Wonderland [PokeSpe AU]

By Mewzou

12.2K 258 155

Wonderland isn't the Wonderland you read in the stories. It was soon a dark world. No happiness, no love...ju... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Side Story
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note

Chapter 2

1.3K 29 10
By Mewzou

Then the contract was signed.

The boy smiled, his bunny ears sprouting up.

"I'm Red by the way." The boy said, bowing.

"Oh um...I'm Amarillo De Verde. But known as Yellow." Yellow smiled back.

"I guess I should introduce you to the fairy tales." Red mumbled.

"Oh yes please!" pleaded Yellow.

"I guess you like fairy tales." Red remarked.

Yellow looked through her sling bag and then grabbed something out. She showed a book to Red. On the cover is called 'Fairy Tales.'

"I see." Red's smile grew wider.

Yellow placed it back in her bag. Red started walking and Yellow followed.

"So Red, how did Wonderland come so corrupted?" Yellow asked.

"The last Alice...she did a sin. Sins in Wonderland are crimes. Her sin was murder, the worst sin in here. If Alices do sins then Wonderland becomes corrupted because Alice is the source of everything here." Red explained. "So if Alice is happy then Wonderland would get brighter. If Alice is sad then Wonderland would rain. If Alice is embrassed, then Wonderland's sky would turn pink. Get the idea?"

"Yes. But if I'm an Alice then why is this place still corrupted?" Yellow asked.

"Because the last Alice was a mistake. She was a witch so she cursed Wonderland so no more Alices or Princesses come anymore." Red replied.

"Hey Red!" The duo turned around to see the source of the voice.

It was a beast running to them. It only had ripped pants on. Yellow yelped, shocked by the figure. Red squeezed her hand.

"It's okay. He's the beast. He wasn't always like this." Red whispered softly.

Yellow smiled. She nodded in response.

"Who? What? When? Where? Why?" The beast pointed to Yellow.

"I brought her here. She wants to save Wonderland!" Red yelled.

The beast blinked before laughing a deep laugh.

"She maybe an Alice but we still need the Princesses. But it's great that we have an Alice. How did she get that outfit by the way? Did the tailor make 'em?" The beast smiled.

"No Gold. It appeared when she went down the hole meaning she is an Alice." Red stated.

The beast, Gold, just stayed frozen.

"N-n-n-no way!" The beast sniffed Yellow. "That scent..."

Red smiled and squeezed Yellow's hand slightly.

"We've got an Alice! A true Alice!" Gold shouted, dancing around.

Someone came out if a cottage was near. He was wearing a brown shirt and black pants. He had a brown pirate cap on (Like Sapphire's hat). He ran to them, panting.

"A-Alice? Where! Don't tell me you're ly-" the boy turned and saw Yellow.

His dark red eyes looking at her a while. Then he beamed.

"T-T-This is great! Red you amazing guy!" The man shook Red's hands furiously.

"This is Ruby the tailor." Red said.

Ruby bowed. He smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you, Alice." Ruby said.

"I-I'm Yellow." Yellow mumbled.

"That's a nice name. Red, now the princesses." Ruby looked at Red. "We need about....eight true love kisses."

"Girls these days are quite..." Red looked at Yellow. "...unusual. Some don't care about following a rabbit or even speaking to it."

"Most girls don't really like fairy tales." Gold corrected.

"Anyways, I'm taking Yellow to Captain. " Red grabbed Yellow's hand. "See you guys later!"

Gold and Ruby waved as the two ran off.

"You know...I wonder..." Gold whispered.

"What?" Ruby looked up since Gold was so tall in beast form.

"If Red could ever find a princess?" Gold blurted.

"Hmm...w-wait?! Red finding a princess?! You've gotta me kidding me Gold! He's the rabbit for goodness sake!" Ruby yelled.

"Hush hush Ruby. You never know!" Gold winked and Ruby groaned.


"Where you taking me, Red?" Yellow asked.

"To the sea...Er, not much of a sea now right?" Red chuckled sheepishly.

