Chaos, Love & Family: The Fir...

By kasevelyn

187 16 0

A plot that centres on a kind and affectionate medical worker and a cold, indifferent captain as they do thei... More

The First Encounter
Dear Readers
Also by Kasevelyn
Chapter Two - Settling In
Chapter Three - Self pleasure
Chapter four - Night Out

Chapter One - En Route Amsterdam

53 2 0
By kasevelyn

𝗔𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗮 𝗬𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴

I tried to wipe the tears from my eyes as I hugged my parents. I was excited to be moving to Amsterdam, but I was also a little sad to be leaving my parents, who I had lived with my entire life.

"As soon as you land, please give us a call," my mum reminded me.
"Will do mum, stop worrying," I assured her.

When my gate was announced, I hugged my parents one more time, grabbed my luggage, and made my way across the airport.

We may seem overly dramatic, but my parents were worried about me because I've never been away from them for more than two weeks. I should, however, go live my life and make an effort to be more independent now that I am twenty-four.

As I sat there waiting to take off, I closed my eyes. Travelling was something I detested despite doing it so frequently. You're so far from the ground, and I'm sure the pilots want to stay alive as much as I do, but I was still anxious.

I didn't pay attention to the shuffling in the seat next to me since I felt like I was struggling to breathe. I think my blood pressure dropped as I hyperventilated, but it would pass quickly.

"Hey, are you okay?" a male's voice asked as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I took my head out of my hands, looked at him and nodded. When he realised his hand was still on me, he seemed embarrassed, removed it swiftly, and apologized. "Sorry, I asked if you were okay, but you didn't seem to hear me. Fear of plane rides?" I nodded again.

"I have some soundproof headphones if you want," and before I could respond, he pulled them out and gave them to me.

"Thank you but I'll be okay after we take off," I managed to find my words and forced a small smile at him.

"Girlll put them on, you need them," he chuckled and placed them on for me. I closed my eyes again. We eventually started moving, and my stomach dropped causing me to grab his hand out of instinct. He immediately placed his other hand on top of mine, drumming his fingers.

We were now flying smoothly, and I began to relax. I noticed that my knuckles were white from holding onto his hand. I let go, apologized, removed the headphones, and returned it to him. Again, he laughed. What a happy dude.

"My name's Drew," he spoke in English with a Dutch accent.

"Aasha, Sha Sha for short even though it's still two syllables," I reciprocated giving him a small smile. We've barely met, yet his aura made me feel at ease.

For the first time, I looked at him properly. He appeared to be around my age, slender and lean, maybe 5'7" tall, with healthy hair that stood out. He had a fairly grown-out crew cut, with light ash tips and golden bronze roots. He wore earrings and had neatly shaped eyebrows. Compared to me, this guy was far more well-groomed. His manicured, green-painted nails were short and natural. I thought they were so pretty, but I didn't say anything. His appearance and wardrobe alone suggested that he is quite the character.

"Nice to meet you darling. Are you okay now?" he asked, and I nodded again.

"I'm guessing you're not from Panama?" I continued the conversation.

"Nope, I came for a two-week holiday there. It's really, very lovely. Truly uplifting for my spirit."

This guy and his descriptions. I smiled, "Yeah, it's great. I've been living in Panama for seven years but now I'm moving to Amsterdam."

"I currently live there," he said referring to Amsterdam. "What made you decide to move?"

"I applied for a job and got it, but I also want to experience new things so here I am."

"If you ever need a friend to show you around, I'd be more than happy to," he said enthusiastically, and I was more than grateful for that because I knew no one there and I had a tough time making new friends.

We continued chatting for the next couple of hours and learned so much about each other. We just clicked. I found out that his birthday was on the day after mine, and he is also twenty-four. He had three more brothers, which made me envious because I was an only child. He said it's fun but not all "sunny skies," and they could be really irritating. Drew is the nicest stranger I've ever met.

I truly felt as if I had made a lifelong best friend, and at this point we exchanged numbers. If you weren't aware, I get attached to others very easily whether it's friendships or romantic interests. I could easily avoid heartbreak by keeping myself closed off, but I like to give others the benefit of the doubt, just as I would like to be treated.

I lost my previous best friend because she slipped and fell really hard on my ex-boyfriend's dick. I've forgiven them for my peace of mind, but I'll never forget. I wonder how some people's moral compasses work.

