The Potter Alliance

By BeauOrionBrown

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OoTP Alternate Story Line. Susan Bones has many questions for one of her class mates, and some of these quest... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

The Potter Alliance Chapter 27

325 13 0
By BeauOrionBrown

Chapter 27

Harry was standing in front of the headmaster's office in no time at all. He had dismissed himself from the Gryffindor group that was heading to the common room and had crossed the castle with his wand and invisibility cloak on hand.

Giving the password to the gargoyle allowed the boy entry to the headmaster's office for what felt like the hundredth time. Harry hoped there was good news waiting for him in the office when he went through the door, "Good evening professor."

"Good evening Mr. Potter, we have a few things to discuss about this year, and I wanted to get your opinion on it before I executed my plans." Dumbledore said pleasantly.

Harry walked to the man's desk taking the offered seat, and even the lemon drop that was offered, "I appreciate that headmaster. What is on your mind?"

The man looked at the boy and began to speak, "You have a lot on your plate this year. With running the Defense Association, being the Quidditch Captain, taking lessons with me, keeping up with your own training, and your own classes. I just want to do something that may help you in your journey."

"What did you have in mind sir? The Quidditch Captaincy I have decided to Co-Captain with Katie Bell if that is okay? She has been on the team just as long as me and has a real shot at going pro next year. She is capable if that is okay with you and Professor McGonagall?"

The man nodded his head, "That sounds like an excellent idea. I will inform Minerva of your decision and I am sure she will support it. She gave you captaincy because she thought you were the most talented player on the team but worried it would be too much. I am glad she gave it to you however so you and Ms. Bell can split the responsibilities. Now about the rest of it."

Harry shrugged, "I will just have to do my best."

"And maintain your relationship with Ms. Bones?" Dumbledore inquired.

Looking at the old man sadly he said, "Susan and I have agreed that the best thing we can do is be patient with each other. We both believe that there is a really good chance that we have the rest of our lives together, but if we don't treat these responsibilities seriously there may not be a very long future."

The headmaster nodded his head wisely, "That is a very mature decision, so I would like to offer you a very mature option."

He reached in and pulled out a sheet of paper that Harry noticed had Sirius' signature on it, "I had spoken to your godfather at length about your options, and he liked this one the best. Hogwarts used to house a Lord of the Wizengamot every now and then due to unfortunate circumstances like your own, and they were given private quarters because they would at times have to leave and not come back till late in the night or for other reasons. They would also have some added stress that the average student wouldn't have, so the founders thought that given their circumstances they would extend some help to these students of special circumstances."

Harry looked at the headmaster in surprise, "You are offering me private quarters?"

Dumbledore nodded, "To come go as you please. You will still be given the password to the Gryffindor Common Room, but your head of house and I thought that considering all that you are trying to take on this year we would give you just a little bit of help. The fact of the matter is we will hopefully find a Horcrux this year to destroy, and we would like you to come along on these adventures. That may involve pulling you out of your common room in the middle of the night and we would like to avoid the rumors circulating about what we may or may not be doing. The living quarters are also quite large which will allow you and the heads of the Defense Association to meet and plan out lessons or make sure all the classes are covered."

Harry shook his head in amazement, "I can see the benefits. What should I tell people?"

Dumbledore shrugged, "Whatever you wish my boy. We could simply tell them nothing and let the rumors circulate. Or we could come up with something."

"I think we need to tell people something. I get enough accusations of favoritism, and I don't want people to think it's actually true." Harry said calmly.

"Then let's do this. We have told the world that you are actively pursuing Voldemort. If anyone asks you have been given special accommodations to come and go as you please in order to help the Ministry in any way you can. I will pass that message on to Rufus and our reasoning behind it, and I am sure he would be happy to throw fuel on that rumor." Dumbledore offered.

Harry quickly agreed to this, "I like that. We might as well take advantage of all the publicity help we have been giving them."

"Very good I will be in touch with Rufus tomorrow. Now I am going to pass it among the professor's and the prefects that you have permission to be out after hours, and I ask that you do not take advantage of that unless you have too. I also ask that you and Ms. Bones respect curfew, and other school rules that may be in place." The old man said, offering his conditions to the prize.

"I assure you headmaster that I am a perfect gentleman with Susan, and that I would never do anything she didn't approve of." The young man said with a bit of a wicked smirk on his face.

The old headmaster bit back a laugh at the boy's response, and merely raised his glass to him, "Of that I have no doubt Mr. Potter. Go and inform your friends of the news and meet me on the third floor at 10pm tonight."

Harry stood giving a slight bow to the headmaster and walking out of the room with a big smile on his face.

The start of term had been better than Harry would have dared even pray for. With his own room he had been sneaking Susan in most nights to allow them some real peace, quiet, and privacy. They of course abused it as any other teenager would, but no one else had to know that.

