The Great Mouse Detective x O...

Par RemixGal

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Audrey Willow had just returned to London after traveling a bit to become a photographer and had a dream of w... Plus

Oc Information
A Kidnapped Flaversham
Meeting David Q. Dawson and Basil of Baker Street
The Nefarious Professor Ratigan himself
Unusual Footprints and Meeting Toby
The Toy Shop
A Father and Daughter Reunion/A Discovery
Small Experiment and the Waterfront
The Rat Trap
Getting Caught!!!
Five Ways To Die
The Queen is Captured!
The Great Escape
To Buckingham Palace
The End

The Battle of Big Ben

382 10 0
Par RemixGal

Narrator's POV

After Ratigan flees with Audrey, Basil immediately takes action and says "Hurry, Dawson!" and he leads Dawson, Olivia and Flaversham outside and spots Ratigan's dirigible as he points up "There he goes!" and then Basil climbs up a flag pole and shouts down to the others "Dawson! Flaversham! Gather up those balloons" and pointed over to a dozen balloons tied to the palace gate and as Dawson, Olivia and Flaversham move to take them while Basil begins to lower the Union Jack down.

Meanwhile, a storm is approaching as Fidget pedals the dirigible while Ratigan is in the front steering. Audrey somehow manages to get her arms out of the ropes before she bravely walks up to Ratigan. "Just you wait! Basil's smarter than you! He will win! He's going to put you in jail and you will rot in there like the common rat you are!" Audrey shouts at him in anger and Ratigan turns to face Audrey as he looks really angry. "Would you kindly sit down and SHUT UP?!" Ratigan yelled as he backhand slaps Audrey in the face, sending her flying back while knocking her over a stool and into the wall.

Ratigan turns and sees the British flag flying in front of him, blocking his path. Fidget cowers as it moves higher. Basil has taken the flag, the balloons, and a sliding match box for him, Dawson, Olivia and Flaversham to fly in. Audrey sees this and smiles while Ratigan sneers and turns the dirigible as Fidget begins to pedal faster. "Let her go, chaps!" Basil shouts and on that cue, Dawson and Flaversham release air from an open balloon, closing the distance between them and Ratigan easily. "Basil!" Audrey shouts as Ratigan leads them around roofs and chimneys, up and around a statue of Lord Nelson, and straight ahead towards the Tower Bridge. Fidget pedals as fast as he can as Ratigan steers the dirigible just below the bridge. Dawson braces himself for a crash, but at the last moment, they move downward, just missing it. Up ahead, Fidget stops pedaling as he was out of breath and exhausted. Ratigan glares at his assistant as the bat hops inside and gestures towards Audrey. "We have to– lighten the load" Fidget squeakily says. "Oh, you want to lighten the load! Excellent idea!" Ratigan said as Fidget snickers at Audrey, making her back against the wall as Fidget starts approaching Audrey, but Ratigan seizes him by the ears and tosses him over instead.

"No! Not me! I can't fly! I can't fly!" Fidget screamed desperately as he falls to a watery death in the hames, making Audrey gasped in horror by this. Ratigan then hops on the propeller and moves forward. However, Basil and the others have finally caught up and the detective is preparing to jump as he says "Steady!" before he jumps off and catches the tail of the aircraft, swinging forward. Ratigan ducks as Basil's feet just miss him and Audrey sees Basil before exclaiming with a relieved smile on her face "Basil!".

"Don't worry, my lady! I got you!" Basil says to her before Audrey looks forward and suddenly lets out a terrified scream "AAAAAAAH!!!" with Ratigan at the pedal, there was no one steering and they were heading directly towards Big Ben! Ratigan looks forward too before also screaming as well "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" and then...


On the mouse-made hot air balloon, all Dawson, Olivia and Flaversham can do is stare at the empty dirigible hanging from the hole and pray that their friends are alright.

3rd POV

Inside the clock tower, Basil awakens and rubs his neck, then stares in shock and amazement at the gears and cogs surrounding him. Creeping up unnoticed behind him is Ratigan, his left fist poised, ready to knock Basil down, while the other hand is clamped over Audrey's mouth. The young woman struggles and finally pulls Ratigan's hand off her mouth. "Basil, look out!" Audrey screamed as Basil turn, but Ratigan knocks him down. Basil rolls and catches the ends of the rotating gear, trying to pull himself back up as Ratigan prepares to deliver another blow. But before he could even do that, Audrey bites his hand, making Ratigan scream in pain giving Basil the opportunity to climb up the gear and seize the professor's cape and tangle it between two gears. Ratigan drops Audrey to hold onto his cape to keep from getting strangled, but succeeds in kicking her off the gear.

