The Dragonessa

Da RoyalTMarie98

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Prologue: A Mothers Goodbye
Chapter 1: Job Request
Chapter 3: Fellow Dragon Slayer
Chapter 4: The Decision

Chapter 2: Fiery Encounter

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Da RoyalTMarie98

Taleah POV

"Thanks again for helping us, Tally. We truly do appreciate it." Cheryl said as we walk down the nature path.

"No problem, but there is something I would like to ask you." I said as we pass a flower bush.

"What is it?" Cheryl asked, looking at me.

I look at her and said, "Well, Kaden was telling us that the reason why the Vulcan attacked the village again was because of your brother and his friends. Do you know anything about that?"

Cheryl turns her head away from me and looks at the flower bush near us, her eyes looking nervous.

"Cheryl." I said.

I could tell from the look in her eyes that she did, in fact, knew something about what Kaden had said to Jade and me when we arrived.

She turned to look back at me and nods.

"But you cannot tell our mother. Please. She can't know about it." Cheryl begged.

"But why not?" Jade asked.

"Because... because..." Cheryl said, trying to talk.

I sighed and placed my hand on top of her head.

"I won't say a word about this to her, but if the Vulcan attacks again, next time we come back, you owe us an explanation, okay?" I told her.

Cheryl looks up at me and nods.

"Okay then." I said as we got off the nature path and got back on the main road.

"Here, as promised. sixty-one thousand jewel and more herb supplies." Cheryl said, handing us the reward money and the herbs.

"Thanks a lot, we were running out of herbs, so I say this job request was perfect timing." Jade said as I took the money and put it in my purse.

"Feel free to stop by anytime. We love it when you two come over." Cheryl said.

"We'll try, though working for the Magic Council does take up a lot of our time." I told her.

"Yeah, I know, but still, it would be nice if you two came by once in a while, and not just by a job request. I feel like you two would especially love the festivals we have in the village." Cheryl said.

"We can try, but we make no promises." Jade said.

I put the herbs in our supply kit and said, "Well, we better get going. We have another job to do today."

I look at Cheryl and said, "You and your brothers take care of yourselves okay. And please, try to stay away from the Vulcan's cave. I sealed him away for now, but that ice spell won't last for too long."

Cheryl nods and waves us goodbye as Jade and I walked down the main path back to the train station.

"So, what do you think Cheryl is hiding?" Jade asked as we walked.

I sighed and said, "I'm not sure. Though, knowing her brothers, they're probably trying to get payback on the Vulcan for what happened to Estela."

"Their older sister, right?" Jade asked.

I nod and say, "It was the Vulcan that killed their sister, so it makes sense that they would target him for revenge, even after their mother told them not to go after him."

"Well, hopefully after today's attack, they'll finally leave him alone. Maybe if they back off, he will too." Jade said as we arrive at the train station.

"Somehow, I doubt it, but for now, let's leave the matter be. We've got another job to complete." I said.

I pay for our tickets as we board the train and took our seats.

"Next stop: Ichijiku Valley." I said.

The train left the station and made its way down the path.

"According to the conductor, we'll be arriving at the valley by one in the morning, so we'll have to make camp once we get there." Jade said.

"Damn, I didn't realize the valley was so far away." I said.

"Well, what did you expect? A lot of places with dragon rumors have been far from main towns." Jade reminded me.

"Good point." I said.

I touch my amulet and sigh, thinking about Elysia.

Elysia, so much time has passed since you left. How long until you come back for me? I thought.

"Do you think this rumor could be the real deal this time?" Jade asked me.

I look at her and said, "Of course not. No doubt in my mind, this is another trap played out by a dark guild to try to get their hands on me and my power."

I look out the window and add, "And here I am willingly walking right into the trap, all because I..."

I clench my fist, not finishing my sentence.

"Because you want to find the Black Hearts Guild, right?" Jade asked, finishing my sentence.

I nod, clenching my fist even tighter.

"Those bastards. They're the reason why that incident happened, the reason Master Galexina and the others are gone." I thought.

Jade looks at me sadly as I think about the day I first met my master and the other wizards that were with her.


After I had finally stopped crying, the woman dried my tears away and helped me stand up. She noticed all of the presents nearby, then looks at me.

