The New Wind Of Creation [ Hi...

By NomadicLeader13

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This story tells the point of view of Shidou Hyoudou, the adoptive brother of Issei Hyoudou. Everything follo... More

Bio: The New Wind of Creation (Edited)
Chapter 1: The 'normal life' of the Hyoudou brothers
Chapter 3: Trouble with the Church
Chapter 4: Rescue Mission
Chapter 5: The Fall of my Brother's Ex-girlfriend
Chapter 6: Work as Devil
Chapther 7: Getting a Familiar
Chapter 8: A Fight for your Freedom
Chapter 9: Training Camp
Chapter 10: The Beginning Rating Game

Chapter 2: The Occult Research Club

1K 25 22
By NomadicLeader13

(3dr Person POV)

* Hyoundou Residence

Shidou sat on the side of the bed, lowered his head and put his hands supporting her, in a state of shock at what he had just heard.

Shidou: ''Seeking to understand all that was thrown upon me.''

Akeno: ''I know, it's too much to absorb.''

After a few seconds, he stands upright with his eyes close, unites his open hands touching his face and breathes deeply to keep a thought ahead of it all. He opens his eyes and notices.

Shidou: ''Somehow that makes total sense... Wow... I'm feeling my head overheating.''

Akeno: ''Hm...?''

Akeno tilted her head to Shidou direction, and showed an expression of confusion for what he had said.

Akeno: ''Is something bothering you?''

Shidou: ''Now I managed to fit the pieces of this confusing puzzle, we are indeed devils and everything... Our bodies were not acting as usual, Issei and I were able to see completely in the dark and we also had an increase in physical ability as when Issei took that leap and I ran faster than normal.''

Akeno: ''Yeah, I know it's a shock to find you've been reincarnated into a supernatural being you thought was just myth. But I promise you that in fact, things are very good... Here... have some tea that I made.''

Akeno offered a cup of tea to Shidou, she took it from the tray that was on the desk and gave it to him in her hands, he politely accepted.

He took a slight whiff of the tea's exhaling aroma. He put the tea on his lip and took the first sip, after two seconds he started drinking slowly but without stopping. After drinking it all, he widens his eyes with a glow in them and puts the empty tea on the saucer, showing a smile.

Shiro: ''This was the most delicious tea I've ever tasted in my life!''

Akeno: ''It's lemon balm tea... help to relieves symptoms of stress and anxiety, fights digestive problems and relieves pain.''

It seemed that Shidou's eyes became a starry sky so much that it was sparkling to taste this tea he drank. Akeno chuckled at Shidou's reaction.

Akeno: ''Hm... Shidou Hyoundou... I really liked the name you have, has a great sound and stands out when you speak... Wouldn't be a surprise if Rias leaves your name as it is.''

Shidou: ''Huh...? I... always planned to take that name. What you just said made me confused again.''

Akeno: ''Don't worry, when you are introduced to the rest of the club, you will be able to ask any questions you have. Let's just wait for the president to finish talking to Issei.''

Shidou: ''Wait, is Rias here at our house too?''

Before he could be answered, he ended up overhearing to his adoptive parents talking out loud in the hallway as if something big had happened.

Miki: ''Do you know what he's doing up there?!''

Gorou: ''Why are you yelling...? What... is he gripping the magazines again? Let the boy have his time!''

Miki: ''No! She was real! She was alive and she was naked in our son's bed!''

Shidou got up from bed and was usually walking towards the bedroom door. Akeno then noticed that the veins on their faces became very prominent and pulsating

Akeno: ''Shidou...? Everything okay in there?''

He stopped walking and turned his head back looking towards Akeno and gave a smile. Then he turned his head forward and kept walking and left the room, Akeno curious about what would happen followed him.

Shidou stands in front of Issei's bedroom door, he gently turns the handle, but gives a violent push to the door. In front of him was Rias was just in panties and bra cross-legged sitting on Issei's bed, while Issei himself was naked kneeling in front of Rias. Soon, the two realize Shidou at the entrance of the room.

Rias: ''Ah... Good Morning, Shidou.''

Issei: ''T-That's no-not what it looks like!''

Shirou: ''I almost died. For you. For the second time. And you do... THAT while I recover?''

Issei: ''Wait, Shidou, that's a misunderstanding, we actually didn't do any--''

Before he could even get a chance to finish his sentence, Shidou quickly took a big step towards Issei and discharged all his frustration in a single violent punch that sank Issei's face and threw him back hard and landing in the middle of the wall.


Rias and Akeno were shocked, not by the violence, but by the force that Shidou had shown. Two seconds later, Shidou was holding his head with both hands in agony for some reason not explained to him.

Shidou: ''Aah... What a headache!''


(Shidou POV)

Everyone was sitting at the dinner table, with breakfast on the table, including Rias and Akeno, meanwhile my parents were anxious about the two girls in our rooms in the morning, even more so that Issei and Rias were found naked. I'm glad they didn't notice the bruise I left on his face.

Miki: ''Well, I suppose it's nice that Issei has a friend, you too Shidou.''

Shidou: ''Please, Doesn't pull me in the middle of it, I only had tea and talked to her.''