"Audrey!" Basil shouts as Audrey falls and lands on a much larger gear, connected to another one that will crush her in a matter of seconds. Thinking quickly, Basil jumps from the gear and onto a lever, which lifts up a chain towards her. The final keg is approaching Audrey as Basil gets closer. She tries to flatten herself against the gear as Basil reaches his hand up and seizes her arm just as the gears connect. He wraps his arm around Audrey's waist while she wraps her arms around Basil's neck and the two smiled at each other before Audrey kissed Basil on the cheek as the chain continues to lift them to the top of the tower.

Down below, Ratigan's face is filled with anger as he watches the pair make their escape, his sanity snaps, and with a burst of strength, he tears his cape in half, freeing himself. Basil and Audrey both stopped at the hole at the top of the tower, trapped. Inside, Ratigan is completely consumed by hatred. Gone is the egotistical gentleman; in his place is a terrifyingly dangerous monster as he runs through and around the many gears, his clothes becoming torn and ragged. Outside, Audrey grabs Basil's hand and points towards Dawson, Olivia and Flaversham, who are approaching. Basil looks behind them two and notices that Ratigan is getting closer, so he lifts Audrey into his arms, holding her up. 'Wow. For a slender mouse, he's very strong' Audrey thought to herself as Dawson is holding Flaversham by his apron as the toymaker is leaning forward as far as he can, trying to reach his sister figure while Olivia watches all of this in awe.

"Closer, Dawson! Closer!" Basil says as Ratigan leaps onto the striking hammer, nearly falling, but scrambles up and leaps forward. Basil is still trying to lift Audrey as high as he can, but Flaversham can't quite make it. "Hiram, I can't reach! I can't reach!" Audrey says in a pained voice. Basil turns just in time to see Ratigan leap forward to tackle him. He grunts as Ratigan catches him midsection and the three topple downward. Down below, Ratigan is still holding onto Basil and Audrey. Basil tries to grasp the top of the tower, but between the rain and Ratigan's weight, he can't get a good grip.

They separate as they fall down the face of the clock. Midfall, Ratigan grabs Basil again and they hit the hour hand. Basil and Audrey were both sent flying across and lands, their upper bodies laying over the edge. Their vision blurred for only a second as they quickly moved back. Ratigan is nowhere in sight as Dawson calls out to them, approaching the edge of the hand and the thunderstorm is meanwhile shown to be very intense, "Basil! Audrey! Over here!". Basil and Audrey both looked relieved, but are barely able to take a single step towards their friends when Ratigan attacks them from behind, lifting the two up with his arms. Basil manages to wriggle free, but Audrey was still in Ratigan's arms as she screamed.

Basil looks at Audrey in terror as Ratigan holds her up by the throat and Audrey starts to say as she was struggling "!" and ignoring her, Ratigan threatened "Don't move Basil, or else your precious lady will fall to her death!" and holds Audrey over the edge of the clock's hand as his grip tightens around her neck. She shuts her eyes in pain as she struggles to breathe right, Basil's eyes widened as he stopped not wanting Ratigan to release Audrey to her death. "There's no escape this time, Basil!" Ratigan stands in front of Basil as he was about to attack Basil but when Audrey sees a sheer of the glass where they crashed inside, she kicked Ratigan's stomach back as she grabbed the glass and slashed at Ratigan in the chest.

"Run Basil!" Audrey shouts as they start running up towards the edge but Ratigan grabs Audrey by the hair, making her yelp in pain before growling and in a swift motion, Audrey uses the sheer glass she has and cuts her own long hair to free herself.

Audrey ran up to Basil and defended him as Ratigan threw her cut hair and slowly approached them as they both ran up as they see the others on the air balloon. Audrey used the sheer glass to cut Ratigan's stomach and kicked him hard in the face as Ratigan was knocked out but will awaken, giving some time. "Basil, get on the air balloon. I'll hold him off. Don't worry about me" Audrey says as she takes Basil to the others on the aircraft.

"Audrey, no! You can't do this! He'll kill you and I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you" Basil says but Audrey only smiled with a hint of sadness in her eyes as she gently cupped Basil's face and says in a loving/gentle tone "And I can't you lose you too... I love you Basil" and at her sudden confession, Basil's eyes widened in shock before Audrey noticed that Ratigan had regained back his conscious and heads straight towards them. "Basil, go!" Audrey said as she helps Basil up to get on the air balloon. "Wait, Audrey! No!!" Basil shouted as Dawson and Flaversham pulled him up. "Just go!" Audrey demanded as she faces Ratigan and the two began fighting each other off.

It's a good thing for Audrey was that her Father had taught her martial art for self-defense as she roundhouse kick Ratigan's side and kicked his face. Ratigan then somehow manages to catch Audrey off guard by also kicking her side hard, making her hiss in pain before holding out his hand and unsheathes his razor-sharp claws and hits Audrey twice with such force as it sends her flying back. Her friends were trying to reach her as fast as they can, but Audrey can't hold out much longer. Before she can even stand, Ratigan hits her again, this time at the face. Finally, he had drawn blood and Audrey stumbled back as her hands covered a gash across her muzzle. A hard swipe across the chest knocked her off her feet. Gnashing his teeth, Ratigan swung downward as Audrey turned her back on him to try and stand up. The black claws truly met their mark this time, slicing into the flesh of Audrey's back and sending pieces of fur and cloth flying. Audrey cried out, falling to her knees.

