Match Made In Hell || ongoing

By omfg_af

1M 40.4K 34.5K

It's a six month marriage... Velencia needs to kill Alessio for her throne but what happens when her mother g... More

PROLOGUE~ Velencia
Chapter 1~ Sugar Coat
Chapter 2~ Blueberries
Chapter 3~ Sniper
Chapter 4~ Park
Chapter 5~ Angry
Chapter 6~ Easy
Chapter 7~ Violet
Chapter 8~ Thirty million
Chapter 9~ Weakness
Chapter 10~ Inciting hatred
Chapter 11~ Helpless
Chapter 12~ Catch up
Chapter 13~ Personal
Chapter 14~ Twisted
Chapter 15~ Agonizing pain
Chapter 16~ " I don't bite "
Chapter 17~ Addiction
Chapter 18~ Sign the papers
Chapter 19~ Airplane
Chapter 20~ Parachute
Chapter 20~ realization
Chapter 21~ Hate my life
Chapter 22~ Silvio
Chapter 23~ Ballet
Chapter 24~ Gone
Chapter 24~ silhouette
Chapter 25~ Apologize
Chapter 26~ Attack
Chapter 29~ Save me
Chapter 30~ Russia
Chapter 31~ Shower
Chapter 32~ Hallelujah
Chapter 33~ Soft spot
Chapter 34~ First
Chapter 35~ Darkness

Chapter 28~ Spared

7.8K 550 546
By omfg_af

lowkey edited

hey pooksters wsp

make sure to drop hella comments and ill post again soon! i work this weekend but i start later tmr and if there's a lot of comments and votes throughout this chapter ill probably post before going to work!

so make sure to comment and vote yall and have a good read 😉😉

Valencia Morana

We walk through the hallway and it's concerning how silent the whole house is. Harrison and I make eye contact as we carefully and quietly make our way down a hall that should lead to the basement.

But before I could go further down the hall I hear a faint voice coming from somewhere else, Harrison tells me he will go down the stairs and I go walking towards the voice.

I hold the rifle close to myself as I try toning the ringing out of my ears to hear the voice better and once I'm finally close enough to hear and recognize the voice I can't help but go wide eyed.

How the hell did Wyatt survive the explosion of the old house, I hide behind some pillar before peaking over to see a army of guards all standing in the living room behind Wyatt, my hand covers my mouth and I regret letting Harry go downstairs and now have no one else with me when I see Wyatt holding Ryder in his arms with a gun pointed to his head.

I then see Amara, Grant and Ajax kneeling on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs as they do everything Wyatt says to keep Ryder safe. They keep calling me off Amara's phone but it goes to voicemail every time as my phone was destroyed in the car wreck.

My eyes slam shut and I curse under my breath when i feel a gun pushing against the back of my head before I put my hands up and slowly turn around, now what, I could have attacked with the element of surprise but now we're fucking screwed.

He went to speak but before he could a hand covered his mouth from behind and it took me less than a second to recognize the tattoo on the hand, my eyes snapped to above the guards head and locked with a pair of hazel ones.

His hands then swiftly fall to the top and bottom of the man's head before he pulls his hands in opposite directions and snaps the guard's neck, lightly letting him fall to the ground.

I bite down on my tongue when Alessio stumbles over his steps and I quickly let the gun strapped to my body go and I grab his arm with one hand and wrap my arm around his torso with the other before leaning against the pillar behind me.

He's hurt, badly.

I feel his hand rest on my hip before he places the other hand beside my head on the pillar to hold himself up as I look up at him and he leans down resting his forehead against the pillar.

"I killed all the men upstairs, downstairs and surrounding them. The only ones left are the ones in the room with them." He whispers and I nod before making sure he doesn't pass out when I feel his body stumble against mine.

"You need to leave," I go up onto my toes to whisper in his ear and he shakes his head before pulling away and standing up as straight as he can, my eyes fall to his left bicep that has a bullet pierced through it before locking eyes with him.

"You're too weak to take them alone," he mutters and grabs the gun from the dead guard before shutting his eyes for a second and holding his bicep with his hand to stop the bleeding for a few seconds.

My jaw locks before I grab the bottom of my shirt tightly in my hands and tear a good chunk of it off, his eyes fall to my hands and his brows furrowed in confusion before I take a step towards him and go up on my toes once again so i can wrap the cloth around his bicep tightly.

