Threats & Promises

By viridian94

1.2K 58 29

When Princess Nera Vernius, ward of Duke Leto Atredies finds herself stranded in the clutches of the Harkonne... More



147 7 3
By viridian94

Nera and Paul walked side by side along the craggy cliff along the western edge of Castle Caladan. The sky was a misty pale blue, and the air was chilled. A a tall figure in black was visible in the distance, standing at the tomb of his father.

It was Duke Leto.

Paul's shoulders sagged.

"I have to ask him again."

"Paul the answer will still be the same." Nera insisted, feeling Paul was acting childishly with his insistence one going to Arrakis. She didn't know the details of his dreams. She didn't see Duncan dead in the sand every night like he did.

"Just...back me up okay?" He said squaring his shoulders, as they both made their way closer to his father.

"Hello you two." The Duke's voice was warm, but as always he had a hard time looking Nera in the eye. Was it resentment, or guilt. Nera could never be sure. She had grown used to the Duke's gentle way of avoiding her.

Paul ignored polite chit chat and squared his shoulders, launching into his prepared proposal immediately.

"Father I'd like to ask to join Duncan Idaho on his scout mission to Arakkis tomorrow. I've studied the Fremen language, I'd be an asset."

"Out of the question." Duke Leto said stiffly, without even the slighted consideration. "You'll travel in a few weeks to Arakkis like the rest of us."

"I've been training my whole life, what is the point if I'm not allowed to face some risk!"

"You know why Paul!" The Duke was growing tired of his son's impetuous demands. "You're the future of House Atreides."

Nera followed along beside Paul, a respectful pace behind the Duke wishing she was anywhere else. More and more often, conversations between Paul and his father resulted in an argument unless Paul got his way, or his mother smoothed things between them.

"And grandfather fought bulls for sport!" Paul shouted.

"And look where that got him Paul." Nera stated the obvious, as they had just passed his tomb.

The Duke chuckled, "Yes. She's right. Look where that got him. And the difference is, he had a son. You don't!"

Paul shot her a bitter look, saying wow, thanks for the support. Leto walked on in silence for a moment before calming himself.

"Look, when we get to Arakkis, I need you by my side. We will all face enormous danger."

"What danger? The desert? The Fremen?" Paul asked, his head tilted downward and his hands clasped behind his back, just like his father. Sometimes it was almost comical how similar they were.

"Political danger."

Nera's stomach dropped. Her suspicions that there was more to the Emporor's new decree were correct.

"The Great Houses look to us for leadership, and this threatens the Emperor. By taking Arakkis from the Harkonnens and making it ours, he is setting the stage for a war to weaken both our Houses just like House Vernius when they grew too powerful for his liking. But if we hold firm, and tap the true power of Arakkis we could be stronger than ever."

There it was. That clawing need for more power, so tempering that even a mostly honorable man like Leto could not deny it.

"What does that mean?" Mining spice? Keeping the Fremen in their place? We'd be no better than the Harkonnen's."

"No." The Duke stopped. "By making an alliance with the Fremen. That's what I'm sending Duncan Idaho to arrange."

"An alliance with the Fremen?" Nera tried to dim her shock. Such a thing was unheard of. Also, now her fear for Duncan's safety only grew worse. Not only did he have to find the Fremen, which was treacherous in itself, but he also had to negotiate with them? Paul too tensed at this news.

"Here on Caladan we've ruled with air power and sea power. On Arrakis we need to cultivate desert power." The Duke emphasized his point with his gloved index finger. "Paul, I want you sitting in on my council, learning what I do."

"What if I'm not Dad."

"Not what?"

"The future of House Atreides."

The Duke raised his hand, showing Paul his seal of office.

"I told my father I didn't want this either. I wanted to be a pilot."

"You never told me that." Paul smiled.

"It's true." His father conceded.

"Rhombur told me when you were in Vernii you guys would race ships through the stalactite caves." Nera said.

"Those were the days." The Duke nodded, smiling at the long forgotten memory of his younger and freer years on Ix. "But when I came back to Caladan your grandfather told me a great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it. And he answers. And if your answer is no, you'll till be the only thing I ever needed you to be. My son."

Nera looked out to the sea as the Duke hugged his only son, pressing down the ache in her chest for the arms of a father she never had.

She had cried herself to sleep so many nights she wondered if one day she would cry herself invisible. And if she did, would anyone even notice she was gone?

