About You || Reneé Rapp

By vteena

3.3K 127 31

Victoria's greatest passion is singing and acting. When she gets the role of Cady Heron in the Broadway music... More



361 17 4
By vteena

May 30, 2019

The atmosphere became tense and Bruno stopped laughing. Both blondes held their breath for a few seconds, neither stopped looking into each other's eyes. Both of them were waiting for the usual thing to happen, a fight.

But that moment never came.

Reneé let out the air she was holding in her lungs. "Hey.." The shorter blonde said.

"Hi..?" Victoria was extremely confused. What was Reneé doing here? At this time the blonde always went with Astrid to do...whatever they do. And was she being friendly? weird.

"I- I should go, bye!" And just as she appeared before her eyes Reneé disappeared, did she seem nervous?

"What the fuck was that?" she said to her friends.

Bruno smirked, and was about to talk when Paige interrupted him.

"She came to let us know that the dress rehearsal is about to start, so we should go now." She stood from her chair. "Let's go."

June 4, 2019

Today marks 5 days since Jake disappeared and abandoned the apartment and his things. Victoria has not entered the room since that day, she has been sleeping on the couch for 4 nights and her back is no longer working.

She also felt lonely, at work she had her friends, but at home she was all by herself.

It also didn't help that Reneé has been ignoring her since the day they saw each other face to face a few days ago and had that strange moment.

The blonde hasn't criticized, mocked or interrupted her these days and Victoria didn't seem to understand why she suddenly stopped. It's not like she cares either, but it was weird.

They were in the middle of rehearsal dancing rockin' around the pole when Paige accidentally stepped on Victoria's heel causing her to push Reneé and almost making her fall.

Reneé turned around incredibly quickly and looked Victoria in the eyes with fury. "What is your problem!?" She said sharply.

"I'm sorry, I tripped over my feet." The blonde answer, feeling a little bit intimidated for the shorter blonde.

"Oh, of course you're sorry!" Reneé says while raising her hands in the air and immediately positioning them on her waist.

"Why do you even say sorry? I know you wanted me to fall." The older girl says pointing at Victoria accusingly with her index finger.

"I was just trying to be polite, but it would have been better if you had fallen!" The younger girl moved closer to the shorter blonde's face.

"You are such a-" Reneé was about to scream at her but she was cut off with a masculine voice that echoed through the room.

"Enough!" Casey Nicholaw, the director and choreographer, shouted loudly leaving the whole place in silence.

"I'm bored of your stupid kids fights, it's the same shit every day. Either you fix your problems or you are both out of the musical,"

He took a breath and blew it out, he ran a hand over his face.

"I can easily get replacements for you two. But I'm not going to stand for this, there are 3 days left until the premiere and you are just delaying this!"

He was obviously lying. Nicholaw only wanted to scare them into behaving.

Both girls were perfect for their roles and even if he wanted to it would be impossible to find replacements at the last minute. He has also noticed that there is a certain chemistry between them, which is perfect for their characters.

Nicholaw looked at both blondes, who had terrified faces.

"Will you stop fighting?"


"Yes sir."

"Great!" He sat back down. "We'll do the whole scene again, and this time with no mistakes." Everyone started to get in their positions again.

Yasmine, Paige, Reneé and Victoria went backstage again. While the whole scene was repeating itself again, Reneé was mentally debating with herself whether she should go and apologize to Victoria for her behavior.

To her surprise, the taller blonde approached her.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize to you for pushing you, it was not my intention." Said the blonde looking at those deep blue eyes. Victoria had a lot of ego and didn't want to apologize, but she did it because she didn't want to lose her job.

Reneé exhaled. "Actually I'm the one who should be apologizing, I didn't have to treat you like that. I'm sorry." The younger one gave her a strange look but she still nodded and even smiled at her.

When she saw the blonde's smile Reneé felt a warmth inside her, a warm, that she couldn't quite explain.