The start of the DA had gone over splendidly; there were a couple of Slytherins he was worried about, and some that he was already becoming quite close with. Namely Daphne Greengrass. She had been a complete natural duelist and was being quite successful in his group so far. She had already been moved into the advanced class and was quickly climbing the ladder there. Harry wondered just what he could have done with this girl had he had her last year. Malfoy had been kicked out by an overwhelming vote of the entire leadership of the DA after he called Hermione a Mudblood for trying to help him with a curse. With that most of the other Slytherins had left as well.

Harry had become suspicious of Draco Malfoy in the weeks that would follow. The boy was being sneaky, and he wasn't quite sure why. It was clear he was trying to gain access to the room of requirements, but he was simply unable too. Harry figured it had something to do with the wards that Susan, Hermione, and Hannah had placed on the room, and knew/hoped that it would keep the boy away from whatever he was planning.

The only thing that wasn't just great in his life was his Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Snape seemed to take personal insult to the fact that Harry was leading a Defense Group, while he was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and took points from Harry for literally everything. The boy however did not complain and merely nodded in understanding of the man's pettiness.

The first Quidditch game was upon the group quickly and Harry was leading his team out onto the field with his head held high. The team was looking good under Katie Bell's instruction, and Harry's gentle guidance. Truth be told she was definitely carrying most of the weight for the team, and Harry was going to do his best to ensure she got MVP this year at the end of the season.

As the team walked towards the pitch many Gryffindor fans from his house, and Harry Potter fans in general were applauding and whistling at their arrival. Harry couldn't help but notice quite a few girls were wearing his Jersey number, but they were all cheap knock offs compared to the real practice Jersey that Susan was wearing. He gave the girl a wink as he walked past her and his friends who were all smiles. Things were so good at the moment he should have known that things were imminently going to have to start going wrong.

The game was played like any other. The only oddity was that Draco Malfoy had at the last minute resigned from his spot as the team Seeker, and another young Slytherin had taken his place. The boy was no match for Harry's experience, and the young green-eyed boy had captured the snitch in under an hour, which allowed his team to score a considerable amount of points already leaving them in a good position to win the Quidditch Cup right off the bat.

That night the party was taking place in the Gryffindor Common Room as always. Harry was hanging out near the back with some of the DA leaders he had invited into the common room and were just relaxing and having a good time. Harry had a few butter beers and a couple shots of firewhiskey in him, so he was feeling good, but not exactly to the point of intoxication.

For the most part the party was rather relaxed as Harry had his arm around Susan tightly as the two talked among the group, "Hell of a catch today Harry. Great timing too. Left the field making Katie look pretty great scoring 8 of the 14 goals." Ron said enthusiastically.

Hannah Abbott who was surgically attached to Neville's hip ever since they became a couple after the attack on the Hogwarts Express said, "Don't forget to give yourself some credit Ron you were outstanding on the defensive side of things today, and that pass you made to Ginny across the field was awesome. I know there were some scouts in the stands today, and if you keep that up you may actually end up playing reserve somewhere for a few years before getting a spot on the starting rotation somewhere."

Ron blushed a bit at the girl's praise, and Lavender Brown who was nearby listening in accidentally on the group's conversation caught onto this, "Ron would you want to be a pro in Quidditch?"

The boy looked at the girl with a startled look, "Honestly I never thought I would be quite good enough, but it's been my dream to play for the Canons since I was a kid. I can't think of anything better."

This got the two talking and Susan and Harry exchanged looks knowing that Ron was about to be captured by Lavender Brown. The girl did like her famous blokes. She made a pass on Harry at the end of the year last year and Susan all but hexed her and reminded her to keep her hands to herself.

Colin Creevey was getting cozy on the couches nearby with Ginny Weasley who had accepted his offer to Hogsmeade and had even kissed the boy quite soundly after their first date cementing the two as a couple. Harry looked around and for a moment he forgot there was a war, and just thought that they were all young teenagers with a lot left to live for, and a whole future ahead of them.

Suddenly Harry felt a little weak, and he felt his knees buckle. Susan quickly yelped and got the attention of most of the people in the common room who saw their brazen leader fall. Harry felt a pounding sensation enter his head, and saw a green light go slamming into a barrier. Harry was on the ground clenching his head and nearly shouted in shock of the sudden intrusion in his mind.

Susan quickly asked, "Harry what's wrong? Is it your scar?"

Shaking his head quickly he grunted out, "I don't know what's wrong. I saw a flash of green light hit a giant shield, and my head just started killing me."

Neville was at his side again, "Was it another vision? I thought you were done with those?"

Harry was just about to retort when a patronus shot into the room at that point in the shape of a lion, "Potter... Your Ancestral home has been attacked. Please contact me immediately...There were casualties."

