Mafia Family Heroes x ROTTMNT

By sailorneptuna

296 4 0

Since Y/n and Sonic's Mafia adventures became a big hit, I'm bringing them 2 years after for their new advent... More

Mystic Mayhem
Origami Tsunami
Donnie's Gifts
Down With The Sickness
The Fast and the Furriest
The Gumbus
Mrs. Cuddles
Hypno! Part Deux
Al Be Back
The Longest Fight
Bug Busters

War And Pizza

24 1 0
By sailorneptuna

At the lair, I was busy doing my quills and Lloyd was playing around with his friends.

"Babe, are you doing okay," Lloyd asked.

"I'm fine, Hon. Just fixing up some of my quills," I replied.

"Do you ever think about going back as a human again like before," Lloyd asked.

"I don't know. I kinda feel okay as a hedgecat, but I'm still trying to get over my cat instincts," I replied.

"Oh yeah, you're still trying your best to work on it. Whatever your decision on whether you wanna stay as a hybrid or human, I still gonna love you," Lloyd said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thanks hon," I said.

"Hey guys, April hasn't gotten through the birthday song," Donnie said.

"What, really," Kai exclaimed.

"Or cake, actually," Donnie added.

"Or cake?!" Cole exclaimed.

"Albearto's is the pizza place, right? We'll be right over," Raph stated.

"Hey, if you guys are in the middle of something . . ." April said until we came in.

"Fixers in the house, swooping in to save the day!" Raph exclaimed.

"That was fast. Actually, I just needed Donnie," April stated.

"Oh, we know, we just came for the free pizza. Remember, blend in like you're a birthday robot," Raph said.

"Just hang out here while Tails, Gadget, Bunnie, Tekno, and Donnie take care of the robots," I said.

"Aye, aye, captain," Mikey replied.

Don, Tails, Gadget, Bunnie, and Tekno started working on a headless Albearto, parts strewn everywhere.

"And short-circuiting con-qu-ered. Now to juice up his . . . ." Donnie stated.

"That's enough. I just need him to sing 'Happy Birthday' and quiet the kids down so I don't get fired," April asked.

"Oh, sure, he could just sing it. Or he could dazzle!" Donnie suggested.

"No dazzling," Tails said.

"You know, he might end up being the greatest entertainer-bot of his generation. And voila, Albearto 2.14.2. I upgraded my upgrade in the middle of the upgrade. Now, to sync him to my remote, and it's showtime!" Donnie said with triumph while Gadget and Bunnie tinker with Albearto's controls and then start putting him back together.

"Yeah, let's go give Timmy the Albearto-iest birthday ever," April said.

April steps out on stage and grasps the curtain pull. Don steps out behind her with a remote control box.

"You ready?" April asked.

"Yep," Donnie, Tails, Bunnie, Gadget, and Tekno replied.

April pulls the cord and the curtain opens. Albearto is holding a guitar and plays a power chord.

"Bon giorno, kiddies!" Albearto yelled.

"Is he going to break again?" Little girl asked.

"Not on my watch. Again," April said.

"Hold on to your birthday hats, kiddies," Albearto said as he and the band started playing hard rock music.

"And now, for a little guitar solo. You're welcome," Donnie said as he pressed the button.

"Check me out, I'm shredding this guitar like its mozzarella," Albearto said while shredding the guitar.

"Looking good, guys," April said.

Albearto continues playing; hopping around on the stage at the same time. Suddenly he starts to malfunction.

"Uh, hold on. No, no, no, no. He should not be glitching. He should be rocking and or rolling!" Donnie said.

"Donnie..." April said, feeling scared.

Electricity crackles and Albearto begins to spin.

"Oh, no, oh, the battery," Gadget exclaimed as he noticed the control box showed a battery empty symbol.

"Oh, I knew I forgot to change something. I can't stop him!" Donnie exclaimed.

Albearto flying all over the stage. Shoves his guitar into the air and pierces an overhead light box. Electricity jolts down and through Albearto's body. The sparks flash all around Albearto. Kids are staring, their arms still in the air. April, Don, Tails, Bunnie, Gadget, and Tekno stare. Close up of Albearto, followed by images of test tubes and circuit boards. Sudden explosion. Electricity crackles in an arc overhead. Smoke starts to clear. Kids covered in soot. April clutches her head and groans.

