بواسطة serene_fictionist

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Raelynn Baker A woman who escaped the viciously blinding nights of forced prostitution. Snatched from the emb... المزيد

Author's Note
Meet the leads!!!
Prologue - HIM
Prologue - HER
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 28

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بواسطة serene_fictionist

220+ Votes!


"I don't appreciate a guest meddling in my family matters.", Vincent said sternly, looking at me.

I felt a sharp sting at his words and stood frozen for a moment, too flabbergasted to speak.

"Vince, what are-", Theodore intervened, but paused when his brother raised his palm slightly, gesturing to him to stop.

As the initial shock wore down, anger took over, burning my insides in fury.

"I don't meddle in anyone's matters until unless they drag me into it.", I replied in a low yet sharp tone.

Before he could speak up, I beat him to it.

"Your father has crossed the line of basic respect and I gave him a reply befitting his uncultured self.", I stated sternly, looking Vincent in the eyes.

"You're disrespecting my father, Raelynn.", Vincent spoke in a calm yet extremely cold tone, the warning in his voice evident.

"I don't respect anyone who insults my character and undermines my self respect. Whoever that may be.", I said in an equally cold tone, my gaze sharp.

Vincent and I looked into each other's eyes sharply, forcing the other to back down, while none of us was ready to waver even a blink.

I could feel the growing tension in the room as thick silence engulfed us while everyone else went utterly quiet.

"Look at her attitude standing in our mansion. It's you who has given her this leniency and-", their father started in a contemptuous voice, but I cut him off.

"No one has given me anything. Unlike you, I have earnt everything on my own, be it respect, status or attitude.", I stated confidently, an underlying contempt lacing my tone, my gaze moving to the infuriating old man.

Looking back at Vincent, I started speaking, cutting his father off even before he could start.

"I'm sure your reaction would be quite different if you knew what your father just did. He sla-", I started, but halted when my gaze met Ace's who shook his head slightly, signaling me not to say it.

I was confused at the twins' requesting gaze, but paused nonetheless.

"The audacity of a classless woman to speak to us in this way in our own house. Isn't it your fault? What else would give her the impression that she -", the old man went on, but I intervened.

"Your house or not, what gave you the impression that I will let a dumb old geezer trash talk to me?", I commented in a calm yet contemptuous tone.

"Watch your words, Raelynn.", Vincent intervened in a sharp tone.

"Watch your tone, Vincent.", I retorted coldly, looking at him with a stoic face and extremely raging eyes.

He took a threatening step towards me and I took a challenging step towards him, both of us blatantly provoking each other.

"Just because I respect you doesn't imply I'll accept you humiliating my father.", he spoke in a dangerously calm voice, looking me in the eyes sharply.

"And just because I respect you doesn't imply I'll accept your father humiliating me.", I replied tautly, matching his gaze.

Without waiting for it to escalate further, I averted my gaze, held Ace's hand and walked out, dragging him along.

When I was walking past him, I paused for a moment, looking up at him sideways.

"Your father should be grateful I went easy on him.", I stated tersely and walked out, turning away.

Ashton followed behind me and Ace silently, neither of them speaking anything.

Leading Ace to the gym, I left his hand and brought an ice pack from the gym supplies they had shown me a week ago.

Handing him the ice pack, I gestured to him to sit on the chair and put it on his faintly bruising jaw.

Foolish old man!

I am on the verge of exploding in fury, remembering the words of the old man, the way he slapped his own son and the way Vincent defended him.

Not intending to burst out in front of the kids, I turned around to walk away, but halted when I felt a gentle hold on my wrist.

Slightly turning, I found Ace holding my wrist, his eyes cast down as disappointment loomed over his countenance.

"The last time something like this happened, there was a huge fight between Vince and dad. Dad said a lot of hurtful stuff about Vince and just like always Vince fought for us, but when it came to him, he let it slide.", Ace said calmly, resentment clear in his tone.

Hearing it only made me increasingly furious.

But, curbing the anger, I gently retracted my hand from his hold and turned to him completely and he looked up at me, still sitting on the chair.

"I don't know what kind of hurtful things your father says, but as far as I know your brother, I think he would be more hurt if you hide something so serious from him than at your father's words. You know that better than me.", I said as calmly as possible.

He averted his gaze and I stepped back.

They know how to approach their brother better than me and Vincent himself called me an outsider, so I will not stoop low and stay here any longer.

Turning away from the twins, I walked out as they did not speak further.

