triangular temptations. |the...

By exotic_aurelia

14.9K 455 120

y/n Salvatore, a hot-headed girl who keeps to herself. how do those go together? she's shy and doesn't talk a... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16

chapter 13

627 25 8
By exotic_aurelia

i sat outside the station in my car listening to mötley crüe and drinking my coffee. i still had about 5 minutes until i actually had to be inside so i was taking this as an opportunity to get myself ready for my shift. since i told Grey about the texts yesterday they've been getting worse.

so, so much worse.

"i am your mother y/n, you will do as i say and answer me. i will make you come home weather its by force or not. i birthed you. your not leaving me anytime soon. honestly i wish your attempts had worked when you were in middle school. it would've saved me and your dad so much trouble and money."

from reading that i assume you know who it's from? my 'mother' i haven't gotten a text from Trey though. instead, from my 'dad' Elijah.

( i got asked if the dads Elijah stone and no he's not. i honestly forgot about him and i might change the dads name once ES comes into the story.)

"y/n it's your father. i don't get why you ran away. me and your mother only ever gave you the best. i know we hit you from time to time but it was out of love. and also why are you hiding my sons grave from me? this is anarchy and i will not stand for it. give me the grave location or im calling the cops."

i did what Grey said and didn't text back. it's to early honestly. i looked at the clock and got out the car grabbing my bag and walked into the station.

i saw Nolan, Jackson, Lucy and Nolan's son, Henry all in the doorway. i know henry because he followed me on facebook and TikTok when the four of us where in the academy.

"-Okay, the guy in the next aisle over straight up cleaned his dentures on the tray table." Henry said as i walked in. 'oh ew' i thought as i walked passed them still hearing their conversation.

"Wait, how come you didn't tell me you were friends with my son on the Insta thing?" Nolan said.

"Well, it didn't seem like a big deal." Lucy said.

"Yeah. It's 2019, Dad. Get with the times." Henry said which made me laugh.

i kept walking looking through my phone when, "hey y/n got a sec?" i look up seeing Matt. i smile and turn my phone off putting it in my pocket.

"yeah what's up?" i ask as he now stood in front of me. he smiled back "i just wanted to ask if your ok? you know with the...texts and all." he asks.

i nodded and looked down "yeah I'm ok. i told Grey to. speaking of Grey i need to talk to him about something really quick. i'll see you in roll call." i said as i walked towards Grey office hearing Matt say "ok" as i did.

i knocked on Grey's office doorway. "come in." he said. i opened the door and walked inside closing it behind me. "Salvatore. what can i do for you." he ask as he looked at me from his chair. "i got more texts, sir and this time from my father to." i said as i pulled out my phone and handed it to him.

he read through them and grabbed a pen writing something on a piece of paper. "I'm writing down there numbers. i'm going to track where they are and make sure they are no where near you." he said and handed me my phone.

i nodded "thank you sir." i gave a small smile and waked out, rushing to the changing room.


"All right. Look alive, look alive. Officer Nolan, you ready?" Grey said as he stood at his podium in front of the room.

"Yes, sir."  he said.

"Good. Now, answer me this. What is your favorite part about the job? And don't say "To make a difference." " Grey said.

"I wasn't going to. But it is." Nolan said. 'stupid answer' i thought.

"What's your least favorite?" Grey asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, that's easy. Paperwork." he said as Captain Anderson walks into the room; she's in a patrol uniform.

"Imagine how I feel." she said as she stood beside Grey.

"All right." she slapped her hand against the podium. "Most of what a captain does is paperwork. 'Cause of that, I feel like I've lost touch with what being a cop is really about. People. It's not only the citizens that we serve and protect. It's every single one of you in this room. So, to remedy that, I've decided Sergeant Grey and I are gonna ride patrol today."

"Together?" Tim asked.

"No. We're each gonna ride with a rookie, and their respective T.O.s will pair up." she said.

"Ma'am, I'd be honored if you'd ride with me." Jackson said.

"That is sweet, Officer West, but today I'm riding with Officer Salvatore." she said as she looked at me. i felt my smile fall. 'oh fuck me!' i thought as i put my head in my hands on the table.

"Sergeant Grey, I'd be honored if you rode with Officer West today." Nolan said.