Akeno: ''Unfortunately this is true.''

Akeno put her hand on her cheek and made a face of disappointed. I was caught off guard with the 'unfortunately', I started to blush for imagining the two of us naked together. Akeno clearly noticed and smiled at me.

Gorou: ''Anyway, so when you say nekkid-- you mean not even skivvies?''

Rias: ''Of course! It's more comfortable, so we sleep better and then naturally, we get better grade!''

Issei: ''What are you saying? They never gonna fall for that.''

Gorou: ''Good job son... Glad to see you're working so hard.''

While my father said this, he and my mother were staggering from one side to another in their chairs as if they had taken many glasses of beer.

Shirou's Thought: (I swear, if I don't have answers to everything today, I'm going to a mental institution.)

Rias: ''Anyway, let's eat now, we have a full day at school.''


(3dr Person POV)

* Kuoh Academy

???: ''There's no frikkin' way!''

???: ''They had to have done their homework or paid them or something!''

Murayama: ''What is happening here?''

Katase: ''Is he supposed to be cool now?''

All the students at Kouh Academy were in a state of pure shock at what they were seeing. The reaction was as if the Earth was being invaded by aliens. Because everyone was seeing the infamous 'Kuoh Academy Great Ladies' walking to school with Kouh's more doubtful brothers, Shidou and Issei.

Shidou was walking normally as if he didn't care about the death looks he was getting, however, it was a nuisance.

Then he stopped for a moment and turned his head slowly, showing everyone there what a real death glare was.

Shidou: ''I'm a very calm person, but not today. Speak this shit to me again, you'll all wake up without the tongues.''

All the students who saw this trembled and began to disperse, so Shidou returned to walk with Rias, Issei and Akeno. Issei had realized what he did and was a little withdrawn.

Issei's Thought: (It seems he's still in the killer mood... But I understand this reaction now. Of course gossips are beginning now. It's bound to happen when you're around the hottest girls with this pairs of jugs at school.)

Issei took the opportunity to be close to both of them and stared at their breasts swinging as they walked, which caused her perverted face to appear, and Shidou seeing this was unconformed.

Shidou's Thought: (Don't get it wrong, I love a girl's voluptuous body, but I don't have to act like a degenerate for that... Come on, Shidou... You need to calm down!)

Shidou looked ahead and saw the same thing Issei was staring at, coming to be mesmerizing. Then he looked down and there were their skirts, underneath their voluptuous asses were hiding. Shidou became a sunny and cheerful expression as if in a state of spiritual peace.

Shidou's Thought: ''Yeah...This view helped. I guess it's okay to be a little hypocritical.''

Rias: ''I'll send someone to fetch you two later.''

Issei: ''Fetch us?''

Rias: ''That's right. I'll to you after school.''

Rias and Akeno walked away together as Akeno waved his farewell, and Issei stretches his arm toward them.

Issei: ''Wait! Rias! Hold on a second, I don't understand!''

Shidou: ''Welcome to my world.''

To their surprise, Issei is hit by a punch from Matsuda and lands face down on a pilaster. Anyone who looked at him would know he was biting himself with envy and was pissed.

Matsuda: ''Is that how it is? How we s'post to be bros when you're pimpin' Big Red and Ponytail on the DL, man?!''

Motohama: ''Matsuda, there's no need for that.''

Matsuda: ''But he's frontin'!''

Motohama: ''Issei is our buddy. Let's give him a chance to explain... Where did you go and what did you do after you left yesterday...? Same question for you Shidou-senpai!''

Shidou: Wait a minute... Since when do I have to give satisfaction to what I do to any of you? I got a life outside of you, you know. And another thing... Issei can explain everything for you two!

Shidou' Thought: (After all I've done for you brother, time to give back a little... Besides, I will never speak to anyone outside what happened this morning.)

Issei: ''Well... Yes, I'll be happy to explain, gentleman.''

Motohama: Yeah, yeah. Spill it!

Issei: ''See... Yesterday... I was rollin' in some Double Ds.''

This left Matsuda and Motohama in shock and completely astonished at Issei. Trying to imagine what he did last night, but they couldn't because they never saw a woman's naked body live.

Matsuda: Bu-Bu- But... What about senpai?

Issei: ''He was rollin' in Double D's too.''

Shidou's Thought: (I was what?)

Matsuda: ''We were betrayed and abandoned!''


Rias was walking up the stairs with a smile on his face, arriving on the next floor.

???: ''You seem very certain about them.''

Rias stopped and saw who spoke to her. A beautiful girl with short black hair with purple glasses. Her body was not as voluptuous as that of Rias or Akeno, but even so, she is considered one of the most popular girls in Kuoh.

???: ''Hello again, Rias... Good to see you.''

Rias: ''It's good to see you, too, Sona.''

Rias went to side with the girl named Sona, together they were looking down towards the Perverted Trio and Shidou.

Sona: ''Never seen you take on anyone so impulsivery... What's so special about those two?''

Rias: ''I don't know exactly. But... I will say it kinda feels as thought I've adopted some little brothers.''