Walking to the room I had been staying in, I picked my laptop bag, phone and tote and walked out, ready to leave.

Climbing down the staircase, I walked past the closed living room, while muffled sounds of arguments could be heard from inside.

Ignoring it, I found Cavin standing a little away from the living room, scrolling through his phone.

"Cavin", I called calmly, reaching him.

He looked at me, startled, and put his phone in his packet, facing me.

"Yes, mam?", he replied respectfully.

"Can you drop me outside the estate.", I asked politely.

He frowned faintly, confused.

"Now?", he asked, taken aback.

"Yes.", I replied curtly.

"But, mam, boss would not -", he trailed off, his gaze shifting towards the noisy living room.

Fisting the bag handle tightly in irritation, I took in a subtle deep breath to maintain my calm.

I know Vincent does not want his own men seeing me in this mansion except Cavin and that's exactly why I'm bothering to ask for a lift.

"Either you drop me out of this estate or I will walk out right through those gates.", I said in a taut tone, my countenance firm.

Looking at me and the living room in uncertainty, Cavin finally nodded hesitantly.

Nodding curtly, I was going to follow him to the garage, but stopped for a moment and so did he.

Placing my laptop bag on the nearby stand, I pulled out a cheque book and plucked out a blank cheque after signing on it.

Walking to the living room, I barged in, abruptly silencing the arguments and walked straight to Riccardo Marino, their father, who was sitting on the couch while Vincent and Theodore were sitting adjacent to him on the other sofa.

I dropped the signed blank cheque on the coffee table, right in front of Riccardo Marino.

"I do a lot of charities and I'm offering you this to fund your growth as a human.", I said calmly, an evident sneer underlying my tone.

He looked at me, stunned, too shocked to speak.

Not casting a glance at others, I turned and walked out, closing the door respectfully.

Cavin was standing right at the door and he was looking at me wide-eyed, astonished.

"I'm getting late.", I stated, breaking him out of his daze.

Clearing his throat, he nodded awkwardly.

Getting into his car inside the garage, he drove me out of the estate and to a hotel near to my house.

All through the drive, my nerves were trembling with immense anger.

As soon as it was time to get off, I collected my things and was getting out when Cavin spoke up for the first time after the long silent drive.

"Mam", he called, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

I stopped, waiting for him to continue.

"Boss's father is a dangerous man.", he said calmly.

I understood that he was warning me to think over my actions.

"Thank you for the ride and the advice.", I thanked politely, getting out of the car and closing the door.

I don't care if he's dangerous.

I had once been tormented my those mafia bast**ds. I will not let one humiliate me again.

Still feeling angry, I sat inside the cafe until time passed by and it was finally dark outside.

I don't think it's necessary to sneak into my house since Vincent told me there were no stalkers near my house in the past few days, but I cannot afford to be careless.

Sitting by myself cooled me down slightly, but I am still feeling restless and frustrated.

As soon as I entered my house, I frowned at how foreign I felt after just two weeks.

Freshening up and having light dinner, I worked for some time to divert my mind from the strange restlessness that has enveloped me whole since the moment I argued with a certain gray eyed man.

I am furious at how he talked to me, but why do I also feel frustrated about it?

Deciding to sleep to rest my overheating mind and anger, I laid down on my bed.

I tossed and turned around for hours, but sleep was far away.

As hard as I tried, the memory of his angry eyes, his words and him in general refused to leave my mind.


How dare he?

Getting out of the bed, I roamed around in the room aimlessly, unable to calm down and unable to curse at him either.

He is wrong.

He supported his father even when it wasn't my mistake to begin with.

I should be angry.

I am.

I should be cursing him relentlessly.

I am unable to.


It's a few minutes past 3 in the midnight and I'm wandering around like a ghost over something that's no where my fault.

Lost in my thoughts, I slightly bumped into the curtained sliding door that leads to the balcony.

When the curtain slightly moved ajar, my sight fell on a figure, sitting in the rubbles of the recently demolished building right across mine.

Startled, I moved the curtain a little more to get a proper view and when I realized the all too familiar gray eyed man, I gasped in shock.

What's he doing here?

Why's he sitting over there?

Is he going to sneak in?

What's he waiting for?

Closing the curtain, I turned around and rushed out of the room, across the floor, down the staircase, to the main door and touched the knob to unlock and open it, but froze abruptly when his words echoed in my head loud and clear.

"I don't appreciate a guest meddling in my family matters."

