By kristianabooks

52 20 14

Lorcan Greene is used to getting whatever he desires. Filthy rich and set to inherit, the self-described play... More



5 3 0
By kristianabooks

Never in my life had a day felt so slow, not even that god-awful day I had a six-hour legal exam. I needed this day to do its thing so the bar would open and I could track down the silver-eyed mystery hunk.

The sooner I got this done and out of my head, the better. This morning, I had repeatedly boiled water for tea but never got the cup. Why? Because I kept staring out the window, biting my lip and wondering if this man's game could be as good as I imagined.

I shook my head from yet another reverie. This was getting ridiculous. I needed help from my fellow WAPs and BFFs: Dom, Kora, Selena, and Mia.

WAP, the Weekend Assist Program, was an initiative we started to reduce the time spent searching for a one-night stand. It was a hook-up service roster that solved our tricky triad of issues: busy lives, constant horniness, and a stronger gag reflex to the word "commitment" than the worst cocksucker.

Dom and Selena were the ringleaders. They went as far as organizing mixers for the sole purpose of getting contact information for any hotties we liked. We had a true sisterhood.

We also had a group chat for anything: emergencies, bitching, shaft game comparisons, fashion advice, and whatnot. Right now, I just needed to get out of my head. The silver-eyed stud had fucked with my mind seven ways till Sunday, and the only people who could make it better were my girls and Dom.

I fired off a text.


Me: Morning, my loves. It's a beautiful day. I need a distraction. Everybody wake up.

Kora: I'll mute this group's notifications one day.

Kora was a pediatric doctor, great with kids, and title holder of "Fastest Ring Ditcher." Eloping and ditching husbands at least thrice a year, she was the definition of commitment-phobic, and a key member of "WAP." She'd also been my friend since our boarding school days.

Dom: Preach it, Doc! You and I work late nights. I'm turning off my phone and going back to sleep. See you later, Gorgeous.

Dom was the effervescent leader of our group and my personal bestest friend. He was a master at mixing drinks and convincing us to try all kinds of things. Partying with him was out-of-this-world legendary, but the best thing about him was his heart of gold. His empathy was boundless.

Mia: Guys, I think I need a new hair curler. This one keeps switching on and off. Probably be late. Going back to finish my hair. Tris, why do you need a distraction?

The youngest WAP, Mia already owned a real estate company at only twenty-five. She was also our Recreational Drugs Liaison. Whenever we took overseas trips, we could count on Mia to make the fastest connections, ensuring enough supply of weed, molly, and anything else we wanted. She was our real-life unicorn—a Mother Teresa with an El Chapo alter ego. Simply fabulous.

Me: Selena has to be here for this and then I'll tell you guys everything. Where is she? Selenaaa.

Selena: Hey cuties, I was getting my morning dose of vitamin D. The one directly from a guy

Selena...well. There were no sufficient words to describe her. Workwise, she was an advertising exec at a high-end firm, but that wouldn't express her fierce and unapologetic outlook. Selena grabbed life by the balls more than the chaddiest Chad. She could hype a tabby cat with so much horseshit, it would be a damn tiger when she was done.

Selena: You have my attention now. What's up?

Me: Okay, I saw a cute guy yesterday.

No, he wasn't cute.

He was hot.

Very, very hot.

Kora: You called a meeting because you saw a hot guy? How is that news? Back. To. Sleep.

Mia: Alright, counselor, your audience is thinning, but Sel and I are still here. Tell us what happened between you and the hottie.

Me: Mmm... nothing, really.

Mia: In that case, gotta go!

Selena: Bitch, you sure you studyin' to be a lawyer? That was mortifying.

Me: Be nice. It's just us now.

Selena: Ok. Why him? What's different?

Me: Dunno but I'm curious as fuck to find out. Ask me tomorrow. Going on the hunt for him tonight.

Selena: That's my girl. Make sure he gives it to you so good, your system resets tomorrow. You can't wake people up just bc you're horny!

Selena was right. Last night's scratch hadn't stopped the itch. If anything, it had worsened. My mind was convinced that the guy could fuck me until I forgot my name, and I'd leave his apartment looking like I had communed with Jesus himself.

Why was I thinking about his apartment? WAP was a business arrangement, best done on neutral grounds. Hotel rooms, for instance.

Right now, I had to distract and calm my mind. Staying at home would mean I would be running in mental circles. Tossing a few books into my monogrammed LV tote, I decided to go for a relaxing walk at Jumeirah Beach. After a short drive and a stop for a macchiato, I shed my sandals and joined the throng of beachgoers heading toward the sandy shores.

Bright sunlight shone in a blue sky dappled with puffy white clouds. The air was balmy and humid, warming my bare arms.