The next heavy blow smacked her to the very tip of the hour hand. She scrambled away from the edge and staggered up again, clutching her bleeding arm in pain. Ratigan was upon her in a moment, still too rage-blind to recognize that Audrey was on the verge of collapse. This was too profoundly satisfying to quit now. With yet another brutal smack to the throat, the battered mouse was flung up in the air and over the edge, where she just managed to grab hold. Ratigan snarled with savage frustration. He looked down, surveying the drop. It was a good seventy or eighty meters to the ground. Audrey was staring up at him with huge, terrified eyes, his tattered jacket blowing in the gusts. Audrey almost let go at the sight. Ratigan's bulging yellow eyes and enormous teeth were just above him. His head appeared small in front of the massive shoulders and shaggy muscled chest. His breath hissed noisily through his teeth as he raised a bloody hand high over his head. Lightning strikes as Ratigan rears back. Audrey braces herself, but Ratigan's blow sends her down. Dawson and Basil both try to grab for her, but miss. They stare in disbelief as their friend plummets to the ground. Ratigan himself almost doesn't believe it, but a cruel smile spreads across his face as he leaps up and laughs maniacally as he shouts "I won!".

However, his victory is cut short…

"On the contrary!" Audrey has managed to catch the propeller of Ratigan's ruined blimp as well as something else of value for Ratigan as she smirked and says "The game's not over yet!".

She then rang his bell and Ratigan only has time to check his pocket for his missing bell before 10:00 strikes. The striking hammer falls and Big Ben sounds off. The vibrations force Ratigan over the edge and he falls. He makes one final grab at Audrey, catching her by her pants. The ropes snap under the extra weight. Ratigan falls as Audrey clings to the propeller, which has snapped free. Basil, Olivia, Dawson and Flaversham are helpless as both Ratigan and Audrey, screaming, disappear below the clouds, but Ratigan was defeated. "Auntie Audrey..." Olivia then turns to her father and begins to sob and so does Hiram. "Noo... Audrey..." Hiram hugs Olivia as they both cried for their little sister/aunt figure. Dawson lowered his head down in respect and sorrow. "Audrey... No, no, no!" Basil falls on his knees and starts to cry that the woman he loves fell to her death. "It should've been me. Oh, Audrey... Why?" Basil cried as his silent sobs continued and cried even more as his thought went to Audrey's confession as the words 'I love you' echoes through his mind.

"I love you too...Audrey" Basil whispered until he heard a squeaking noise approaching from below, making them look down. It revealed to be Audrey as she's slowly making her way back up, pedaling with all her might as the propeller is lifting her higher. She hears her friends cheering and smiles.

"Ho ho! Hooray!" Dawson cheered. "Hooray! It's Auntie Audrey!" Olivia shouts happily and hugs Dawson as Flaversham jumps up and down. "Good madame. Jolly good! Ha!" Dawson adds as Audrey jumps on the aircraft and hugs both Olivia and Hiram close to her. "Oh, Audrey! We thought we lost you!" Hiram says and Audrey smiles and says "I'm sorry you two. For making you worry" and then Olivia says while pointing at Audrey's now cut hair "Auntie Audrey. Your hair" and Audrey looks and touches her new short haircut.

"As much as I liked my long hair... I think I'm going to like it short" Audrey says before she was engulfed into a hug by Basil. "Oof! Huh, Basil!" Audrey looks at Basil with a small blush on her face and then Basil looks at her and says "I thought I lost you" and this made Audrey smirk in amusement and asked "The mouse who helped us all make the greatest escape unknown to men or mice thought Ratigan could kill me so easily?".

Basil chuckled and says "Well, not entirely. But don't scare us like that again. Understand, my dear?" and Audrey giggled before cupping Basil's face again and says "Of course, Basil" and the two stared into each other's eyes before Audrey made the first move and pressed her lips against Basil's.

Basil's eyes widened in surprise for a moment as he was stunned before Basil slowly closed his eyes and kissed her back as he gently wraps his arms around Audrey's waist while she slowly places her arms loosely around Basil's neck. Dawson smiled as he clapped in amusement knowing sooner or later that the two would finally get together, Flaversham blushed and looks away but he was happy that his little sister figure had finally found someone while covering Olivia's eyes but she saw it and giggles. The two pulled away while resting their foreheads together and Basil says while staring at Audrey lovingly "You have to be the most craziest and extraordinary mouse I have ever known".

"And that was definitely worth the wait... I love you Basil" Audrey says and Basil smiled back and says "Yes. Yes it was... And I love you too, my dear Audrey" and the two kissed again before hugging each other. The storm was over as the four friends were finally together and safe along with knowing the case was over and Ratigan won't bother them anymore.

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