Rias closed his eyes and gave a sweet smile, meanwhile, Sona looked at her with curiosity in her pink eyes.

Perverted Trio: ''Paper Rock Scissors! Paper Rock Scissors! Paper Rock Scissors!''

Shidou: ''Enough people, I'll buy the sodas!''

Perverted Trio: ''Victory!''


With today's class at the end, in room 2-B, Issei was staring out the window a little confused.

Issei: ''I don't know who she's sending to fetch me... but the're sure taking their sweet ass time.''

Out of nowhere, he hears a crowd and screams of pure joy from the girls in his class. Issei knew it could only mean one thing.

He looked at the door and saw Kiba passing by with a smile and waving, along with mysterious sparkles.

Kiba: ''Hey.''

???: ''Look, It's Kiba!''

Issei: ''Like... Omigod, it's Prince Golden Nuts! Shut up.''

Kiba: ''You're all looking lovely today.''

???: ''You look better!''

???: ''I'm sorry the room's not cleaner!''

Kida then managed to get through the heap of girls looking like needy puppies and managed to make his way to Issei.

Kiba: ''Ah! There you are!''

Issei: ''Huh... Uh, yeah. This is my desk.''

Kiba: ''Excellent! I'm here on an errand from Rias Gremory.''

In quoting her name, all Issei's attention was turned to Kiba.

Issei: ''What? Wait, is this the 'fetching'?''

Kiba: ''Would you mind coming with me?''

The despair fell on the girls as they saw Kiba interacting with one of Kouh's perverts.

Murayama: ''Omigod...! Is Kiba Kakes about to walk out of this room with weasel boy?!''

Katase: ''Kiba don't do it! You'll catch 'Pervert'! You'll lose all your friends and smell like moldy meat!''

Having this dear parting entourage, Issei took his backpack and rolled his eyes on anger.

Issei: ''Everybody just simmer down. I promise not to drain his pimp juice.''

As Kiba and Issei exit through the classroom sla door, Issei is overwhelmed by the presence of Shidou who was leaning against the wall waiting.

Issei: ''Brother?''

Shidou: ''You focused too much on Rias and Akeno bodies that forgot I was going to be called too, right?''

Issei: ''Hehe... You know me well.''

Shidou: ''All right... Now let's meet the staff because I have questions and I want answers!''

Kiba: ''Excellent idea indeed Hyoundou-senpai!''

And then Shidou, Issei and Kiba went to their next destination, The Occult Research Club Building.


* Occult Research Club

At night, the trio formed by Issei, Kiba and Shibou finally arrive at the end of the path to the Occult Research Club. An environment living up to the name, being fully illuminated by candles.

Issei: ''What's happening? Where are we?''

Shidou: ''I even feel like I'm in some kind of Cthullu cult or one of those weird, stuffed-up fortune-teller room trinkets.''

Suddenly, Issei notices one more person in the room. A cute and also short white-haired girl with a cat-shaped clip and yellow eyes. Her body was also smaller compared to the others.

Issei: ''Wait! I think I know her!''

Shidou: ''It's ringing some bells, but I'm not sure.''

Kiba: ''Oh? Koneko Toujou is a first year. And a valued member of the Occult Research Club.''

When Kiba spoke her name, he ended up calling the Koneko's attention who turned his eyes on them.

Kiba: ''My friend Issei here thinks he might know you.''

Issei: ''Uh, I could be wrong.''

Three seconds later, she turns away losing all interest and returned to enjoy her chocolate.

Issei's Thought: (I'm gonna kill him. Who doesn't know that perfect spinner bod?! All the girls hate her cuz all the guys wanna do her. Speaking of which... Damn, I wish I was that chocolate bar right now! I had no idea she was down with the ORC...! This changes everything!)

And then, Issei saw Shidou in front of Koneko crouching at her height with a slight smile staring at her.

Shidou: ''Hi, I'm Shidou Hyoundou. It's nice to meet you! I see that you are also a lover of sweets, then I want you to try this... And tell me what you think.''

Then he takes his backpack and pulls out a small jar of cookies. The opens and offers one to Koneko, reaching out in front of her.

She looked at the cookie in Shidou's hand and then looked into Shidou's eyes to see if he had any ulterior motives. So she finally took the cookie out of his hand. She puts the chocolate bar next to her and then breaks a piece of the cookie, and puts it in her mouth.

Everyone looked at Koneko who suddenly became paralyzed after swallowing that piece. Issei and Kiba began to worry, while Shidou did not change his face until now. Soon, Koneko moves again and...

Koneko: ''Is pretty good.''

In a single bite, she eats the rest of the cookie Shidou had given her, showing a face of pleasure and happiness.

Shidou: ''I'm so glad you enjoyed my homemade cookies.''

Koneko: ''Hm..? You baked it?''

Shidou: ''Yes, it's my homemade recipe for chocolate and nuts cookies. I like to make other sweets too.''

Koneko: ''Can you... give me another cookie?''

Koneko extended his two hands towards Shidou as he waited for his answer.

Shidou: ''It's not anyone I let eat my special sweets, but for some reason, I feel like you different from them, so you can eat as many as you want.''