Clenching my jaw, I retracted my hand and moved away from the door.

He called me a stranger, so why should I care about why he's here!

Pursing my lips, I sat on the couch in the darkness, fiddling with my phone as my thoughts constantly wavered.

What's the meaning of coming here?

I'm sure he just came for some other reason.

Maybe he left.

Pondering over the possibility, I got off the couch and walked up to the terrace of my villa, so as to avoid being caught peeping through the curtain.

As soon as I reached the terrace, I walked to the thick railing and looked down to where he was previously.

Surprisingly, he was still there.

Dressed in a gray shirt and blank pants, with his face covered by a mask and hair brushed in a random way, he sat on the huge broken pieces of walls and rocks of the demolished building, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

I stood there staring at him for a while until he moved his head a little and I immediately ducked down to the level of the railing, not wanting him to know I was there.

Why's he here anyway?

Slowly raising my head a little, I peeked at him.

Feeling a strange relief flooding my nerves, I sat down on the floor, leaning against the railing.

I am still furious. I can feel it in my nerves.

Why then do I not resent and curse him?

I don't understand his actions and I don't understand my own responses.

My heart's been racing this whole time since I saw him through the curtains and yet an oddly familiar sense of assurance engulfed me.

Despite the uncertainty and doubts, anger and restlessness, I sat there, leaning against the railing, as a cool breeze caressing my face and the thought of his presence just a call away slowly and strangely lulled me into a peaceful sleep.


(From a few hours ago)

Leaning against the railing on the terrace of my mansion and hands freely folded over my chest, I stared into the dark sky while the clock struck at 12 in the night.

After long arguments with my father and Theo, I feel tired and my head's aching terribly.

However, I don't understand this restlessness I'm feeling.


I know what happened today and the reason she disrespected my father was not her fault.

I know my father must have provoked her to make her livid, but that doesn't allow me to let her humiliate him.

It's my responsibility to defend my father and I did exactly that.

Why then do I feel restless?

Is it because I know she wasn't wrong?

Even then, it is my responsibility to preserve my father's respect and this is not the first time I defended him even after knowing it's his fault.

But, I've never felt this frustrated before.

Irritated at the growing sense of unease and emptiness within, I walked out of the terrace and drove out alone to the one place that can calm me down anytime.

After driving for a few minutes, I parked the car and walked calmly through the lush green grass, towards a grave.


My mother's grave.

Sitting in front of the white stone that's been etched with her name, I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath to relax my nerves.

With each passing second, I only felt the agitation grow.

Opening my eyes, I looked at my mother's grave with my brows furrowing slightly.

I'm not wrong.

I only upheld my responsibility as a son, just as I promised my mother.

There's no reason for me to be pondering over this and getting agitated.

But her hurt and angry amber eyes keep flashing in my brain.

Why am I feeling irritated that she left the mansion?

I knew the moment I said those words that she'd not stay for one more second, I know how much she values her respect, I knew it and expected it too.

Despite knowing everything, I .........

I realized sitting there was not helping me for the first time, which in turn agitated me further.

Walking away from there, I subconsciously drove to the spot I park my car whenever I sneak her in and out of her house.

After putting a mask on to conceal my face, I walked around casually to the site of a demolished building, right in front of her villa.

Making sure no one was around, I stepped on some rocks and bricks and sat on a huge piece of a broken wall, not evidently visible from either sides of the site.

Running my fingers through my hair, I stared at her villa for a while, pondering over everything that happened today.

As time passed by, I could feel slight relief slowly relaxing my nerves.

Maybe a part of the reason I was frustrated was because I knew it's dangerous for her to return to her villa alone.

There weren't any sightings of stalkers in the past few days, but that doesn't mean they won't try again.

I sat there the whole night as I calmed down gradually with passing hours, but the traces of restlessness still lingered.

I could've gone in and talked.

But I didn't.

I am angry as well.

Angry at the tone she took with me, the way she did not stop even when I told her to calmly and the way she walked out without informing, knowing well of the danger lurking around.

I won't talk until she herself calls me.

Determined, I left early in the morning.

Just like that three days passed by in a similar manner.

All three days, I sat by her villa all through the night and left early morning before the sky could brighten up.

Despite my anger, it's my responsibility to keep her safe from Romero's men.

However, in these three days, neither did she contact me nor did I call her.

The fact that she didn't call me evidently annoyed me.