June 5, 2019

It was night and Victoria was alone in the apartment again , until she heard the sound of keys in the door. She quickly stood up from the couch and saw the door opening.

At the door stood Jake with a single red rose in his hands.

"Hi,Victoria." He said, speaking softly.

Victoria watched him for a few seconds, he didn't even look into her eyes, but rather at the floor. The blonde walked up to where he was and it wasn't until she got closer that he turned to look at her.

She hugged him tightly, her face between his chest and neck due to the height difference. She started to cry.

"Vicky, I wanted to apologize for what happened a week ago, things got tense and I got a little angry, I didn't want to take it out on you, I swear." He said brushing his hand on her low back.

Victoria started to cry more. She wanted to comprehend why he left her, she wanted him to reassure her that he will stay.

"Stop crying, you look horrible when you cry." Jake says with a small smile on his face.

The blonde stopped crying little by little and wiped her tears herself.

"Please, don't leave me again." She said with a pleading voice. "I didn't know if you were okay and I- I felt so alone.."

"Don't say stupidities, I will never leave you, believe me, I would never do anything to hurt you." He said while he separated from the embrace and started walking with her to the kitchen.

They both sat on kitchen tools.

He looked at her and kissed her on the lips. At first she didn't kiss back. "Hey" he grabbed her chin with his big man hand. "I love you, now, let me kiss you" At those words she kissed him back.

Victoria didn't understand what was happening, Jake had returned but she didn't feel full like before. Plus there was something about him that was different, he disappeared for 1 week and suddenly he was back and apologizing.

Something just didn't feel right, but she didn't know what it was.

But if Jake had come back, apologized and said he loved her, it means he really cares for her and loves her.

And Victoria convinced herself that she believed him, after all Jake was always there for her.

Her relationship with Jake started a year after she left her parents house. She worked at a little grocery shop and one day he came in to buy cigars, she noticed that he couldn't stop looking at her.

After that, he came to the grocery store to buy the same cigarettes every thursday.

She talked to him a lot, after becoming friends they turned into something else and when she turned 18 he asked her if she would be her girlfriend.

Yes, he asked her the same day of her birthday.

He supported her while she still lived with Ally. Thanks to him she was able to fulfill her dream of living in New York, he paid more than half of the rent.

If it weren't for Jake she wouldn't be here, 2 days away from debuting on Broadway as the lead of the play. Thanks to him she had achieved many things, and she felt that she owed him too much, and he let her know that..

Jake took her to the couch and started kissing her heatedly.

"Jake, stop" she said trying to push his enormous body off her. She tried with all her strength but it was impossible.

"Why would I stop?" He started to go down from her jawline to her neck. "I haven't seen you in a week."

"Yes, I know that's why I say it, we could go slower?" She said starting to get uncomfortable.

He stopped and looked her dead in the eyes, "Do you want me to leave again? Is that what you want?"

He started to get up. "Cause' I have no problem walking through that door."

Victoria's eyes widened, "No! Please don't go, don't leave me again." She extended her arm to grab him. "I will do what you want, just don't leave me."

He smiled at her. "That's what I thought, good girl." He sat back down on the couch with her. "I Love you so much." He kissed her again.

Victoria didn't want to continue with this, so she moved away from him a little and thought of a quick topic of conversation.

"Where were you all this time? Why didn't you answer my calls?." Victoria said as she sat in a more comfortable position.

Jake moved uncomfortably and the blonde noticed it. She placed her still injured hand on his.

"I was staying with my father, I didn't answer you because I needed some time alone." He sighed and leaned back on the couch. "I needed time to clear my mind." He ran his right hand on his hair. "By the way, what did you do to the living room? I hate how you moved the furniture."

"Oh, I just liked it because it looked more spacious and comfortable, I thought you might like the change." She really liked how she moved the couches, she felt a little bad that Jake told her that. Lately he didn't like anything she did, maybe she wasn't good enough for him.

"Well I don't like it, I hate it, so tomorrow morning I want you to move it back to its old position."

