
By Candidly33

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Nico Marino is a wealthy CEO of a technology company. Though he attempts to keep his life private he finds th... More



140 10 22
By Candidly33

⚔️*Nico Marino*⚔️

My time in Seattle would be cut short. A money problem had arisen. Matteo needs me in Los Angeles. I'm my brother's keeper so I'll be on the first flight tomorrow morning.

That means, I have one day to see my girl. I like how that sounds, my girl. I'm not sure if it's infatuation, love or lust. Either way she's mine. I have the perfect excuse to go back to Johnston University.

The program coordinator gave me her business card. She seemed more than excited about us potentially spending time together. I looked through my suitcase in an attempt to find her number. A wave of relief washed over me as I realized I hadn't thrown the card away.

"Ms. Smith, it's Nico Marino. I wanted to discuss a few other scholarships. Are you available today?" 

" Of course." she agreed. "You can come whenever you like. I'll be available for you all day. Maybe after we can get lunch. I'd love to show you around."

"I'll be there in an hour." I texted Camillo to pull the car around.

When I walked into the office all small talk ceased. It didn't bother me. I've grown accustomed to it whether it be business or pleasure. In our culture it's a sign of respect to be silent when the most important person enters the room.

I sat in a black chair across from Ms. Smith. "Mr. Marino, I'm elated that you came back today." Her non-stop smiling annoyed me.

"I'm willing to make another donation to the college." I pulled out my check book. "Will two million dollars suffice?"

"Oh Mr. Marino, that would be amazing." The other women in the office turned to look as she gasped.

"One more thing, do you have information about the student that pepper sprayed me? Does she stay on campus?" She realized I wasn't there for her. 

"Mr. Marino, we can't give out student information. It's against federal  laws and regulations." She replied. 

"Two million dollars says you can. I just want to apologize for startling her. How about I throw in $25,000 just for you?" She looked at me then started typing on her computer.

"Rose Richter, she stays in Blue Ridge, the on-campus apartments. She'll be on the third floor in apartment 308. This has to stay between us."

"Don't worry it will, but you should be ashamed of yourself." I placed both checks in Ms. Smith's hand. A part of me was disappointed that she would potentially risk a student's safety for money. Life has taught me that everyone has a price and most people drop their morals when money is involved.

A map posted outside the admissions office was my guide. 

Washington has the worst fucking weather. My thousand dollar shoes weren't meant to wade through water. 

The people that built these apartments must have been morons. The building layout makes no sense. I eventually found her apartment.

All hell would break loose if this didn't work but I feel like she's worth it. I covered her peephole with my finger then knocked. You can't fight fate. 

*Sapphire Richter*💜

I almost felt bad about pepper spraying Mr. Marino, but I was scared. My dad has made me paranoid. The mandatory self defense classes I had to take before coming here didn't make it any better. I'm on high alert every time I step outside.

An hour long conversation with my mom let me know it wasn't my fault. I should do what I need to in order to protect myself. She added that if I see Nico Marino again I should apologize. Which I don't plan on, but my mom gives the best advice. I hope that was my first and last time seeing him.

I reviewed my upcoming class schedule. I had a week of freedom left then I'll be back to focusing and studying nonstop. I must maintain a 4.0.

Once again a loud bang went across my door. "Carmen, you're too loud!" Her banging started to irk me.

I opened the front door then immediately slammed it. "What the hell are you doing here and how the fuck do you know where I stay?" I yelled through the door.

"What would your dad think if he heard your filthy mouth?" His snide remark made my blood boil.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I couldn't give myself away.

"Give it up Sapphire. I'm not easily duped. I know you're lying. Telling these imbeciles your name is Rose. Pretending like you're nobody."

"Go away unless you want me to call my dad. Trust me you don't want that." I wanted to scare him. 

"Do it and I'll have posters of you and your super rich dad plastered over the campus."

This asshole would not give up. I didn't want to open the door. I also didn't want everyone to know who I really was.

"Just open the door." He spoke softly.

"Okay, give me a second." I scrambled through my apartment, tucking my taser in one pocket and a knife in the other.

"I'm going to count to three." His voice was stern like I was someone he could boss around. I pulled the door open. His shadow engulfed mine. I felt small. 

I stood in front of my apartment door. "Look, please don't tell them who I am. This is the first time people have ever liked me, for me. Not because they think I have something to offer." I tried to reason with him.

"I'll keep your identity a secret. If we can make a deal." I looked into his eyes, noticing how the emerald green danced around in the sunlight then faded when a cloud passed overhead.

"What kind of deal? I can't get you any money from my dad." I crossed my arms ready to go back inside my apartment.

"I'm not a peasant. I don't want your dad's money. I want something far more valuable. I want you."

His statement shocked me. "No, thanks." I wasn't interested in dating anyone, especially not someone threatening to ruin my life.

"Any answer other than yes breaks our agreement." He put his hand on the door leaning into my space. The smell of his cologne lingered as he stepped back. 

"Why? You don't even know me." My skin got hot as he stared into my eyes, not letting up. My breath shortened and my mouth felt dry. 

"There's something about you. I can't let go and I refuse to take no for an answer." 

"One date. Then you'll leave me alone and go threaten other people." He finally broke his gaze and my body relaxed.

"We'll see. I'm leaving Seattle in the morning. I'll be back for you next Saturday. Be ready." He twirled my hair around his finger then let it go. "Seven o'clock, Ms. Richter." He walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

Does he think I'm available at his beck and call?

He turned around before completely descending. "And use the peephole. I could've been anyone."

"Thanks, it means so much coming from a stalker." I rolled my eyes, stepping back into my apartment.

I paced back and forth thinking of a solution that would benefit me. The first and best option is also the worst option. If I call my dad, my time here is over. He'd make me come back and attend a university close to home. I'd go back to being chauffeured and smothered by bodyguards. On the other hand, this overgrown bully wouldn't bother me again.

I laid on my bed and groaned. "Why?" Maybe I should've chosen a college in Alaska. People in Alaska probably mind their business.

My resolution was to go on the date, make sure he had the worst time imaginable then he'll be out of my hair. It shouldn't be that hard. He looks prim and proper. I pulled out a night shirt and cut a few holes in it and ripped a pair of jeans. I'll buy a pair of shower shoes from a dollar store. The perfect outfit for a horrible date. Hopefully he ends the date before it starts.  

A soft knock went across my door. My night was interrupted again. I made sure to look out the peephole. It was Ms. Smith.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Smith?" A worried look cascaded down her face as she looked over my shoulder.

"I just wanted to check on you. I know yesterday was traumatic. Has Mr. Marino stopped by?" The emotions on her face gave way to exactly what she needed me to say.

"No, he hasn't. I didn't give him my address. Unless he's a stalker." Which he is. "I should be fine."

"Great, have a good night Rose."

It was obvious that she had given Nico my information. It feels like the walls are caving in around me. Last year was so peaceful. Now, I've only been here two days and it's a nightmare.

I blame Carmen. If she wouldn't have signed me up to take pictures, I would've never crossed paths with this pompous jerk. I would be relaxing, watching my favorite comfort shows. Instead, I'm being harassed.  

My night ended with a pounding stress migraine. I had a week to figure out how I could deal with Nico Marino without ruining my own life in the process. 

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