I made sure to indulge in a packed work schedule throughout the day to avoid thinking about her, but my own siblings wouldn't let me.

"Where's Ren?"

"When's Ren coming back?"

"Is Ren on a trip?"

"It wasn't Ren's fault."

"Dad insulted Ren first."

"You should contact Ren."

They constantly bombarded me with questions about her whereabouts and her returning, much to my displeasure.

Theo and I had yet another long argument about asking her to come back.

It made me realize how deeply she has bonded with them in such a short time and how habituated my siblings have grown to her presence in our home.

It immersed me in mixed feelings.

Shaking my head, for the fourth time in a row, I'm sitting in this dusty place, in front of her house, randomly staring into the sky.

I've never done such guard-on-watch duties before.

It makes me wonder why I'm going to these lengths to do such weird things.

The woman indeed makes me do weird stuff.

My phone started vibrating with an incoming call from my cousin, Aurelio, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hello", I greeted, answering the call.

"You're being too busy these days, brother.", he commented leisurely.

"What's the matter?", I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Not in the mood for small talk, huh? Fine, I'll come to the point. Are you going to the party tomorrow?", he asked.

"You said you'll attend it on my behalf.", I replied calmly.

"Yes, I did, but I have urgent work tomorrow.", he replied casually.

"You had a free schedule tomorrow, didn't you?", I questioned, faintly frowning.

"Yeah. But, I kind of got some sudden job to do.", he answered, clearing his throat.

"What job?", I asked bluntly.

"Something related to gang stuff here. Why are you interrogating me anyway? I can't attend the party tomorrow, so you'll have to go.", he stated seriously.

"What gang stuff?", I probed further sternly.

"Vince, are you treating me like a subordinate? So, now, I'm just an underboss to you? Is that it?", he questioned in a distressed tone.

"If it's emotional blackmail you're trying to do, it won't work.", I replied in a flat tone.

"You're impossible!", he muttered, annoyed.

I waited for him to speak up.

"You remember pulling out of the CLAY factory project, right?", he questioned.

"What about it?", I asked, stiffening, remembering how angry Raelynn was when I pulled out of her company suddenly.

"The CEO of that company is attending tomorrow's party.", he said.

That caught my attention.

She's going to tomorrow's business party?

"People might ask about the sudden withdrawal from her company and I don't exactly know how to answer it, so it's better if you attend.", Aurelio stated, sighing.

"I'll go.", I said curtly.

"Woah, that was quick.", he commented.

"There's no point dragging it.", I replied in a neutral tone.

"True. By the way, where are you right now?", he asked casually.

I stiffened at that.

"Why are you asking?", I questioned, consciously keeping my tone stoic.

"I generally do. Why do you sound defensive?", he questioned in suspicion.

"I'm not getting defensive, I just am a little busy.", I cleared my throat.

He hummed in response and after a few minutes of discussing some organization related matters, we ended the call.

Why did I agree to go to the party?

Is it okay?

What if I get even more angry seeing her?

How will she react when she sees me?

The night soon passed by and the next evening, I was all set to leave for the party when Theodore walked in my room.

He looked at me with a raised brow, smirking.

"What?", I questioned tersely.

"Freshly trimmed stubble, neatly kept hair, suit tailored with extreme perfection .... are you sure you're not going on a date?", he questioned, wiggling his brows.

"This is my regular look. I fail to understand your mirth.", I replied curtly.

"Sure, if you say so.", he shrugged with the smirk intact.

Setting my suit blazer properly, I walked past him, to leave, but stopped when he spoke up.

"I heard Ren's going to be at the party. You should talk to her.", he suggested seriously.

"I do not want to have another argument with you on this topic.", I replied sternly and walked away.

I won't relent first.

It's a given that I need to forbid anyone from disrespecting my father, my siblings included.

I told her very calmly to stop arguing because I would've handled my father, but no, she's too stubborn to listen to anyone and escalated it further and walked out without informing.

Unless she greets me on her own, I won't talk to her.

Determined, I sat inside the car as the driver drove me to the venue.

After entering the party, I was as usual swarmed by a lot of people from various fields of business and I conversed with them stoically.

Subconsciously, my eyes wandered around the venue all the while I engaged in several conversations.

After a few moments, my gaze stopped drifting, freezing on a pair of confident amber eyes as the noisy chatter around me gradually turned muffled, seeing her in a black dress that fit her perfectly, elegantly flowing down to her feet, the sleeves reaching her wrists while a slim chain of pearls adorned her neck, the tall earrings oscillating delicately while she talked, her mild red-tinted lips curved up into a courteous smile, the color of her eyes highlighted by the black shaded eye lashes, her presence definitive, graceful and authoritative.