"Oh no," Bunnie said.

We were in the kitchen eating pizza. The lights flash and then go out.

"This can't be good," I said.

Back to Albearto who isn't moving. April runs on stage.

"Okay, so that happened. But we can still sing 'Happy Birthday' without him," April said.

When she was about to sing, Albearto began to stand up. Weird groans stop in April mid-song. Kids look terrified; they start shrieking and whimpering.

"Hey diddly ho, kiddies. Time to pump this party up. Let's play!" Albearto said as he stalks towards kids, who peer upwards in terror.

Tails ran inside of the kitchen and told us of what's going on and we immediately transformed into our mafia forms. Meanwhile, April slaps her face in frustration and then runs towards screaming kids. Albearto is laughing maniacally as he reaches for the birthday boy. April snatches a pizza platter from a table and jumps in front of the kid.

"Play nice, Albearto!" April scolded.

April swings the platter. Albearto groans as both his hands go flying through the air. Timmy clings to April's arm.

"Run, kid!" April yelled.

Timmy runs away screaming. Albearto lifts his right arm and robotic claws spring forth to form a new hand.

"Whoopsie, thanks for the claws, April," Albearto said.

His left hand also has claws. He yells and swings an arm back, preparatory to striking April. April holds the platter up in front of her face.

"He knows my name?" April said in shock.

"These are way better to open gifts with," Albearto said.

Albearto begins slashing up the wrapped birthday gifts, yelling and grunting the whole while. Confetti rains down on April. Kids are all hiding under the tables.

"Hold it right there, Albearto," I yelled as me and the others went to our fighting pose.

"We'll see about that," Albearto said.

The power cords snake out of Albearto's mouth, shoot across the room and strikes Cheery Tomato. Another set of cords plug into President Pepperoni. Albearto retracts the cords and both Tomato and Pepperoni come to life, taking up fighting stances alongside Albearto, including whack a voles.

"Can I say the thing, Kitty," Tangle asked, excitedly.

"Sure thing, Wild Thing," I replied.

"MAFIAS VS ROBOTS," Tangle yelled as everyone charged at Albearto and his band.

"Get them," Albearto yelled as he and his band charged.

While everyone was fighting at the robots, me and Lloyd got out of the fighting pile as the kids peeked out of the tables.

"If you're wondering who we are, it's really quite simple," I said.

"Kitty, look out," Donnie yelled.

Lloyd and I immediately dodged the voles by jumping and flipping into midair and the kids were shocked by it.

"The name's Kitty. I'm known as the mafia assassin, catwoman, monster of the shadows, and the leader of the Mafia Family Heroes," I said, ecstatic.

"Cool," Timmy exclaimed.

"The name's Lloyd. I'm Kitty's husband. I'm known as Green Boy, Golden Ninja, Master of Energy, and the leader of the legendary ninjas of Ninjago City," Lloyd said, ecstatic.

"Cool," One of the kids exclaimed.

"Let me introduce you all, the Mafia Family Heroes, shall we," I announced.

The kids started cheering with excitement.

"Presenting Mafia of the Wind and Mafia of the Hammerheads: E.X.E and Deadly Rose! They're known as the Joker and Harley Quinn of the group. Don't ask one of them because they're married," I exclaimed.

The kids started cheering for Sonic and Amy as they're beating up the whack a voles.

"Presenting Mafia of Robotics and Mafias of False Innocence: Mecha-Mind, Bad Bunny, and Killer Chao! One has the smarts, but the other has cute facials," I exclaimed.

The kids started cheering for Tails, Cream, and Cheese as they began beating up Albearto.

"Presenting the mafia of strength and mafia of emeralds: Crusher and Ancient Wrath! One has the strength, but the other has mystic powers," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids started cheering for Knuckles and Tikal who are busy helping Sonic and Amy with the whack a voles.

"Presenting the mafia of the future and the hottest mafia alive: Psycho Daddy and Hellfire! They're known as one of the hottest couples due to their hot romance," I exclaimed.