Anyways, enough of that. Drew and I took a nap at some point during the flight, and before we knew it, we were getting off the airplane and into Schiphol airport.

We said our goodbyes and he crushed me in a hug. I'm not one for hugs and physical touch unless it's my man – who's currently non-existent – but I didn't mind Drew. "See you around girly. Call me anytime."

I felt somewhat empty after having company for the past few hours. I exited airport and took a moment to absorb everything. It was chilly as the breeze struck my face, but it felt great. The air smelled amazing, saturated with fumes. I'm finally here, beginning a new journey. I took a taxi to my new home, which I had purchased previously to coming here. Well, my dad did.

He thought that having a home of my own would be more comfortable, therefore he didn't want me to rent. We argued slightly because I felt it was unnecessary. I didn't want to take advantage of my parents. We decided on an affordable property that wasn't too pricey, but I would have worked and paid the rent myself. Obviously, my dad won, and I was now standing in front of my new home.

I entered, shutting the gate behind me and had a look around the back yard and indoors. I loved how cosy it was. 

I face timed my parents because it had been roughly thirteen hours since I left them. My mum picked up and appeared exhausted from the screen.
"Hi baby," my mom smiled.

"Hello mum, I'm in the house. I'll pack tomorrow I'm tired," I told her.

"How do you like the place?" I heard my dad from somewhere in the background.

"It's very nice. Thank you so much."

My dad appeared on screen a couple minutes later in his working clothes. He sat next to mum and wrapped an arm around her.
"You should get an early night. We won't keep you back," mum told me.

"It is okay. I want to talk to you guys," I insisted. The Netherlands is six hours ahead of Panama and it was now around 19:20.

"How was work mum?"

"As usual, it was long, but I enjoy it."

My mum runs her own Indochinese restaurant. I think that's how she kept my dad because they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. My mum grew up with nothing and she worked her way up to her current status. Before, she worked as a street food vendor and a dishwasher then got jobs in bigger establishments. Eventually, she earned enough money to open her own upscale restaurant.

"I'll head back to work when your father leaves," she told me. She was the boss so she could leave whenever she wanted to, though she does not take advantage of it.

My father was already dressed in his scrubs because his shift runs from 14:00 to 22:00, and it is likely to last longer. It was around 13:20 in Panama so I still had time to talk to him before he left. He is a cardiac surgeon so sometimes he's on call for three days at a time. We spoke for about ten more minutes until it was time to hang up.

"Have a good shift dad and remember to drink enough water," I reminded him. There is a habit with healthcare workers: they always take care of everyone except themselves. Speaking from experience, our patients come first; it's not that we don't care about ourselves.

"Love you guys, ba-bye," I hanged up.

I have elements of both of my parents. I followed my father into the medical field, though not as a doctor or anything really impressive of the sort but I love what I do. Fortunately, my mother taught me how to cook so that even without her, I can survive on my own in this country. I rarely eat out or buy food not just because I am very picky, but I also make my own meals because I know exactly what is going into it. Thinking of food, I have yet to eat, but that is okay. I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow after I finish pack.

I take a fast hot shower because I can't sleep without one. I go to my new room and settle into my bed, which is neatly made up. I sank under the softest and warmest quilt ever. My parents already had the house furnished. They are legends. I close my eyes and think about how lucky I am as I drift to sleep.


I awoke from the best sleep of my life and with one eye open, I checked my phone and quickly replied to important messages. I headed to the bathroom that was connected to my room. I gasped at the state of my head when I stepped in front of the mirror. Waking up with type 2c hair was not pleasing to human vision.

I brushed my teeth and hair, showered, and got ready for the day. Thus far, I've enjoyed having my own place. I used to have my own space back in Panama, but living alone is just an entirely different experience.

Since it's Saturday, I didn't have to start work until Monday. I proceeded to unload my luggage and pack all my things. I was completely satisfied because I had a small walk-in closet. At my old house, I just had a wardrobe. It only took me a couple of hours then I got dressed to go grocery shopping.

I arrived at a grocery store about ten minutes away from my house. At the last isle, I had about finished my shopping and my trolley was full. There was only one thing left to get, and I spotted it: my favourite snack of all time. Tunnock's Milk Chocolate Caramel Wafer made in Scotland. I rarely consume processed sugar but when I do it's only this snack. It tastes like it is made by the gods themselves in the heavens.

