Rewrite The Stars

By SlugWolf0506

70.5K 2.2K 1.7K

It is a story of how the divorced couple, Michelle and Anntonia, navigate life as ex-wives co-parenting their... More



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By SlugWolf0506

elliptical, adj.

The kiss I like the most is one of the slow ones. It's as much breath as touch, as much no as yes. You lean in from the side, and I have to turn a little to make it happen.

Dani was very excited to see her granny after her mum had given her a bath and, after drying her hair, their child had been asking them every ten minutes if they could go. Of course, what Dani wanted, Dani will get.

So, after baking and a quick shower for her parents, freshly baked pastries and a few dishes loaded inside Michelle's car, they were on their way to her granny's house.

Rhian and Max, with her husband, were in the study packing the gifts that Michelle's mum will give to the hospital patients that she had been a patron with for a long time.

She's staring. Ann could feel Michelle's eyes on her, watching her like a hawk while she did something, whether they were in her mother-in-law's kitchen or in the lounge where everyone was chatting and catching up with each other. Michelle's mother had invited some of her friends and their family, which the couple and Max did not expect that this Christmas would turn into a full-blown dinner party.

Dani was preoccupied upstairs, in her own playroom that her granny had set up for her with their children guests.

Whenever she gets a glimpse of her girlfriend and caught Michelle already staring back at her, Anntonia couldn't stop feeling giddy. Like they were back in college again, when they had to study in the huge and busy library of Columbia University. They always couldn't take their eyes off of each other.

Her phone rang, and she saw it was Cassie. She smiled at her lover who's sitting in the living room one last time before she went to the kitchen to take the call.

"Hi, Mrs Dee. Sorry, I know it's Christmas and you're probably celebrating it with your family, but I just got a call from the realtor that we hired to sell your house here in Manhattan and I'm happy to tell you we've found a buyer."

She beamed. "Hello Cassie, dear! I should be the one who's sorry. Because I'm making you work during the holidays. You could've just called me after the holiday and got a break from all the work." We both chuckled. "But I'm so happy that you've found a buyer. Could you please email me all the details and when I should come to meet them?"

"Sure thing, Mrs. Dee, is the boss flying with you and Dani?"

She looked over to where she could see anyone and saw a deep frown on Michelle's face.

"No, Dani has school and your boss has to stay with her, and she's kinda busy here. But hopefully, we'll get back after a year." She smiled, imagining about the three of them back in their house in Manhattan.

"Alright, Mrs. Dee, I'll see you when you get here then. Merry Christmas!"

"Really, Cassie, thank you so much for your help. Enjoy the holidays!"

She put her phone back into her pocket and went to where Max was. "Hey, need some help?"

"Sure, we shouldn't have come here so early." She huffed. "The moment auntie saw us, she pulled us here in the study and made us pack these gifts."

"Are we going with her?"

Max shrugged. "If we want to, but for sure, she'll ask us to go with her. It's the first time in so many years that she'll do this again. Since she couldn't do this in New York. Her friend Dr. Flores and her husband work in that hospital."

Anntonia nodded her head in understanding. Her mother-in-law has always been like that, or at least that's how she thinks of her. Always been firm but generous and loving to the people close to her.

"And I reckon they're invited to this full-blown Christmas dinner party that mum had sneakily organised?"

Rhian hummed, busy putting goodies inside a bag. "And I heard Melissa is also coming with them. Last I heard, she's already practising medicine just like her parents. How time flies, I remember when she and Michelle-" she said plainly, while her sister paused at what she was doing.

"Melissa? Who's that?" The artist asks curiously, cutting Rhian off.

It's by then that Rhian realised Anntonia doesn't know about the said girl and with the daggering looks coming from her sister that she could easily translate into "you are a dead meat." she stumbled on her words as to how to answer her cousin's partner.

"O-oh. I t-thought you k-knew about her." She gulped, and that got the artist's attention. "I t-thought Michelle told you everything." That's what she really thought, knowing how head-over-heels her favourite cousin is to the woman, she thought Michelle had told her everything, even the people in her past.