Shidou delivered the pot of her cookies into Koneko's hands, and her eyes looked like a starry night of such brightness they had. She nodded in gratitude and began to eat slowly.

Meanwhile, Issei was dissatisfied, not only because his brother has already won Koneko's sympathy, but also delivered his delicious homemade cookies to her very easily. Shidou is very strict with whom eats them, even with Issei himself.

At the same time, a running shower can be heard by them.

Shidou: ''Is someone showering...? You're telling me this old building has the coverage for running water? And how is a shower allowed in a club anyway?''

Issei: ''Shut up! Someone's in there! Oh great googly moogly, how did I get so mother effing lucky?''

Shidou: ''I'll punch you again.''

Akeno: ''Your clothes are laid out when you're ready, Miss President.''

Rias: ''Thank you, Akeno.''

An ember ignited in Issei and his eyes widened.

Issei: ''I just heard Rias take a shower! I love this club, uh...''

Koneko briefly stopped eating the cookies and threw a warning at Issei.

Koneko: ''It's not polite to spy.''

Issei is called attention and turns to Koneko and sees her eyes closed just savoring the cookies and chocolate she had.

Akeno: ''Who is there? I didn't see you.''

Akeno turned to both boys, went towards them and smiled with his eyes closed.

Akeno chuckled as he approached Shidou and Issei. When she got to them, Issei took a step back because she got nervous. Shidou just stood there with a heartbeat with her so close.

Akeno: ''It's okay, I won't bite.''

She bowed politely to them as her breasts bounced when she moved. She gave a warm smile and welcome while her arms clenched her breasts.

Akeno: ''It's nice to meet you. We’ve met at your house, but let's make it official here. There's nothing to be nervous about. Everyone here is super nice...

Akeno: I'm Akeno. I'm the vice-president.

Issei: ''Uh... I'm Issei Hyoundou and... I'm promise I'm not always this awkward.''

Shidou's Thought: (Lie detected!)

Issei's Thought: (Cause I'm not always this close to a girl about to bust out of her top! Also thinking of her and Rias working so closely together is hawt! I bet they just hang out together naked when no one's around. And when it's cold out, they cccle in bed and have pillow fights in the morning! This is the greastest club ever! I'm so glad I'm me!)

Shidou: ''We already know each other, but still... I'm Shidou. Just in case my name got overlooked.''

Akeno: ''Oh don't worry dear... I'll never forget your name Shidou.''

Akeno blinked at Shidou and then walked out.

Shidou's Thought: (No doubt I can say, Akeno Himejima is a dream as a woman. Not only is her body perfect, but her personality is warm and kind, it makes me want to lie in her lap and stay there forever.)

Shidou had his eyes locked on Akeno staring at her as if under hypnosis, meanwhile, he had a smug smile on his face. Issei looked away and saw him like this, and was very surprised by his reaction.

After a while, the curtains are opened by Rias who was fully dressed and drying her hair with a towel.

Rias: ''Sorry to keep you waiting. I know it's terribly rude, but I didn'thave a chance to wash after leaving your place.''

Issei: ''Oh no, you're hot-- uh, fine-- I mean... all good.''

Shidou: ''All that fuss, and you didn't even let her take a shower?''

Issei: ''We didn't have the chan--''

Shidou: ''You're a disgrace as a man, I can't be associated with you anymore, what people would think if they knew that my brother wouldn't let a lady clean up after the promiscuity you made her commit. From that moment on, you are unworthy of carrying the name Hyoundou.... Go away, and only return home when you show dignity to the world... Which is, let the women take their beloved shower in peace.''

Everyone looked at Shidou, and said nothing except Issei.

Issei: ''Where this Shakespear come from, dude?''

Shidou: ''Honestly? I have no idea.''

Rias tried his best to hold his laugh.

Rias: ''It's alright Shidou. Well, now that you two have arrived, I think everyone is here.''

A few moments later, everyone was seated on the two sofas in the ORC lobby, while Rias was standing at his desk and Shidou and Issei stood in front of everyone.

Rias: We'd like to officially welcome you into Occult Research Club.

Issei: ''Uh... Thanks.''

Shidou: ''Thank you very much. It'll be a lot better than the time I tried the archery club.''

Rias: ''But you should know the name of the club is just a front. It's supposed to look like this is some sort of hobby.''

Issei: ''So what is it really?''

Rias: ''Well, since you asked I'll be frank with you. I'm not the only devil here, Issei.''

Issei: ''Wait... are you saying that's what all of you are?''

Shidou facepalmed out of shame and disbelief that Issei spoke.

Shidou: ''That's gotta be a joke. After everything you've seen, you still think they're human.''

Issei: ''Stopping to think... it kinda makes sense... hehe.''

Rias: And the winged man from yesterday was something else. A fallen angel. Some think we're the same, which isn't true... They want to serve God. But it's too late for them... Their dark emotions, have forced them into teh underworld. The confusion is understandable because they, too, walk the eath misguiding humans. But they wish to please God; so their goal is wipe us devils out and gain supremacy over our realm. You call it Hell. And of course there're the more recognizable angels who are clearly sent down by God to defeat us as well... So we're constantly defending ourselves from from both side.

