Ray of Light

By -EJWrites-

4.1K 277 96

''You're my ray of light, you know that?'' Ray Hopkins is a 15 year old with dreams bigger than her bedroom... More

✡ Ray Hopkins ✡
❊ Chapter one: The Mug & Muffin ❊
❊ Chapter two: Roof of NYC ❊
❊ Chapter three: Meeting her ❊
❊ Chapter four: Auditions ❊
❊ Chapter five: Lilian Maximoff ❊
❊ Chapter six: Trailers and Chinese Takeaway ❊
❊ Chapter seven: Dealing with it ❊
❊ Chapter nine: Teenagers and adults ❊
❊ Chapter ten: February 3rd ❊
❊ Chapter eleven: Rescued from the shadows ❊
❊ Chapter twelve: New home ❊
❊ Chapter thirteen: Things are better now ❊
❊ Chapter fourteen: Court case and an invitation ❊
❊ Chapter fifteen: Dinner ❊
❊ Chapter sixteen: Some time later ❊
❊ Chapter seventeen: Delilah ❊
❊ Chapter eighteen: A lot of consideration ❊
❊ Chapter nineteen - Departure of the Widow ❊
❊ Chapter twenty - Why is Gamora? ❊
❊ Chapter twenty-one - Bad habits ❊
❊ Chapter twenty-two: Northern Lights and a worried Scarlett ❊
❊ Chapter twenty-three: A metaphor ❊

❊ Chapter eight: First scene ❊

164 9 0
By -EJWrites-

January 23rd 2017


After an intensive few hours of dress rehearsals, me, Lizzie and Paul had perfected the scene.

"I think you're all ready," Joe Russo commented, coming over as he watched our final rehearsal.

"Do you think we could shoot the scene today?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, we've got..." Joe looked at the tablet he was holding. "3 scenes that need shooting before. It'll probably be at least an hour before we can do this one."

"We can wait near craft services," Lizzie suggested.

Joe nodded and thanked us, before walking away. Paul and Lizzie began to walk towards craft services, me just behind. I hadn't eaten much that day, and I was starving. As I walked, I kept worrying if Scarlett hated me for what I'd said. I rarely snapped at people because I was scared I'd get beaten up for it, which was why I was so taken aback by my own anger. Was it anger though? I didn't know what I had felt in those moments. All I knew is that I regretted what I'd said.

I zoned back into reality as we reached craft services. Both the adult actors were taking some snacks, so I took this as a chance to take a tuna mayo sandwich and a packet of crisps. All three of us sat down, and whilst Elizabeth and Paul joked with each other, I ate my late lunch. I forced myself to slow down, otherwise I would seem ravenous and underfed - which I was, but I didn't want anyone to know.


I watched the stage managers hook up Paul to the wires and harnesses. The scene that we were shooting was the first appearance of Lilian Maximoff - Wanda's teen daughter.

Once everything was in place, Anthony called, "3, 2, 1, action!"

Standing in this studio, in front of this blue screen, with cameras and other actors - I felt at home. Everything I needed to do just flowed naturally to me as I began.

Lizzie came into shot, her hands held as if she was conjuring Wanda's powers.

"Who are you?" she asked harshly.

I spun around to face Lizzie. I acted surprised that it was her stood there.

"I..." I began, then trailed off. "...Mom?"

Lizzie looked confused.

"Do I know you?" she asked, lowering her hands.

Doing my best to bring tears to my eyes, I half whispered, "Do you really not remember me?"

Lizzie shook her head.

"I don't know you," she replied decisively. "What are you doing here?"

Her original confidence returned as she returned to her aggressive stance.

"Mom, it's me, Lilian," I introduced shakily. "Can't you see how much we look alike?"

"I don't know who you are, but I definitely never had a child."

"Yes you did!"

Lizzie looked at me with distaste, then raised her arms. I imagined red powers shooting out of her hands, and dropped to a crouch, my arms covering my head, palms facing outwards.