But wasn't that what couples usually do? Share about their past relationships and experiences? Even tell each other the things of the past? But she was wrong. Michelle obviously didn't tell Ann about her, not that it's important, but she just thought she did. Added to this, the couple met and got together when Michelle was already in New York, so it didn't really matter.

Turns out the more she blabbed, the more she's digging her and her cousin's graves deeper.

"Your mouth doesn't really have a brake, does it?"

"Who's Melissa?" She pressed on.

The woman looked at her sister and at her new brother-in-law for yet another help, just like she always does whenever she gets into trouble.

"Huh? I think.. I think auntie was calling me."

Max and her husband didn't know if they'll feel sorry for her or laugh at her current situation. She should be glad Michelle was busy talking to her mum's guests somewhere in the house or she's going to be in a lot more trouble.

"Nope. No one's calling you. Now, answer my question, Rhian. Who's Melissa?" The look on Anntonia's face was so scary that it made her gulp from her nervousness. It shouldn't be a big deal, should it?

"You're scarier than Michelle. I really thought she already told you about her since you guys keep nothing to each other."

Ann narrowed her eyes at her once again with an expectant look on her face.


"Look, if this is something that the two of you are gonna be fighting about, then let's not talk about it, yeah? And she's going to kill me, Ann."

The woman is slowly losing her patience for how long Rhian is dragging on this interrogation.

"I'm going to make sure that she will not kill you, I promise. I also swear that we will not fight about it."

Rhian sighed, giving in. "Melissa, was, you know.. Michelle's first love."

It shouldn't make her feel unsettled, well for one, Michelle is with her now and she's the lucky woman that she married. Years ago, they also had been divorced and had gotten back together just recently. But not knowing about this part of Michelle's life makes her feel bothered.

After a silent packing in the study, Rhian doesn't know how to make it all better. She knew she's not angry at her or at Michelle at all, but she guessed she might just have made her feel uncomfortable.

Meeting a woman who's interested in you was one thing, but meeting one's ex, the first love and first girlfriend at that, probably would make everything awkward at the dinner tonight.

"Ann, are you okay? You've gone quiet." Max inquired, looking at her worriedly.

"No, I'm fine. Just a bit tired from all the baking and cooking I did."

She wanted to massage her temples so badly. Was it meet-ladies-in-Michelle's life today? Because her daughter just met the woman who almost had the chance to become her step-mother if it worked out, in the supermarket and now her. She's about to meet the first woman who caught her ex-wife's heart.

"Thank you for baking extra for us to take home. You should teach me how to cook and bake soon. So I'd be ready for when we're going to have a baby and I wanted to be a good wife," Max said, winking at her husband.

That lessened the tension that Ann had felt since Rhian told her about Melissa. "I shouldn't be the one you're asking for cooking lessons. Michelle is a better cook than I am, you know?"

Max scoffed, "yeah, as if she has the time and patience to teach me how to cook. There's going to be chaos in the kitchen if we're in it together."

She laughed at Max's assessment. "You should ask her. She taught me how to cook in college and she was so patient teaching me."

Michelle's cousin rolled her eyes. "Of course she's patient with you, because you're her girlfriend and she could get into your pants after."

A gasp and a choking noise was heard in the room.


"Max!" Anntonia exclaimed, trying to hide the embarrassment and the blood rushing through her face.

Max was about to justify her crude statement, but Ann's in-law's cheering voice interrupted them. They were talking loudly, probably another guest that she invited.

She could also see Dani coming down slowly on the tall staircase. Not wanting to startle her and make her fall, she quietly walked to where her daughter was and helped her get down. Her daughter's face lit up when she saw her mum meeting her halfway.

"Hi mummy, do we open my pwesents now?" she asked excitedly, hooking her arm into her mother's neck as she picked her up.

"Not yet, buddy. Let's meet granny's friends first, and then dinner and then you, mama and I will open your presents, okay?" She suggested, giving her rosy cheeks a peck. Pulling her sweater down.

The child saw her mama, and she squirmed at her mummy's hold to get her down. "Wait, honey. Mum's gonna drop you." Ann said, carefully putting her heavy daughter down. "Love you. Don't run, please."