Yellow nodded. Red pushed some bushes out of the way for Yellow. She crawled through the bushes, Red following her. Then they saw a huge ship by the docks, floating on the polluted ocean. Red just smiled and lead Yellow to the ship.

"Captain Green!" Red yelled.

His crew mates smiled at Red. A boy with spiky brown hair and green eyes was on top of the ship. He wore green pirate clothes and of course, pirate hat. He looked calm as he jumped off his ship, startling Yellow.

"Red. Pleasure to see you here. Anything you need?" The man asked.

"Green, we have an Alice." Red said seriously.

Green's eyes widened. He turned to Yellow who was behind Red. He smiled softly.

"So you're the new Alice." Green shook hands with Yellow then turned back to Red. "Red you're a genius."

"She's Yellow. We're not staying long because I've got to show her to everyone." Red chuckled.

Then Green sighed. He put his hands in his pockets. His face turned serious.

"Still can't find...Blue?" Green asked quietly.

"No. I'm sure if she's doing fine..." Red sighed.

"Blue?" Yellow looked up at Red's sad eyes.

"Yes, she's the tinker bell of the story." Green stated.

"What does she look like?" Yellow asked.

Red looked at Green, motioning for him to answer. Green faked a cough.

"Well um...she's pesky and obnoxious. She has long brown hair and ocean blue eyes." Green said.

"I-I know her!" Yellow yelled.

"You do?!" Red looked at her with hope in his eyes.

She nodded. Yellow looked through her bag and found the picture. She showed the picture to Green and Red. It was of the BW Agency. Yellow pointed to Blue and they gasped.

"She's your friend?!" Red exclaimed.

"Yes. She's a voice actor at the moment. Blue is happy but sadly our club is shutting down so she's sad." Yellow said. "Although, Blue is healthy and happy."

Green and Red looked at each other then back at Yellow.

"Can you bring her next time?" Red asked.

"Sure!" Yellow beamed.

Green smiled. He walked back to his ship.

"I'll see you guys later. I'm quite busy." Green said.

Red and Yellow nodded. Red went to the bush and cleared it for Yellow. Again, Yellow crawled through and Red followed. Yellow stood up and dusted herself off. Red stood up as well. They followed down a stone path then stopped a huge table. A corrupted looking tea party was there.

"No no no!" Screamed a man.

He had messy brown hair. He was wearing a brown top hat with a card and other things. He wore a white inside shirt with a brown vest with a blue tie.Brown pants and black shoes.

"He's the Mad Hatter. Yet his tea parties aren't that great as before sadly." Red whispered to Yellow.

Yellow nodded. The Mad Hatter turned to them.


"Black! Miss me? Guess what? I got an Alice!" Red pointed to Yellow.

Black smiled and took off his hat and bowed.

"I'm the Mad Hatter, Black. I suggest you guys get away before chaos happens!" Black yelled then lava erupted from a tea cup. "See? Nice meeting you Alice!"

"Sure! Talk to you later Black!" Red yelled and led Yellow out of the chaos.

They walked down the stone path again. Then Red turned to Yellow.

"We're going to the dark forest. It's best to stay close or even hold my hand. You probably don't have good hearing." Red said.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the forest, Yellow clung onto Red, looking scared.

"It'll be fine." Red whispered to Yellow.

Yellow nodded, still scared. Red took and step and Yellow followed, even if she was scared. Halfway through the forest there was a huge dark palace. Yellow gasped at the size.

"Who lives there?" Yellow asked, still scared.

"The Big Bad Wolf Silver. Ever since Blue left, he never went out of his palace or the forest." Red said.

"Who's that girl, Red?" A voice said and Yellow and Red turned around.

"W-Waaaaaah!" Yellow screamed and jumped back.

There was a man. He had long red hair and silver eyes. He also had brown wolf ears and a tail. The man was wearing a black shirt and black pants. He wore no shoes.

"S-Silver. You're scaring her." yelped Red.

"Sorry..." Silver mumbled. "My appearance is a little scary...after all, I'm the Wolf."

"Anyways, did you hear us Silver?" Red said.

"Yes, she's the next Alice." Silver replied. "The magic is coming back a little since she came."