"That's cute, Officer Nolan. But you know my heart belongs to you." Grey said.

"Lucky me." Nolan said.


"Lot of weight on your shoulders today, Boot." Tim said as we walked side by side in the hallway with Talia.

"Why? What do you mean?" i asked panicked.

"Riding with the captain is a huge responsibility. If anything happens to her, well - I don't even know how to finish that sentence." she said.

"I do. Andersen gets a scratch, and you'll be working motor pool in Sylmar till you die of carbon monoxide poisoning." Tim said. i stopped walking and looked at my feet. they both walked away. "this fucking...ugh!" i groaned as i walked to get the gear.

————with Tim and Talia————

(i think it's kinda funny how both their initials are TB.)

Tim  and Talia are standing next to the shop, glaring at each other.

"So, you didn't get the gear?" Tim asked.

"Neither did you. Do I look like your boot?" she asked.

"You were once." Tim stated.

"For two weeks. A long time ago. So unless you have a time machine, it looks like we're at an impasse."

"I have an idea." Tim stated.


i was walking to the shop, trying to carry twice the equipment i usually do. "fucking...fuck Tim." i mumbled.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?" Anderson asked as she walked up to me.

"Oh, um, Officer Bradford told me to set up their shop, as well, so I'm just -"  i tried to explain.

"Bradford, Bishop!" she yelled as she held a finger up telling me to wait a second.

Bradford and Bishop step out of the garage.

"Yes, Captain?" Talia asks.

"Officer Salvatore is my boot today. Is that perfectly clear?" she said.

"Yes, ma'am." they say.

"Get your gear." she commanded.

Tim and Talia walk up to me, grabbing their part of the gear i was carrying. i turn to the quartermaster and grab me and Anderson's gear.


me and Anderson pull up to the house where we got a disturbance call from. we could hear loud screaming from inside. it honestly is scaring me. reminds me of 'home'.

"Hello? Police!" i yell as i knock on the front door.

no response.

we go through the unlocked door and find a man and a woman shouting at each other in another language. The man is taking items out of a case and smashing them on the floor. i can feel myself tense at this but i try to not think. i just...put my self on autopilot.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, enough!" Anderson yells.

"I'll call for an interpreter." i say as i reach for my walkie talkie.

she starts speaking in the language the others where so i stop. "You both need to calm down and tell me what's going on."

they both start yelling over each other in the other language. Farsi i think.
" One at a time, please. Do you speak English?"

"Yes. Our marriage is over. I made a mistake of telling him he could come by and get a few things. Then he starts destroying the whole house!" the women said.

"Nothing we shared matters to her anymore. I love you, Mehrnaz. Why are you throwing us away?" the man yelled.

"I cannot keep doing this with you, Dariush" she started speaking in Farsi again.

"Sir, clearly, you're in a lot of pain, but what you need to do is get a lawyer, see a judge, and they will help you to divide your property." i said.

"Lawyers? Judges? Strangers! My wife is leaving me. My life is over." he said.

"Ma'am, do you want to press charges?" Anderson asked.

"No. I just want him out." she said.

"Officer Salvatore, can you escort Mr. Ghorbani outside, please?" Anderson asks me. i nod "Come on." i say to him.

he walks to me and we go as far as the foyer, then he runs upstairs. i run after in pursuit. hearing Anderson call out to me. "Officer Salvatore, there's a gun upstairs!"

i'm following Mr. Ghorbani and i see he has locked himself in a room. i sigh as i stand in front of the door, holding my gun. not long after Anderson comes running up. "What do we do?" i ask.

"Straddle the door. Talk him out of there. Try not to get shot." she knocks on the door. i felt my grip tighten on my gun. "Mr. Ghorbani, I need you to come out now." she rattles the locked door handle; then speaks in Farsi. "Mr. Ghorbani, I know you're upset, but this won't solve any problems. Come out."

There's the sound of a gunshot, then a thud. Anderson kicks the door in and we discover Dariush dead from a self-inflicted gun shot.


The Coroner's people have arrived; and i am directing them upstairs.

"Uh, so, it's just all the way up these stairs and straight back. Thank you." i grab my radio. "All units, be advised, we're Code 4 here. Situation's under control."

Three patrol cars pull up outside and West jumps out.