"You come wif me, mummy."

Her mum happily held her hand as they went to where Michelle was. "Mama!" Dani called out, getting everyone's attention.

Hearing her daughter's call, a wide smile already appeared on Michelle's lips. Opening her arms wide open while she waited for Dani to run into her arms and engulf her into a hug like they hadn't seen each other in such a long time. "Hello, buddy. Where are your friends?"

"Upstairs, in my playroom. Granny got me a new toy, I show you later, mama."

Her mama wanted to scoff and look at her mother because they really didn't listen to her when she asked them not to spoil their daughter very much. The granny averted her eyes from her daughter and granddaughter because Michelle wasn't supposed to know about that, that new toy was supposed to be shown to Dani only.

"Did she, now? Okay, mama will check out your new toy later. Are you having fun playing with granny's guests?"

"Since you and your wife are back together, are you going to give Dani a baby brother or baby sister?" One of Michelle's aunts commented and the couple just looked at each other. 

They haven't broached the subject yet. It didn't make them uncomfortable when people ask them if they plan on having another one after losing their baby boy. Ann was getting better about that too, the nightmares haven't been back ever since she and Michelle got back together and she's thankful for that. It helped that Michelle and Dani were always there because it made her not think about what happened in the past.

"I need to negotiate about that first, auntie." She winked at the adults while Ann rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, and Ann excused herself when Max asked for her help in the kitchen. "But we think this one is going to be the best big sister ever. Right, baby?" She asked, squishing her baby tightly.

"Mama, do you love me?"

Everyone in the room cooed.

"Why, of course, honey? Very, very much!"

"Are you angwy at Dani?"

She looks at her amusedly. "Nope, should mama be angry at you? Are you in trouble?" 

"Because my mummy gave me a kiss and a hug. Mama, you only give me a hug." Everyone around them is smiling.

"Oops, so sorry, baby. Here-" she gave her adorable daughter a hug and peppered her face with kisses, making Dani giggle. "Is that good?"

The five-year-old that looked exactly like Anntonia, shook her head. "No, mama."

Michelle furrowed her eyebrows but went along with her daughter's silly antics. "Oh, man.. Then what is mama supposed to do?" She leaned in close to her daughter's ear. "Do you want some chocolate and a cookie? But don't tell mum, hm?"

"Kenny's mama kisses her and says, "I wuv you, Kenny."

The mother couldn't say anything to that, so she gives her a hug and kisses like she asked. "I love you, Kenny!" She then says to tease her daughter.

"Dani, mama..." she corrects her mother, and Michelle was having a hard time stifling her laughter when she saw the familiar frown that she had seen many times on her girlfriend's face.

"Oh, sorry. I love you, Dani! Are we good now?"

"Kenny's mama, let her have a yummy snack before dinner."

"Really? Your friend told you that?" She smirked at her daughter. Dani got down from sitting at Michelle's lap and walked her way to the kitchen, she knew where to find her granny's sweet treats.

"Mum's in the kitchen!" Michelle called out, raising both of her eyebrows. The word 'mum' caused Dani to pause. Everyone in the room was grinning, fascinated by the mother and daughter's funny exchange.

"Uh-oh!" Dani said, putting a hand on her forehead. She slowly retracted her steps, turned around, and went back to Michelle's lap.  

Michelle chuckled at her daughter's silliness, knowing that Ann won't let her have any kind of dessert before a proper meal. "My sentiments exactly." She said to her daughter, making everyone in the lounge erupt with laughter.

The Flores' and Michelle's father arrived just as before the dinner started. Rhian was right, they came with the woman she was talking about. She was indeed a beautiful woman, Michelle's type if she may have a say on that. They're now seated in the main dining room, chatting while eating. Anntonia was sitting in between Michelle and Dani. She remained quiet for the rest of the dinner and so focused on feeding their daughter that she forgot to feed herself.

The three people she was talking to at the study early on, Rhian, Max and her husband, were looking at her warily. She wasn't engaging in any conversations with anyone. Only speaking when she's being asked about something by her in-laws. Michelle noticed it too, she looked at her cousin but she didn't get any answer.