"Is today your birthday, Taleah?" She asked me.

I nod, still a little too choked up to talk.

"In that case, how would you like to come back with us to the guild hall. We can throw you a birthday party if you like." Master Galexina said.

I look up at her curiously.

"A guild hall? What's a guild?" I asked her.

"How does she not know what a guild is?" One of the figures that was with the woman asked.

"Now Patricia, be nice. I have a feeling this is the first time this child has seen any other humans, let alone heard of guilds. " The woman said to the figure.

The woman looks back at me and says, "Allow me to introduce you to my family. The one who spoke just now is Patricia Quinn and the one standing next to her is Jewel Lutz."

"Family?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"That's right, everyone at the Heaven's Angels guild treats each other like family and the guild hall is our home. We welcome any wandering wizard who needs a place to stay." Jewel explained, walking up to me.

I took a step back as she approached us. She stops in confusion.

"You don't have to be afraid, Taleah. These two won't hurt you." The woman assured me.

"S-sorry. Instincts." I said.

Suddenly, I heard something rustling in the bushes down below the mountain. It didn't sound like the usual animals that would be seen, it sounded like a different kind of creature.

And it possessed a similar scent to the people that were here.

"Taleah, are you alright?" The woman asked me.

"Are there any other humans here with you?" I asked.

"No, it's just us here. Why?" Patricia asked.

Without answering her, I started to run down the mountain path.

"Taleah!" The woman called out.

"Grab the girl's gifts and lets go. Something tells me we're about to have a fight on our hands." I heard Patricia say.

"Okay." Jewel said.

I run down the mountain till I reach the bottom. I stop and close my eyes, focusing on my sense of smell and hearing. I heard footsteps from all directions. Some were behind me, which must have been the woman and the two wizard girls that were with her, and some were in front of me, which must be the other humans I caught a scent of.

Suddenly, I open my eyes as footsteps from in front of me drew closer.

"Taleah!" I heard the woman say as she and the others finally caught up to me.

"There you are, Galexina. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up." A voice said.

Just then, a figure walked out from the shadows of the forest.

"Lilia Buchanan." The woman said, looking like she was getting ready for a fight.

"I knew that fake tip about the Black Hearts Guild would draw you out here." Lilia said.

I look at the woman and ask, "What is she talking about? What's the Black Hearts Guild?"

"Taleah, get back. This is about to get dangerous." Jewel said, raising her hands up, ready to fight.

"Huh?" I asked.

Suddenly, Lilia grabs me and puts her arm around my neck, ready to suffocate me.

"Lilia, let the kid go. She's got nothing to do with this." Patricia yelled.

"Hey! Get your hands off of me!" I yelled, trying to fight out of her grasp.

"Silence, brat!" Lilia yelled.

She looks back at the woman and says, "Now, Galexina, unless you want this little kid to get hurt, I suggest you do as I say. If you don't, she pays the price."

"Let her go, Lilia. Taleah is not a part of this. She is only a child." The woman said.

"I'll only let her go if you accompany me to Era and convince the magic council to stay away from me and my guild." Lilia said as her grip tightened.

I felt my oxygen being cut off as the woman said, "You know very well I can't do that, Lilia. Your guild has turned to the dark side, and you cannot justify its actions."

"We do what we have to. The magic council refuses to help us find our loved ones after they were taken, so we decided to take matters into our own hands. I will do what I have to in order to find my little brother's again." Lilia said.

Her grip tightens even more as she said, "Now, do as I say, or the kid gets it."

I struggled to breathe, feeling myself getting dizzy.

I can't breathe. I've got to do something or else I'm going to die. I can't die! Not until I find Elysia. I thought.

Just then, I remembered the amulet that was still in my hand. Remembering what the letter said about the necklace, I put it on and felt my power instantly increase.

Time to break free and stop this girl from hurting this nice lady. I thought.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art." I said, my voice barely heard.

Everyone looks at me as a magic circle appeared at mine and Lilia's feet.

"What in the nine hells is going on?" Lilia asked.

"What is the kid doing?" Patricia asked.

"What kind of magic is she using?" Jewel asked.

"Magic Binds: Nullifying Rope!"