Nera stepped away, trying and failing not to intrude on this father and son moment.

The mean little voice of her conscience whispered poison in her mind.

See. You shouldn't be here.

"I don't expect you to figure it all out straight away Paul. I didn't, I found my own way to it. Maybe you'll find yours." Leto said said as he cast his arm out, towards the graves of the members of House Atreides, "In their memory."

Leto looked at Nera.

"In the memory of all the great Houses."

She bowed her head at his solemn acknowledgment.

Nera requested to have her lunch and dinner in her chamber, feigning stomach trouble. Lady Jessica was too preoccupied with the coming change to be concerned for her welfare. She lay on her bed reading about known Fremen culture, or at least what little was known. The tone of the book was fearful and distrusting towards the Natives of Arrakis, and it did little to ease her fears of Duncan being sent there. She had sent Elseen away to begin preparing some designs with Lady Jessica's dress maker for the coming visit to Arakkis. Elseen had warned her she would need a great many veils to protect herself from the harshness of the sun and desert winds.

The sun had begun to set, when there was a knock on her door.

Nera wearily got off her bed and stretched her arms over her hands, her back protesting after being stuck in one position for so long. Crossing the room in her bare feet, she pulled open the door. It was Paul.

"You coming?" He gave her a small smile.

Like her, Paul had been dreading seeing Duncan off. It had been on his mind all day.

Nera swallowed down the lump in her throat and made her way with Paul to the training room. Strangely, it was empty apart from the three practice dummies lined up against the wall. Usually Duncan was there early, waiting for them.

"He's probably just packing." She said, sitting down on the long wooden bench in the corner.

"Yeah, you're right." Paul replied, beginning to stretch and practice some of his formations on the dummies.

The minutes had been ticking by, and Nera killed the time throwing some bō shuriken at one of the dummies. She had landed three in the centre of the head. She favored the smaller knives which fit into her hands better, these were thin and sharp like a pencil. Duncan had taught her Bō Shuriken could be used to inflict damage on soft tissue, but they were mainly used to cause distraction to the opponent, before you attacked with a larger deadlier weapon. Paul had stopped what he was doing, and stood to watch.

"Don't stand with your back to the door." A loud voice boomed behind them. "How many times have I told you."

"Gurney?" Paul turned, as the Duke's chief advisor made his way into the room unfurling his swords, and cracking his knuckles.

"Where's Duncan?" Paul asked, glancing at Nera who was standing stock still.

"The weather changed, a massive sand storm forced the advanced team to leave earlier today rather than tomorrow morning." Gurney said matter of factly. "With Duncan gone, you'll just have to make do with me."

"He's gone?" Nera's voice was barely a whisper.

"Lady Nera, what are you doing here?" The question seemed rude, but he in fact was truly confused.

"Oh, nothing." She stumbled over the words hoping he wouldn't notice the misery she felt. If Gurney had even the slightest suspicion she and Duncan had feelings for each other, he would immediately tell the Duke.

Her heart sank. Duncan had asked her for one thing, to see him one more time before she left and she broke her promise to him. "Please excuse me, I'll go."

"No, stay. You should see her with those throwing knives Gurney, she's better than me! She can shoot too." Paul said proudly, trying to lighten the significantly damper mood. He was kicking himself for not saying goodbye to Duncan.

"Hmm is that right?" Gurney's bushy eyebrows rose in surprise. He was a traditionalist, fighting and the mastery of weapons wasn't the world of women.

"Go on show him." Paul smiled, from across the room where he stood against the wooden paneling.

"No Paul," Nera blushed, it was one thing practicing in front of Paul or Duncan, it was entirely another thing being watched by Gurney Halleck.

"Come on! Gurney pick a body part." Paul said eagerly.

"Left calf." Gurney said, folding his arms. Paul gave a brief nod, telling Nera he was ready.

Nera stepped forward, taking one of the palm sized fling knives and positioning it against the middle finger of her right hand assumed her stance. The room wasn't large enough for her to need to lunge, instead she was able to arch her arm and hit the wooden panel with a satisfying thud three centimeters on the outside of Paul's left calf.

"Hmm. Pretty good." Gurney admitted with his eyebrows quirked.

Paul was grinning but before he could move, Nera launched another blade, this time hitting the panel to the inside of Paul's calf, a much trickier shot. He froze, not expecting the second shot.

"Now that was just rude." He laughed regaining his composure.