The kids started cheering for Silver and Blaze who are busy beating up Cheery Tomato.

"Presenting the mafia of fear and sexiest mafia alive: Dark Doom and Lady Chaos! They're the most edgiest and combative couple of all," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids started cheering for them who are beating up the whack a voles.

"Presenting the mafias of the sex symbols: Anti Blur and Lady Fatale! They're known for their flirtatious attitude and known as the baddies in the team!" I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of pure superiority: Killer Croc, Silent Ninja, and Killer Sting! They're once a detective crew and now they're full on assassins," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of natural disasters: Tornado, Hurricane, and Tsunami! They're known as the hoverboard champions and now they're coming in like a storm," I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafia of ninjas and mafias of Dynasty: Imperatrix, Dynast, and Overseer! One is a known ninja and the others have skills of royalty," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of manipulation: Queen Bee, Mad Mama, and Tempest! They're nice females, but don't be tricked by their nice gestures," I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of power: Devil Diva and Rock Fall! One is known for her diva attitude and the other is known for his bravery," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of greed: Grand Theft and Fashion Crime! One is known for his swiping skills and other is known for her fashionista attitude," I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of adventures: Captain Riptide and Bloody Baron! One has the attitude of a pirate and the other is a pure flying squirrel," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of chakras: Loner Wolf and Wild Thing! One is calmer like the ice. The other is crazier," I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafia of elements and mafia of chainsaws: Avatar and Lamb Chopper! One is more resourceful while the other has deadly weaponry," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafias of destruction: Ms.Overkill and Duke D' Amerique! One is strong with the robo arm and the other is a pure royalty soldier," I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting the mafia of killer dogs and mafia of death: Cujo and Countess Kalma! One is more deadlier and the other is scarier than any monster she had faced," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting ninja of fire and ninja of water: Kai and Nya! Their powers are mighty, but tied as a knot," I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting ninja of lightning and earth: Jay and Cole! They may be cool, but never underestimate their awesome powers," Lloyd exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Presenting ninja of ice and Samurai X herself: Zane and Pixal! They're robots by appearance, but humans at heart," I exclaimed.

The kids began cheering for them.

"Sit back, relax and enjoy the show," I exclaimed as me and Lloyd went back to help the others.

The kids began cheering and decided to watch the fight.

Lloyd and I used our weapons to whack the whack a voles and gotta admit it was exactly like the game.

"Gotta tell you, marriages are like a three ringed circus! First was the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, and finally the..." I said with the drum roll.

"THE SUFFERING!" Timmy yelled.

"Correct a mundo, birthday boy," I exclaimed.

April yells as a bunch of voles slam into her. Mikey, Jet, and Wave land hard on top of a Skee-Ball game and are stunned.

"President Pepperoni wants you three for my punching bag," Pepperoni said.

"We'll see about that, you meat stick," Jet yelled as he, Wave, and Mikey grabbed the balls, then started throwing them.

Pepperoni spins around and smacks the ball with a length of pepperoni, sending it whizzing back at them. They duck and the balls lands in one of the holes, setting off the red light atop the game and its alarm. Game tickets start flying out of the machine.

"All right, making it rain!" Mikey exclaimed.

Mikey, Jet, and Wave grab handfuls of balls and started flinging them at Pepperoni, who tries to hit them. He can't hit them as fast as they tosses them and they begin striking him. Mikey throws his Kusari-fundo at Pepperoni. It wraps around him and Mikey yanks him forward. Pepperoni slams into the arcade game head first. Bunches of tickets pour out of the game.

"Fourscore and twenty more tickets!" Wave exclaimed.

Don, who groans as he crawls up from underneath the balls in a ball pit. Tomato slams down on top of him.

"Oh, you're so cute, but so mean. Why do I always go for your type?" Donnie asked.

Don rolls onto his back as she bounces up in the air again. The robotic arms shoot out of his battle shell and latch onto her appendages to deliver a heavy electrical charge. Tomato melts and slides out of the arms. She lands on the balls and starts sinking.

"This doesn't make Cheery cheery," Tomato said.