Harry felt a stinging sensation on his heart, and dread set in. He had gotten too comfortable. To used to things going right. He wasn't ready for this. It was Sirius...It had to be.

The Gryffindor Common Room was silent, but Harry stood back to his feet, "If you all will excuse me. Try to enjoy the rest of the party. I will come with news when I can."

Many people looked grim, and some could even hear the hollowness in his voice, and his closer friends knew he was preparing for the worst. Harry made his way out of the common room with Susan at his side. Some of the others asked if he wanted them to come, but Harry cited that the battle was clearly already over, and everything else could wait till tomorrow. When he made it to the Headmasters office he said the password and ascended the stairs. Dumbledore was waiting for him and Susan with a grim look further cementing the fact in Harry's mind that Sirius was gone.

Dumbledore sighed, "I trust you know of the attack already. I felt it just earlier."

Harry raised his eyes, "That's what that feeling was. It just about knocked me over with the sickest feeling."

Dumbledore looked puzzled, "Yes. Voldemort himself must have ripped through your wards. I felt it myself even as I only helped you power up the wards. Fortunately for my health, it was not I who finished them, or it might have killed me at my age."

Harry felt slightly bad about this and did not know such a cost could come for putting up wards, but it made sense as they were tied to each person's magical core. Dumbledore continued, "If you did not know the wards were ripped apart how-"

"The Minister sent me a patronus. I got the message in the Gryffindor Common Room. He wanted to speak to me straight away." Harry said calmly as if he was already coming to terms.

Dumbledore nodded, "They are all at the Minister's office now. They had to abandon Potter Manor. It is lucky but unknown why Voldemort attacked it while you were not there."

Harry shook his head, "I know exactly why he did it. He wanted to crush my spirits."

Susan tightened her grip on Harry's arm, but Dumbledore sighed, "I hope you will not allow him too."

Shooting back a quick retort he said, "I will wait to pass judgment by what I find out from the Minister. May I use your floo?"

"No, I think it is best we all go together. Fawkes can get us out of Hogwarts and straight to the Minister's office." Dumbledore explained.

The old man quickly stood up and walked over to the young couple offering his arm to Harry, "Take my arm Harry. Ms. Bones don't let go of Mr. Potter."

The girl nodded having no intention of letting go of her boyfriend and the group fire flashed across the country to the Minister's office.

Upon arrival it was clear that quite a battle had taken place by the number of injured that were present. Nothing life threatening, but it was clear at least a dozen were hurt in some form or another. Harry spotted a familiar Auror first, and ran to him, "Gawain, what happened?"

The man looked down trodden when he saw Harry, which is contrast to how the man normally looked when he saw the green-eyed boy and Harry's stomach dropped further, "An attack on Potter Manor. The Aurors, the trusted Aurors, were having a meeting there, but someone must have leaked the information. We were attacked by Voldemort, Bellatrix, and some other Death Eaters. We fought as best we could, but in the end, there wasn't much we could do. They had a goal, and it was assassination. It was quick in and out. I am sorry Harry, Susan, but-"

Rufus Scrimgeour took that time to appear, "Harry! Susan. Please come into my office."

Gawain looked apologetically at the two and put a hand on each of their shoulders, "Stay strong you too."

Harry almost couldn't stand the apprehension anymore as he walked towards the Minister's office who had his door opened to him. The young green-eyed man instantly dragged Susan into the room, and he thought he saw a ghost when Sirius, Remus, and Kingsley were all sitting around. Harry was so happy to see his Godfather he didn't even stop to register the grim looks on their faces when the young man rushed his Godfather bringing him to a tight hug, "I thought it was you Padfoot. I thought you were dead."

Harry felt like crying but was glad he didn't when Sirius separated the two after a quick embrace, "Harry you and Susan need to have a seat. I am afraid it's going to be a long night."

The young man was confused though he had seen everyone already, except, "Where's Auntie?"

All the men flinched at that question, and Harry suddenly felt his gut sink again, and he now knew why everyone looked so grim. The young man's hand at once dropped into Susan's and took a seat bringing her into his lap quickly allowing the Minister to close the door and take a seat at his desk before addressing Susan, "Your Aunt Susan...She was one of the bravest women I ever knew. She fought till her last breath, and even managed to help get us all out of the Manor. She was a hero Susan, but I am sorry she...didn't make it."

The silence was harsh for several moments, and then Susan just stuck her face in Harry's neck and the tears began to come. She didn't scream or sob, she just let the tears fall out, and Harry knew they were coming as they touched his neck. Harry held the girl tightly and whispered into her ear, "It's going to be okay love. Let it out. She wouldn't have wanted you to suffer silently."

Even with his words of encouragement the girl didn't do more than just let the tears run silently down her face, and Harry honestly much rather would have dealt with the sobbing Susan then this agonized tortured girl he was holding on to.

