(Ohm Nanon) How to Build A Fa...

By dragonslayer2911

3.3K 172 86

"This is as a joint statement from both Mr. Pirapat and Mr. Sahapap.," His thoughts were interrupted by Mr. M... More

The Call.
Day 1.
Is this Love?
Under Threat.
The End.

The Question of Custody.

385 26 4
By dragonslayer2911


It had been two months since they had started shooting Bad buddy. Nanon could hardly believe how quickly the time had flown by. At first, he thought he would not be able to make it through the first week.

It was no secret that Ohm and him had had a very rocky start. He just did not understand what Ohm's problem was. Nanon had always been a shy introvert. Always. Never really spoke much to anyone, which is why he barely had any friends. People had told him, time and again, that it could come across as arrogance, that it was the early fame that had gone into his head, and he tried, he swears he tried but it was just so hard.

And with Ohm, truth be told, Nanon had a tiny...very tiny crush on Ohm since they had shot Blacklist together. Ohm was everything Nanon himself wasn't - confident, dynamic, fierce, beautiful; everything really, how could Nanon or anyone for that matter not notice? This was why Nanon had been a little extra shy with Ohm. He barely spoke, unable to respond when someone gave him a compliment and had no idea how to approach people even when he wanted to. No wonder he came off as arrogant.

As soon as Bad Buddy was announced, Nanon had actually been excited to work in a BL because he was doing it with Ohm, but the situation turned sour pretty quickly. What Nanon had not realized was that Ohm was all things good, but he was also a giant asshole. Especially to Nanon.

In fact, scratch that, only to Nanon.

Nanon would see him act so kind and gentle with everyone that Ohm spoke to. Except him. With him, he was provocative at best and a bully at worst. Nanon did not know why he deserved that treatment and swore to quit if it continued. And it did continue, but only till the day that Ohm jokingly locked him in the costume closet.

Nanon had not meant to react like that, but he really could not take cramped dark places. Instead of shouting or begging for help, he had gone into complete shock and started shaking. He barely remembered what happened next, but he did recall strong arms around him, calming him down and the next thing he knew was the conversation in P'Aoff's office.

That conversation, Nanon would never forget.

Looking back, that really had been the turning point for them. If two months ago, anyone would have asked him if he and Ohm were friends, he would have laughed at the thought and probably replied that they could not even stay together in one room, but now? Now they were inseparable. The bond he had with Ohm, was unexplainable. It was almost like this lifetime was not the first time they were meeting. Nanon has never believed in all this mushy shit, but he would be lying if he said Ohm did not give him at least a little faith.

As opposed to humiliated, bullied and uncomfortable, the feelings he had around Ohm two months ago, now all he felt was comfort and most of all protection. Like he already mentioned, Ohm had always been very kind and gentle to everyone, but with Nanon, Ohm was different. He still was, but as opposed to two months ago, Ohm was not just kind and gentle to Nanon, he was giving, selfless and overbearingly protective. And Nanon loved every bit of it.

This realization had also not come easy to him, and he could easily pin it on a single moment. They were at a GMMTV public event in Siam Paragon and the crowd was insane because a lot of the actors had shown up together. Nanon still recalled that getting out of that crowd seemed almost impossible. He had never seen anything like it, and he was just glad that there had been no stampede. His claustrophobia was triggered, but he kept his smile up. It was only Ohm who somehow sensed his worry.

Nanon would never forget the moment when, as they were walking out and being generally mobbed by fans, he suddenly felt two strong arms come from behind him and hold him tightly to a firm broad chest all while they were walking. The arms were protecting him from all the crowd that wanted a piece of him and making way for him to walk. Nanon had never been so grateful for Ohm, and he calmed down significantly.

His heart on the other hand thundered in his chest, but for very different reasons.

From that day on, Nanon just knew that Ohm would always be there for him. And he really was. No matter if it was a difficult scene to shoot or if Nanon was just exhausted after a long day. Ohm was always there. As his pillar, as his strength, his comfort zone and occasionally, a pillow even.

He was always there.

Until he wasn't.




The funeral was fine. As fine as it could have been.

If Nanon was being honest, he had never seen the GMMTV family so devastated. Everyone was crying. Not a single soul had their eyes dry. That had always been the effect of Earth and Mix. Always putting smiles on everyone's faces when they were around, to the point that their absence was painstakingly felt. And lately pain was all Nanon could feel.

