Where Do We Go Now?

LarrySTaylorsVersion tarafından

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If Louis was being perfectly honest, he did not expect to ever see that face again. That perfect, god like fa... Daha Fazla

Extra: Past.
Extra: Present.


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LarrySTaylorsVersion tarafından

PRESENT. HARRYS POV. (cos I love you guys ;) )



"Hey baby," Louis' voice whispers in Harry's ear and Harry can feel Louis nosing up his jaw, leaving short kisses up to behind Harry's ear. "It's time to wake up."

"Hm," Harry hums and squirms under Louis' kisses. Louis laughs softly and squeezes his arm around him. "To early." Harry mumbles and cuddles closer to Louis' chest. Louis kisses Harry's hair.

"Babe, it's ten AM, breakfast is in the kitchen."

Harry's eyes snap open. He sits up as if expecting the house to be on fire. He narrows his eyes at Louis once he realised the house is perfectly intact. Well, except for the clothes all over the floor and the papers knocked off the desk from last night that is. Harry glares at Louis.

"What kind of witchcraft is this? Why can't I smell smoke?" He gasps and pushes off the covers, pulling on a pair of boxers that are on the floor, about to rush out of the room, "Fuck, you didn't leave something burning did you?"

Louis laughs and pulls Harry back, his fingers threading through Harry's. "No, I went down to the bakery, I ate mine on the way back." Then Harry noticed Louis is clothed. And Harry is definitely not. He blushes.

"Oh." Louis kisses his shoulder and Harry falls back onto him, his head on Louis' shoulder. Louis wraps his arms around Harry and pulls the cover over his chest.

"Yeah, I know my limits honey, I'm not an idiot."

Harry smirks and plays with the drawstrings on Louis' hoodie. "We went beyond both of our limits last night."

"Oi," Louis swats Harry's hand, "Dirty. I'll do it again if I have to shut you up."

"I wouldn't mind." Harry looked up at his boy and Louis smiled down at him, "I liked how it felt over the desk."

"Yeah?" Louis whispered and leaned down, ghosting his lips over Harry's, "I liked how you looked when you were bent over it."

Harry hummed and opened his mouth against Louis'. Louis moaned and his hand fell to Harry's ass. Harry smiled and wrapped one of his legs around Louis' waist, pulling him as impossibly close. Louis pulled back and studied Harry's eyes. Harry swallowed under his gaze.

"Louis." Harry whispered and moved his hips forward looking for some kind of attention, "I want you." He put his hand on Louis' and moved it towards where he wanted it. "Please." He leaned up to kiss him but Louis smirked and pulled back.

"We have breakfast waiting, princess."

Harry huffed and rolled onto his back, looking like a grumpy kitten. "Don't call me that and then not fuck me." Louis sat up and ran his fingers through his tangled hair.

Don't. Harry thought. It looks so hot like that.

"Who said anything about not fucking you?" He grinned, "Just wanna see you get through breakfast first." Harry scrunched up his nose.


"Yeah, yeah. You'll get some." Harry rolled his eyes and stood, walking over to the cupboard and taking out a shirt.

He loved that he got a place in Louis' cupboard. Just for him. Maybe one day they could share a cupboard. In their own apartment. To be honest, Harry was a bit scared to bring it up. They'd only officially been together for just under a month, coming up on their one month anniversary. But they'd known each other most of their lives and Harry spent most of his time at Louis' anyway. He had his own key and everything as well.

It had been about a week and half since their confessions when they were laying on Louis bed, Harry was almost asleep due to the way his boyfriend was running his fingers through Harry's curls, when suddenly the blue eyes man stopped and said something about waiting. He'd left the room and when he'd come back he looked so nervous Harry thought he was going to propose.

Not that he was against that idea, it was just... after what they'd been doing it wasn't as romantic as Harry would've hoped.

"Um," Louis had stuttered, "I, ur, since I hope you're going to be here a lot, um, I thought you should, uh, have this?" He'd pulled out a key and Harry had never felt so happy. He'd jumped on top of Louis and kissed him deeply. That's when Louis leaned in and whispered, "Maybe you can sneak in before I get home and be ready for me, yeah?" You can guess they didn't sleep as much as they initially were going to that night.