Harry asked the question next, "What happened Rufus? Gawain said there was a trusted Auror meeting, but that someone leaked it."

Sirius nodded and quietly said, "We aren't sure who, but the information got back to Voldemort somehow. He attacked us with two dozen Death Eaters and there were only about fifteen Aurors. We lost at least six, and the's gone. Burnt to the ground by Voldemort himself. I am sorry Harry. We tried to defend it, but it just couldn't be done."

Harry shook his head, "I don't understand. How did he get through the wards so fast? I felt him break them and it felt like he did it with a single curse."

Remus shook his head, "I dueled with Augustus Rookwood out there. He must have had something to do with it. He was an unspeakable, and if anyone would have known how to bring wards down in record breaking time it was him. I honestly thought they were weakening, but when I checked the stones they seemed fine. I honestly can't tell you how it happened, only that it did."

Harry felt torn. He couldn't believe this had happened. Not to Susan. She was just like him now. She was the last of the Bones and he was the last Potter. He wished there was something he could say. Something he could do for the girl he loved, but he knew there was nothing. The only thing he could do in this moment was be there for her.

Susan after several more moments of silence spoke, "How did she die? Was it...was it him?"

Everyone looked uncomfortable by this, but Sirius sighed, "No it wasn't Voldemort. Bellatrix and Amelia dueled for several minutes. For most of the attack actually she kept her back from drawing blood, but at the end Amelia stood in the way of both Bellatrix and Voldemort so some of the Aurors could escape through the back of the house, but she couldn't hold them both off. Bellatrix dealt the final blow after she had been disarmed. The only thing I will say is that it was quick. She didn't feel a thing."

Remus mumbled sadly, "Quicker than falling asleep."

Susan was shaking at this point as she wrapped her arms around Harry gripping tightly and the tears returned, but this time there was light sobbing, and Harry was only happier that the girl was grieving properly.

It hurt Harry to see the love of his life hurt this way, and he wished there was something he could do for her. Hell, he was even coming to see Amelia like a future mother figure. Stern and respectable. Wise and kind. Another great soul ripped from this Earth by the Dark Lord.

Harry spoke again, "I don't understand. If he wanted to break into Potter Manor, destroy the home, break my spirits, then why not kill Sirius. Why kill Amelia..."

Rufus looked at Harry and then back at Susan, when he spoke softly, "We think he is trying to use psychological warfare against you Harry. He no longer has access to your mind through the horcrux you had in your scar so now he wants to hurt others around you, especially those closest to you."

Harry looked at the man puzzled, "That doesn't make sense. He could have hurt me personally a lot more had he gone after Sirius, or Remus, but-"

Susan snapped, "It wasn't about you this time Harry."

All the men in the room looked at the girl in surprise, and she pushed off Harry standing to her feet, "Did everyone invited to this meeting know Auntie was going to be there?"

Rufus looked slightly surprised at the girl when he answered, " was common knowledge among the invited group."

Susan shook as she said, "This wasn't vengeance at Harry. Burning his home down was enough to hurt him. The assassination of my aunt was a strike against me. I called the attack against him on the express, and I declared myself to Harry. He was hoping to break me, and hopefully split Harry and I so he could get to me later. You are saying psychological warfare and I agree, but I think it goes a lot deeper than that."

Harry nodded his head, "He knows that losing you after all that's happened would break me. It's like he left the message in blood. He is going for Susan next."

The men all looked at the two teens in shock. Rufus scratched his head, "It's a plausible theory, but I don't think we should put too much stock into what that mad man thinks. Our main goal must be to stop him from getting everyone, but especially you two. You two are basically the golden couple of Britain. You stopped Voldemort on the train and exposed him. He will want to kill you both publicly and loudly. It won't be behind some back-door meeting, this was personal."

Harry growled, "Then let's make it personal. Minister I would like to put out a bounty of the Ministry's number two most wanted."

Rufus looked at the young man in surprise and asked, "How much?"

Harry looked at Sirius and the man said, "One Million Galleons. 500,000 from each the Potter and the Black funds. If Voldemort wants to make this war personal, then we will take out his most trusted ally. I see where you are going with this Harry, and while it's a Dark Place it would help us deliver a blow to the heart of the enemy."

Remus skeptically asked, "You think killing Bellatrix will do anything, but piss off Voldemort."

Susan shook her head answering for both men. Harry had never heard her voice sound like this, but it sounded hallow, and he didn't like it one bit, "That's exactly what we want it to do."

Everyone went into silence, and when Harry looked into those beautiful blue eyes he had looked into so many times he saw nothing but pain. He knew the girl he loved was going to hurt until her aunt's killer was brought to justice, and he would do everything he could to help bring that peace.

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