There were no limits to how much he had cried. Every time he felt he had spent all his tears; fresh ones would start pouring out of nowhere. Amidst all this chaos, he had noticed that Ohm had been chillingly calm. Like a pillar he stood with everyone, consoled whoever he could, not even taking a single moment for himself. Nanon was so tempted to go and ask for his comfort, and may be even offer him some, like old times, but restrained himself. The complications of their relationship were the last thing either of them needed right now. So Nanon, sat with Chimon most of the time, and cried his eyes out.

He missed P'Earth's warm hugs whenever they crossed each other at the GMMTV building. He missed P'Mix's blinding smile whenever he saw him. Nanon had a secret ritual with P'Earth, where every time P'Mix threw him to the couch, they would video call and do a shot. P'Mix on the other hand always invited him for random gossip sessions and tea. The friendship which started in office and strengthened during the shoot of Our Skyy 2, meant the world to Nanon. Both of them had given so much to Nanon, warmth, love, home away from home and most importantly Neo.

He clearly remembered the day when P'Earth called and invited all their close friends for dinner randomly. As always, all of them showed up. P'Off, P'Gun, P'Force, Perth, Chimon, Ohm and Nanon, sat in their dining room with anticipation, when P'Mix said they had an announcement to make and then went inside the bedroom to grab something. Nanon was expecting something like may be a new car or house, hell, P'Mix was known to throw dinner parties for announcing his new air fryers, so nothing seemed out of the blue. But then they walked out, with a little bundle in P'Earth's arms, with his eyes peeking out of the blanket, and Nanon in that instant suddenly understood what love at first sight meant. He had not seen anything so beautiful. Wiping his tears away, he was the first one to ask P'Earth if he could hold the baby in his arms.

The minute, little Neo looked up at him and gave a gummy smile, Nanon knew he would die for the baby. He also remembered looking around, unconsciously looking towards Ohm, even when their relationship was already down the drains, only to find Ohm looking back at him, both of them with tears in their eyes. Why did they share that look you ask? Nanon had no clue, they never spoke about it, but all he knew was that it was a special moment for both of them.

Since then, Nanon and Neo were practically inseparable. Nanon would show up at their house at random hours, just to spend some time with Neo and P'Mix would happily let him, getting some respite himself. Every time Nanon was on tour, he made sure he brought something back for the baby and would end up at their house before his own. He did not know that being an Uncle would be so fulfilling. Before Neo he did not even know if he liked kids.

This was the reason why he was person assigned on baby duty after their deaths. He had been the one who had to drive all the way to P'Gun's house, inform him of what had happened and take Neo back to his own place. He could never count how many pieces his heart had broken into, when he looked at Neo's expectant face. Poor kid did not even know what he had lost.

From that day onwards, Neo had stayed with him or Ohm till the funeral. If it was up to Nanon, he would have never let that happen, but Ohm annoyingly rubbed the fact that he was Neo's Godfather in his face and had taken Neo out of Nanon's arms and for a drive. Anyway, Neo's presence was making Nanon's grief both easier to some extent and much more difficult in certain aspects.

More than anything, it was the question of his custody that was bothering Nanon. He wondered if the grandparents would take the baby away. If he would ever be able to see Neo again.

He knew both P'Mix and P'Earth were not very close to their parents, especially after their marriage, but they were in fact Neo's blood relatives.

Well, the question would be answered soon as currently, he was on his way to the lawyer's office, where they would read the will and decide the custody of Baby Neo. As if on que, Neo made cooing noises from behind him in the baby seat. Nanon looked back through the rear-view mirror and smiled. That face always gave him hope.

Despite this, it would be an understatement to say that Nanon was nervous as he entered the lawyer, Mr. Mark's office. It was one of those fancy glass buildings that became a permanent part of the beautiful Bangkok skyline, and the office was on the 17th floor. He was carrying Baby Neo in his arms as the receptionist led him to a fancy waiting area, where the first thing he saw, annoyed him to a different level.

There Ohm was, sitting quietly on one of the sofas and reading a random newspaper. He was dressed formally, much like Nanon himself, in a blue button down and white pants.

What the fuck was he doing here?

He was still a little mad at Ohm, not only because of the equation between them but also what had happened the last night they were with P'Earth and P'Mix. The disappointed tears in P'Mix's eyes were still haunting him. Nanon did not put the entire blame on Ohm, obviously not, he was the culprit too, but that did not do anything to lessen his anger.

Without using any of his filters he immediately voiced his thoughts loudly, "What are you doing here?" he asked, as he entered the room. Ohm looked up gave him an annoyed look.

"As if you don't know what we are here for," he snapped.

"I am here to know about Baby Neo's custody, but who invited you?"

"Nanon, you forget that I am Neo's Godfather, I am going to sit through this, and you have no right to do anything about it," Ohm replied, way too calmly and went back to his newspaper as if nothing had happened.

