A man like him will only harm you in the end, I'm sure you know this," Daemon said, voice softening slightly. And of course, Rhaella knew. She knew that Aemond's values and temperament had completely changed over the years.

What was more frustrating was that she'd remained the same. Holding onto someone who knew her so well. However, Rhaella's sound reasoning had fled from her mind in her anger. Spite had taken its place.

"Nykeā vala raqagon zirȳla?" Rhaella said bitterly. Her arms were crossed in defiance. 'A man like him?'

"One that would abandon his daughters at their mother's funeral in favor of his niece, you mean?"

Rhaella retained no joy from stabbing her father in this way. But harsh words seemed to be the only language he understood at times.

Daemon sighed. It was an argument he knew very well. Although he rarely addressed it, he could see his once sweet daughter grow into a being that held the world against him.

Hers was the curse of observation. And he was well deserving of it.

"Rhaella.. I loved your mother deeply." Daemon said.

It was Rhaella's turn to scoff. Maybe he did love her mother, but he loved the Princess as well.Rhaella had no desire to continue the conversation. She had her fill of her father.

"I wish to leave for Driftmark," Rhaella stated. It was not framed like a question.

"My grandsire has been unwell for some time and I have yet to see him," Rhaella said.

Rhaella did not wait for permission. She walked to the hall and turned the corner, but it was not one of her sisters she was met with.

It was the Princess Rhaenyra. Rhaella was no less frustrated at the sight of her.

"Your father cares for you," Rhaenyra said. Rhaella could tell her previous words had also hurt the princess. She had also cared for her mother.But Rhaella didn't much care at the moment. She shifted away from the princess's touch, going to her room.

Whilst packing up some of her things, Rhaella's mind mulled over her father's words.

There was something much larger brewing in the realm. Rhaella was unsure what exactly it was.Reaching the docks, Rhaella got onto the ship. In truth, she deeply missed her grandsire. Baela had her special bond with their grandmother, but Rhaella and Corlys connected differently.She could recall sitting on his lap as a young girl while he told her stories of his time at sea.

Moments later, Rhaella arrived at Driftmark. There was no one to greet her as this was more of a surprise visit.

Rhaella strolled through the great halls, stopping occasionally to admire her grandsire's collectibles.

"Lady Rhaella?" A voice echoed through the hall. Rhaella turned to see Ser Marc, an advisor to the Driftwood throne.

"Hello, Ser." Rhaella greeted. Her hands folded politely in front of her.

"And what brings you here?" Ser Marc questioned.

"I've come to see the condition of my grandsire," Rhaella said.Ser Marc smiled down at the girl. He escorted her to Corlys' room.

"Lord Corlys, you have a visitor." Ser Marc said. Corlys slowly turned his head to see his beloved granddaughter."I see that even the mighty Sea Snake requires rest." Rhaella teased. She sat herself at the foot of his bed.

Corlys lightly chuckled before turning to cough. Rhaella grimaced in worry.

"Your grandmother says it's the Gods' way of humbling me," Corlys said.Rhaella hummed at the thought.

"Perhaps you should listen," Rhaella said.

Corlys slowly sat up in his bed. "You came here alone?" He asked.

Rhaella fixed her gaze on the adjacent wall. Sometimes it became incredibly inconvenient to be known so well."Rhaella..what happened?" Corlys asked. Despite herself, she knew it would be a relief to be completely honest for once.

"My father," Rhaella said simply. She heard her grandsire sigh out.

"I've always known Daemon to be rather...difficult," Corlys said.A tame description by all accounts.

"He's always treated me differently from my sisters," Rhaella said. And it was true. Baela was always closer to their father, the lords called her the best of their parents. Rhaena,in addition had been loved by all in Pentos.

Rhaella had been the outlier. The strange one.

"He loves you no less," Corlys said. Rhaella's fingers traced patterns into the bed absentmindedly. She loved her father, but he truly did not understand her.

Another subject had crossed her mind.

"Grandsire..what do make of dreams?" Rhaella asked.The abrupt change in conversation left Corlys confused.

"How do you mean?" Corlys asked.Rhaella inched closer. A sudden look of intensity crossed her face.

"If the Gods are truly real...do you suppose they communicate through dreams?" Rhaella asked.Corlys was silent for a moment at the prospect of the odd question.

"I believe that the Old Valyrian Gods watch over us all," Corlys said finally.Rhaella huffed in dissatisfaction. This did little to alleviate her pondering.

Standing up from the bed, Rhaella smiled at her Grandsire.

"Rest well, so that you do not continue to worry my grandmother," Rhaella said.Rhaella gently closed the door behind her. She continued her meaningless roaming until she stopped by one of the main doors, seeing her grandmother, Rhaenys.

"Grandmother!" Rhaella called out. Rhaenys looked up in surprise."Rhaella?" She walked over to her granddaughter, embracing her in a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" Rhaenys asked. Rhaella was beginning to grow tired of the question." I wanted to see Grandsire," Rhaella answered. Rhaenys placed her hands upon Rhaella's

 shoulders, a gentle expression on her face.

Rhaella noticed some of her grandmother's things packed in a bag."Are you going somewhere?" Rhaella asked. " The King does not have much longer, I venture," Rhaenys said. "I plan to visit him briefly, offer him comfort."

Rhaella had no strong connection to the King Viserys, based on her father's rants regarding him, they might have shared some common interests. "I wish not to return to Dragonstone for a time," Rhaella said. Rhaenys's head cocked slightly to which Rhaella ignored.

"Let me come with you," Rhaella asked. Rhaenys contemplated the question for a moment. "I'll arrange for a letter to be sent to Dragonstone, lest your father raises all seven hells at your absence," Rhaenys said.

It was hardly a joke. Her father's temper was not to be trifled with.

Rhaella followed her grandmother to the moor. They came into view of the large she-dragon, Meleys.She watched as her grandmother saddled Meleys, who continued to laze about in the grass, half asleep. "The red queen has grown quite docile I see," Rhaella commented. She approached the dragon with caution.

"Nothing to be hostile about these days I suppose," Rhaenys said. Rhaella slowly reached her hand out to the dragon. It had been long since she'd seen Meleys, Rhaella doubted that the dragon even remembered her.

Meleys gave a slight snarl, causing Rhaella to pull back slightly.

"Oh stop that Meleys." Rhaenys scolded.

Rhaella opted to brush her hand against the dragon's side,to which she allowed.

"Baela told me you refuse to take a dragon egg," Rhaenys said.Rhaella felt herself turn cold at the topic.

"The dragon that was hatched to me was malformed, I refuse to cause such a fate onto another," Rhaella said. Her voice had grown distant.

"Rhaella, that wasn't your fault," Rhaenys said.

Her grandmother's words were no remedy for the growing numbness pulling at her.She was undeserving of something so innocent. It was possible that something was all wrong with her. The Gods had made themselves clear.

Damn them.

Rhaenys helped her Rhaella onto Meleys. Rhaella secured her arms around her grandmother.

"Allow me to tell you this granddaughter," Rhaenys spoke again. There was assurance in her voice mixed with something else Rhaella could not quite place.

"Men should shake in fear the day you claim a dragon for yourself."

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