"Okay baby.." She moved on the couch to be closer to him. "So, opening night is Friday, you're going, right?"

"Opening night of what? for some movie?"

"The opening night of Mean Girls," She looked at him.

But he seemed to have no idea what she was talking about.

"Mean girls? the musical that I have been rehearsing for more than a month?"

"Oh, yeah, the famous musical!" He said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Are you coming, right?" She kissed his cheek. "It would make me really happy if you come! In fact, a few weeks ago you told me you would go, did you forget?"

That Jake had forgotten made her a little sad, but if she said something he would probably say it was childish.

"No, I didn't forget, I just-" He sighed and put his arm on Victoria's shoulders. "I'll go, I promise."

The blonde smiled widely."I love you." but that didn't felt correct.

"Me too."

June 7, 2019

It was the day of the premiere, everyone was going crazy. Victoria was really nervous, but at the same time she was really excited. Her dreams from when she was little were about to come true.

"Oh god, I'm so excited!" Paige jumped up and down while holding Victoria's arm.

The taller blonde laughs at her friend's enthusiasm. "I'm so excited too! I can't believe we are finally doing it, time flies." Victoria couldn't be happier.

From backstage, Victoria could see a lot of people already in their seats, the show started at 9 pm but the theater was nearly full.

With approximately 10 minutes left before the show began, the theater was completely full. She was trying to find Jake in the crowd when she felt a light touch on her back.

She turned around to see Reneé already dressed as Regina. She looked gorgeous, as always. The girl was beautiful, she couldn't deny it.

"Hey Victoria," Victoria noticed that she looked nervous, it was probably because of the show. "I wanted to...," She seemed like she wanted to say something but retracted.

"I hope you do well and don't ruin the show."

Reneé's face became a little more serious, but Victoria noticed that this time she didn't say it with hatred. In reality it seemed that she tried to sound that way but failed.

Victoria smiled at her. She realized that the girl was not trying to bother her, but rather to motivate her, but she didn't know how to let her know.

A light red quickly formed on Reneé's cheeks. She didn't expect the blonde to smile at her.

"I'll try not to step on your heels this time." Victoria said in a mocking manner. She looked into those beautiful blue eyes and she couldn't help but smile, Reneé probably had the most beautiful eyes she would ever see.

The older girl was about to leave when Victoria called her.

"Hey Rapp,"Reneé turned to look at her, "I hope you don't make a mess up there either." Reneé smiled at her and then left.

The girl with green eyes watched her leave and prepared to be in position, the show was about to start.

The lights went out and the show began.

Incredible, She had no other words to describe what had just happened. The musical had come to an end and it could be said that for Victoria this was the best night of her life.

People applauded and whistled, it was clear from their faces that they had also been enchanted by the musical. Victoria looked around to see her friends and coworkers, all of them with smiles on their faces, that made her even happier.

About 30 minutes later when the emotion of the moment subsided she was already in her normal clothes again.

She was standing at the point where she and Jake agreed to meet after the show, but she couldn't see him anywhere. So she chose to call him.

The phone had to ring 3 times for him to answer. "Hello?" She heard from the other side.

"Jake, where are you? I can't find you."

"What do you mean you can't find me?" Suddenly Victoria felt a pang in her chest.

"Where are you?" Deep down she knew the answer but she didn't want it to be true.

"Home? Why?" She took a deep breath and watched as Bruno approached her.

"You forgot, didn't you?"

"Oh," She stood still. "Sorry baby, I forgot, something came up at work and I completely forgot, sorry" She knew he was lying.

She sighed "It's okay, it doesn't matter anymore." She was very sad, she only asked him for one thing and he couldn't even fulfill that.

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

And just when he said that, Bruno whispered in her right ear. "We're going to party with the whole cast, are you coming?"

Just what she needed. She smiled and gave him a thumbs up, he smiled back at her.

"Victoria, are you there?" She heard Jake.

