naughty neighbour

By jess_romanoff

41.4K 1.8K 545

Y/n Y/l/n moves into a new apartment complex and meets her mysterious redheaded neighbour. What will Y/n disc... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six

chapter eleven

1.5K 68 28
By jess_romanoff

hello, happy monday! so this was originally two chapters but they were both quite short. i decided to combine them so now you've got one long chapter. enjoy!!


~ saturday morning ~

I woke up to the sun beaming in through my window. I groaned rolling over to grab my phone. There was a dull ache in my head but not as bad as it could have been.

When i checked my phone i saw that it was 9am, well and truely into the morning. I would guarantee Jades head was spinning. The way she was downing drinks last night was crazy.

While looking at my phone i noticed a text from Natasha. It was only from 10 minutes ago so i decided to open and reply to it.


morning cutie, i hope your head isn't spinning too much xx

hi, haha my head is good i didn't drink that much last night. how is your head?

i more meant from our kiss...


i hope i didn't overstep, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable

you didn't don't worry, i just wasn't expecting it, but it was a really good kiss

it certainly was
look i gotta start cleaning my place. i hope you have a good day xx

thanks you too 🙂


I had a huge smile on my face as i was texting Natasha. The fact she brought up the kiss again, i'm super surprised she's still thinking about it. I mean i definitely would have been thinking about it all day but i thought she would have forgotten about it.

I dropped my phone beside me as i let out a sigh. Time to get up i thought, i needed coffee.

When i stepped into the living room i saw Jade passed out on an inflatable mattress in the middle of the room. I chuckled at her state as i made my way into the kitchen.

Upon looking in my fridge and pantry i decided i didn't want to make my own breakfast. An idea popped into my head, one i know I'll enjoy.

I smirked making my way over to Jade laying like a starfish on the mattress. In one quick move i jumped on top of the mattress effectively waking Jade up.

"oh shit" Jade screamed scrambling around trying to figure out what was going on. "what's happening?" She added.

"it's time to get up, i'm hungry and want to go get breakfast" Jade groaned trying to roll onto her stomach as she placed a pillow over her head.

I decided not to let her as i quickly ripped the pillow from her and pushed her over again. "ughhh bitch, stoppppp" I chuckled starting to tickled Jade, i know how much she hates to be tickled.

"get up, i want food" I demanded as Jade squirmed around, her arms and legs kicking widely.

"okay, okay, okay" Jade caved admitting defeat. I pulled away from her happy with the outcome. "but can i skull some water and take some pain killers first. my head is killing me" I chuckled giving the brunette a nod before getting off the mattress to get what she had asked for.

"thanks" Jade took the glass of water i handed her and the two pain killers. With one quick swig the tablets were gone and about half the water. The last half wasn't too far behind. "fuck, i drank too much" Jade stated handing me the glass again.

"i'll give you 10 minutes to sort yourself out while i get dressed" I offered placing the glass in the sink to clean later before heading to my room to get dressed.

Upon entering my room i decided to make my bed. It doesn't take long at all, i just pull the doona up fold it a little at the top. Then i add my decorative pillows, the two big ones and the two small ones in front.

I pride myself on how my place looks, i'm quite into all that decorative stuff and making my home feel well like a home. I do have a minimalist style, i'm not a fan of clutter or mess so i keep my home quite clean.

I took a moment to look at my freshly made bed before heading into my wardrobe. I didn't want to spend too long trying to create an amazing outfit.

I wanted to be comfortable, so i grabbed out a pair of sweat pants shorts which were an olive green colour. They were slightly longer than my previous pyjamas shorts. I then threw on a black tank top and tucked it into the shorts before tying them.

I grabbed my white sneakers and a pair of white socks before heading back into the living room. "oh thank god you're in super casual. i can not look cute today" Jade groaned as she tied her hair up in a messy bun.

She had put on a black pair of bike shorts with an oversized shirt over the top. In a way it was the reverse of what i had chosen.

Unlike me however she just slipped on a pair of slides instead of actual shoes. She put her glasses on before standing up. "woah" She stumbled a little bit, i'm assuming her head spun.

"you right? want some more water?" I offered, Jade gave me a small nod as she slowly followed me towards the kitchen.

"thank you" This time Jade slowly sipped on the water. Taking a few seconds to let her body swallow and take it in before taking another.

"okay, i'm good. i'm hungry now so let's go" I chuckled giving Jade a nod before grabbing everything i needed.