The feeling of sand squishing between my toes and beneath the soles of my feet grounded me in my body. I sipped my macchiato and took in the endless coastline and its creamy-white sand. The ocean's waters were clean and clear, their waves lapping against the shore in a beautiful serenade.

Walking on this beach always felt like a warm hug from Mother Nature.

A salty breeze swept up from the ocean, brushing my chocolate curls against my face. I tucked the flyaways behind my ear and glanced at the kids nearby. They giggled as they built their sandcastles and filled little plastic trucks with sand.

I spotted a quiet place to sit and laid out my beach mat. Taking "The Anatomy of Corporate Law" out of my bag, I found the latest bookmark and began reading about protecting minority shareholders. As corporate law topics go, it was extremely easy. And yet, I found myself going over the same lines again and again. My damn brain refused to focus on the book and kept wandering to last night.

At last, I got frustrated and slammed the book shut. Maybe another tactic would help ease my rushing thoughts. I lay on my mat, staring up at the sky and pressing my palms into the sand. Taking deep breaths, I tried to allow the tranquility of the environment to enter my body. Every time my mind pulled toward the hot stranger, I gently brought it back to the present, as best I could. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe—

My phone buzzed next to me, vibrating loudly on the mat. So much for blocking out distractions. I jumped up and took the call.


"Hey, gorgeous!" Dom's chirpy voice made me smile. "How you doin'?"

"I'm good, pudding. Is Curtis the reason you are smiling with your words today?"

"You could say that. But I also blew his goddamn socks off. Literally."

"What's that even supposed to mean?" I chuckled.

"Trust me, the less you know, the better."

"Aiight. I trust your word. So what's cooking?"

"You coming to hang out with me today as well?"

"Of course, I'm free as a bird."

"Really? What about those upcoming CATs you got?"

Damn him and his good memory.

"Dom, I need to unwind," I dragged out.

"Fine. See you at four?"

I was at his bar by three fucking thirty. Today was a mission, and in order to nail my target, I needed to scout all areas of this hotel, from restaurants to elevators to ballrooms. If the hot guy from last night was still here, I'd find him.

"You look ravishing for a work date with me." Dom gave me three air kisses.

"Pfft, I always look hot for you."

It was a straight-up lie. I had gone the extra mile to look hotter today. The red Jersey dress and black Jordans were serving some serious girl-next-door vibes. I didn't want the guy to raise his guard because I looked like I was there for a free drink. Today's ensemble could pass for a neighborly friend who's taking you around the block for coffee and a croissant. Totally harmless.

Dom raised a brow. "Fine. How long did it take you to get ready? That's a three-hour makeup job at least. And that dress is meant to trap an unknowing fella."

I fluffed my hair and started scanning all corners for my mystery man.


"What?" I snapped, startling Dom. "I'm sorry, bestie. Did I miss something important?"

Dom leaned in and whispered, "I can hear your twat humming from here. Are you that desperate to get laid tonight?"

"Nooo. What makes you say that?" I cooed, trying and failing to muster a poker face. I would never hide anything from Dom, but this mystery guy had me unnerved like no one ever had. And until I had the answers, I didn't want the questions.

"This overproduction you have going on"—his index finger waggled accusingly—"is because you want something or someone too specific to share. Now, start singing."

Despite Dom's needling tone, his kind brown eyes were smiling. I couldn't help but give in to him.

"Okay, Dominique. I'm looking for the guy who spilled his drink on me last night."

"You don't say! I didn't notice him. But I'm curious to know what happened last night."

"Nothing happened!" I shrieked. "It was just a little accident, and the guy helped me clean it up. That's it." I straightened my posture on the barstool. "You said you didn't notice him at all? He was sitting right there."

"Let me get this straight: some guy makes a mess of your dress, and you come to reward him the next day with a visit? Is it idiots day around here, or are you hiding something?"

"I'm not hiding anything." I looked everywhere else to avoid Dom's scrutinizing gaze.

"Then why did you go to the bathroom? Were you hoping he'd follow you there for a quickie?"

"No! I'm a lady. I had to freshen up."

"Alcohol evaporates, honey. How long did he clean you up for?"

"H-he was fast, normal."

"I doubt that. Can you still feel his hands grazing your thighs, curving more toward your inner thigh? Did his fingers say hello to your special place?"

"No, it's not that!" I glared at my friend.

"Are you sure? Because you look so radiant today. I'd swear you had a busy night doing—"

"Okay, okay. Stop. You win. I masturbated to the thought of him. His face, hands, and mouth gave me a giant orgasm. You happy?"

"I can tell you are!" he said gleefully.

What a dummy. Rolling my eyes, I drew closer, nursing my drink.

"So who is he? Do you know? Can you get any info on him, like if he's an in-house guest? Where can I find him?"

"I'm right here."

🖤 🖤 🖤

Find the link to the rest of the story in my bio 





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