"Yes, I'm here. I don't want you to pick me up, a friend will do it, bye." She didn't wait for an answer and hung up the phone. She turned to look at Bruno.

"Who was that?" He asked, of course he asked. He's very gossipy, but she is too so she can't complain.

"Just, someone." She simply said.

"Sure...Anyways, let's go, they are waiting for us in Oscar's car." Oscar is the guy who played Damian. Bruno grabbed her hand and guided her to Oscar's car.

June 8, 2019

2:43 am.

"Oscar we really need to take her home, she just threw up on the bathroom floor." She was nearly screaming, the music was very loud.

"Reneé, remember that I also have to take the others home, and do you even know where she lives?" He was right, but she couldn't leave Victoria there and do nothing. The girl was very drunk and something could happen to her.

"I know you have to take the others," suddenly an idea came to her head. "Maybe I can take her to my apartment. It's not far from here and you can come back to pick the rest later."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and exhaled. "Alright, but let's make this fast, I'll wait for you in the car."

And so Reneé went in search of the minor, it took her a while to find her, she was talking to some boys she didn't know.

"Victoria, we are leaving." Reneé took Victoria's arm to pull her closer.

"No.." She complained. "I wanna stay here." She was drunk as hell.

Suddenly one of the guys Victoria was talking to spoke. "She doesn't want to leave, she wants to stay here with us, right guys?"

The men who were next to him all nodded and whistled. It looked like they were much older than her. "See, we all want her to stay, maybe you can join too."

Reneé frowned, what a disgusting guy. "No she's gonna leave with me, I'm taking her home, don't insist."

The man left his glass on a table to his left and approached her and Victoria, "And who do you think you are blondie? Are you her girlfriend or some shit like that?" He grabbed Victoria's arm.

"Don't fucking touch her!" She screamed at him, she actually screamed so loud that some people turned to look at them. The guy in front of her looked in every direction and backed up.

"Fine, you can take her, she was not worthy anyways." And just like that the group disappeared into the crowd.

"Ugh look at what you do! You scared them off. I wanted to stay here!" She looked like a little girl throwing a tantrum. Reneé rolled her eyes.

"I'm taking you home, don't make a fuss," She sighed "please." The younger girl looked at her angrily. "I'm taking you home now."

"Okaay.." She threw her head backwards and then she held on tightly to the older girl's arm so as not to fall. The shorter blonde blushed slightly.

She was surprised that the girl did not resist, it must have been the effects of alcohol, because she was usually quite stubborn.

The shorter blonde put one of Victoria's arms around her neck and led her to Oscar's car.

Silence was present in the car, everyone was tired from the play and then the party. The only audible sound was Victoria's murmurs in the back of the car, it seemed like she was humming a song.

The arrival at the apartment was faster than Reneé thought it would be. As quickly as the girls got out of the car, Oscar turned around to return to the party.

Reneé felt a little nervous, did the presence of the minor cause that feeling? Her hands were sweating.

Both blondes were in the elevator, for the shorter one the elevator ride seemed to last forever. "You're pretty". Hearing that seemed to bring Reneé out of her thoughts.

"What?" The blue-eyed girl had not caught the youngest's babbling very well.

"You, you're like really pretty." Reneé blushed deeply.

"I-". The elevator doors opened and she quickly guided the drunk girl to her apartment.

"I want to open the door, do you think you can stand on your own?"

"mhm," The younger girl nodded, and as soon as she let go Reneé she fell to her knees. "Shit, I guess I can't" Victoria laughed loudly and slapped the floor with her right hand.

What a stupid girl.

June 8, 2019

A ray of light entered the room. She looked around but couldn't recognize anything at all. The sheets were softer than hers, those were definitely not her curtains, this wasn't her room, but it wasn't Ally's either. Where the hell was she?

She had a throbbing headache, the blonde could barely keep her eyes open. She looked at her body, this wasn't even the clothes she was wearing last night, or at least she didn't remember changing.