Once we were in the elevator Jade leaned against the back as she closed her eyes. She then let out a long sigh of relief, i'm gonna assume because the lights were not helping her hangover.

We made our way to my car, Jade immediately getting as comfortable as possible in the car seat. The drive was not long at all, basically around the corner.

We could most definitely walk but with how Jade was feeling there was no way that was happening. She would complain the whole walk and probably end up leaning on me for support.

"i'm craving hashbrowns" Jade blurted, out of nowhere. I glanced over at her for a moment before focusing back on the road.

"and eggs, and bacon" She continued listing breakfast foods.

"so basically all breakfast foods?" I quipped flashing her a cheeking smile as she rolled her eyes.

"oh shush, i'm hungover you're not" I snickered at her reaction, it was so easy to rile Jade up and i had so much fun doing it.

"i take that as a win, i had a good night but aren't suffering the consequences" Jade just groaned lightly shoving my shoulder.

"i bet you had a good night, what with that kiss" At the mention of mine and Natasha's kiss my cheeks heated up. I gripped the stirring wheel a little tighter as i felt Jades gaze on me.

"that was some first kiss" She added. "it looked like she enjoyed it" My breathing picked up as she continued talking. "are you going to say something or..."

I let out a deep breath before turning to meet her gaze. I was at a red light so i was able to hold it for longer.

"it was a really good kiss, her lips are so soft, i honestly never wanted it to end" I admitted to my best friend. She got all giggly and giddy over what i had said.

"she came up to me after to talk, when that guy was dared to streak down the hall" When Jade didn't reply i kept talking. "she said she enjoyed the kiss as well" At that Jade ooooed.

"yehhh girl, i told you she's totally into you" I shrugged as i pulled into the car park.

When i pulled the handbrake up and turned the car off Jade was already looking at me. "what?"

"did she say anything else?" I groaned rolling my eyes as i unbuckled my seatbelt.

"can we go inside first and get coffee?" At the mention of caffeine Jade sprung up and immediately leaped out of the car.

The cafe wasn't at all busy so we managed to find a table inside. It was good because it was away from everyone else so we could talk in private.

We took a moment to read over the menu before the waiter came to take our order. I ordered an iced latte, so did Jade, and for food i went with an eggs Benedict and Jade went with the big breakfast.

"are you going to be able to eat all that?" I asked once the waiter had taken our menus.

"girl don't even worry about it" I decided to drop it, if she thinks she can eat all that food imma let her. The big breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs (Jades choice) bacon, sausages, baked beans, hashbrowns and Jade added halloumi.

"fair enough, i'm just excited to finally get a coffee" I whined desperately needing to taste the bitter beverage.

"yes yes coffee is great, now let's get back to last night. what else did Natasha talk to you about?" I stared at Jade for a moment before actually answering her question.

"well you know how i was asked where was the craziest place ive ever had sex, during truth or dare" Jade just gave me a nod to let me know she understood. "and how she basically saved me from humiliation by answering the question herself"

Jade hummed giving me another nod letting me know she was still understanding. "that was crazy how she's had sex at an amusement park" I closed my eyes briefly as i let out a sigh.

"Jade, focus" I snapped my fingers in her face causing her to blink rapidly and shake her head.

"okay okay, i'm sorry. yes she saved you in truth or dare, then what?" Just as i was about to keep talking our coffees were brought to the table. I beamed immediately taking a large gulp of the refreshing drink.

"ugh so good" Jade chuckled at my reaction. "okay so once she answered for me everyone was shocked and forgot all about me. then that guy was dared to streak down the hall. when everyone went to watch Natasha came and sat beside me"

Jades eyes widened as she sipped on her coffee, if only it was tea with what i was telling her. "go on" She insisted.

"she flat out asked me if i was still a virgin" Jade almost spat her coffee out at my statement. "i told her i am, and she didn't care, she actually understood. said the thing about everyone being ready at different times and all that. it was actually quite sweet"

Jade went to reply before our food was being delivered. Immediately Jade and i dug in starting to devour our food.

"anything else?" Jade mumbled with a mouthful of food. I furrowed my eyebrows together as i watched Jade stuff her face. I guess she will be able to get through that whole big breakfast.

"she also said i have the softest lips, and that she had wanted to kiss me since we met" Jade started chocking on her food at the information.

"you good?" Jade nodded as she coughed to clear her throat of the food she had just choked on. "oh and we texted this morning" Jades eyes bulged out of her head as i continued to feed her small amounts of information.