The last thing seen of her is one of her hands holding a small box with a red button on top of it. She pushes the button. Don scrambles out of the ball pit. He hits the ground and covers his head with his arms as the ball pit explodes.

"Oh, I'll never eat ketchup again," Donnie said as Tomato's remains plop down behind him.

"You'd think of it as a birthday bot," Leo said as his sword strikes metal.

"You'd be a little more chill at a birthday party," Tails said as he swings his sword.

Tails dodges Albearto's swings. Leo starts to attack, but Albearto punches him first. Leo slides back, holding his sword up defensively. Tails sees Albearto coming at him again, this time holding a board.

"No, wait . . . ." Leo exclaimed.

Albearto hits him and Tails. And they go flying, slam into the manager's glass viewing window and crack it. Inside, the manager is in his chair, hugging a trophy that reads '#1 Boss'. He kisses the trophy as the entire wall behind him cracks. Leo and Tails hit the ground in front of him. Raph, Knuckles, and Vector standing behind Albearto, react with fear when he sees that Leo and Tails are helpless.

"Power Smash Jitsu. Power Smash Jitsu!" Raph yelled as he smashed his fists together, but his mystic power failed.

"Not now, Raph! Tails, hold on," Knuckles exclaimed as he and Vector charged at Albearto.

Albearto catches them and throws Raph, Vector, and Knuckles who lands on top of Leonardo and Tails.

"If I can't have a birthday party, nobody can," Albearto said.

Mikey sees the action from his perch atop a crawl tunnel. Spinning his weapon, he leaps.

"Cowabunga!" Mikey yelled.

"I'm going to crack you open like a birthday pinata," Albearto said as he swung and hit Mikey.

Mikey hits the ground, bounces onto and off of Raph and lands on his back next to his brothers. Albearto laughs as he stands over the three turtles.

"Oh, your sorry skills make me snicker," Albearto said.

"Guys, what should we do," Fiona exclaimed.

"You're no match for the King of Birthday Parties, that's for sure," Albearto said.

I looked over and saw a birthday cake on the cart. Then I looked at Timmy and he nodded his head.

"Hey, Albearto. You know, you can't be the King of Birthday Parties without having one of your own," I said while holding out a birthday cake.

Albearto lifts his arms menacingly while roaring. Then suddenly he stops, looking surprised.

"Wait, what? A birthday party for meesy-weesy?" Albearto asked in surprise.

"That's right, Albearto. Today's the day you were born. Through a total accident that's clearly nobody's fault," I replied as I walked towards him with the cake.

"A birthday cakey-wakey? Oh, for meesy-weesy?" Albearto asked as he took the cake from me.

"Not just a cake, my friend. We've also got a little song for you," I said as the others stood next to me, including the kids.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to . . . ." We all sang as Albearto started weeping.

Suddenly April smashes Albearto on the head with her mallet. The cake flies from Albearto's hands and hits me in the face. I hand over the cake to Timmy while all of us watch April, who is yelling and smashing Albearto. There are groaning and clanking sounds. Raph and Cole grab a handful of cake, making the rest of it fall off of me.

"Take that!" April yelled.

April stands on top of Albearto, who has powered down. She's covered in cake.

"Sing with me, guys! I am finishing this party!" April exclaimed.

"Happy birthday . . ." She sang.

"Finish the song!" She commanded.

"Dear– Kid — Squirt — Albearto — Timmy... Happy birthday to you," We all ended.

The building starts to shake and then a huge crash and everyone is coughing. Smoke clears and the night sky can be seen.

"Huh?" April exclaimed.

"Everyone, scatter," I commanded as we started running.

"Later," Raph said.

"Have fun cleaning up, bye," Donnie said.

April drops her mallet. The restaurant was destroyed.

"Best birthday ever!" Timmy exclaimed.

"My restaurant!" Manager exclaimed.

"On the upside, I finally made it through the 'Happy Birthday' song," April said.

"That tears it, O'Neil. You're . . . ." Manager cuts off.

"Fired, yeah, figured. You can mail my paycheck. Peace," April said as she dropped her name tag into his hands.

April walks away. Closeup of Albearto's head on the ground. The lights in its eyes flash on revealing that he survived..

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