Since Ann met the young doctor earlier, there was an uneasy feeling building inside her stomach and she felt nervous, as if something bad was going to happen. Not understanding what was wrong with her, Melissa greeted her politely and even complimented how beautiful their daughter looked.

She guessed it's normal, but it shouldn't be. It should be alright that she's around Michelle's ex-girlfriend considering they've broken up years and years ago. Hell, she even met more of Michelle's exes in Columbia when they just started dating. Those girls hated her, she remembered always getting nasty looks from them whenever she visited her girlfriend on their campus. She was really glad that she's from a different one.

"Baby, is something wrong? Are you alright?" Michelle whispered.

Her girlfriend gave her a forced smile. "Everything's fine, I'm alright." She turned to the other side and continued feeding Dani.

Just by looking in her eyes when she asked what was wrong, the short-haired woman already knew that something was bothering her girlfriend. But the problem was she could not think of anything, of what could possibly be that's been running into Anntonia's mind. She was just so cheerful at home and on their way here and she even got more excited to celebrate Christmas knowing that Max was here.

"Are you sure?" Michelle pried. "If it's about what happened at the groceries today, baby, I swear I didn't know."

"No, no. It's not about that, honey. It's fine, I'm okay. I think I'm just tired."

It's scaring Michelle, her lover being like this. She's dreading the death anniversary of their son and she didn't want to see Ann be back into having nightmares again. She tugged at one of Ann's hands, entwining their fingers together, and kissed the back of her hand. "You'll tell me if something's bothering you, right?"

She leaned in and kissed Michelle's cheek. "I'm really fine." When she gazed into Michelle's eyes, all she could see was a pair of browns full of love and concern.

It didn't look like Michelle believed her in her lie one bit. Knowing her fully well, "I love you."

"Love you too."

"Mum, use forks?" Dani asks on Ann's side, breaking their staring contest.

"You'll learn soon, honey."

"Okay, mummy. Old man, you want this?" The child asked her grandfather, who's sitting beside her.

They're back in the living room after their sumptuous dinner. Dani was sitting quietly on the carpeted floor, busy watching something on her iPad, because her playmates had already gone home and Michelle didn't want her to play alone upstairs.

Her father had brought expensive bottles of wine and they started to drink. Max took one bottle for her and Ann as they chatted on the couch, while the older ladies were in the family room, talking about something that they wouldn't relate to.

She's actually not planning on drinking tonight, but if it's going to help her at least calm down, then maybe a glass or two would be fine. Michelle didn't want to let her go, reluctant to leave her side, because she's still worried that she's not really alright. But from the glare her cousin gave her for being a buzzkill, she let Ann enjoy her night catching up with the newly married couple.

While she and Melissa stood side by side with Melissa's other siblings, also catching up with each other.

"I think your wife doesn't like me very much." Melissa surmised, when there's just the two of them. "Did you tell her?"

"Uh, no? Why do you think she doesn't like you?"

"I was trying to start a conversation with her a while ago, but she seemed to not want to talk to me. Maybe someone has told her about our history together and she's not comfortable about it. I'm sorry."

Michelle turned her gaze to where Ann and Max were chatting. That's probably why she was so quiet at the dinner table. "I'll talk to her about it later."


I couldn't stop looking at them. I think I'm going crazy checking Michelle and Melissa talking to each other. They weren't that far from us, but still.

"Here's your drink, Ann. So, how are things at home? Moving in with them again?"

An automatic smile appeared on my face. "Fantastic. Loving every second of it. I always look forward to her coming home to us, since she's the one who leaves and goes to the office while I can just paint my projects in the studio at home. It's like we're in a honeymoon phase but this time with a tiny human being."

We both giggled and Dani looked up when she heard us laughing, but brought her attention back to the tablet she's holding. "I'm glad that you guys are living on one roof again. That was like one of my many wishes for you guys to get back together because I know for a fact that you're meant to be."

"Thank you, Max, for not losing faith in us."

"I heard they were asking if you guys are planning for baby number two, well technically baby number three; and are you?"