"I didn't take you for a show off Lady Nera." Gurney remarked. "But I must say, I am impressed."

"Thank you Gurney." Nera said, relived to have impressed him.

Paul slapped the shield on his wrist, preparing for Gurney to begin his attack.

For a man his age, Gurney was still swift on his feet. His first hit was to Paul's backside.

"Come on Paul." Gurney said, flexing his biceps.

Paul eyed him resentfully, "Old man." The ass shot had been disrespectful.

Their fight had none of the friendly banter that Nera usually saw when Paul would spar with Duncan. Gurney, for all his valor lacked levity. And Paul was obviously struggling against the master swordsman, his white shirt was already clinging to his body from sweat.

Gurney caught him again, this time at the jugular. "Remember, the slow blade penetrates the shield."

Paul walked away, "I guess I'm not in the mood today."

"Mood!" Gurney huffed, "What's mood got to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises!"

"Gurney, lay off. It's been a shitty day. Duncan's gone. I've been lectured by my mother and my father alright? I don't need to hear it from you too."

"You don't get it do you? You don't get the grave nature of what's happening to us." Gurney said, putting his sword down on the table. "For eighty years Arakkis has belonged to the Harkonnen's. Eighty years of running the spice fields! Can you imagine the wealth?"

Gurney stood face to face with Paul, got right into his space. "You've never met Harkonnen's before. But I have. They're not human. They're brutal. Do you want to see Caladan become a wasteland? Do you wanna see your mother enslaved?"

"My mother would never be ensalved, not by Harkonnen's or anyone-

"What about her then huh?" Gurney pointed back at Nera.
"What about Nera? You wanna see her with her tongue cut out and her hair shaved off? Because that's what they'll do to her if we fail. They will destroy everything you have ever cared about. You have to be ready."

With that final warning, Gurney turned and left the two young people behind.

Paul's head was down. He looked worn out.

"Paul, tell me what you're thinking." This is all too much for one person to bear. "Talk to me."

"I can't talk about it Nera. I can't-

He didn't even bother to lift his head to look at her.

Nera's heart went out to him. If talking wouldn't help, then she did the only other thing she could think to give him some comfort. Nera walked quietly over to where Paul stood, and wrapped her arms around his bony frame. For many years, they had been the same height, but suddenly he shot up. Now her head could only rest under his chin.

After a moment, his delicate hands cupped her shoulder blades, and she held him as the sun went down on Caladan and their shadows loomed large on the floor.

Three miserable weeks went by. Nera checked daily with Paul in case of any updates of Duncan on Arakkis. So far, there was nothing. There had been no contact from his ship, and they didn't even know if he was alive.

In that time, Lady Jessica had been virtually unseen. She was spending the majority of her time ensconced in prayer and meditation. Paul's dreams were troubling him more and more but he still refused to tell Nera more a few details.

Thing's only became worse after the Bene Gesserit came in the middle of the night.

Nera only knew what he had told her the day after, but apparently The Reverend Mother Helen Mohiam, truth-sayer to the Emperor, had tested him. The Bene Gesserit were concerned about his dreams. Times like this made her glad she had been deemed too unimportant for the attention of the Order, after all she was the last of her line. Paul told her very little of what happened, only saying he had never seen his mother so afraid.

The following week, the Heighliner of House Atreides was raised from the sea and prepared for the entire household's relocation to Arrakis.

Nera had packed the few essential belongings she thought worth making the journey. Clothes, books, a few discreet weapons, and her fathers ruby signet ring. She rubbed her thumb over the carved impression, two snakes twisted together in a helix.  It had been resized to fit her finger but she rarely wore it. It had passed from her father to her brother, to her sister, and then finally to her. The last living Vernius.

Her room was bare now. Castle Caladan was quieter than she ever remembered in all the years she had lived there. She walked around the grounds of the castle, trying to memorize the walls, the feel of the grass under her feet, the sounds of the tide crashing into the rocks below. Nera wondered if she would ever return here, or if Caladan would become another planet she dreamed of, like Ix.

The journey to Arakkis was relatively smooth and Nera tried to sleep for most of it. The only inconvenience was Elseen's relentless complaining. She despised space travel and made it everyone's problem.

The air was too hot.

The air was too cold.

The bedding was uncomfortable.

The pilot didn't know what he was doing.

The dehydration food would give them all dysentery.