Oh god, what if she cheated on Jake and went with some random man? She wouldn't be capable of that, would she?

Panic overwhelmed Victoria.

What the fuck happened last night. She tried to remember, but only short memories of the party came back to her. She had no clue how she got to this place, she was really scared and confused.

She started to get up and was finally able to properly see the clothes she was wearing, a yellow t-shirt with a red print and loose pajama shorts. Victoria looked around the room trying to find her clothes. At the small nightstand on the left side of the bed, there was a small pill and a glass of water.

When she finally got out of bed all she wanted to do was go back to sleep. She walked slowly to the door, and once she opened it an incredible smell of toasted bread came to her.

She slowly left the room and walked to what seemed to be the kitchen. The light was even brighter there, making it difficult to see for a few seconds.

Now she could see what caused those noises. There was someone standing in the kitchen, she assumed cooking. The person's back was turned so she couldn't see their face, but she could see blonde hair that she would recognize anywhere... Reneé.

Soon all of her worries disappeared, but she was still very confused. She really needed answers because waking up in Reneé's apartment wasn't something very usual.

The blonde seemed to notice Victoria's presence and walked over to her.

"Hi, I see that you woke up. Did you take the pill that I left on the table for you? How do you feel?" The blonde had a cup in her hands, she was smiling warmly but at the same time nervous.

"Uhm, Hi," She was still disoriented, " sorry but what am I doing here?" She caressed the side of her face. "How did I get here?" Victoria couldn't be more confused.

The shorter blonde smiled at her. "Why don't you take a seat?" she pointed at the kitchen stools. Victoria sat doubtful. "Do you want some tea?"

When they were both seated and with a cup of tea on their hands Reneé started to talk.

"Okay, so do you remember the party last night?" Victoria nodded slowly, she was still trying to remember, flashbacks came to her but she couldn't tell in which order each thing happened.

"Well, basically you got drunk as hell, so I offered to take you home, but since I didn't know where you lived, I brought you to my apartment."Reneé took a large sip of her coffee, avoiding the deep green eyes that looked at her.

Victoria was quite surprised by this, although her relationship with Reneé was not the best, the girl still decided to help her.

"Thank you, Reneé." Victoria took the blonde's hand and caressed it, delicately. Victoria was really grateful to the blonde, even after so many fights...The blonde wasn't as bad as she thought, it was the little things that were making her open her eyes and realize this.

If it weren't for the blonde, she could have ended up in the wrong hands. At this thought, a shiver ran through her whole body.

On the other hand Reneé was admiring the beauty of the blonde in front of her, there was something on this girl that attracted her in some way. Maybe it was her blonde hair that reached below her shoulders, or maybe that sharp jaw. It could also be those green eyes or the freckles that rested on her delicate face.

"Helloo, earth calling Reneé!" Victoria had a playful smile on her face and with her hands she held a cup that had kitten faces on it. Reneé had brought out that cup specifically for Victoria, and it was the best decision she could've made, since when Victoria saw the cup her face lit up and a small smile appeared in her face.

"Yeah, I'm here." The older girl smiled at the blonde.

"You were amazing," Reneé's face turned into one of confusion. "The musical, you were amazing." Victoria clarified.

The Blonde raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "Girl, did you see yourself? You were incredible, they couldn't have chosen someone better for Cady."

Victoria blushed slightly. "Last night was incredible, we were all incredible and I can't wait to do it all again." A comfortable silence settled in the kitchen, Victoria's hand still held Reneé's, neither of them seemed to want to let go.

For both of them this was a very strange situation, but neither seemed to have a complaint.

That was until a cell phone started ringing. Victoria patted her legs, completely forgetting that these were not her clothes. "Hey Reneé, where are my clothes?"

The blonde blushed slightly as she remembered last night. "They are in the couch," Victoria stood up,

"Thanks" She walked to the couch and looked for her phone in her jacket, it stopped ringing . She grabbed it and saw two messages and two missed calls from Jake, also five messages from Ally. She called Jake back.

