Day 1.

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Ohm never thought it could happen, but it did happen. He did eventually fall in love with Nanon.

Ohm knew that was the worst thing he could have done, mainly for 2 reasons, first Nanon did not love him back and second, because that was not how professionals should behave. But he also knew that he was not at fault completely.

I mean if you make him pretend to be in love with the most beautiful man he has ever seen, make him stare into those doe-like hazel eyes, make him watch the beautiful smile with the most prominent dimples popping out, make him carry the feather light weight and make him kiss the most kissable lips, it was a matter of time. So, if anything, it was the channel's fault.

He was convinced that it would never happen, initially because of what he thought was Nanon's attitude and then because he felt that their friendship was more valuable than them getting any feelings involved but things never pan as out as one thinks they will. Really, never say never.

Ohm did not even realize when he started seeking Nanon out for everything, comfort, attention, a fight, may be an occasional kiss on the cheek even, it just happened so suddenly. Or maybe it did happen gradually, and Ohm just never realized. Like most people in love, he did not have answers to any of these questions. All he knew was after a long day, he wanted to go back home and cuddle with Nanon on the couch, maybe eat some junk food and watch a movie. That was it. That was his peace. That was his home.

When did he know that he was fucked you ask? He can easily point out two particular instances. One where he realized that he was fucked and the second when he understood the intensity of it.

First was when once after a long day of shoot, Nanon was crashing at his apartment because it was closer to the set, and they had an early morning the next day. He was minding his own business, sitting on the couch, playing a game on his phone, when Nanon walked into the room. He always insisted on showering as soon as he entered the house and simply ran to take a shower. About 20 minutes later, he came back, and Ohm immediately dropped the phone he was holding and noticed a few things:

1. His hair was wet, falling beautifully onto his forehead, as he rubbed a towel to dry them.

2. He was looking a little flushed because Ohm knew Nanon liked to shower with scathing water.

3. He was only wearing a loosely fitted t-shirt. The t-shirt was Ohm's.

4. Ohm had never seen anything so beautiful.

As if not noticing Ohm's plight at all, Nanon was talking casually, not that Ohm could hear anything, and came and sat beside him, grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels.

Ohm could not control himself and leaned forward, towards Nanon to take a sniff. Jasmine and sandalwood. Ohm was sure that the soap he himself used, did not smell anything like that. God only knows how Nanon had managed to smell so heavenly. This earned him a light slap on his shoulder, breaking him out his bubble.

"What are you doing Pawat?" Nanon chuckled.

"You smell so good." Ohm said before he could control his thoughts and his tongue.

"I don't smell good. You stink. Go take a shower," was Nanon's reply, but with a giggle.

Ohm did get up, even though he did not want to and kept thinking about the image of Nanon walking in like that. Was Nanon wearing anything under that T-shirt? He hoped to God no and that was when he knew he was fucked.

The intensity of his feelings slapped him in the face when one day P'Tay was visiting them on set. Ohm knew that Nanon and P'Tay had been close, but he did not know that they had been this close. Up to that point, Ohm knew that he liked Nanon's attention and that Nanon was pretty but hadn't been able to put two and two together. The minute his saw P'Tay grab Nanon by the waist and jokingly pull him onto his lap, Ohm broke the glass of water in his hand. He immediately wanted to pull Nanon back onto his own chair, but he restrained himself and just walked out of the room with a tense expression on his face.

(Ohm Nanon) How to Build A Family.Where stories live. Discover now