My eyes moved along her subtle actions, refusing to leave her.

"Mr. Marino", a slightly raised voice broke me out of my trance, immediately grabbing my attention.

I looked at the small group of men and women in front of me, looking at me with confused frowns.

Clearing my throat stoically, feeling extremely awkward on the inside, I handled it without suspicion and excused myself from there.

This isn't like me.

I'm sure I was just surprised to see her after four whole days.

Standing out in the garden behind the venue, I sipped wine from a glass in my hand with one hand in my pocket as I pondered over my disappointing behavior.

"Raelynn is not boring. She just has her own interests and way of spending her time."

Her name caught my attention and through my peripheral view, I saw a man, nearly as old as me, talking to a young group.

"Raelynn spends a large amount of income on charities. She is far richer than she shows, but that's her choice. All her charities are mostly on helping victims of abuse, both boys and girls of any age and she supports them through scholarships and jobs. You'd be shocked to know her net worth and the percentage of that she spends on these charities.". the man went on with a twinge of pride lacing his tone.

Displeased, I walked away further into the garden with a strange unease taking roots within me.

Who's he?

Why does he know so much about her?

I heard a deep sigh, startling me slightly.

Turning to the side, I saw her wiping her wrist furiously.


"Tsk.", she clicked her tongue in acute annoyance.

As she turned to leave, her gaze fell on me and she stopped, looking at me.

"You should leave.", I said calmly.

Her brow twitched slightly as she turned to me fully, folding her hands over her chest, looking at me challengingly.

"I won't. Because you told me to, I definitely won't leave.", she said stubbornly, a provocative smile curving her lips.

"Aren't you afraid people might misunderstand our relationship if you stand here alone with me?", I asked, raising a brow, provoking her.

She scoffed.

"They won't.", she replied, shaking her head.

"Why not?", I probed, my tone lacing with mischief.

"Because I'm out of everyone's league.", she said haughtily, delicately tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear.

I shook my head slightly, a corner of my lips curved up mockingly.

"To have me, the heavens should shower luck upon that person, Mr. Marino.", she said confidently, a mysterious smile playing on her lips.

She makes me want to compete.

"How coincidental! The tabloids call me the personification of a jackpot, a jackpot no one can hit.", I stated in a mischievous tone, my eyes challenging hers.

"Arrogance.", she shook her head.

"Confidence.", I stated.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, I guess.", she commented, scoffing slightly.

"Same goes for you.", I retorted, sipping wine.

"You don't need to win every argument. Even that day, you supported your father blindly when-", she started in a flat tone, but paused midway.

I stiffened, remembering the dispute, and she turned away, pursing her lips.

The anger and restlessness hit me back as I stayed silent, not relenting or giving in by speaking first.

Interrupting the tense silence, the same man from before walked to us, much to my irritation.

"Hey, what're you doing here?", he asked casually, looking at her.

I did not like how freely he addressed her.

Who's he?

"Just talking.", she replied curtly.

He then looked at me and nodded in greeting.

"Hello, Mr. Marino, I'm Milan Cello.", he extended his hand to shake.

I nodded curtly, exchanging a hand-shake.

"Raelynn and you are former business associates, right? It's a pleasure to meet you.", he commented politely.

He was tall, just two inches or so less than me, and seemed to have an easily approachable personality.

"By the way, I'm Raelynn's fiancé.", he said firmly, draping a hand around her shoulder.

I stood stunned at his words, but as soon as my eyes landed on his hand around her shoulder, my grip on the glass in my hand tightened extremely.

"Please excuse us.", he said, leading her away.

As my gaze followed their retreating backs and stuck on his hand around her shoulder while his words rang in my mind, a burning anger exploded in my conscience, leaving a bitter feeling engulfing me whole.

Clenching my jaw tightly, I took an involuntary step forward to hold her back, but halted in my tracks when my phone started ringing, pulling me out of my furious trance.

Finding it hard to handle the growing anger, I walked out of the event and drove back to my mansion.

Entering my room, I closed the door and after a short moment in silence, I removed my blazer and threw it furiously to the floor.

"Vince", Dylan's shocked voice came from behind me.

I fisted my palms, trying to curb the outrage flooding within me.