His eyes roll to the back of his head when I tie a tight knot right on top of his wound and they snap open from the pressure being applied, I take a step back from him and look at him with the lack of any emotion on my face and in my voice before speaking, "this doesn't make us husband and wife, I am only helping you because I need you to help me. And eye for an eye." I tell him and he scoffs but doesn't reply.

I turn around before trying to think about what to do now, attack with full force and just the both of us? Wait for Harry? Create a distraction?

Give myself up to face my mother's wrath?

"I just want to have some fun with her, we go way back." Wyatt tells them before letting out an evil laugh and points for a guard to hold Ry as he pulls out his phone and starts calling someone. A shiver runs down my spine from his words, disgusting.

"How could he possibly survive?" Alessio questions from behind me and at that moment I realise how close we are, my jaw locks and I ignore everything my body feels.

I look away the second I see Wyatt slam his fist into Ajax's face and hear him talking to my mother I assume on the phone as my best friend groans.

"I'm guessing you don't have your phone?" I turn around to face him before speaking and he gives me a shake of his head, of course. My eyes widened when I realised how damn smart my dad was. He kept a spare phone, first aid kit and a shit load of guns in every one of his safehouses hidden away from everyone.

So hidden he never even told Amara or I, for the sake of keeping us out of those fights.

Think Valencia, where would he hide this. It has to be accessible from every part of the house.

I run a hand through my hair as I think of all the possible places it could be, his office would be the only place I could think of because it needs a 4 digit code to even enter the room. i think.

I nod for Alessio to follow me and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion but he does as we slowly and quietly make our way down the hall and away from the room they're all being held in, I go to walk down the basement stairs to get Harry as well and hold my gun to my chest.

The second I hear a guard yelling and Harry yelling for me to run hoping I would hear as he had no idea how far or close I was I curse under my breath and turn around before the loud noises get us caught.

I grab Alessio's hand before starting to run down the hall and towards the stairs at the back of the house, away from everyone.

"What are we doing, Valencia?" He asks once we get far enough and run up the stairs, "just trust me," I mutter before peaking around the corner to make sure no one is there and sighing out of relief when I see the double doors of dad's office on the second floor.

I enter the code I remember from when we were kids and the second the door opens I pull us both in and lock the doors, I pull the gun off of me as Alessio coughs up some blood and tell him to sit on the black leather couch.

I rummage through all of dad's stuff trying to find the first aid kit, God I haven't been in here since I was a kid. All his stuff is still here, his papers with his messy writing, his note journals, old records about new mafia recruits and everything.

My eyes catch onto the framed picture of my dad, Ajax, Amara and I on his desk before I bite down on the inside of my cheek and force my eyes away.

"If you're looking for guns, I found them." He tells me and once I see the first aid kit I grab it before walking towards him and opening it up before placing it on the table.

"Take your shirt off," I tell him as I get the biggest roll of gauze and all the dressing I can find, he tosses his gun to the side before pulling his t-shirt off in a quick movement and immediately groaning as I see his hand holding his bicep where blood oozes out from.

I stand and sit beside him on the couch so I can see the wound better, I do everything I do quick and fast, first my hands place the dressing directly onto his wound and I use my whole hand to apply as much pressure as I can manage. My eyes fall down to his chest and see it rising and falling extremely fast when he starts hyperventilating from the pain i assume.

"Try controlling your breathing, or else you'll pass out." I tell him and he forces his eyes open while I place more dressing over the ones I had previously placed and grab the gauze before starting to wrap it around his bicep.

I feel his eyes on me, everywhere he looks his eyes light a fire along my skin. I don't know why or more importantly how he makes me feel like this, I don't even know what to call this feeling because never in my life have I felt it.

"Why would your own mother do this?" He asks, breaking the silence in the room and I sigh finishing wrapping his arm and let my eyes run along his body to see if there are any other major wounds before pulling myself away from him.

I take more dressing and gauze for my wound from the glass when the car crashes and roll up sleeve as he pulls his shirt on, "that woman is insane, no one knows why she does anything she does." I murmur while holding the dressing against my wound.

I hate how my hand shakes when the pain runs down my body and I try wrapping my arm up. I see him go to help me but I simply stand up and off the couch before walking towards the desk and wrapping my arm as best as I can without help.