"Captain? Reinforcements just showed up." i yell.

"Captain. Anything we can do to help?" west asks as Anderson walks out and stands beside me.

"Yeah. You can get your ass back out on the street and handle some calls."  she said.

"We heard there were shots fired." he said.

"Did you also hear Officer Salvatore put out the all-clear? Did you think you were gonna pop by for a little moral support? Did you want to come inside, maybe check the fridge?" she says.

"No, ma'am. I-I just figured -" he stutters.

"The woman inside just watched her husband take his own life. I don't think she's in the mood to host a party. What do you think?" she says.

"Understood. We'll go back out on patrol. Sorry."
he looks down then walks away. He gets back in the car.

"I think they were just trying to help." i mutter.

"We didn't need it."  she says.

"Yeah. I - I let the guy get upstairs. and-" she cuts me off.

"Yes, you did. He's not dead because of that." she says then walks inside.


There are people having a party on someone's lawn. Two men are arguing over a parking spot when me and anderson pull up.

"You don't even have a parking permit. Move your car." one of the men says.

"Well, what are you gonna do, make me?" the other push's.

"I got to make you? What, are you 12 years old? Look how you parked the car, my man!" the first guy yells.

"Take my keys and do it for me."

"Gentlemen." Anderson yells as we walk up.

"Oh, you gonna walk because the police is here now?"

"Gentlemen!! Hey, hey, hey. What seems to be the problem?" she cuts in.

"This is my spot." the guy in blue says.

"Screw that. He stole it from me." the other guy says.

"Man, the hell I did. I got here first, and he cut me off." blue guy says.

"Okay. Okay. I don't understand. It's a parking spot. Just get another one." i say.

"My daughter is having a party. I have the cake in the trunk."  the other guys says.

"All right. The game's about to start. I got the beer all ready. Screw your daughter."

blue guy push's the dad and he push's back. then, blue guy swings; i duck and he ends up hitting Anderson.

"Get on the ground. Get on the ground right now. Hands behind your back." i say as i grab blue guy and throw him down.

"Stay."  she points to the dad then walks up to me and blue guy, holding her check. It looks like he gave her a black eye.

"I got him." i say as i stand.

"Roll. Left foot under right knee. Let's go." she commands him.


me and anderson were getting out of the shop, to start checking the suspect in.
"I shouldn't have ducked." i sigh.

"Relax. It was instinct. I should've been the one to duck. Guess I'm a little rusty." she says.

"Well, it's understandable. I mean, you're stuck in your office most of the day." i say.

"Actually, um, I didn't always push a desk. You know, I was in Marine Corps MOS 5803. Military police. That's where I learned how to speak Farsi."

"Well, I didn't know you were in the Marines. I thought that you were just from another department back east somewhere. my brother was in the military. stationed in Afghanistan."

"Did a year as Pentagon Police, Criminal Investigation Directorate. Then I moved back home, joined the LAPD. Moved up quickly because of my experience, but that means I didn't move through the ranks with these guys, so they don't see me as a cop, only as a boss."

"You should tell people about that. You sure as hell wouldn't have cops flying in to rescue you." i say as i  pull blue guy out of the back seat of the shop.

"You don't tell people that you're a badass, Officer Salvatore. Just got to show 'em."

"Hey, not for nothing, lady, that shiner's pretty badass." blue guy says.

"Shut your mouth." she says.

we walk over to the booking room, i grab the door and open it for her. as we walk in; a few collective oh's chii's be heard.

"what?" i heard. i look up seeing some guy in a grey suit talking to Lopez. "ugh, lawyers." i mutter.

"caption took a shot to the face." Lopez says.

"all right all right. shows over. everybody's get back to work." she say as another office comes and takes blue guy. then, her phone beeps. "bad news?" i ask. " uh, no, i just got to get these stats to the chief. you know, actually, um, do you mid processing our friend till i get this down, then we'll head back out?" she asks.

"um yeah but im fine if you need to stay here, ma'am. I've got plenty of paperwork to do, so."

"I appreciate that, but I've made a practice of finishing what I've started" she said and walked away.

"What happened?" jackson asks as he walks up to me. "I ducked." i state. "What's going on with Lopez and that guy?"

"It's been a weird day." he says.