"No. Not yet. But we both want one or two more. It has always been our dream to have a huge family, because the two of us didn't experience having siblings. Maybe when we get back to New York, who knows? But right now, her and Dani are my only babies."

Max snorted, "yeah, Michelle is a big baby." We were both laughing when I felt the cushion dipped beside me and an arm looped in my midsection.

"What are you ladies laughing at?"

"That you and Dani are my babies and Max said you're a big baby." I chuckled.

"I'm fine with that." She replied, kissing me on the temple. "Sorry I didn't tell you about Melissa and I. It was something from the past and it was so long ago. Mum didn't tell me they were coming with her."

"It's okay, baby. Don't worry about it."

"What are we talking about?" Rhian chimed in, out of nowhere. Her, my father-in-law, and my dad were standing in front of us.

"Melissa, and I'm guessing you're the one who blabbed about it?"

"Oh, you didn't get in trouble. Did you tell them about that time you and Melissa got married?"

Michelle tensed beside me, and Max almost choked on her drink. The air was knocked out of me after hearing that. My chest was back to feeling the heaviness it felt when I found out about their history together. Was this the reason it felt like something bad was going to happen earlier? Am I going to find out that I've been deceived? Michelle was looking shocked as I am. Her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Married?" I rasped, feeling a lump in my throat.

The look of panic in Michelle's eyes when she saw the look of hurt all over my face. She shook her head no, gaping at me like a fish out of water. I was ready to stand up and get out of here because I didn't want to cry in front of everyone, especially in front of Michelle's family.

"No! Baby, Melissa and I didn't get married." She glared at Rhian. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

Rhian must have noticed that we're not joking anymore, that the conversation she just started just turned serious. I'm trying with all my might not to hyperventilate and burst into tears or get angry and start a fight with Michelle right here at this moment.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry, Ann. I meant when we were young, the three of us were childhood friends. We were like ten years old at that time before she and auntie migrated to the States. I was the one who 'officiated' the wedding, but not what you're thinking right now. You're the only woman she really proposed to and got married to. You're her only wife, I'm sorry for confusing you."

I have never seen Rhian explain as fast and as briefly as she could until now. If this is a prank, I'd say it's one of the worst ones out there and one I have ever done to me. Rhian was looking like she was sorry about what had just happened. Her face paled when she saw the flare of anger in Michelle's eyes.

It's one thing that she hated the most. For my part, although it happened, and they were so young back then, I'm so relieved that it wasn't an actual wedding and an actual marriage. Because that would totally cause havoc between her and I. I know she was trying not to make a scene and lash out at her cousin's silliness and thoughtlessness and that she didn't want Dani to witness her tirade but the redness of her face and the way she clenched her jaw are the sign that she didn't find it funny.

"I'm really sorry, Ann."

"Don't scare me like that again, because I'm not sure if I could still save you from this one. God, that terrified me." Michelle remained quiet, her hand gripping mine, and they felt cold.

"Hey, it's okay, baby."

She rested her head at the backrest of the couch. "Should we open presents now?" I asked everyone to lighten the mood, and they all nodded their heads. Dani's attention perked up when she heard my question. Abandoning her iPad on the floor.

Michelle's mood turned more dour as she stared at the presents that our daughter had  received. We're both grateful that they love our daughter, but some of these presents, if it's not overly expensive like Max's, the shopaholic that she is, she bought Dani different clothes from different expensive brands.

My parents have got her a massive custom made dollhouse. I'm pretty sure Dani could fit inside it.

My father-in-law and Rhian's gifts, however, were heavy and huge. They both, coincidentally, got her power wheels; one looked like Michelle's Maserati courtesy of Michelle's dad and Rhian got her a Range Rover one just like my car.

"Where the hell are we going to park them at home now?" Michelle gritted out. "These things are already giving me headaches just by looking at them. How are we supposed to take them home?"

And the last one, God, the last one. From none other than Dani's granny, Melanie. It's actually alive and breathing and out of all the presents she got, this one has got Dani's full attention. She couldn't be bothered about the trucks and doll houses.