"Hey," Louis walked past Harry and slaps his ass playfully, "Get a move on." He smirked and turned towards Harry as he walked out of the room, "The quicker you are, the quicker we shower baby." Harry snorts and throws the shirt over his head. He pulls on some of Louis' sweatpants and they still show a bit of Harry's ankles, being a lot smaller than Harry would usually wear, but it didn't matter. They'd be coming off soon anyway.

Louis handed Harry a croissant with ham and cheese and a coffee. Harry smiled and sat up on the kitchen counter. Louis walked over and stood between Harry's legs, he rubbed his hands up and down Harry's thighs.

"Why'd you even put these on?" He asked and smiled at Harry, who shrugged and drank his coffee. Louis sighed and his head fell onto Harry's chest, which Harry smiled softly at and played with Louis' hair. "I can't believe the first term is over."

"Yeah," Harry whispered. I can't believe I have you.

"You're sure you don't want to go home for Christmas this year?" Louis mumbled and kissed Harry's stomach through his shirt. Harry finished his coffee and ran his hands over Louis' shoulders. Louis glanced up at him and cuddled closer to Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.

"I'm sure." Harry watched Louis, who had his eyes closed, resting against Harry. "I want to spend it with you, and if you're too busy with training and school work to go home then yes. I won't go home either."

Louis groaned, "But I feel bad, it's your family, Haz, I know how much you love them." Harry looked out at the snow that's sprinkling down, he glanced around the bland loungeroom he was going to force Louis to decorate.

"You're my family too baby, and I love you." Louis squeezed Harry tighter. "Also," Harry grinned, "I am not in a million years missing out on your birthday. I missed three already. No way am I missing more."

Louis laughed, "I love you too." He squeezed Harry's waist, "So much." His eyes trailed up and down Harry. "And I didn't want to be alone on my birthday."

"Ugh," Harry groaned, "I don't know what to give you." Louis smiled up at him and opened his mouth but hesitated and closed it. Harry frowned, "What?"

"Nothing, it's too cheesy."

Harry grinned and poked Louis in the ribs, "Well now you have to tell me!" Harry giggled and Louis squirmed out of Harry's grip but Harry pulled him back.

"Fine," Louis blushed, "I was going to say your heart."

Harry stared at him for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Oh my God," He wheezed, "Babe, you already have that."

Louis groaned, "Harry! That was so..." He sighed and smirked up at Harry. Harry stopped laughing and looked at Louis. Louis exhaled through his nose, "Could I have an early birthday present?"

"Maybe," Harry looked into Louis' eyes, "What are you thinking?"

"Thinking about you," Louis leaned in closer and Harry shivered at how quickly Louis changed. "And about how good you look in the shower." Harry chewed on his bottom lip.

"Yeah?" He whispered, Louis nosed up Harry's jaw. As much as Harry loved Louis' stubbly beard (It made him look so. hot.), he loved how it felt without it.

"Yeah." Louis breaths, "Against the wall..." Harry pulls Louis closer, "And I hold your hands above your head." He kneaded Harry's thighs, his hands sliding up to Harry's ass, "And you're so, so ti-"

"Louis." Harry snapped, "Dirty talk in the shower. Please. Now."

Louis grinned and lifted Harry up, Harry wrapping his legs around Louis' waist. Strong football boyfriends come in handy.

"As you wish princess."


"Harry." Louis said in monotone from the shopping trolley, watching Harry rush from on Christmas decoration to another. "Harry." He whined and stomped his foot like a child, "Can we go?" Harry ignored him and Louis huffed, leaving the trolley in the middle of the aisle and walking up to his boyfriend. "Babe. I only need one set of Christmas lights and a tree. We've got..." He did a mental count, "Five sets, three packets of baubles and if I recall correctly, still no tree." He glanced around the shopping center. "We've been here for literally hours."

Harry was trying to block out his voice, would blue or green look better in Louis' bedroom? 

"Hush." Harry murmured, "Let me do my thing."

"Ugh!" Louis groaned and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, putting his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry smiled and put his hands on top of Louis', swaying slightly. "Haz," Louis whispered in Harry's ear, "I love you, but I don't need this much stuff."

"Yes." Harry whispered back, "Yes you do. If I'm there you do."

Louis sighed, "Fine. But only because you make me food and your a fucking good lay."

"Oi," Harry looked at him and frowned, "You can make your own dinner tonight if you're going to be like that."