Thankfully Dr. Yueh gave Elseen a mild sedative that he claimed was a stomach remedy and her misery lessened. He had also begun giving Paul a relaxant to help him sleep at night. His dreams were consuming him.

The frigate was landing. Nera and the rest of the Household were surrounded by heavily armed infantry. The Duke had assured them they were well guarded, but no one could predict how the locals would react to the new comers to Arakeen.


She turned, surprised to see the Lady Jessica approaching her with something in her hand.

"Yes my lady?"

"This is for you." Lady Jessica said, holding a mesh work of tiny silver metal beads. "Bow your head."

Nera tilted her head forward and closed her eyes as Jessica gently places the network of beads down over her head. It was cool, and slightly uncomfortable but the beads cascaded down over her face, forming a mask her eyes.

"It will help to weigh down your veil." It was a thoughtful gesture, one that Nera had not expected from Jessica who wore something similar but more complex herself. Jessica stood, her eyes scanning the young woman before her.

She wondered to herself, when had Nera grown from a frightened little child looking to anyone for love, into the woman standing before her?

Jessica felt an unusual pang of guilt as she looked into her wide blue eyes. They were about to descend onto a hostile planet, and what had she ever done to prepare this girl for such a reality? What had she done to prepare her for anything?

She had dedicated her life to raising Paul. The girl had always been an after thought.

Jessica realized she had been callous. But it was too late to fix any of that now.

There was one thing, one thing of value she had taught the forgotten princess of Ix. Jessica straightened to her full height, "You must not be afraid. Use The Way."

The breath caught in the back of Nera's throat.

In all the times Jessica had taught Paul how to use The Way and master his fear, she had never called Nera to use it. Yes, she had demonstrated it in front of her but never granted her permission to try it.

Nera didn't even know if she could.

"Fear is the mind killer." She recited, like she had done in her mind a thousand time.

"Fear is the little death that brings obliteration."

With each word, time seemed to slow, and the noise of the men around her seemed to fade.

"I will face my fear and allow it to pass over me not through me." Nera felt her heart rate stabilize. "And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye and see it's path. And when the fear is gone, there will be nothing."

"Only I will remain."

Nera felt an astounding clarity settle on her, and Lady Jessica rewarded her with the faintest smile before turning to stand beside her husband.

The girl had done well for a first attempt.


Nera steeled herself, ignoring the vibrating tremors running from her soles of her feet up through her calves as they came down onto the surface. She was about to lay her eyes on a new world.

As the large hatch opened, the chamber was filled with heat like Nera had never felt before. The veil covering her face was blown flush against her face, the air was so dry it was almost hard to breathe.

The shrill call of the bag piper announced the arrival of the Duke, the new ruler of Arakkis. An ancient sounding instrument, still used as in war.

"My lungs taste the air of time long past falling sand." Gurney said mysteriously surveying the landscape before him. Nera wondered if it was a line from one of his folk songs. He led the soldiers out, before the household followed.

The long train of Lady Jessica's golden gown was held in place from the ferocious wind by three of her lady's maids. Nera made do with the help of Elseen. She was glad of her solid presence behind her as she passed the battalion of soldiers standing guard with a hundred Atreides banners flying in the wind. 

"Atreides! Atreides! Atreides!"

"Thufir Hawat!" Paul shouted, running to great their old lessons master. The Mentat had always been a kind and benevolent figure in Nera's life. She was glad to see a familiar smiling face.

"Young Master Paul, Lady Nera. How does it feel to walk on a new world?"

"Its exciting to see, to say the least."

Nera stayed silent. She didn't share his confidence.

Thufir bowed as the Duke approached him, "My Lord, the advanced team has secured the city and smoothed out a few rough spots."

The wind was brutal, Nera was struggling to even keep her eyes open the urge was so strong to close them against the gritty air.

"Lisan-Al-Gaib!" A voice shouted from the large crowd of local people that had left the city to watch their knew rulers arrive. Many other began chanting these words.

"What are they saying?" Nera asked, but Paul stayed silent.

Nera clutched tightly onto her veil, as they made their way to the waiting ornithopters. It was a relief when they finally got inside, out of the wind.

They flew over vast rock formations, and endless oceans of sand before arriving at Arakeen.

"Thufir, what are those protruding from the ground?" Nera pointed down to the line of large slabs spaced evenly along the perimeter.

"It's the shield wall my Lady, it protects the city from the weather and the worms."