"If that dies.."

Finally, after giving her a bath and a few more minutes to watch her pet, Dani falls asleep in her bed. While Michelle stayed downstairs in the study, doing something work related. I already showered and changed into a pair of silk pyjamas when I followed where she was.

The door of the study is open and I can see her inside typing something on her computer with a serious look on her face. Black rimmed reading glasses on her eyes, which she always gets shy when I see her wearing it. Thinking she looks more like a dork than the lady boss of a multi-billion company that she is.

"Knock, knock! I came bearing disturbance." I say, standing in by the door.

She looks up and smiles at me, taking her glasses off. "Hi. Dani's sleeping?"

"Like a log. Tired from playing the entire night being the life of the party." We both giggle. "How about you, baby? Aren't you tired?" I inquired, leaning at the side of her desk. 

Michelle takes a hold of my hand and pulls me in to sit down and straddle her lap. She rested her head on my shoulder, breathing in and out heavily. "Are you sniffing me? And how do we like Dani's presents this year?"

Feeling her moist lips kissing me on my neck. Then she tilted my head to fuse our lips together for a kiss. It lasted for a few seconds until we needed the time to breathe for air. She kissed my jaw until her kisses went lower, reaching at my collarbones. Nipping and licking. Hands found their way inside my shirt, feeling the underside of my breasts.

"You smell so good. I don't like mum's gift, to be honest. It's cute and it won't hurt Dani for sure, but I'm scared that it's our daughter who's going to stress the pet out and it will die. She isn't that responsible yet, heck, have you seen the way she takes care of her baby doll, baby? What more is she going to do with a pet fish?"

I let out a sigh, because it's true. Her granny has given her a pet fish in a bowl. "It's too late to take the fish away from her now. She's going to look for it and unless you're ready for a huge meltdown."

"I mean, as if I wasn't clear enough when I told them she couldn't have any pets yet. Who the hell gives a pet fish as a present on Christmas Day?" I massaged her temples and she closed her eyes at the feel.

"Well, I don't know about you, baby, but I'd rather take the fish than a puppy or a kitten for now. At least we don't need to walk the fish and clean up when it poops. She can have them when she's old enough; but we have to let this one slide, okay? Let her have it. Have you seen how happy she looked when she saw the goldfish swimming around the fishbowl?"

"Yeah, she downright ignored everyone's present for her. How about you? Did you like my present?"

My hand automatically reached for the pendant on my resting plainly in my chest. "Like? I love it very much, baby. At least, when I go away for work, I still carry you. Thank you so much for this. We both sneaked out, although we already had a deal about not buying gifts for each other, or at least not the expensive ones."

She turned silent, thinking about something. "I'm sorry about earlier. About Rhian and Melissa, it was a long time ago, and we were such kids back then. I had such a huge crush on her and whenever we played together, I always wanted her attention. Until that idea came into my mind, it was stupid. Rhian insisted that she should be the one, but she couldn't do anything about it. Melissa and I dated in middle school until mum and I had to leave for the U.S."

"And you didn't stay in touch?"

She shakes her head. "I was in a dark place then. You know, my parents' divorce. She also didn't reach out to me and that's totally understandable because it's just puppy love, nothing more. You're the one for me and I'm happy that it's you. Couldn't imagine myself getting married and being married to anyone but you."

"I will not find out to Rhian that you have a secret child from the past, am I?" I quipped, staring directly into her tired eyes.

"Well, there's this kid.." she grimaced playfully.

I scoffed and stood up from her lap. "You're unbelievable."

She barked out a laugh. "I'm kidding, of course, I don't have a secret child or anything like that. Just my little girl and her baby brother. You don't have to worry about that, but.. We can, you know? If you want. We can try for another one."

I smiled at her. "Soon, baby. We'll try soon. I'm not opposed to it. Dani's growing up and I'd love her to experience how to become a big sister. But for now, Ms Dee, it's late and you look so sleepy. "Work can wait." I said, brushing my lips on her pink ones, caressing her cheeks.