There was only one left on the shelf and as I grabbed it so did someone else.

"Excuse me," I said looking up gripping the bar, hoping the guy would let go but he didn't back down.

He snatched it away with ease because he was much bigger and stronger than me.

The audacity to bully a girl.

"Hey!" I say already irritated, "I picked it up first."

"And?" he reciprocated, "I don't see you holding it."

This guy was absolutely striking. He was one of those lucky humans that was chiselled by lord Zeus himself. I would completely falter at his attractive features if it weren't for his terrible attitude, but I just wanted my caramel, man.

I was certain that I was overreacting, but I allowed my impulsiveness take over. He barely took two steps past me before I reached for his hand and forcing him to turn around, but I was unprepared for his ninja-like reflexes. Instead of acquiring the snack from him, he seized my arms and was now so close I could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

His pair of T10 coloured eyes harshly stared at me as his lips pressed together. There is nothing more gorgeous than a pair of the perfectly coloured brown eyes. 

Now is not the time to be thinking about this Sha Sha. 

I was still in his grip, but I wasn't scared because he seemed controlled enough not to hurt me.

"What are you doing?" he calmy asked in a cold voice, seeming a little irritated.

He was still incredibly close and his muscular anatomy, which was printing through his white t-shirt, distracted me.

"Do you behave this unreasonably whenever you don't get your way?" he let go and stepped back. "Fucking hell, all of this for chocolate?" he said in disbelief, "Get real."

"I picked it up first!" I defended but he just ignored me and continued walking. "Asshole!" I muttered. I admit I didn't need to be this extra for a snack. Now he probably thinks I'm mentally ill but his attitude honks.

"Whatever man. I don't care," I told myself disappointed. "The one snack I eat," I said to no one and sighed. I guess I'll be back. I cashed my groceries and while getting into a taxi I saw the chiselled asshole leave the car park in a Rolls-Royce. So, he's a rich bastard huh.

I would have given him the snack if he had simply asked politely for it, but he literally snatched it from me, so I returned the energy. I should stop thinking about it now. I'll probably never run into the bastard again.

I got home and assembled my food. "I cann finally-ly-y cook," I singed as I stretched in my kitchen. I turned on the television because there were no walls separating my kitchen and living room. I had "爱上特种"(My Dear Guardian), one of my favourite dramas, playing in the background as I prepped my ingredients to cook.

On today's menu, I'm making what we call momos in Hindi, which are basically dumplings. I kneaded my dough and placed it aside while I prepared the vegetables. I sautéed some garlic in one teaspoon oil before adding finely chopped carrot and cabbage. I mixed and cooked it for a few minutes until soft. When the heat was turned off, I added some soy sauce, vegetarian oyster sauce, and a tiny drizzle of sesame oil. While waiting for the veggie stuffing to cool completely, I rolled out the dough and used a glass to cut it into rings.

By the time I finished, the filling had cooled, so I began loading the dough. After some time doing this, I placed the dumplings in a pan, filled it with water to one-third of its height, and covered it enabling it to steam.

Checking on it from time to time and adding more water as needed. When I finished the dumplings, I put together a sauce with one part soy sauce to three parts water, one minced garlic, one teaspoon vegetarian oyster sauce, and some chilli oil. 

I made myself comfortable, watching a few episodes while enjoying my lunch. It was now 17:50 as I made my way to the backyard. I hung these cute fairy lights earlier and switched them on as the sun went down. The small lawn was spacious enough which was perfect for working out, sunbathing, and even playing a small-goal football game. Football—not American football, but soccer.

Additionally, there was this nice tree that was large enough to sit beneath providing shade from the sun. Not to come across as odd, but the trunk is the ideal shape for climbing and is the perfect shade of hazel brown.

Since it's always cold here, there's a jacuzzi in the shaded area. There was also a single wooden sauna cabin and an ice bath right beside it. Best believe I will not be engaging in any activity that involves water temperatures below twenty-five degrees Celsius.

I spent some time in the hammock reading a book until it became too cold, at which point I went inside around 19:00 I did nothing else for the remainder of the evening until speaking with my parents, showering, and going to bed.

I slept soundly knowing that my house was in order and my stomach was satisfied.


Btw guys, I'm writing actual recipes that I use irl. I should be writing a cookbook not this innit haha.

Guys chat to me.

What's your go to easy meals?

What's your favourite snack?

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