"Why are you angry?", Dylan asked cautiously.

That question froze me, hitting me hard.

Why am I angry?

Why do I feel bitter?

What exactly made me angry?

I don't understand my own actions.

Feeling exasperated, I sat on the bed, closing my eyes, unable to handle this unknown unease and agitation.

"Vince, are you okay?", Dylan asked, worried.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at him stoically.

"I'm fine. Is something the matter?", I asked in a very calm tone.

"No, I was just passing by and heard a sound, so ...", he trailed off, frowning.

"It's nothing, I was just slightly stressed.", I replied in a neutral tone.

He stared at me for a long moment and walked out, nodding and closing the door.

I shouldn't have lost my temper.

Picking up the blazer and placing it properly in its place, I changed into a casual shirt and trousers.

I informed Theo that I have some work and drove out of the mansion.

Reaching the usual spot, I parked the car and got out, wearing a mask.

Walking to her street, I found her car missing in front of her door.

Has she not reached home yet?

It's too late.

What's taking her so long?

Is she with .......

The mere thought fueled my irritation, while my patience hung on a thin thread.

Deciding to check if everything's fine in the route she takes, I walked along the newly developing, deserted lanes in the dark.

As I neared an extremely deserted alleyway, I heard some suspicious noises.

I walked briskly towards the direction of the sound and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

Raelynn's car was parked right in the middle of the lane and she was standing beside it, one of her sleeves torn while she tore her own dress at her knees and stood erect to fight while a fairly large group of men stood in front of her.

One of the men lunged at her, but she dodged his hand and punched him in the face while he pulled at her dress and it tore near her waist.

That was the last straw.

The next thing I knew, I rushed to them in long steps and they paused for a moment, looking at me, but continued to advance to her, not recognizing me due to the mask.

The moment I reached her, I fished out the dagger that was tucked under my shirt and drove it right through the throat of the man in front of her.

The blood from his throat coated my hands and I pulled the dagger out, kicking his body to the ground.

The man who she had just punched was lying on the ground, shocked and in pain.

Crouching down, I slit both his eyes in one stroke and tore through the flesh on his hand that touched her, as he screamed in pain. I drove the dagger through his throat, silencing him once and for all.

I slowly looked up in silence at the group of men standing in front of me with knives in their hands, ready to attack.

Random men influenced by Romero.

Standing up, I took a step forward, my gaze fixed on them, every fiber in my body trembling in rage, urging me to slit their eyes that have seen her inappropriately, their hands that itch to touch her and their lives that dared to attack her.




Every inch of my mind reverberated with a thirst for blood as my eyes clouded murderously.

The men took a scared step back at my gaze, but I did not give them a chance to run.

Lunging forward in large strides and picking up a knife from the ground in my empty hand, I slashed through the flesh and eyes of every man standing there, blending their lives with the air, while the blood from each hit splattered on my shirt and face, cascading down to my neck, covering me in red.

Even after slashing the last man standing, I could not reign over the exploding anger flooding my nerves.

A moment later, a small group of familiar men approached us cautiously.

Unlike those that I have killed already, I knew who this small group were.

My father's men.

Letting one of the blood coated knives in my hand fall to the ground, I slowly removed my mask, looking at them coldly, as my whole face, neck and hands dripped with blood.

The moment they saw my face, they stepped back with a gasp, dropping their weapons.

As I leisurely lifted the dagger I'm still holding, they immediately kneeled down, bowing their heads, eyes cast down to the ground, evidently shaking in fear.

"Boss", they submitted in unison.

I could not comprehend the reason for my anger or understand my own emotions, but that day, that moment, that incident, it served as a threatening and an unambiguous statement to everyone in the syndicate, be it my father, my subordinates or Romero,

As long as Vincent Marino is standing, Raelynn Baker is off limits.


Phew! That was a very very long chapter!

How was the chapter?

Vince and Ren offended each other. 😬

And yet both of them felt a strange restlessness without each other. 😏

Why did Milan say he's Ren's fiancé? 🤦‍♀️

Vince unleashed his rage. 🥶

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Do follow me on Insta with the same ID.

Yours lovingly,


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✫ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 ⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎ She is shy He is outspoken She is clumsy He is graceful...
Otherworldly Liberty بواسطة KinhouJ

الخيال (فانتازيا)

7.3K 272 7
October 10th, 2025 - The War in Eastern Europe and the Middle East escalated into full blown regional conflicts, China uses this opportunity to launc...