Louis smiled and squeezed Harry tightly, "I love you baby," He said and kissed Harry's neck. He pulled away and walked back to the trolley, "Hurry up, we have to get a tree before the place closes!"

Harry scrunched up his nose and looked back at the Christmas lights. Fuck it.

Harry grabbed both and skipped back over to Louis.


"Now that's a good tree."

"It barely fits, look, it's bent against the roof at the top."

"That's what a makes it so good."

Louis hums, "Do you think we got enough decorations?" He says sarcastically and looks at the pile on the couch, reaching for a green set of lights.

"Um," Harry slaps his hand away, "Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?"

"Decorating. Like you've been begging me to for weeks." Louis tries to walk past Harry but Harry clutches his arm.

"Lou, let me. No offense but if you're going to put green lights on the tree you don't deserve to decorate." Louis purses his lips and steps back.

"Baby, when you live here, you can tell me how to decorate." Harry's heart leaps at that but he plays it as cool as he can.

"I basically already live here, come on Lou, let me. Go make us some tea and I'll hang some lights around."

Louis glares at him, "Only in here." Harry smiles coyly, "Harry?" Louis raises his eyebrows.

"But they'd look so nice in your bedroom." Louis sighs and rolls his eyes, Harry takes his hands and pulls them together, "Just think," He rubs his thumb over Louis', "We could turn off the lights and," He inhales, "I'd look so pretty under the colours don't you think?"

Louis narrows his eyes, "You think you can get whatever you want by tempting me with sex don't you?" Harry restrains a laugh, Louis smirks, "You are absolutely right." He kisses Harry slowly. "I'll go make us tea." He whispers and walks over to the kitchen. 

Harry gets to work, hanging lights over the photos of he and Harry that are on the walls. He decides to leave the Christmas tree for him and Louis to do together, that would be so romantic. He walks down to their bedroom and cleans up a little, restacking the textbooks and papers on the desk and putting the clothes on the floor into the washing basket. He wraps lights around the bed frame and along the desk, since those are their favourite places.

Finally Harry walks back out into the lounge room and catches Louis putting the star on the top of the tree. Harry walks up behind him and rest his hands on Louis' back, Harry *insert moan* loves Louis' back muscles. Louis turns and raises his eyebrows.

"Hello there, stranger. What were you doing?"

"Bedroom." Louis smirks and places his hands on Harry's hips.

"Oh yeah?"

Harry smiles and kisses him, "See? It looks so pretty now." He nuzzles into Louis' neck. "Do you love it?"

"Yeah," Louis says softly, he strokes Harry's hair, "Yeah I love it. C'mon honey, tea's ready."


"Baby," Louis groans, and grips Harry's ass so hard there's surely going to be bruises. But Harry loves it. "Princess, you're too good to me," Louis gasps when Harry swivels his hips.

Harry smiles and runs his fingers through his sweaty curls. Yeah, he decided, morning sex is good. Harry kisses Louis' neck, his thighs burning but it is Louis' birthday and he was determined. Louis spread Harry open even further and bit his neck.

"I bet you liked waking me up to this." Louis murmured and lifted Harry's hips to help him now he was getting more tired, "Bet you've been planning this for ages, yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry moaned and Louis smirked, tugging on Harry's curls. "Fuck." Harry groaned, his cock sliding in between their stomachs.

"Dirty mouth you've got there Styles," Louis muttered, "If I fuck it do you think that'll shut you up?"

Harry gasped and nodded, rising until Louis was almost fully out of him and sitting down again, moaning into Louis' shoulder. Louis tensed under him.

"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum."

"Me too." Harry breathed and Louis nodded, reaching for Harry's cock. He tugged a few times and Harry fell onto his shoulder, cumming over their stomachs. "Fuck." Harry whispered. Louis rubbed his back and kissed his neck.

"You did so well babe," He praised, "So perfect." Harry sighed with pleasure and rose up again, wincing at the over stimulation. "Oh, you don't have to-"

"I wanna." Harry said and lowered himself. Louis moaned. Harry kept going until Louis pulled Harry's hair harshly and groaned into Harry's neck.

"Haz," Louis whispered, "You're the best boyfriend I've ever had."

"I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had."

"Shut up." Louis smiled and helped Harry lay down next to him, pulling out and tying the condom. He combed Harry's hair out of his face, "I love you."

Harry blushed, "I love you. Happy birthday baby."

