birth stories

By idklol2711

106K 240 319

These are stories of people giving birth -multiple stories- More

~Story 1~
~story 2~
~story 3~
~Story 4~
~Story 5~
~story 6~
I need ideas
~story 7~
~Story 8~
~Story 9~
~Story 10~
~story 12~
~Story 13~
~story 14~
~Story 15~
~Story 16~
~Story 17~

~Story 11~

4.4K 10 0
By idklol2711

I kiss my husband and start getting ready for my last day at work before I go on maternity leave. I worked until my very last day. I am pregnant with twins  and I can barely get my uniform on.

I put my very tight shirt on and some tight pants. I put my makeup on and put my hair up into a ponytail.

"Ready to go babe?" Nick asks kissing me.

"I am so ready for maternity leave, the babies are starting to move and kick more," I say.

"I'm sorry babe," Nick says.

"For what?" I ask.

"For going through so much pain," Nick says.

I chuckle and start waddling to the car. Right as we arrive my husband kisses me and runs to his meeting. When I get to my desk the kicks start picking up. I ignore it the best I can and start going through my emails.

The kicks turn into pain shooting through my back. Another 12 minutes pass the pain wraps around my bump. I put my hand on my bump and feel that the baby is in birth position.

Soon after another really painful pain wraps my bump, I feel like something is going to fall out of me. I get up and as soon as I do I feel a bunch of pressure build up then I hear a pop, my water breaks. I realize the pain was contractions.

I waddle to the bathroom with water trickling down my legs. Every step I take feels like the baby moves lower. I lock the bathroom door and take off my tight clothes. The baby starts crowning and I start panicking.

"I'm not ready!" I moan as a contraction ends.

The baby seems eager to come out. I press my legs together which makes the head go back in.

"I'm sorry baby but you have to hold on. I am not ready to give birth yet," I say.

I slip my tight pants up and pull my shirt back down. I stand up and wince at the pain. I waddle slowly back to my desk. It feels like the baby is between my legs.

I try to focus on my work but the contractions become more intense. Nick finally comes out of his meeting. I don't tell him I am in labor, I just kiss him and he walks over to his office.

After another hour the pain is unbearable and I can't seem to keep the baby in any longer. Everytime I push it back in it just crowns again. I get up very slowly and waddle to the bathroom again.

The baby is ready and I can't seem to stop it.  When I am walking the baby slides out so far. When I am walk all I feel is a huge bulge between my legs. I reach my hand down to push it back up.

I lock the bathroom and pull my pants down. I sit against a wall try to position myself. I prop my legs up and start pushing. It doesn't take long until the first baby slides out. I guess from all that pushing it back in, gave it more time to shoot right out.

I text my husband to hurry and come to the bathrooms. I tell him that I am in labor and that I just gave birth to one of the babies. He texts back that he is on his way and fast. Soon after I hear knocks on the door.

It takes me a while to get up and go to the door. I open it and I am met with arms around me holding me tight.

"I am so sorry I wasn't there babe," Nick says his voice panicky.

"It's alright," I say.

I grin my teeth and my face scrunches. I dig my face into Nicks shoulder.

"IT HURTS BABE!" I moan as the contractions become unbearable.

"Shh I know babe let's get you to the hospital," Nick says trying to calm me down.

"I-I can't babe I can't move that far, w-we won't make it!" I cry.

"We can go to my office, I have a lock on my door," Nick says, "Do you want me to carry you?"

"Y-yes please it hurts!" I moan.

Nike picks me up bridal style and carries me to his office. I dig my face into his shoulder as I get a painful contraction. Nick strokes my hair and rubs my back. Once we get to his office he locks the door and sets me into his chair.

"OH FUCK," I moan as the baby starts crowning. "BABE THE BABY'S HEAD CROWNING, TAKE OFF MY PANTS!"

Nick rushes to take off my pants. Nike looks at my vagina and sees the head slowly emerging.

"Take deep breaths babe and pant so you don't tear," Nick says reassuringly, "do it with me. Hee hoo hee hoo."

"Hee hoo hee hoo," I pant.

"Good job but I have to check your dialation now," Nick says.

Nick inserts his fingers into my swollen vagina. Nick feels my thin layer inside. He takes his fingers out and washes them in the sink. He comes back and says, "Your about 9cm just 1 more to go!"

"I CAN'T BABE IT HURTS!" I cry as a Contraction rattles me.

"Do you want to walk around?" Nick asks

"Yes please...anything to get this baby out," I say desperately.

Nick slowly helps me up. I cling to him as my knees buckle. I hold him tight as a Contraction starts. A few minutes pass and the contraction is still going.

"IT WONT END NICK!" I shout.

"It will will," Nick says.

Nick strokes my messy blond hair. He holds me tight against him. My contractions finally ends and my body relaxes. Nick holds me up as we slowly walk around his office.

"Babe it feels like she is going to fall out!" I moan

"Do you want to sit back down?" Nick asks.

"Yes please," I say

Nick sits me back down on his office chair. A contraction builds for about 2 minutes and lasts for 4 minutes.

"SO MUCH PRESSURE!" I cry as my hips tighten. "I HAVE TO PUSH!"

"Babe I need to check you before you can push you can tear," Nick says.

"HURRY," I say.

Nick inserts his fingers inside my sensitive vagina. I feel his fingers inside me and press against my walls. I moan in pain but also satification.

"Your 10cm perfectly dialated to start pushing," Nick says

I squirm trying to get comforable.

"Put your legs around me so your vagina is facing me," Nick says

"O-ok," I say in a pained voice.

I wrap my legs around him. Nick props pillows under me so I can be comfortable.

"On the next contraction push as I count to ten," Nick says.

I push and my toes curl.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 good job babe," Nick says

"It burns!" I moan

"I know baby I know..." Nick replies

A couple more pushes and the head is out.

"Babe this is the time where you really need to pant or you'll tear," Nick says

Nick keeps my legs around his torso. He rub my vagina as the babies shoulders slowly start to poke out.

"Hee hoo hee hoo," I moan as I push

"Good job bae just two more strong pushes," Nick says

I push as hard as I can. The baby's left shoulder pops out and on the next push the right shoulder pops out. As soon as the shoulders are out the rest of the body slides out.

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