Ever since we moved in together, I always found her down here, working. Refusing to stop her work. So it's now my job to stop her from working at ungodly hours, then she wakes up early the next day.

"Is that a promise?"

"That I'll sleep on the bed with you? Yes, baby, it's a promise."

She looked down at her lap shyly. "No, the other one. About us trying for another baby."

Cupping her cheeks and asking her to look at me. "I promise. If my body wills it, I'll give you one or two more, I promise." Her eyes lit up at the thought of expanding our family.

"Okay," she breathed excitedly. The tiredness in her eyes dissipated. "Also, can we, you know.." she trailed off.

I rolled my eyes. "You can say have sex or make love, baby, we're both adults."

"Can we?" she asks, licking her lips.

"Right now?" I rasped, seeing how fast her eyes could turn darker.

"Uh-huh. Practise making baby number three, and four, and five and six.." she playfully whispered in my ear. "Well, through IVF, but you get what I'm saying." She grinned.

I moaned when I felt her body pressing into me. "Here?" My hand found its way down to her trousers, unbuttoning it. Michelle bit her lower lip when I started massaging her folds up and down.

"So wet for me, baby." 

There was a pause. Her eyes bore into mine as her eyes darkened, and I know that look on her face all too well. She stood up hastily and kissed me hungrily. "Bed."


Holidays are done, and everyone will get back to school and work. Our family celebrated the new years intimately. With just our family, unlike the one we had on Christmas day where mum invited everyone she could to make the celebration merrier. Dani's pet fish is still alive, and she's actually very good at taking care of it, of course, with the supervision of her mummy and I, especially when it's time to feed it and change the water in its bowl.

She had a huge meltdown for the first time when it was time for her to go back to school. We know the reason why she didn't want to go is that she wanted to stay with her fish.

"My fish is going to be so sad at home, mama. Can I stay wif it please?" She pleaded, crying inside the car on our way to the school.

"You're going to see your fish when you get home later, you have to be at school, honey. Aren't you excited about seeing your friends again? It's going to be fun."

That only made her cry harder. "No! I want to go home! I don't like school." I looked over at Ann, asking for help to calm Dani down without verbally saying it.


She spoke with firmness in her voice. Just by hearing her mummy's hard tone, and being called with her middle name, Dani stopped from wailing and squirming in her seat. "Alright, do you want to go home but mum will not let you play with the fish or mama and I will take you to school and then, when we pick you up, we can go to the shop and get another one so your fishy will have a playmate? You pick."

The child remained silent, processing Ann's proposition with her. She was sniffling, wiping the silent tears that were still falling on her cheeks with her little hands. "We buy another one, mummy?" She repeated her mother's proposition, they were looking at each other in the rearview mirror. "If I go to school, read, write and sing? Then we buy a new fishy?"

I'd like to laugh at their exchange. It was too adorable because she was really thinking it through. "Don't laugh, baby." Ann gritted out. "So, what do you say, Dani? Mama can turn here and we can go back home.."

Dani looked at the mirror again, this time catching me looking at her. I smiled and winked at her before focusing back on the road.

"Go to school." She hiccuped.

"Thank you, sweetie. I love you."

"I wuv you too, mummy." 

After dropping Dani off at school and Ann at the Gallery, I drove straight to the office. Already feeling that I will be swamped with work today. Audrey had already emailed me my schedule for today, noting that my last meeting would be with Miss Hastings.

I was actually expecting to have a meeting with her. Because I would like for us to talk and so I could tell her that Ann and I are back together. It's only fair for her to know and also for Ann because before she followed us to Paris, she made sure that she was a free woman, and although Heather and I's relationship didn't blossom into something deeper.

Hoping that this won't cause any awkwardness between us with work and our friendship, because she really is a good person and one should feel lucky to have her. It's just I already found my person and we're actually making this second chance work.

It's already two-fifteen, Miss Hastings and I were in the same restaurant across the office. We went straight into talking about business just as we sat down. This year is going to be busy, as we expand the business. Building another headquarters, proposing a deal with our new prospective client and turning over all the work back to my dad before I go back to New York soon.

"Can I join when the team is meeting the new client? I want to see it for myself." Heather requested.