Nanon was annoyed, but he knew Ohm was right. He had no right over the baby. In the depths of his heart, he could only hope that they had given the custody to him. He was too young to be a father, he knew that, and the idea scared him a lot, but if he had to do it for Baby Neo, he would do it with a smile. He sat down, opposite Ohm, in a huff and cradled Neo to his chest, making cooing sounds to calm the baby down.

For a brief moment he looked up from Neo, only to catch Ohm staring at him from behind the newspaper, with a weird emotion in his eyes, however just as he realized he was caught, he looked away. Before Nanon could do anything about it, Mr. Mark entered the room, shook hands with both of them and led them to his office.

"For what I am about to tell you, I think both of you should sit down," were his ominous words.

As if sensing the atmosphere, weirdly enough, just as they sat down in the chairs opposite Mr. Mark, the baby started squirming in Nanon's arms almost on the verge of crying. All color left Nanon's face as he knew that Neo could easily rival P'Mix in throwing a tantrum. He was slowly learning to deal with them but may be here he would not be able to manage him.

Before, Nanon could comprehend a reaction, in a flash, Neo was being taken from his arms and straight onto Ohm's lap next to him and the baby calmed down instantly.

What the fuck? How did Ohm manage to do that? Nanon would be lying if he said that did not make him jealous. As if to add salt to his burning heart, Ohm looked up and smirked at Nanon. Bastard.

Their inner monologue was interrupted by Mr. Mark who cleared his throat to remind them of his presence. Nonetheless, he had a small smile on his face.

"Mr. Pawat and Mr. Korapat thank you for coming here today. I will now be reading the will of Mr. Pirapat to you." He said as he fetched out a thick file from his desk drawer. Both Ohm and Nanon, forgetting about their stupid argument, looked at him with anticipation.

"First and foremost, all his property and the money in his bank account were to be given to his spouse Mr. Sahapap, but in case of his death as well, they would be put in a trust, to be managed by me, until Neo attains 18 years of age, which will then be transferred in his name." Well, that made sense. Nanon was happy that P'Earth had taken the time out to plan out Neo's future. He knew how to ensure that Neo would always be taken care of.

His 75% stake in his company, will be divided into 2 parts, with 40% going into the trust for Neo and all his powers till then would be exercised by me, the other 35%," he paused and glanced at Ohm, "will go to you Mr. Pawat and you will be assuming the position as the honorary Chairman as well." Nanon heard a gasp from beside him. His own jaw was on the floor.

"But..." was all what Ohm could say before Mr. Mark interrupted him, "I know it may come off as a shock to you, but this is what he wanted. I was the one who drafted the will and he specifically told me that with your business sense and qualifications, along with your integrity, he trusted you the most with his company and you know how things were with his family. The only thing they wanted from him was his money, so he made sure they won't get anything, and it's more of a supervisory position. You won't have to do much, but just keep a watch."

Mr. Mark paused, a serious expression dawning his features, then after some thought, he said, "Well there are other reasons as well as to why he made this decision."

"What other reasons?" Nanon asked, before Ohm could voice similar thoughts.

"Keep listening," he said with a sad smile. Both of them nodded and prepared themselves.

"He has a bungalow in Pattaya which will go to his sister, the only person, he rarely spoke to in his family and finally there is the question of Neo's custody." He paused again, looking up from the file to both their anxious faces. He then kept the file aside and pulled out another one. Neo could almost sense the tension is the air and he started squirming once again in Ohm's arms. Ohm turned him around, picked him up high in the air and made cooing noises at the baby. Neo immediately calmed and grabbed Ohm's face in his tiny hands.

Nanon would deny it till his death bed, but he melted a little in that moment, a small smile unconsciously popping up on his face.

"This is as a joint statement from both Mr. Pirapat and Mr. Sahapap.," His thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Mark.

He opened the file, flipped a few papers, as Ohm also put Neo back onto his lap and started focusing on the conversation.

"They have granted the custody to the Godfather..." immediately Nanon's heart broke and he couldn't help but say "there is no way Ohm can take care of Neo alone." This was the same time as he heard the man beside him go, "ALAIWA?"

No offense to anyone, Nanon and Ohm had been close, at one point, and he knew what a man child Ohm can be. There is no way P'Earth and P'Mix trusted Ohm alone with Neo.

"And apparently, they knew that, because they have granted the joint custody to you, Mr. Korapat." And Nanon felt the ground under him move.


"Yes. You both have been granted the custody of Trian Pirapat jointly."

Author Notes. 

The story is escalating :)

Hope you liked it.

Should I continue?

Also Dear Reader you are beautiful <3

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