Suddenly, a magic rope began to bind around Lilia. The magic caught Lilia off guard as she let me go. I step away from her as the rope binds Lilia, leaving only her head exposed.

"What the hell? Wh-why can't I use my magic? What is this? Aah!" Lilia asked as she fell onto the ground.

I step back dizzily as the woman asked me, "Taleah, was that... Dragon Slayer Magic?"

I look at her surprised and said, "Yes, but how did you know that?"

"Dragon Slayer Magic? Isn't that a form of lost magic?" Jewel asked.

"Lost magic?" I asked.

"Yes, magic that hasn't been used for over hundreds of years. How did you learn it?" The woman asked me as she walked up to me.

"My mother taught me. She was... a dragon." I said hesitantly.

"A dragon?!" Jewel asked, surprised.

"But that's impossible! Dragons have been long extinct! There's no way a dragon taught you that! Especially since that kind of magic is designed to kill dragons." Patricia said.

"I'm telling you the truth." I said, feeling dizzy from my spell.

"I must say, this is quite impressive. But how is it she is not able to use her magic to get out?" Jewel asked, walking up to Lilia.

"It's Nullification Dragon Slayer Magic, a secret art spell to be exact. Anyone who is trapped in the ropes cannot use their magic." I explained, falling to my knees.

"Taleah, are you alright?" The woman asked me.

"I'm okay but casting a secret art spell drains me quite a lot. I only just started learning how to master them before Elysia disappeared." I explained, placing my head in my hands.

"I see." The woman said.

"Well, now that Lilia has been caught, we can turn her in to the magic council and claim that reward money." Patricia said.

"Unhand me! Let me go!" Lilia yelled, trying to fight her way out of my binds.

"Taleah, how long can the spell last?" The woman asked.

"It can stay active for as long as I'm awake." I explained.

"Then I hope you weren't planning on taking any cat naps after casting that kind of spell." Patricia said.

"Patricia, don't be so rude. The kid looks exhausted." Jewel said.

"I'll be fine, but I'm not sure I can walk. I can't really move my legs." I said.

"Here, let me carry you then, child." The woman said, picking me up.

She holds me close to her and looks at the other two, saying, "You two grab Lilia and we will begin making our way to the Magic Council headquarters."

"Okay, good thing we put those presents on the sled we found. We can pull the sled and carry her at the same time." Jewel said.

The woman looks at me and asks, "Will you be okay with coming with us? And, would you like to join our guild? And be part of our family?"

"Family." I said.

I felt my eyes water again as I thought of Elysia.

"Yes, please, let me join your family. I don't... I don't want to be alone." I said, clinging onto her.

"You won't be alone anymore, Taleah." The woman said.

As we walk through the woods, I look up at her and ask, "By the way, what did that woman say your name was?"

"Oh, right. I didn't introduce myself. My name is Galexina." The woman said.

"Galexina." I said.

End of flashback.

"Taleah." Jade said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look at her and say, "We will avenge them."

Jade nods as we traveled on. By the time we arrived at Ichijiku Valley, the sun had completely set, and the moon was high in the sky. We made camp a little way aways from the station and got settled in for the night.

But before we could fall asleep, I sensed someone was approaching our camp.

"Jade, get ready. We've got company coming this way." I said, standing up.

I use my Light Dragon Slayer Magic to make a light ball to shine around us.

"Whoever's out there, show yourself." I said.

Just then, I saw a figure walking towards us. This figure had long brown hair that was pulled back into a high ponytail and hazel eyes.

"Hello, Dragonessa, we've been expecting you." The figure said.

My instincts told me to get ready to fight.

"And who are you, pray tell?" I asked, activating my magic.

"I am Terrance Thompson, the wizard who is going to take you back with me to my guild. My master told us to wait until tomorrow, but I just don't have that kind of patience." The person said, grabbing something from his bag.

"And I take it it was your guild that started all of those false rumors about the dragon, right?" I asked, building up my magic.

"Indeed, it was, we knew these rumors would attract your attention and draw you out here. Now, your power will be ours." Terrance said.

"Think again, buster." I said, ready to fight.

"Be careful Taleah, it looks like he has those anti-magic cuffs." Jade warned me.