Red smiled. He turned to the confused Yellow. Red laughed.

"We'll show you if you're so curious." Red ran into the huge castle with Yellow following very closely behind.

Silver disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Then he reappeared at the top of the castle. Silver yawned while Yellow stared at what was in front of her. A small pillar holding a huge floating blue orb. Other orbs were flying around everywhere.

"W-what?" Yellow gasped.

"This is the magic room. We stored all the remaining magic here." Red sighed. "Sadly, it's disappearing."

Yellow looked at an orb that suddenly vanished. She gasped. Red sighed Silver seemed to show no real emotion but his eyes saddened.

"So this is what's happening to Wonderland?" Yellow hung her head low, her bangs covering her eyes. "The stories I love so much are just going to...disappear?" She whispered the last part.

Red remained silent, unsure of what to say. Silver stayed silent as well, speechless. This girl was really an Alice.

"Yellow-" Red started but couldn't find the words.

"It's okay." Yellow lifted her face to Red. "This makes me want to save Wonderland more." There was tears in her eyes.

Red gave her a small smile. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure you can save Wonderland. You are an Alice." Red said softly.

Yellow nodded. Silver smiled. He jumped off from one of the orbs he was sitting on, yes he was sitting on an orb.

"I guess you should get going." Silver grabbed an orb and it showed night time. "See?"

Red nodded. He grabbed Yellow's hand.

"Hey Silver, can you get us a lift?" Red asked sheepishly.

Silver sighed and pulled the two in for a hug. Then in a blink of an eye, they were gone and then they reappeared in front of the gate. Silver let go. He stretched his arms.

"By the way, we found Blue if you know her." Yellow said.

Silver's eyes widened. He shook his head and saw a smiling Yellow. Red nodding.

"Mind bringing her next time?" He asked quietly.

"Sure thing. Yellow promised." Red smiled and turned to a rabbit.

He hopped near the outside of the hole. Yellow crawled after him, surprisingly she fitted through the hole. Now they were going up. It felt strange going up by air but Yellow was sure to get used to this. As they went up, Yellow clothes changed back to her uniform. Her ribbon didn't disappear though. That black ribbon Yellow actually liked. They hopped out of the hole. Yellow crawled out and dusted her off.

"Why do I still have the ribbon?" Yellow asked Red, well, rabbit.

'Oh, it's for protection. You can tie it anywhere but it would still protect you. Bedsides you like it right? If you tell Blue about this she'll believe you. Bring her tomorrow!' Red was talking to her in her mind!

"Okay, Red. In the meantime, I have to head home. Thank you for the adventure." Yellow bowed awkwardly to the rabbit.

'Remember. Same time at sunset. Bye!' Red said in her mind and he hopped back into the hole.

Yellow smiled and started to walk home. She passed the many shops and houses. Then she arrived at her apartment. Yellow unlocked the door and then a loud shriek came from it.

"YELLOW I WAS SCARED! WHAT TOOK YOU LONG?!?!" Blue shouted, hugging her roommate.

Yellow patted her back reassuringly. She tried to hide the ribbon so she could tell her tomorrow.

"I needed to do something..." Yellow whispered.

Blue let go and smiled.

"You had dinner right?" Blue asked.

"N-No..." Yellow giggled sheepishly.

Blue smiled and threw an apple at her. Yellow caught it and took a bite. She finished it a few minutes later and threw it in the bin.

"I'm going to bed~!" Blue yawned and sleepily stumbled to her room.

Yellow smiled and waited until she left. She sighed and untied her ribbon and was shocked to find her pony tie was still there. Yellow took the pony tie off.

"If Red says it's for protection then..." Yellow tied the ribbon on her wrist.

She changed her clothes then walked to her bed.

'I hope this isn't a dream. Then this ribbon would disappear.' Yellow thought and drifted to sleep.
Warning: I'm extremely lazy writing this .-.
Hope you enjoyed~!
Apparently, writing this story I forgot to mention
Black in this chapter so I added the part, that's why it's
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. If I did, MangaQuestShipping is official ;3
- Mewzou
[Word Count: 2184 words]

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