Rias realized that Issei was a little anxious and Shidou had his head shaking quietly.

Rias: ''Something the matter? You look a bit overwhelmed.''

Issei: ''Well, probaly because I am. I mean, you're talking about some freaky-deaky stuff here.''

Shidou: ''That was an entire supernatural history class in less than a minute... I need time to absorb everything.''

Rias: ''Remeber Yuuma Amano?''

Once that name was mentioned, Issei and Shidou's attention was totally caught.

Rias: ''How could you forget...? You two dated for a little while, didn't you?''

Issei: ''Where did you hear that name? Never mind, I don't want to know.''

Shidou: ''But I want. I've come to have answers and that's one I need to know.''

Issei: ''Look, I'm not sure how you know so much about my life, but I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable here, so maybe we should just...''

Then Rias releases a picture on the table. This catches the attention of Issei and Shidou and were shocked to see in the photo, Issei and Yuuma together.

Issei: ''Yuuma!''

Shidou: ''No way! Was it real?!''

Rias: ''That's right! It wasn't a dream... She's real. I love this picture of you two. You remember it, don't you?''

Issei: ''Of course I do but... how is this possible?''

Rias: ''The girl you went out with is also a fallen angel... She is made up of the same elements as the being who attacked you and Shidou last night.''

Issei: ''But that's the thing-- Did I meet her? Shidou too? Matsuda and Motohama don't remember anything about her! And why isn't her number in my phone anymore?''

Rias: ''We can't erase human memory.''

Issei: ''What?''

Rias: ''It usually ends up being the best thing for everyone... Including your parents.''

Shidou: ''Now everything makes sense, they were under your hypnosis when they were with us at home in the morning. But changing the subject a little, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but you should have practiced this more before this meeting.''

Rias: ''Hm...? 'Practiced'... Sorry, I didn't understand.''

Shidou got up from the couch, went to Issei's side and put his hand on his shoulder.

Shidou: ''I understand that you are introducing us to a new world that we do not know, but you need to measure your words and know how to use them. You're throwing a lot of truth bombs at us and you expect us to be fine right away, especially after everything we've been through. That's not how it works. Besides, you confessed that you've been stalking us all this time. Just so you know, it doesn't help a bit in making us trust you!''

Rias: ...''I see, please, forgive me for my approach being too direct. I'll keep that in mind.''

Then Rias turned to Issei.

Rias: ''After a fallen angel accomplishes her goal, she erases all memories and records of herself from everyone around the target.''

Issei: ''Wait. What goal? What's Yuuma's goal?''

Rias: ''She needed to kill you. But only after she figured out whether or not there was something within you that dangerous or threatening. Once that was verified, you were stabbed through the middle wih a spear of light.''

Shidou: ''That explains all the weirdness she was talking about at the time... about God and... a gear sacred, I think.''

Rias: ''Yes, you two have the Sacred Gear.''

Akeno: ''It's basically a very intense and unique power that's found in a rare few. In fact, the only people I know of who have possessed it are historical figures, so you're kind of big deal around here!''

Rias: ''The thing is... this power can be so uncontrollable that some who have it became a threat to those in the underworld. Issei. Shidou... please hold up your left hands.''

Issei and Shidou then obeyed the command.

Issei: ''Okay, but I'm not very good at 'catch'.''

Shidou: ''I don't think we'll catch something bro.''

Rias: ''Close your eyes and think of the part of tyour body you feel is the strongest. Then fous hard on the strength.''

Issei: ''Wait... So we're doing this now? That's a lot of pressure.''

Shidou: ''I am already doing it.''

Rias: ''It will get easier if you focus.''

Issei: ''All right! Focus, focus, foc--''

I tried to focus on his Sacred Gear, failing to be distracted by having the perfect view of the panties that Rias was wearing. His perversity wouldn't let him close his eyes and focus.

Rias: ''Very good. Concentrate... You can do this.''

Issei: ''I think, I can. I'm trying! Focus... Ack!''

Shidou smacked Issei on the back of his head.

Issei: ''What's this for?!''

Shidou: ''It's to focus on your Sacred Gear, not in panties.''

In the end, the two failed and gave up.

Issei: ''I can't! I'm a weak link!''

Shidou: ''Me too! I thought I could do it, but I couldn't.''

Rias got up from the table and tried to encourage them.

Rias: ''You are not weak at all. It's just a little hard right now.''

Issei's Thought: (Um, yeah it's hard...! The only thing I can focus on is the fact your thong is see-through.)

Issei: ''Are you sure this isn't some mistake? I mean, I'm not that cool.''

Shidou: ''As your brother, I think you cool!''

Issei: ''As your brother too, I think you cool too!''

Rias: ''A fallen angel found you theat enough to try to kill you. It's not a mistake.''

Issei: ''Yeah...! And then she put a glowing rod in us and somehow we still here. How does that work?''

Rias turned and took a piece of paper that was on his desk and showed it to them, revealing that it's her flyer.

Rias: ''Do you remember this?''