The ringtone rang four times until he answered. "Victoria?".

"Hi, Jake."

"Where the fuck are you?!" She had to pull her cell phone away from her ear. "You said a friend was bringing you home?!" He was right, but he has also been a terrible boyfriend by promising to come see her and not doing so. She was mad at him,

"Are you cheating on me? You probably went with any man who spoke to you! Or worse maybe you fucked your friend." And just at that moment Victoria exploded.

"How dare you accuse me of something like that! Do you really think I would be able to cheat on you?!" Victoria didn't know where she got the courage to yell at Jake like that, let alone tell him that when she just woke up in someone else's bed and she herself doubted whether she had cheated on her boyfriend. But she was too angry with him.

"Last night you completely disappeared, you didn't even call me." Victoria felt her eyes watering. "And you didn't do the only thing I asked of you, the only thing! I just wanted you to see me.." Her voice cracked.

"Oh my god, you're so childish, you're not a child, grow up! I had more important things to do than watch your stupid musical!" Maybe she was being childish, but since her parents weren't coming to see her, she thought that inviting the person she loved and who was supposed to be there to support her was a good idea.

What a stupid idea, the relationships weren't perfect and Jake was right, she was being childish and dramatic.

Tears were already rolling down Victoria's cheeks but she tried her best to hide it from Jake. "Sorry..." She was not. "I'm going to be home in about an hour," She was going to Ally's, she was not returning today. "I love you." She wasn't really sure if she did anymore.

He sighed loudly, "Whatever, I'm going out." He simply said.

"Where are you going?" She wanted to try to calm things down a little.

"Mind your own business." And he hung up.

Victoria ran her shaky hand through her hair. "Are you okay? Who was that?" Victoria had completely forgotten that Reneé was there next to her. Now she was really embarrassed.

"Oh, it's just my boyfriend," Reneé's warm smile seemed to drop a little. "Things just got a bit tense." She laughed nervously and fiddled with her long fingers.

Reneé looked her up and down, Victoria felt naked under the gaze of the girl in front of her, for some reason she didn't quiet understand she began to get anxious and avoided the blonde's eyes at all costs.

"Does he always treat you like that?" You could see that the blonde was clearly worried.

It would be incorrect to say that he is not surprised by the shorter blonde's question.

"No, I was just being dramatic...I think so."

"Why do you say that? I could clearly hear him screaming at you." The blonde's brows furrowed and she sat down on her sofa. Victoria took a seat on the other side of the couch.

The younger girl sighed and threw her head backwards. "Lately we've been having some problems in our relationship." She didn't know why, but she felt confident talking to Reneé about this. Even though less than 5 days ago they were shouting that they hated each other to their faces, there was something about her that made her feel very comfortable.

Part of it was that Reneé had taken care of her when she was under the influence of alcohol, she would always be grateful for that. Some day she would return the favor, although she still didn't know how.

She moved her head to look at the blonde, she was listening attentively. "The other day I asked him if he could go to watch the musical, he said yes."

Reneé seemed confused, "So what's the problem?"

"He- he didn't go,"

"Oh.." The blue-eyed girl seemed to regret having asked. But Victoria gave her a reassuring smile.

"He said he had work and forgot, but I don't believe him, I know when he lies." She looked at her hands. "In the call he also said that he had more important things than the musical, and accused me of cheating on him."

Now Renee's face was one of anger and her mouth formed an "O". "I'm sorry about this, but he's a total asshole!" Victoria chuckled, remembering that Ally said the same thing a month ago.

"How long has this been happening?" The blonde dared to ask.

Victoria exhaled and thought for a moment. "I think, maybe 5 months? But lately it has been.." Her voice became almost inaudible. "You know, much worse."

Reneé started connecting dots and suddenly everything made sense.

5052 words.

I don't know how to thank the people who read this story, really thank you very much. I would like to know what you think of the story so far, do you like it? I love you ❤️

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