The Slayer Of Slashers || Mar...

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Jamari Warren seems to always be caught in the middle no matter what he does, He tries to move to Haddonfield... Higit pa

1-1: Rise Of The Rider I
1-2: Rise Of The Rider II
1-3: Haddonfield
1-4: BFF's!!
1-5: Evil Has Risen
1-6: Evil Has Returned
1-7: Search For Da Shape
1-8: Haddonfield Hunter
1-9: Vengeance vs Emotionless
1-11: Bodies Drop
1-12: There Is No Boogeyman!
1-13: Bodies Keep Droppin
1-14: Sex Sounds No Lil TJay
1-15: Final Girl Circuit
1-16: Final Round...
1-17: AfterMath
1-18: Loomis Slowly Going Cuckoo
1-19: Dead Daughter Is Wild
1-20: Da Gang
1-21: The Return
1-22: Final Face Off/S1 Finale
2-1: Crystal Lake
2-2: First Fight
2-3: New Camp Who Dis?
2-4: Deattth
2-5: Camp Forest Lake...
2-7: Believa!
2-8: Rematch!
2-9: Shit Happened
2-10: Final Gir-Boy Circuit
2-11: Final Bout
2-12: The Trip That Scared Trips
2-13: Hitchhiking Problems
2-14: On Da Road Again...
2-15: Dropping Bodies
2-16: Half Brother Is A Half Corpse
2-17: Hell...sorta
2-18: Attack!
2-19: Mind Games
2-20: Hellscape
2-21: Knocked Around
2-22: Final Fight/S2 Finale

1-10: Suspicions

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Annie stands making popcorn, the phone at her ear, "Having fun? Never mind, I'm sure you are. I have big, big news for you..." Annie says

Lester, a large ferocious-looking German shepherd, trots happily into the kitchen, spies Annie and walks over to her. He nudges her legs with his head, "Oops! Hold on a minute..." She turns and reaches for Lester uncertainly, "Hi Lester..." Lester Growls at her menacingly, "Lindsey, Lindsey! (into phone) I'm about to be ripped apart by the family dog." Lindsey trots into the room, "Get him out of here! Here, Lester."

Immediately Lester walks over to the back door. Lindsey opens the door and the dog trots out.

Then Lindsey closes the back door and walks back into the living room, Annie once again speaks into phone, "I hate that dog. I'm the only person in the world he doesn't like."

Laurie speaks on a V.O. into the phone, "What's this big, big news?"

"What would you say if I told you that you were going to the Homecoming Dance tomorrow night?" Annie asks

INTERCUT WITH LAURIE IN THE DEN, "I'd say you must have the wrong number."

"Well, I just talked with Ben Tramer

and he got real excited when I told him how attracted you were to him." Annie finally spills

"Annie you didn't. Tell me you didn't." Laurie begs

"You guys will make a fabulous couple." Annie says

"You know how I feel about Jamari." Laurie says

"You have yet to ask him out and he has yet to ask you out! I'm doing both of you a favor." Annie explains


Tommy walks to the front window and looks out. TOMMY'S POV -- STREET A couple TRICK-OR-TREATERS walk by.

Behind them, across the street, stands the shape, looking into the house.


Camera is behind the shape, looking into the Doyle house. We can see Laurie talking on the phone.

The shape's head moves slightly and We Pan to see Tommy at the front room window looking out.

Tommy moves away from the window. Pan Back to see him enter the den and pull on Laurie's blouse.


"Laurie..." Laurie says

Laurie speaks into the phone, "I'm so embarrassed. I couldn't face him..."

Annie speaks on a V.O, "You'll have to. He's calling you tomorrow to find out what time to pick you up."

Laurie responds panicked, "Annie!"

"Laurie, the Boogeyman is outside. Look!" Tommy shouts

Tommy runs to the window in the den and points. Laurie walks over with the phone and looks with Ellie.


Laurie speaks into the phone, "Hold on." She then speaks to Tommy, "There's nobody there, Tommy. Go watch some TV."

Ellie and Tommy run out of the den.


Tommy dashes up to the front window and looks out.

"Do you seriously see the boogeyman?" Ellie akss

"Yeah! He was right there!" Tommy shouts

"I'm gonna call my brother!" Ellie shouts before remembering Laurie has the phone, "Nevermind, wonder what he's doing."

Jamari is still incapacitated, and his neck is still snapped like some raw spaghetti, but the wound in his neck closes quickly.

POV -- STREET We SEE the man as he passes under a streetlight on his way toward the Wallace house.


Annie stands by the kitchen stove making popcorn, "Look, it's simple. You like him, he likes you. All you need is a little push."