Issei: ''Yeah...''

Rias: ''Just before your life ended you summoned me with your thoughts through this flyer.''

Shidou: '' 'Summoned'? So that red light I saw before it all got blurry, it was you!''

Rias: ''And so, that day you were both revived and reborn as an honored members of House of Rias Gremory, daughter of the great and powerful devil, the Marquis of Gremory. Which means you are now my devil servants.''

Shidou and Issei both they were speechless to saw Rias showed off her devil wings in bat form, and soon, all showed their too, unconsciously Shidou and Issei did the same.

Akeno: ''Isn't this so exciting? You're really one of us now!''


* Somewhere in Kouh

Under the moonlight, Issei and Shidou were riding bikes while they were delivering flyers for Kouh.

Thinking about why to do this, both had a flashback of when Rias talked about how they could gain power.


Rias: The way yhis works is we grant power to humans for a price we both agree on and then seal with a pact. If used to be that people would draw magic circles to summon us. But that became too complicated. Nowadays, we make house calls and personal deliveries.

Issei: ''Ahh... Makes sense.''

Rias: Ordinary we'd have a messenger demon make the run... but as a new servants, I think it'll benefit you to learn what all goes into this job. If you do well... you may get to have a few servants of your own to help you in any way you like.

Shidou: ''Apparently after the hard work, the reward always comes.''

Issei: ''I'm into that! I want some servants!''

Rias: ''Like I said, that all depends on your efforts.''

Issei:''Let's say my efforts are awesome... Does that mean my servants have to do everything I tell them to?''

Shidou: ''Oh no.''

Rias: ''That's right!''

Issei: ''And they're mine, so I can do whatever I want to them.''

Rias: ''Yes.''

Issei: ''You know where I'm goin' with this right...?It's gonna be sexy time!''

Shidou: ''If it didn't hurt so much, I'd pray to whoever was your servant.''

Rias: ''The great thing about servants is you can use them for anything.''

Shidou: ''Apparently morality has flown out the window by the time we're devils... So fuck morality and we'll have servants!''

Issei: ''That's what I like to hear!''

(End of Flashback)

Issei: ''Why would I ever want to go back to being human?! I'm gonna have a harem! They'll be naked all the time!''

Issei hit the brakes and raised his fist up in cheer. Shidou took it right behind and soon stood side by side with Issei.

Shidou: ''I can't believe I'm going to say this, but if having a harem will make you work hard, so be it!''

Issei was amazed and almost fell off the bike with what Shidou had said.

Issei: ''Wait, you said that... You really meant that?! Will you support me having my harem?''

Shidou: ''But that doesn't mean I'll stop scolding you when you act like a hopeless perverted idiot. Other than that, have as many as you want, little brother. Consensual!''

Issei's eyes filled with tears of joy as he looked at his adoptive brother.

Issei: ''I LOVE YOU BRO!''

Shidou and Issei: ''I'll BE THE KING OF THE WORLD!''


* Occult Research Club

Shidou: ''We back from our delivery!''

When we arrived in the club room we came across the wet Rias of a recent bath, only with a towel wrapped around his body wiping his hair. Issei kept making his stupid pervert face, while Shidou was expressionless but a little blushed. Meanwhile, Koneko was sitting in an armchair sucking a popsicle.

Rias: ''Nicely done...! I just have one more job for you to do today... Issei.''

Shidou: ''Woff... Good, I covered a much larger area than Issei. If I can rest I accept.''

Issei: ''Hey...! You're making me look lazy!''

Rias: ''Looks like Koneko is double booked with two summon requests.

Issei: ''Oh.''

Rias: ''Take one of them and get some practice.''

Koneko stops eating his popsicle and looks at the floor.

Koneko: ''That'd be super rad.''

Issei: ''Uh, sure. No problem, Ma'an. So does this mean I'm legit? Am I making a pact?''

And then Akeno appears and summons a magic circle around her.

Rias: ''We call that a transportation circle... Hold out your left hands for, if you would. Actually, Shidou, let's seize the moment and come do it too.''

Shidou: ''Uh... Right, sure.''

Issei: ''Is it gonna hurt?''

Shidou and Issei do what Rias asked and raise their hands to her, then she draws on the palm of each of them a symbol of the Gremory clan.

Rias: ''This is a seal. It serves as proof you're a member of the House of Gremory... When you get to the client's location, don't panic... just do exactly as I told you... You think you're ready for this?''

Issei: ''Hell Yeah!''

Akeno: ''Very cute.''

Rias: ''All right, make me proud!''

Issei: ''I will!''

Shidou: ''You can do it Issei, I believe you!''

Issei: ''Yeah!''

Issei's Thought: (Get this done and I'm one step closer to having my harem!)

Akeno leaves the magic circle and joins the rest of the people who gathered there, so Issei runs into him excited, stands in the middle and with his eyes closed, raises his arms with pride. Then the light of the circle, became brighter and brighter, until everything turned white, then the circle disappears and Issei remains in the same place as goofy.

Issei: ''The fuck?''

Akeno: ''Whoopsie!''

