Prologue: A Mothers Goodbye

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Taleah POV

It was a day I will never forget for as long as I live. It was meant to be the happiest day of my life, but it turned into the saddest day instead.

The date was July 7th, the year was 777, my birthday.

I had woken up to the sunlight shining into the cave. I open and squint my eyes a bit, raising a hand up to shield my eyes from the sunlight. I sat up and stretch my arms over my head, yawning.

"Good morning, Elysia." I said, my voice coming out a bit groggy.


I rub my eyes and look around, realizing that I was alone in the cave. I stood up and walk out of the cave, thinking that she was already outside and waiting for me to join her.

But she wasn't there.

"That's odd. Where could she be?" I asked, looking around the area.

I hear the stream nearby and asked, "Maybe she's getting breakfast ready."

I walk over to the stream but didn't see her.

"Okay, this is officially weird." I said, scratching my head.

Where the heck is she? I thought as I look around, trying to find my dragon mother.

I look up towards the mountains and smack myself on the forehead.

"Oh duh! Of course! Since it's my birthday, she's got a small party for me at the top of the mountain!" I said, walking away excitedly.

I picked up my pace and made my way to the mountain. As soon as I found myself at the bottom of the mountain, I began walking up the path leading to the top. Elysia and I always trained on this mountain, especially during the bad weather days. We would train in each of the 10 caves on the mountain.

As I walk up the mountain, I found a present in each of the caves, but with every cave I stopped at, I could not find my dragon mother. Finally, I arrive at the top of the mountain, but there was no birthday party and no Elysia.

"Okay, this is officially weird. Where in dragon's name is my mother? She has never missed my birthday. Not once." I said as I walk into the last cave.

I pick up the last present and notice this one had a letter on top of it.

"A letter?" I asked as I picked up the envelope.

I open the envelope and pull the letter out.

What was written inside the letter changed my life.

Dear Taleah, I wish I would have stayed long enough to give you a proper goodbye, but alas, I do not have much time. There is a great danger coming, and in order to protect you, I must leave. But before I go, I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and how privileged I was to be your mother. Take care, my Dragonessa. May the spirit of the dragons guide you in your life.

Love, Elysia.

Tears filled my eyes as I read the letter.

"She... she left?" I asked as my tears threatened to fall.

I shook my head and dropped the letter, running out of the cave.

"Elysia! Elysia! Where are you! Please come back!" I yelled as my voice echoed.

The tears began to fall as I drop to my knees and cried.

"Mother! Come back! Please! Mother!" I cried loudly.

After some time, my cries turned into sobs. I stood up, my legs shaking as I walk back over to the cave. I look at all of the presents, including the one that had the letter.

"She knew she was going to be leaving, so that's why she left me so many presents." I said.

I drop to my knees and look at the presents, grabbing the box that the letter was on top of. I untied the ribbon and open the box.

Inside was a beautiful golden amulet. I then notice a small letter with the necklace. I grab the letter and read what it said.

This is the Amulet of Tarragon. It has the ability to enhance your dragon slayer magic and help you unleash your dragon form.

I put on the necklace and look down at it.

"Elysia." I whisper.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I look up quickly and see three people coming up the path. I stand up quickly, my legs still shaking. The three figures stop a few feet in front of me. I brought my fists up, ready to fight.

Truth be told, no one else has ever come to this area. For as long as I can remember, it has always been Elysia and I here. No one, dragon or human, has ever come here.

"How did you find this place? Who are you?" I demanded.

The first figure took a step, but I took a couple steps back, making sure to keep a distance between us. I got hit with the woman's scent and felt my eyes beginning to water again.

Her scent... it's so similar to Elysia's. But it can't be her. She doesn't have the ability to turn into a human. No dragon does! I thought as my emotions began to build up again.

"Are you alone?" The woman asked.

Her voice made my eyes water even more, to the point where I wanted to start crying again.

Her voice is just like Elysia's. No, no, no. Don't cry, Taleah. Stay strong. I thought as I tried to keep myself composed.

"You're alone, aren't you?" The woman asked again.

"And what if I am? Why are you here? How did you find this place?" I demanded.

"You don't need to be afraid. We won't hurt you." The woman said, gently as she took a step towards me.

I step back more, nearly tripping and falling.

"How do I know you're telling the truth? For all I know, you could be the danger Elysia talked about." I said, clenching my fists.

"And who is Elysia?" The woman asked as she stopped and sat down on her knees.

"My... my mother." I said, my voice shaking as I felt the tears begin to stream down my face.

"It's okay to cry." The woman said.

Hearing her voice and getting a whiff of her scent, my emotions couldn't take it anymore. I drop to my knees and start to cry again.

"She left me! She left me all alone!" I cried.

The woman walks up to me and pulls me into her arms, holding me close to her and running her fingers through my hair.

"It's going to be okay. You don't have to be afraid. We will help you." The woman said gently.

I look up at her, tears streaming down my face.

"H-how do I know I can trust you?" I asked, sniffling.

The woman smiles gently at me and tucks some of my hair behind my ear.

"I promise, you're safe with me." The woman said.

I don't know what it was. Maybe because her voice and her scent were so similar to Elysia's, but I began to feel relaxed around her, like I could trust her.

I wrap my arms around her and cried into her shoulder, not wanting to let her go.

"Okay." I said, gripping her tightly.

"Tell me, what is your name?" The woman asked.

I look up at her and said, "Taleah, Taleah Tarragona."

This encounter was the beginning of my new life.

Me: And that is the end of the Prologue!

Natsu: You can't end the story now! We haven't even been introduced yet!

Happy: Aye!

Me: Be patient guys, your time will come, but for now, I hope you guys enjoyed the story so far and be sure to stay tune for Chapter 1, where the Dragonessa's adventures will begin. Until then, stay Royal!

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