"holy shit, she has it bad for you" I groaned rolling my eyes as i ate a forkful of my breakfast. "seriously Y/n, how are you not seeing it?" I just gave Jade a shrug continuing to eat.

"do you want to see the texts?" Jade wasted no time answering my question, even with a mouthful of food.

"um yes. duh" I furrowed my eyebrows as bits of food flew out of her mouth.

"ew" Was all i said as i pasted my phone over to her. Jade knew my password so she was able to open my phone and go to the messages herself.

"oh, ohhhh, ohhhhh shit" Jade gasped louder and louder as she read the messages between myself and Natasha this morning. "you should have offered to help her clean"

"but i wanted coffee and breakfast" Jade scoffed at my answer as she shook her head. Instead of responding immediately she took a few more mouthfuls of her breakfast.

Jade would cut up a small piece of everything on her plate to eat it all at the same time. Managing to get a taste of everything with every bite.

"you could have invited her out for breakfast" Jade offered, i hadn't thought of that. I wonder if Natasha would have said yes.

"i didn't think of that" I admitted honestly. "do you think she would have come?" Jade gave me a simple nod. "shit" I cursed to myself as i took a large sip of my coffee.

I had every opportunity to ask her this morning while we were talking. I even could have offered to help clean up her place, when she told me that's what she was doing.

"i'm really bad at this" I admitted soberly as i pushed a bit of food around my plate.

"it's okay babe, you've never experienced this before. it'll take some time to really understand" I nodded as Jade spoke, she's right, i mean do i wish i had thought of inviting Natasha out, yes of course. However i've never been in a relationship or even been on a date so i really have no idea.

"would it be worth texting her to see if she needs help?" Jade thought for a moment as she practically shovelled food into her mouth.

"yeah, you could definitely text her and say 'hey, i don't have plans today if you needed help cleaning let me know" Jade shrugged as she gave me exactly what to say.

"would you come and help too?" Jade groaned at the idea, i chuckled knowing how much my best friend does not like cleaning.

"i was hoping i could have a nap or even put a movie on" I frowned at Jades attitude.

"on my tv? are you paying my electricity bill?" I sassed tilting my head. Jade rolled her eyes as she shook her head. "i'll say we're both free and can help"

I ignored Jades groans as i got my phone out to send the text. I wrote exactly what Jade had said only with the addition of her.

"sent, i wonder how long it'll take her to reply" I had just placed my phone down and within a few minutes it dinged. "woah" Jade chuckled as i picked it back up seeing that it was in fact Natasha.

"told you she wants you" Jade reached over to lightly push my shoulder as i huffed at her.

Natasha had said how thankful she would be if we could come over and help. Apparently she had a friend who was going to help but they ended up getting wasted and went home with someone.

Seems to me Natasha has quite lousy friends, i mean that's the second time one of her friends has bailed. Jade sometimes has to cancel seeing me but i know it's because of her family. If i needed her she would drop everything to come and help.

I'm glad Natasha now has us in her life so we can help her out with things like this. I mean i'll be back at work next week so i won't be able to spontaneously go over and help her but still.

Today is the weekend, not many people work unless they work in retail or the medical field. I mean Natasha does social media, well i think that's what she was talking about the other day.

I imagine it wouldn't be easy easy but you can create your own work schedule. She can set her own days off and even on days she works she gets to decide what content she creates.

I have always been quite fascinated by it all and thought it would definitely be a fun career. I'll have to talk about it more with Natasha and get her perspective on it, since it's her day to day life.

"okay, let's finish our breakfast and then we'll head home, and then to Natasha's" I made a plan, Jade just gave me a sad nod. Clearly she did not what to help clean.

I can just see what's going to happen. Natasha and i will be cleaning and Jade will be having a nap on her sofa. If there's one thing i know about my best friend, it's how un energetic she is the day after a night out. It other words, when she's hung over.

"i did not agree to this" Jade mumbled, i tilted my head as i raised an eyebrow. When she met my gaze she immediately coward down dropping her gaze to her food.

"it's either that or you pay for the electricity you'll use for using my tv" Jade went to reply but instead opted not to. Her mouth opened before she closed it and continued eating.

"thats what i thought" I was quite satisfied with my win. I can be a confident person but there is just something about Natasha that knocks that confidence away. Leaving me a nervous wreck.

"I'll think of it as helping you get laid" Jade finally quipped back. I gasped at her crude comment as i lightly kicked her under the table.

All Jade did was laugh, thinking this was the funnest thing. It wasn't funny, this is my life, my love life no less. I would really rather not have people meddling in it.

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