Chapter 3: Fellow Dragon Slayer

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Taleah POV

"Another Dragon Slayer?" I asked in shock.

Sure enough, I caught a whiff of the scent of a dragon coming from him.

He's telling the truth. This guy is a dragon slayer! I thought as I look at the boy in front of me in shock.

"Taleah." I heard Jade say as she flew down in front of me.

"Jade." I said, looking up smiling.

"Sorry, that took a bit, are you okay?" Jade asked as she landed in front of me.

"I am now." I said.

"Another Dragon Slayer, huh? What an interesting turn of events." Terrance said.

"Boss, that's gotta be the Salamander from the Fairy Tail Guild." One of the guys that was with him said.

"Hold on, what do you mean, "Another Dragon Slayer?" The boy in front of me asked.

I struggled to sit up as Terrance said, "This won't stop us from getting our hands on the Dragonessa. We'll just be taking an extra prize with us."

"We'll see about that, now, let's go!" The boy said.

He runs towards Terrance as flames began to appear on the boy's body.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

The boy tried to land a punch on Terrance, but he moves quickly to the side and grabs his arm. Terrance pins the boy to the ground and smiles.

"If there's one thing that I've learned about hand-to-hand combat, it's to never make the first move." Terrance said.

"Get off of me!" The boy yelled.

"You let him go!" A blue cat yelled.

He flew towards Terrance and kicked him in the face. The impact caused Terrance to lose his grip on the boy, who stood up quickly and pinned Terrance down.

"Guess you forgot that I didn't come here alone." The boy said.

He looks at the flying blue cat and says, "Nice move, Happy."

"Aye!" The blue cat said.

"He's just like you, Jade." I said, looking at the cat.

Just then, the two people that were with Terrance charged the boy. They tried to run on either side of the boy.

"Watch out!" I yelled, getting the boy's attention.

He sees the people charging him and jumps up, making the people collide into each other. He lands in front of me and laughs.

"You're gonna have to try better than that if you want to stand a chance at beating me." The boy said.

"Boss, we need to fall back. Remember, we're dealing with the Salamander." One of the underlings told him.

"Just get close enough to get the cuffs on him, like what you did with the girl." Terrance said.

"Sir, the cuffs we put on her are the only ones we have. Ben took the other cuffs before he left." The other guy said.

"Damn!" Terrance said.

He looks at me and says, "Don't think this is the last you'll be seeing of me. I will be back for you and your power, Dragonessa."

The two boys grab Terrance and drag him into their shadows.

"Hey! Where are you going! Come back and fight me!" The boy yelled, running towards the trio.

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