Taking a sip of my tea. "For sure, I'll ask Audrey to send you the schedule, because I'm not sure about the exact date for that."

She smiled, "that's okay. I'd like to be more involved, seeing how hard these teams that you've created work, including you. I didn't want you to think that, I'm all meetings and signatures and stuff but don't have any knowledge of running a tech company."

"I wouldn't think that about you."

She cleared her throat. "So, what do you think about me, then?" she asked, looking at me expectantly.

"That you're a good colleague and that you're a smart person."

Nodding her head.. "Do I make the cut?" I raised both of my eyebrows at her, confused about what she's referring to.

"Your type. The women you like, do I make the cut? Enough for me to ask you to go on a proper date with me?"

I took a deep breath before I answered her question. "You are a wonderful person, Heather, in and out. To be honest, when I first met you, I was going through something. My ex-wife followed us here and after her tour to be with our daughter. It's hard when I see her every day and I couldn't stop missing her."

"I'll go straight to the point, Miss Hastings. Being with her, seeing her back, watching her be there with our daughter, I realised that my feelings for her didn't really go away. I didn't look for someone else to replace her when I met you and you were so vocal about your interest in me. I swear, I thought about it. I considered giving in about going out with you to see if it would help me get over her."

"But you changed your mind because you couldn't do it."

"No, because she still loves me. I've been trying to win her back, but she couldn't be with me because she was with someone else and she followed us in Paris, confessing that she's still in love with me and she wanted for us to try again." I explained, feeling a tug in my chest as love blossomed from it, just by remembering how Anntonia looked that day.

There's a sadness in Heather's eyes, she probably figured out where this is going. "Had she not followed you to Paris, would you have gone on a date with me? Do you think it would have worked out between us?"

"I might have. Because you are beautiful and interestingly fun. But deep inside, I know she's the only woman I have ever loved. I've never tried it with another person after her, and what if I'd only make you a rebound? She knows about you. I told her about you and she almost let me take a chance with you." I shook my head.

"But the thought of letting her go again, when she's already there standing in front of me, ready to have a second chance with me, how could I let that opportunity slip out of my hands again? There were two of us in that divorce, she gave up and I didn't fight for us enough. I just accepted it, thinking that it's going to make her happy."

She looked down. "I'm sorry, Heather, but my heart really belongs to her, and I think I'd go crazy if I lose her one more time. I almost did, both literally and figuratively, and I don't want to waste my time not spending it with her and our family. I'm sorry if I lead you on, but I couldn't be anything further than being friends with you."

She was quiet for a minute while I waited for her response. It felt good, now that I told her about Anntonia and I. "I understand. Honestly, I kind of figured it out. If you were really interested in me, you would have said yes to me the first time I asked you out. Then, gossip around the company circulated about you and your wife. Paris and the last time I saw you with your daughter. I thought I was just overthinking that, but I got the hint that you were with her. I just thought I'd try."

"Thank you for understanding. I hope I didn't make this awkward and weird for you."

"No. Not all. Does this mean no more having a meeting out of the office for us?"

"I believe so, yes."

After a few more minutes of chatting, Miss Hastings and I went back to continue our meeting in my office. Max and Rhian were inside, talking to Audrey with their phones in hand.

"Where the hell have you been?!"

"Hello to you too." She glowered at me when she saw who was standing behind me.

Rhian was shaking her head. "Michelle,"

"What's wrong? I was in a meeting."

Rhian frowned. "Meeting? Our meeting is supposed to be here with Miss Hastings."

"And you couldn't answer your phone? You couldn't even check it?"

"My phone's on silent. What is going on?"

"Seriously? Was it really a meeting?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Hastings, but since when did you start going out on a meeting with my cousin? Aren't your meetings supposed to be happening here with everyone present?" Max fumed at Heather.

I frowned at her implication. And before I could stop her, she continued talking. "Your wife has been calling you many times, Michelle. She called your office, but your secretary told her you're out with Heather. She couldn't get a hold of you, so she asked Rhian and I to come here and get you because your daughter has been in an accident and they both need you."

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