"Miss Lilian Maximoff," the voice of Bettany said.

My head shot up and I looked with surprise at Paul, floating in on wires. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lizzie's faked shock at my 'powers'.

"Who is she?" Lizzie demanded.

"I believe she is your long lost daughter," Paul replied, looking between me and Lizzie.

I lowered my arms and straightened up again.

"No, that's impossible!" Lizzie replied, her voice going a little higher. "I never had a daughter! I'd remember!"

"From what I can gather, HYDRA messed with your memory and made you forget about Lilian. Lilian was raised in HYDRA, exposed to the same infinity stone you were."

"Hence the powers," Lizzie sighed.

In a quieter voice, she turned to Paul, who was now stood on the ground, and told him, "If she's really my daughter, she likely has nowhere to go. The Avengers could use any help we can get."

"Are you suggesting we take her in?"

"What else can we do? Either she's gone crazy from HYDRA, or what you're both saying is true."

"Do you doubt my extensive knowledge?"

With an affectionate smile, Lizzie replied, "No, of course not."

He took Lizzie's hand and kissed it gently.

"Sorry what?" I asked, acting disgusted.

Lizzie showed no humour in her eyes as she looked back at me.

"Fine, Lilian," Lizzie sighed. "Looks like you're staying."

"Good because that's why I'm here," I replied, walking over.


"I have... visions."

Paul tilted his head slightly.

"Not you," Elizabeth chuckled, before saying to me, "Go on."

"I saw this guy... Thanos. He wants the infinity stones."

"And...?" Lizzie's tone displayed worry.

"And I saw death."

"What do you mean by death?" Paul asked curiously.

"Half of the world. Gone. In an instant."

A look of dread spread over Lizzie's face.


I nodded, holding my right hand up as if playing with magic between my fingers.

"He wants the infinity stones," I told her, looking her in the eyes. "Which means he wants that."

I gestured Paul's forehead where the mind stone would be. Paul and Elizabeth shared a look of worry, before Paul said, "We need to tell the rest of the Avengers."

I stood still a moment.

"Wait, you're telling me they're back together?" I asked. "I thought there was a whole divorce ceremony in Germany?"

Lizzie's eyes darkened as she glared at me.

"Some of us," she replied.

I nodded and followed them off camera.

"And cut!"


Holy shit, that felt good.

"How did we do?" I asked excitedly.

Anthony smiled.

"Brilliant," he commented. "I must say though, I'm incredibly surprised at just how much emotion you can put into your acting."

I smiled nervously, avoiding his gaze.

"I guess I've always been good at emotions," I replied.

I wasn't wrong. I'd spent a long time hiding just how shit I really felt on a day to day basis, showing up to school or back home seeming somewhat 'happy'. Anthony disappeared to another set of actors who I didn't actually yet know.

"Hey Ray, do you want a cookie?" Lizzie asked, suddenly pulling out a box of cookies from what seemed like nowhere.

"Oh uhm, sure," I replied, taking one. "Thanks!"

They were chocolate chip - basic but tasty.

"I'm gonna go to my trailer for half an hour before I go home," I told Lizzie and Paul, glancing at the time on my phone.

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Paul replied.

Lizzie smiled at me and I began to walk towards the costume room. I quickly changed out of my outfit and into my normal clothes.

It was 5:45pm and the sun was already setting. Just before I got to my trailer, I heard a voice behind me. Turning, I saw Scarlett standing a couple of meters away. I anxiously played with the corner of the pages of my script.

"Hey, can we talk?" Scarlett asked.

"I need to go home," I muttered.

I didn't want to turn her away, but I feared that she was angry with me. And if she was, it would be justified by the way I spoke to her. Regret began to fill my stomach again, washing away the sugary taste of the cookie I had just eaten.

"Lizzie said you were coming here for half an hour," Scarlett told me.

I met her green eyes and searched them for any sign of anger or irritation. I didn't think there was any. All I could see were the wide green stars they were.

"Alright," I replied reluctantly. "Half an hour."

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