————with anderson————

Anderson walks up to the front desk to speak to the officer on duty. "How you doing, Miller? Can I get your walk-in reports? I got to update the stat sheets." A man steps over to get her attention.

"I got a question." he speaks.

"Somebody will be with you in just a minute." she states"

"I need some information regarding prison sentencing." he says.

Anderson realizes this isn't a casual inquiry.

"What's your question?"

"How much prison time for a bar fight?" he asks.

"Depends on the severity of the, uh, injuries and your previous record. Why are you asking?" she asks.

"Is murder really the only guarantee for a life sentence?" he asks.

"Just get out?" she asks.

"Yeah, a couple weeks ago." he says.

"Let me guess. You were in there a long time. You having trouble, uh, adjusting on the outside?"

"Nah. I'm good. I'm good." he says as he starts to back up.

"You walk into a police station asking questions about murder, you most certainly are not good."
he pulls a gun and grabs a bystander, jamming the gun into her side.

Anderson reaches for her weapon, but her holster is empty. She locked her gun in the safe when she came back from the field.

"I kill her, I go back inside forever." he says.

"All right. Look at me. Hey, hey! You don't want to do this. You don't have to do this."

Several officers have arrived behind Anderson and have the man in their sights.

"I told you. I'll do anything to go back inside." he says. "Trust me, you're going back in."

"I'm not looking to do a short fall. I can't handle it out here." he says.

"Okay. I get that, I get that. You got a little too much freedom. I felt the exact same way after I left the Corps. Used to being told where to go, what to do, when to eat, when to sleep. Come on. She shouldn't have to suffer 'cause you're going through a crisis. She didn't sign up for that. Put the gun down." she pleads.

"Bitch, I don't care what she signed up for." he says.

"You pull that trigger, I got half a dozen cops who are gonna light you up, and I know you don't want that." she says.

"Shut up!" he yells.

"Okay. Okay. I just I have one more one more question. In your previous crimes, did you use a gun?"

"What? Why?"

"You got your safety on." she says.

the man hesitates, glancing down at his gun, and Anderson leaps to disarm him.

i grad the gun only to discover its a glock. they have no external safety.

"Holy crap." i say.

"What?" jackson asks.

"It's a Glock. There's no external safety. You charged a live weapon."  i turn to anderson.

"Told you Captain could take care of herself." Lopez says.

then, Tim comes in the front door and he smells like hell.

"What the hell happened here?" he asks.

"Oh, fuck - Um, did you get skunked?" i ask. he rolls his eyes and walks away.


after my shift i walked out the changing room and decided to go talk to Anderson. "Hey. Is this a bad time?" i ask.

"No. Come in." she says.

i walk in. "I just wanted to say I really enjoyed riding patrol with you today. I learned a lot, and it wasn't just about police work. Um, I'm really sorry if I let you down." i say.

"Officer Salvatore, you know why I chose to ride with you today?"

"No, ma'am."

"Because you impress me. Don't get me wrong. You've got a lot to learn. But I'm proud to have you under my command. And I'd ride with you any day." she says.

i smile. "Thank you. See you tomorrow." i give her a nod and walk out, seeing Matt by the front door. i've he notices me he smiles. "hey, i was waiting for you. is this a bad time or...?" he asks as he gestures me to follow him out. i shake my head no "actually it's a perfect time. what's up." i smile.

as we keep walking, my car come into view. he whistles "this beauty is yours? i see her everytime i come in. such a classic." he says. i smile "yeah thanks. it was my brothers. he gave it to me before he left." i say as i throw my bag into the back seat.

"anyway, what did you wanna talk about?" i ask. "yes! right that...i know this is really really sudden but your like the only person in this hole station who seems like she'd be good with kids and...i have a thing tomorrow with my ex wife and i can't take my son, Kevin and my usual babysitter is busy so i was wondering..."

"if i'd babysit?" i ask "yes! please. it will be for about two or three hours and i'll pay you $70" he said. i chuckle and nod "yeah i will. here's my number." i grab a pen and paper and write my number on it, handing it to him. "it'll be after shift of course. but he goes to bed like two hours after." i nod "yeah itself fine. just send me the details." he nods and smiles "ill see you tomorrow." he says "hmm, maybe." i wink.

he laughs and walks away. i get into my car and pull out the station.

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