Terrance smiles. Suddenly, I sensed someone at my feet. Before I could react, a couple of hands popped out from the shadows and bound my ankles. My light magic deactivated as I tried to get the cuffs off of me.

"That was way too easy." Terrance said.

Two figures pop out of the shadows as Terrance said, "Good work, boys. Those cuffs will keep her from using her magic and make it easier on us to take her back to the guild hall."

"Hang on Taleah, I will try to get some help." Jade said, activating her magic and flying away.

"Stop that cat!" Terrance yelled.

The others tried to grab Jade, but she dodges them easily and flies away.

"Be careful, Jade!" I yelled.

Jade manages to fly away as Terrance looks at me and says, "It doesn't matter if she gets help. By the time they show up, we'll be long gone."

I tried to get the cuff's off of me, but they were on me pretty tight.

Jade, please hurry. I thought.

Natsu POV

"Never, I'm never riding a stupid train again." I said, leaning out the window, sick to my stomach.

"Natsu, you say that every time we travel, and yet you still ride the train." Happy reminded me as we arrived at the Ichijiku Valley.

"I'm serious this time." I said as I dragged my bag and myself off of the train.

"You do realize we'll have to ride the train back to the guild hall, right?" Happy asked, following after me off the train.

"Not unless we find Igneel. He can just fly us back. Then I can have him meet everyone." I said as we got off the train and I sat down at the platform.

"So, where should we start?" Happy asked, looking around the area.

"Let's start with some food. I'm starving." I said, feeling my stomach growl.

"Too bad we don't have any money left for food." Happy reminded me.

"Oh yeah." I grumbled.

Just then, Happy squeals.

"What's with you? Did you spot a free buffet?" I asked, looking up at him excitedly, the sick feeling going away.

"No! It's another flying cat like me!" Happy shouted, pointing to a flying cat coming towards us.

It looked like a green cat wearing a purple dress and a purple ribbon on its tail.

"Oh." I said, disappointed.

Happy activates his magic and flies towards the cat.

"And here I thought I was the only cat who could fly. This is so cool." Happy said excitedly as he stopped in front of the other flying cat.

The other cat looks at Happy shocked and says, "Wow! I must say, I'm surprised. I thought I was the only one of my kind too."

The cat shakes her head and says, "Never mind that now, are you two wizards?"

"Yeah, I'm a dragon slayer. The names Natsu." I said, standing up.

"And I'm his number one best friend, the names Happy." Happy said.

"A dragon slayer?" The cat asks, looking at me surprised.

"That's right." I said.

"In that case, you're the perfect person to help me. It's my friend, Taleah. She's being kidnapped by wizards from a dark guild. Normally, she can fight them off with no problem, but they placed anti-magic cuffs on her, blocking her magic. She needs help." The cat explained.

"Then let's get going." I said, ready for a fight.

"Aye sir!" Happy said.

"Follow me. We set up our camp a little way aways from here. I just hope we can catch up to them in time." The cat said as she led the way.

"Let's go, Happy." I said, jumping into the air.

"Aye!" Happy said.

He grabs the back of my shirt as we fly away from the station and towards the open valley. We fly for a bit before the cat gasps.

"There they are." The cat said.

"Right, time to drop in." I said.

Happy drops me as I activated my magic.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!"

I launched my attack on the boys trying to grab ahold of the girl in the cuffs. Soon, they were surrounded by fire.

"What the? Where did this fire come from?" One of the boys asked.

"If you guys were smart, you'll let the girl go. If you do, maybe I'll go easy on you." I said, landing in front of the boys.

"And who do you think you are?" One of the boys asked.

He looked to be the leader of the other two. He had brown hair that was high up in a ponytail and brown eyes.

"The name is Natsu Dragneel, A Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail." I said.

Me: And that is the end of Chapter 2!

Natsu" What? But we were just about to get to the fighting part! Why would you end the chapter now?

Me: Because I still don't have the fight scene planned out yet, so I need a little more time before I can start writing it. So, be patient with me, and I promise, I will do my best to make it epic. But for now, I hope everyone's enjoyed the story so far and stay tune for Chapter 3! Until then, stay Royal!

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