"I like Jamari! If anything you should have called him!" Laurie shouts

"You think I didn't try? He didn't answer his parents did, I don't know why he's probably twisted up or something, I dunno just spun around the opposite way, probably just snapped the wrong way or something." Annie says

Well she ain't wrong.

POV FROM OUTSIDE KITCHEN WINDOW The shape stands close to CAMERA watching Annie make popcorn.

She puts the butter in the pan, "And So... It won't hurt you to go out with him, for God's sake." Annie starts to pour the butter over the popcorn but instead pours it on herself, "Shit! No, no, I gotta call you back. I just made a mess of myself. Nothing unusual."

Annie hangs up. She quickly takes off her blouse and blue jeans. She stands in the kitchen with only her panties on.

She pulls a box of cornstarch out of the closet and sprinkles it out on the stains of butter.

Angle On Side Of House, The shape moves closer to the kitchen window and knocks over a potted plant.

It Crashes noisily against the side of the house.


Annie is startled by the crash. She looks outside the window. POV OUT KITCHEN WINDOW A hanging plant swings in the wind.

It Bumps against the side of the house. ANGLE OF ANNIE, She turns from the window and walks out of the kitchen.


The hanging plant continues to WHAP against the house. A hand suddenly stops its motion.

The shape leans up close to the kitchen window, looking inside. Angle On Dog From the darkness of the backyard Lester springs forward into Camera, Snarling and Barking viciously.

ANGLE ON SHAPE -- DOG, The shape darts away from the kitchen window, the dog Snapping right after him.


Annie listens to the Growling of the dog. She turns to Lindsey in the living room, "Lindsey, Lester's barking again and getting on my nerves again..."

Lindsey O.S, "No he's not."

Suddenly the Growling sounds abruptly stop, "Never mind. He found a hot date."

Annie turns and walks into the living room.


We See the shape's legs a few feet from the house. Next to him are Lester's legs, kicking and struggling a few feet above the ground.

Off screen, the shape is strangling the dog in mid-air. Finally the dog's legs stop moving and dangle lifelessly. The shape moves away from the house.


Laurie, Ellie and Tommy are sitting on the couch watching the Horrorthon on TV, "What about the Jack-o'-lantern?" Tommy asks

"After the movie." Laurie says

"What about the rest of my comic books?" Tommy asks

"After the Jack-o'-lantern." Laurie adds

Tommy speaks quietly, "What about the Boogeyman?"

"There's no such thing." Laurie says

"Richie said he was coming after me tonight." Tommy responds

"Do you believe everything that Richie tells you?" Laurie asks

"No..." Tommy answers

"Tommy, Halloween night is when you play tricks on people and scare them. It's all make believe. Richie was trying to scare you." Laurie responds

"I saw the Boogeyman. I saw him outside." Tommy says with more force

"There was no one out there." Laurie says

"There was." Tommy responds

"What did he look like?" Laurie asks

"The Boogeyman!" Tommy shouts

"We're not getting anywhere. All right, look, Tommy. The Boogeyman can only come out on Halloween night, right?" Laurie asks

"Right." Tommy says

"And I'm here tonight and I won't let him get you. Either of you." Laurie says

"Promise?" Ellie asks

"I promise." Laurie responds

"Can we make the Jack-o'-lantern now?" Tommy asks

Laurie holds out her hands. Ellie and Tommy take it and together they walk into the kitchen.


Annie walks through the passageway to the laundry room. She is wearing a nylon robe and carrying her clothes to be washed.

The wind blows the robe open. ANOTHER ANGLE -- PASSAGEWAY The shape stands behind a tree watching Annie walk along the passageway.


Annie walks into the dark laundry room. Almost immediately the wind blows the door shut!

Annie stands motionless for a moment, then begins looking for the light switch, "Terrific." She says

ANGLE ON DOOR The door creaks open. Behind the door we see the outline of the shape standing there.

ANGLE ON ANNIE Annie turns toward the slightly opened door, "Hello?" She calls out, Silence, "Who's there?" Again...Silence. The wind blows the door open a little wider.

In the light from the main house, Annie sees the light switch. Quickly she flicks on the switch and the laundry room lights up.

She glances outside the door. There is no one there, "Paul, is this one of your cheap tricks? (Pause, disappointed) I guess not."

She steps back inside and crosses to the washing machine. She opens the top and dumps her clothes inside, "No tricks for Annie tonight." Suddenly a big gust of wind comes through the opened window above her.

The door slams shut!

Annie hurries to the door and tries to open it. It won't open. Close Shot of Annie She tries to pull the door open.

Behind her, in the open window above the washing machine, we see the shape looking in, "Lindsey! Lindsey, come out here!" Annie shouts


Lindsey Wallace, 8 years old with a pretty face, watches the Horror Marathon at top volume on TV.

She doesn't hear Annie's call.

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