Kiba laughed and Koneko sighed. Ris was with her hand on the face, sighing too. Shidou looked at him with disappointment.

Shidou: ''Dude, like a devil you're a goofy.''

Issei: ''Come on! It's noy like that!''

Shirou: ''You being just you, already is a goofy.''

Issei: ''I get it... I'm a goofy.''

Rias: ''No, it's okay.''

Issei: ''What is?''

Rias: ''Looks like you can't make the jump, but there's another way.''

Shidou: ''I get it. If you can't go by the easy way, go by the way you ride the streets.''

Issei: ''This sucks balls! What kind of devil is summoned on a bicycle?!''

Issei groaned while he taking his bike to go to the contractor's location. After that, Koneko goes to the site of his contract through the portal and Kiba goes to his home.

Shidou: ''Do you need me for anything else?''

Rias: ''Not now, but soon. I'll talk to you later to also try to make a contract... Until then, you're excused.''

Shidou: ''In that case, I'll see you later.''


(Shidou POV)

I left the club building and rode my bike back home. The streets were empty because of the time and followed calmly with me whistling as I went on my way. Suddenly, I ended up going over an empty can and ended up puncturing the front tire, because of this, I was forced to go walking while carrying the bike.

Shidou: ''Who was the pig who threw that can in the street, come on!''

Then suddenly, the black sky turned purple once again. I was shocked at this, because, by my own experience, could only mean one thing, the presence of a fallen angel in the area.

Shidou: ''Not this again! How lucky you are Shidou!''

???: ''My, my... What a lucky day. Apparently she couldn't get rid of you. So let's have some fun with me.''

I quickly looked behind me and saw ahead was a little girl with blonde hair which was styled into twin-tails and blue eyes. She wore a attire, which consisted of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks. I think she likes a Cosplay.

Shirou: ''Hey. Are you lost, little girl?''

???: Me? Lost...? Hahahahahahaha... Oh no boy. You're so wrong... The only lost here is you!"

The little girl pointed at me as she spoke, then released her fallen angel black wings and I go a few meters from the ground, showing a cocky and arrogant smile.

She raised her hand up and materialized a pink spear of light, then shot at me. I began to panic, I tried to take the flyer that was in my pocket to call Rias, but the spear destroyed it and almost pierced me while I threw myself aside.

Shirou: ''We can not do it today, three times in a row is already too much!''

???: ''Ahhh... Now that I was going to start having fun? No way! I really want to practice target shooting!''

Without wasting time, she was creating more and more spears as she played towards me. All I could do was dodge in a zigzag.

???: Save in your memory before you die a slow and agonizing death! My name is Mittelt! And now, DIE, DIE!

She threw two spears at me at once, with a lot of luck for a change, I made a spinning jump backwards deflecting everything, but I ended up opening my hand and the symbol that Rias had drawn shone.

Mittelt: ''Is that the Gremory family crest?!... That's more reason to turn you into Swiss cheese. I'll be so praised for killing you!''

I was wasting my energy from jumping from side to side, there was no escape and she was too high to try to fight back.

Mittelt: ''What's the matter? You're tired of running? It's not very nice when the target stands still, but whatever. I have compliments to win.''

I started to slow down until my breath got too deep and I stopped running, sweating under pressure and the situation I was in. Next thing I knew, I was curled up by the spears she had thrown, so she threw one more at my foot. I swerved but fell to the ground and she stared at me with a smile of victory.

Shirou's Thought: (I... can't stop shaking. My body doesn't obey me. I'm... scared. I think... I'll finally die... Sorry Rias, for not meeting your expectations. I'm sorry for abandoning you, Mom, Dad and Issei, but I think it's my time.)

I kept staring at Mittelt slowly approaching me. Death was about to knock on my door.

???: *Inside Shidou's Mind (What's the matter...? Are you simply gonna let yourself be killed?)

A voice I'd never heard before, echoed through my mind, which left me in shock .

Shidou: ''What?! Did I hear that in my head?! What is that?''

???: (It doesn't matter what I am now. What matters is that you rise again and fight, not to win, but to live another day.)

Shidou: ''There's nothing to do, I almost got killed twice and I think the third is permanent. My physique may have improved, but I have no power now! There's nothing I can do to escape.''

???: (You have a great spirit of self-sacrifice, but when you're the only one at risk, is it okay to die? How pathetic! Stop acting like a coward! How many people have suffered and lost their lives for the selfish purposes of those who threaten the balance of the world? There is no forgiveness!)

Shidou: ''You're right... but what can I do?''

???: (Don't you really have a reason to fight? Your friends who support you, your family who took you in, what guarantee there is that they will not be dragged through the chaos of the supernatural and caught in the crossfire?)

Shirou: ''I won't allow, it is for them that I live! Anyone who threatens them will pay dearly!''

???: (Now answer me. What is your real ambition?)

I rose from the ground. Which caused Mittelt to stop approaching him, curious about what he was going to do.

Shidou: ''I want, no... I will protect everyone I care about! I will be the strongest protector this world has ever seen!''

Mittelt: ''He's talking to himself... I think the fear of dying must have driven him crazy.''

