The Potter Alliance Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Harry was standing in front of the headmaster's office in no time at all. He had dismissed himself from the Gryffindor group that was heading to the common room and had crossed the castle with his wand and invisibility cloak on hand.

Giving the password to the gargoyle allowed the boy entry to the headmaster's office for what felt like the hundredth time. Harry hoped there was good news waiting for him in the office when he went through the door, "Good evening professor."

"Good evening Mr. Potter, we have a few things to discuss about this year, and I wanted to get your opinion on it before I executed my plans." Dumbledore said pleasantly.

Harry walked to the man's desk taking the offered seat, and even the lemon drop that was offered, "I appreciate that headmaster. What is on your mind?"

The man looked at the boy and began to speak, "You have a lot on your plate this year. With running the Defense Association, being the Quidditch Captain, taking lessons with me, keeping up with your own training, and your own classes. I just want to do something that may help you in your journey."

"What did you have in mind sir? The Quidditch Captaincy I have decided to Co-Captain with Katie Bell if that is okay? She has been on the team just as long as me and has a real shot at going pro next year. She is capable if that is okay with you and Professor McGonagall?"

The man nodded his head, "That sounds like an excellent idea. I will inform Minerva of your decision and I am sure she will support it. She gave you captaincy because she thought you were the most talented player on the team but worried it would be too much. I am glad she gave it to you however so you and Ms. Bell can split the responsibilities. Now about the rest of it."

Harry shrugged, "I will just have to do my best."

"And maintain your relationship with Ms. Bones?" Dumbledore inquired.

Looking at the old man sadly he said, "Susan and I have agreed that the best thing we can do is be patient with each other. We both believe that there is a really good chance that we have the rest of our lives together, but if we don't treat these responsibilities seriously there may not be a very long future."

The headmaster nodded his head wisely, "That is a very mature decision, so I would like to offer you a very mature option."

He reached in and pulled out a sheet of paper that Harry noticed had Sirius' signature on it, "I had spoken to your godfather at length about your options, and he liked this one the best. Hogwarts used to house a Lord of the Wizengamot every now and then due to unfortunate circumstances like your own, and they were given private quarters because they would at times have to leave and not come back till late in the night or for other reasons. They would also have some added stress that the average student wouldn't have, so the founders thought that given their circumstances they would extend some help to these students of special circumstances."

Harry looked at the headmaster in surprise, "You are offering me private quarters?"

Dumbledore nodded, "To come go as you please. You will still be given the password to the Gryffindor Common Room, but your head of house and I thought that considering all that you are trying to take on this year we would give you just a little bit of help. The fact of the matter is we will hopefully find a Horcrux this year to destroy, and we would like you to come along on these adventures. That may involve pulling you out of your common room in the middle of the night and we would like to avoid the rumors circulating about what we may or may not be doing. The living quarters are also quite large which will allow you and the heads of the Defense Association to meet and plan out lessons or make sure all the classes are covered."

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