"There's a phone somewhere in the room we can use to call for help," I tell him as I look away from him and wrap my arm up as tight as possible to stop the pain.

I hear him opening and closing drawers of the desk trying to look for the phone and I look around the room too to see where dad could put it. I tuck the small remaining part of the gauze into the wrapping before rolling down my sleeve and looking behind some books on the shelves.

I went to take a step to the left to check behind more books but the second I did I heard a creak. I looked over my shoulder and saw him looking at where I'm stepping before I stepped away and stepped back on the same spot just to hear another creak.

Before I could say another word he had already grabbed a dagger from dad's weapons and we both kneeled on the ground as he popped up that part of the hardwood floors and pulled out a box.

He doesn't waste time in grabbing the phone and unlocking it up as there wasn't a password and he starts calling someone's number.

a few minutes pass by and I just look through all the shit my dad kept in this box, a stack of cash, a key that leads to one of his older cars and some pictures of our family.

I hold my hand against my arm before clearing my throat and meeting his eyes, "who did you call?" I ask getting off the ground as he tucks the phone into his pocket.

"Silvio, their hotel is only a 10 minute drive from here so they'll be here in no time." he says and I assume he's talking about all the guards when he says 'they'll' before nodding slowly and grabbing my gun.

I strap the gun to my body before taking a deep breath and forcing all these thoughts out of my head about what could happen if we don't kill wyatt as I see him on the phone with Silvio I assume before I start walking towards the box filled with weapons sitting on the table in front of the couch.

Even with my back facing him I start feeling that fire along my skin and I know he's looking at me, I ignore his gaze and try finding some guns to bring down to the fight in addition to the one I already have. I grab a gun and tuck it into the waistband of my pants before grabbing another and turning around.

I see him leaning against the desk with his phone to his ear as he speaks in Italian to someone on the phone but his eyes are basically glued to me, my jaw locks and I toss him a gun before turning back around.

Heat runs up my neck and I let out a small shaky exhale from my mouth and take anything else that could be useful.

Five minutes pass and he hangs up the call before I start making my way to the door, "they're all here." He tells me and I hum as I carefully twist the knob of the door and open the door, pushing half my body out and ensuring no one else is in the hall before I nod for him to follow me.

Both of us are feeling much better clearly as we've bandaged our major wounds and aren't losing as much blood anymore.

We don't say much to each other as we quietly make our way to the stairs we took to get up here and walk down them. I make sure all my guns are reloaded and push some hair away from my face when we make our way down the stairs and into the hall.

The sounds of my sister begging Wyatt to let go of Ryder infiltrate my ears and head and I bite down on my tongue, walking down the main hall with our guard up and our guns pointed up and ready to shoot at any given moment.

My eyes widen when I hear a gunshot being fired and I screw the slow walking so no one can hear us and start running, no, god please no. "There she is," I hear Wyatt laugh and I just run faster towards the room they're being kept in.

"Valencia what are you doing?" Alessio tries grabbing my wrist but I don't bother replying as I yank my hand out of his hold and keep running towards them. Fuck it, whats the worst that'll happen, he won't kill me because hes too twisted to do so before torturing me.

"Vee, don't do it!" Amara shouts and I ignore her warning as I run into the room, every gun suddenly being pointed at me, my jaw locks when I see Ajax on the ground with a bullet piercing his shoulder and Ryder crying with his hands over his eyes.

"This is between us, let them go." I look into Wyatt's crystal blue eyes, he points for his guards to put their guns down and smirks. "Still such a smart girl,," he asks while walking towards amara and my stomach drops when I see him running his gun down the side of her face.

"Where is your husband? Tell him to stand down or else say goodbye." He grabs Amara's head and roughly jams the gun against her temple, "drop the weapons while you're at it," he chuckles and I slowly begin pulling the gun off my body.

I watch as a singular tear runs down Amara's face as she closes her eyes and shakes her head, "he's not here, take me, let them go." I tell him calmly while putting my smaller gun down too and he hums before looking around.

"Search the house, if she's telling the truth they're spared."


word count: 2981

um... anyways when is she gonna catch a break? not no time soon hoes LDMAO STOP

anywaysss make sure to vote and comment and ill see ya all next chapter!

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