???: (Very well. Show before the enemy and yourself the potential you carry within your soul, the ability to create and sweep your opponents away from what matters most to you! The power of the Wind of Creation!)

Mittelt: ''It's taking too long, let's en--''

Taking the fallen angel by surprise, a flash of light with a powerful wind gust of blue coloring was released forming a kind of dome-shaped tornado around me. Mittelt was shocked by that, she could not keep his flight stable, thrown back hard and falling straight to the ground.

Mittelt: ''B-But how? A shit lower class like you shouldn't be able to have this level of aura. That it, DIE!'

Mittelt flapped its wings and rose from the ground, materialized another spear in his hand and threw it at me. The spear can't even hold itself in the tragetory, the force of the winds sent it in the opposite direction far away.

Shidou: ''How pathetic!''

She looked me in the eye and I could see her despair growing perfectly as I walked towards her.

I was immersed in calm and focus as I headed towards my enemy. A powerful luminous wind of aquamarine color ran around me like a barrier, and I could hear their whispers as if they were talking to me. My eyes shone and I could see perfectly the flow of the winds throughout the city.

As I looked at my left hand, there was what Rias had told me, my Sacred Gear. It was a pendulum with a rope and details in gold, a white base with a kind of crystal made of Elemental energy floating in the center. Just looking at her, I knew her name, as if someone had left it etched in my mind, her name is...

... the Primordial Wind Link.

I don't know what that voice was that appeared in my head, but that's not important right now. All that matters is putting this stupid Lolly in her place.

Mittelt: ''This is far from good, better get out and warn others about it! You'll pay me for not dying for me!''

She intended to fly away after all she did, so I made a point of giving her a goodbye gift.

Shiro: ''Begone.''

I swung my arm to the side and launched my awakened attack, a great blue tornado of wind magic was created in the middle of the street, pulling everything in the way, including that fallen angel tucked, being heavily crushed by the force of the winds and hurled as far as I could not see, beyond the clouds. Meanwhile, I was motionless on the ground.


Soon after I sent that raven Lolita far away, the starry sky returned to normal and the tornado I conjured dissipated, along with the winds around me. The only thing that remained was my Sacred Gear in my hand, and a street with the appearance that a hurricane had passed.

Shiro: ''What the hell was that? Did I really do that?

He lifted the pendulum and placed it close to his face and stared at itThen I looked up and with a smile said.

Shiro: ''Best. Day. Of. My. Life!''


(3dr Person POV)

* Occult Research Club Building

Everyone was gathered in the Club Lobby, as both Issei and Shidou had unlocked their Sacred Gears. Apparently Issei ended up going through the same experience as Shidou. Issei had on his left arm a red glove with yellow horns and a green orb in the middle. While Shidou was holding his pendulum. Rias was congratulating them on reaching their Sacred Gears.

Rias: Congratulations you're found it. Now that it's been activated, all you two have to do is decide when you want to turn it on or off.

And just as she instructed them, Issei made her Sacred Gear shine and then disappeared. While Shidou, spun his in the air making it glow too and disappear.

Issei: ''Thank goodness. That was really gonna slow me down in my alone time.''

Shidou: ''Unnecessary information, Issei!''

Akeno: I'm so proud of you, Shidou! And you Issei!

Upon being praised, Shidou was scratching his neck as Issei scratched behind his head.

Issei: ''You are? Thanks''

Shidou: ''I'm glad to hear that! But I get shy like this!''

Rias: ''This does put me in a strange position. The fallen angels now know... Not only are you still alive, but you've been reborn as one of us; which is bound to make things more complicated around here.''

Issei: ''Yeah... I'm so sorry.''

Shidou: ''I'm sorry too, but what we had to do, there was no way to call you and we were trapped while they were trying to kill us. We did what we could to escape.''

Rias: I know it was just an accident that you both ran into them. But remember... Don't ge carried away now that you've unlocked the Sacred Gear and try to fight them alone. That's disrespectful to the rest of us.

Issei: ''I understand. Thank you, but I'm tired. I'm gonna go home.''

Shidou: ''Me too, I just came to let you know what happened. Have a good night.''

The two went towards the exit to go to their house, meanwhile, Koneko is eating a stuffed bread he had asked Shidou to bring to her. Then, Akeno turned to Rias.

Akeno: ''Exaggeration much? They's still new. Why do you have to scare them?''

Rias: ''I'm not trying to scare them... I just don't want them to overestimate themselves. Plus... I will not let any of those angel rejects take my new favorite servants from me!''


Shidou's Thought: (What was that voice I heard in my head?)

To be Continue...


Curiosities of High School Dxd: The New Creator Spirit :

Shidou Hyoundou

He has his hobby cooking sweet recipes. He finds it relaxing and enjoys his own treats. It is very selective and restrictive with which he eats them, and for some reason, Koneko is the only one he lets eat everything he does without questioning.

Issei Hyoundou

When Shidou was adopted, Issei was with his parents when they went to the orphanage. When he met Shidou for the first time the two were surprised and did not like each other, five minutes later they were having fun playing together with smiles, since then the two have a very strong fraternal bond.


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