The End.

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Ohm wanted to throw his phone away.

Don't blame him. In the past few months, he had gotten the worst calls of his life, one from P'Kwang about the deaths of P'Mix and P'Earth and then yesterday, from Mr. Mark the lawyer.

The day before yesterday had been adventures enough and Ohm did not need any more twists in his life but apparently God did not agree.

Yes, he had lost control and kissed Nanon. Yes, he had been called 'Dada' by Neo. Yes, he freaked out and ran. But truth be told, it was pivotal for him to come to some realizations.

That night, as he left behind a stunned Nanon at the door, he got onto his bike and went straight to P'Earth and P'Mix's graves. Ohm was not sure why, but something led him there and he found peace. He sat there for, not sure how many hours, sobbing like a baby, breaking down for the first time after their deaths and through all stages of grief all at once.

He begged them to stop playing pranks and come back already because this was getting too much. Then he yelled at their tomb stones for leaving all of them so early. This was followed by making stupid deals in his head, where he was ready to give anything and everything for them to come back. Then some more crying and finally he reached acceptance.

He understood the fact that they were not coming back and that he had to take up that role in Neo's life. Both him and Nanon. Then another look at P'Mix's grave, reminded him of the fact that he had been running away from his feelings for Nanon for far too long now and it was time that he did something about it. He gave them both a last look and a kiss, and then promised that he would make both of them proud.

Luckily, since it was still not too late, his next destination was the mall where he bought a ring for Nanon. Come morning, he was going to ask Nanon to marry him.

Yes, some may say that dating should come first, blah blah blah, but he knew that Nanon was his best friend, his other half, rather his better half, and that the last four years had been the best years of his life. Even when they were fighting.

Ohm just wanted to make this permanent.

He went back home, saw that Nanon was already asleep on the couch and decided that they could always talk in the morning. The proposal should be grand any way, shouldn't it? P'Mix would have killed him if he did anything otherwise. So, he curled up with his baby instead and slept soundly.

Unfortunately, in the morning, Nanon left before Ohm could even wake up. He must have been pissed at Ohm, but that actually gave him more time to plan the proposal.

Ohm had everything in place. After he dropped Neo, off to the day care, he went straight to P'Aoff, telling him about his plan and asked him if he could borrow his office for the night. After all that is where Ohm had realized his feelings for Nanon, so it would be the best place to propose him.

Then within a matter of a few hours everything was ready, thanks to P'Kwang, whom Ohm had seen taking fifty bucks from P'Aoff. After a brief interrogation he realized that they had been betting about how soon Ohm would propose to Nanon, and this had been going on for all four years they had known each other.

Well, they were not wrong. So what could Ohm say to that?

That's when he got the dreaded call from Mr. Mark.

"Ohm...Ohm," he sounded hurried and very concerned.

"Please don't go back home, Korn, P'Earth's brother wants to kill Neo for the property, and he is coming after you. Please just please...I have informed the police, stay where you are."

(Ohm Nanon) How to Build A Family.Where stories live. Discover now