The city of Arakeen was huge and sprawling and entirely indoors. Situated in the bowl of mountains to ward off the sandworms, the sloped buildings and thick walls gave protection from the vicious winds. There were no people visible from the outside. It was an intimidating sight. The household was installed in the main palace of Arakeen. It was more of a bunker than a palace.

After being rushed inside to avoid the sweltering heat Nera quickly discovered that she hated it here.

The sky was brown, the walls were brown, the horizon was brown, the atmosphere was full of dust, and there wasn't a single living thing in sight apart from a few pitiful date trees. The heat was oppressive, and in the peak of the day, all doors, windows and shutters were shut to block out all natural light. It was like being shut into a tomb.

She was lonelier than ever. It didn't help that she saw less and less of Paul as he assumed more duties under his father and the council. Her only consolation, was at least on Arakkis she was one step closer to seeing Duncan again.

That evening, she went to her new room.

"Well, this is something." Elseen said sarcastically. The room large but an everything was a dull shade of brown and the furniture looked dingy. The bed, was just a large mattress on a wooden platform.

Nera was relived to undress and briefly wash, she could feel sand on her scalp, it itched her all over body and she could swear there was some inside of her ears.

"Elseen, what does Lisan-Al-Gaib mean?" Nera asked, as her maid combed through her wet hair.

Elseen was silent, her lips pursed unhappily, "Well my Lady, literally I believe it means, Voice from the Outer World. It is the Fremen name for Messiah."

"Messiah? Why would they be shouting it at the Duke?" Nera found it hard to believe the people of Arakeen would be so glad to exchange one ruling family for another. The Duke meant nothing to them, why would they call him Messiah?

"I don't know what it means, but it is a sign that the Bene Gesserit have been hard at work here planting seeds of superstition." Elseen sighed, brushing through her young mistresses hair. "The people here have lived such hard lives, for generations. Perhaps they are too quick to see a Messiah, in place of an ordinary man."

"Come Nera, we must go through the candidates for house keeper." Lady Jessica said, summoning her to follow. "One day you will have to perform these duties for your own household."

A group of ten or so women stood with their heads tilted downwards, respectfully avoiding the eyes of Lady Jessica.

"How would you go about making your selection?" Jessica asked, walking past each woman, studying them closely.

"Achlan bichum." Nera welcomed the women in the Chakobsa language earning a surprised look from one or two of them. She had spent months practicing her pronunciation, but it was still daunting speaking to natives.

"Ismi Nera Vernis." Nera approached the first woman, and asked her name. "Ma ismak?"

The women quietly replied one by one, until she reached the fifth candidate who seemed to catch Lady Jessica's attention. Something in her manor or bearing was different from the others.

"What is your name?"

"Shadout Mapes my lady." The older woman looked from Nera, to Jessica. Nera sensed a note of deception in the woman's voice but couldn't tell what she was hiding.

"The rest of you may go now." Jessica commanded. Nera hid her surprise as the women left in a single file.

"Shadout, it's an old Chakobsa word yes?" Jessica looked to Nera for an answer.

"Yes my lady, it means 'Well Dipper'."

"Shi Fremen?" Jessica asked, confirming the suspicion she had felt the second she appraised this woman.

"You both know the ancient tongues?"

"We know many things." Jessica said steadily. "For example, I know you have a weapon concealed in your bodice. If you mean to harm me, I must warn you, it won't be enough."

"The weapon is meant as a gift." The woman moved her hands slowly into folds of her robes and withdrew a large knife. Jessica gasped as it was unsheathed. "Do you know this?"

"Its a chrys knife." Jessica kept her eyes firmly on the Fremen before her, but used Atreides battle language to signaled to Nera to be ready for her to attack.

The woman left out an awful shriek.

"When you have lived with prophecy for so long, the moment of revelation is a shock. Lisan-al-Gaib. A mother and a son." She sheathed the sword, and placed it into Jessica's hands. "It is yours. The tooth of Shai-Hulud."

The strange woman bowed her head, and was escorted from the room by armed guards.

Nera was utterly shocked.

"My Lady, what is going on?"

"Nothing for you to be concerned about Nera." Jessica said dismissively, folding her arms into her sleeves and walking past her. She tried to appear like she wasn't phased at all by the words of this woman, but Nera could tell from years of observation that she had been shaken too.

As a child without a family and without a true home, Nera learned from a young age that enemies were everywhere and friends were no where. She felt it keener than ever inside the fortress of Arrakeen.

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