Louis cuddled closer and kissed Harry's forehead, "Thank you." He sighed contently. They lay silent for a moment before Louis mumbled something Harry didn't quite catch.

"What was that?" Harry asked and looked up into Louis eyes. Louis' face flushed red and he avoided Harry's eyes.

"Um, I was... was wondering if... before the holidays ended we could... um..." He hid his face in Harry's shoulder, "Move some more of your things over here. If you'd like." Harry froze, his mind running a million miles an hour. "We don't have to..." Louis panicked, "But I thought, you're here most of the time anyway, and Niall's girlfriend seems to be getting more stable, so."

"Are you asking me to live with you?" Harry said quietly, his eyes wide. Holy fuck.

"Um. Yeah." Louis mutters. "If you'd like-"

Harry pressed their lips together and grinned like a mad person, "Fucking hell Louis. Of course I'd like to."

"Oh." Louis blushed again, "Okay." He smiled, "Well we'll get right on that won't we. We'll get your things soon."


Harry liked the sound of that. He touched the side of Louis' face gently and ran his fingers through the soft bits of his hair. Could they be we forever?

"You're cute when you're all anxious," Harry whispered, "You eyebrows go together and your face turns pink."

"No it doesn't." Louis smiled softly and looks at Harry with such endearment Harry thinks he's going to burn up then and there.

"Yes it does." Harry feels the butterflies turning into a mosh pit in his stomach. How did he ever resent this man? "It always has. Ever since we were little." He reached up smoothed out the place in between his eyebrows. "You're so beautiful."  

"If only you could see yourself." Louis held Harry's waist and somehow managed to pull him closer than he already was.

Could we be molded together? Harry thought, And stay like that for eternity? Could we be the story that parents tell their children at night? Could we be etched into stone and in cave paintings and made into marble statues in ancient cities? Could we be written in Shakespearian and could our love be acted out in plays for millions to see so someone might be able to just grasp onto the edge of the pit of my love for Louis?

"You know," Louis twisted a lock of Harry's hair around his finger, "I've decided what our romance trope is. You know, because it gets a bit complicated." Harry hummed and Louis smiled, "Soulmates."

Harry looked up at him, "I like the sound of that."


"Yeah." Louis squeezed Harry tighter, "We're gonna live together." Harry giggled, and cuddled into Louis' chest. He could hear his heart beating in his chest.

Could Louis hear it too? Could he hear how strongly I want to be with him forever? Can he see it in my eyes every time I open them?

"Yeah we are baby," Louis says and Harry can hear him smiling, "I love you."

I love you more. Harry thinks, I love you as much as the moon loves the sun and the stars love the clouds and the earth loves the ocean and the trees love the animals and silence loves sound and darkness loves light and the past loves the future.

Do you love me that much too?

"I love you so much more." Harry kisses Louis. He rests his head on Louis' chest and watches the snow fall slowly outside, Louis' fingers carding through his hair. When he looks up Louis is looking right back at him with his beautiful eyes.

Yeah, Harry smiles to himself, I didn't mind drowning in those eyes. Such a poetic way to go.

Louis sits up, resting on his elbow, "We should go and get ready, we booked that place for lunch and it's almost noon."

"Alright," Harry grins, "And then we're going to come back and open your presents."

Louis fake looks shocked, "There's more?"

Harry leans over and kisses him slowly. Louis lifts his hand to Harry's face to hold him there. Harry pulls back and smirks. "Yeah, then you're going to fuck me on the coffee table."

Louis grins, "Have it all planned out, hey?"

Harry groans, "I have for years, Lou, come on." He takes Louis' hand and they both get dressed. They walk out of the apartment and down to the car. Louis slides into the drivers seat and turns to Harry.

"Where do we go now?"

Harry smiles and takes his hand.




Pardon my screaming.



I want to thank my mum, God (Taylor Swift), One Direction (but particularly Louis and Harry without them there would be no book), my bestie, Isla13TaylorsVersion (my bae fr) and whoever created smut cos God bless you, you beautiful person.

Also my crush because fuck you, without the sadness you make me feel I wouldn't have written this.

And autumn.



fr tho thank you EVERYONE AND ANYONE who did anything to support this book. Even if you read the first chapter and was like ugh this is shit and stopped reading I still benefit because the fact you clicked on it sends it out to more people so thank you <3



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