Not That Girl Anymore(On Hold)

By WriterWithAnAttitude

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She isn’t the same girl who just got into the Capricorn. She has changed. Hopefully Drew can except that. If... More

Chapter 1- Monster
Chapter 2- Capricorn
Chapter 4- Guily in Here
Chapter 5- Moment 4 Life
Chapter 6- Parents Just Don't Understand

Chapter 3- No Surprise

168 4 9
By WriterWithAnAttitude

I havent been getting alot of coments or votes. I kinda feel like yall dont like my story. Well I am still getting views so ill keep writing. ^.~

The slideshow shows what claire's dress would look like. those are the dresses it kinda looks like. --------->

Song: No Surprise (Daughtry)




I looked at Adriana, shocked.

"Umm, what the crap? Where did this come from?"

Ti stuck his head out to door of the limo, "You’re such a dork. Just come on; we are skipping school today."

Adirana gave him a death stare.

"What? She is."

"Yeah and you’re a creeper, but what are you gonna do about it?" I had always wanted to slay Ti. It felt pretty good.

"Ouch! Dork with an attitude!" I laughed. Adriana glared at him and mouthed 'shut up you creeper'. She turned back towards me.

"Yes, but she is my dork with an attitude," She was looking at me but she was clearly talking to Ti, "Get your own!"

Ti laughed. Tiffany rolled down the window on the other side of the limo.

"Can we get her into her outfit? I hate this house, it gives me the creeps."

Tiffany didn’t like my house because I lived in an old mansion. Tiffany, along with half the rest of the school, thought my house was haunted (I assure you, it’s not).

"Umm, I would, but I don’t have an outfit. I didn’t even know about this," I gave Adriana a you-should-have-told-me glare. She giggled at my frustration.

"Sorry. I would have told you, but Ti didn’t approve of me telling you."

I glared at Ti. He stepped out of the limo. He was wearing dress pants and a white shirt (he never liked to dress up). Then, like an assembly line, the rest of the Capricorn filed out of the limo. Nick, Tyler, Brianna, and Tiffany.

Brianna smiled at me and gave me a hug, "Congrats! Its about time you were accepted."

I laughed.

"Okay, now get her dressed so we can leave!" Tiffany was being very impatient.

"Patience child! Let her breath!" Tyler was one of the only people at school who had the guts to stand up to Tiffany. Brianna elbowed him in the stomach. "Ouch! Really, Bri?" She looked at him like he had just said that Zach Efron was the ugliest man on Earth. He turned his head away from her. "Sorry Bri..." We all burst out laughing, except Tyler and Brianna.

"Okay let’s not make Tiffany suffer anymore," Adriana was at the trunk of the car, "Hey Ti, you mind opening the trunk so we don’t have to listen to Tiffany bicker anymore?"

Tiffany giggled sarcastically, "Ha-ha, very funny Adriana."

Adriana smiled at her.

"Sure," Ti walked back to the trunk and took out a key from his pocket. He unlocked the trunk and opened it. Adriana bent down and picked up a big box.

"What’s that?" I asked, curious.

"Your dress!" Brianna, Tiffany, and Adriana said the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

They knew I hated dresses. They knew I would hate this. They looked at me and started laughing again. I looked over at the boys. They shrugged their shoulders. Adriana shoved the box towards me.

"You have to wear it. You have no choice. All the girls in the Capricorn wear a dress whenever we have some kind of special outing. This is one of them. Your color is red. You will wear this dress today, and we will buy you other dresses whenever the time comes," She shoved the box at me again, "Take it! Put it on, and come out!"

I took the box, and opened it.The dress was very pretty. It was a short, simple red prom-looking dress. it had a big bow on the left side. I looked up at the girls, "Who picked it out?"

"Me!" They all said at the same time. Sometimes I think they had some kind of psychic connection going on with them.

Brianna grinned. "We all picked it out. All three of us agreed that you would like this one the best."

"Thanks i love it! I just hope it looks okay."

"Oh, you’ll look fine in that dress," Nick spoke up for the first time. I stared at him. Ti and Tyler were nodding in agreement. I looked back at the girls. They started giggling in a little circle.

"Okay, well I’m going to go change. I’ll be back in a minute," I walked back into my house.

I had completely shut down my house. I had turned off the power and the water. I used my phone to light my way to the kitchen. I placed my dress on the table and made my way over to the power box. I opened the grey box sticking out from the wall and switched on all power. At that moment, my house sprung to life. I was the only one who lived in my humongous house. I mean, I had parents, but they were never home.

I picked up my dress box and headed up to my room. I took off my shorts and designer Dior top and put unzipped the beautiful dress. i stepped into it and zipped it back up. i looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look like myself. I straightened my hair and put on red lipstick. I figured if i was being forced to wear a dress, I might as well enjoy myself. I grabbed the red clutch that came with the dress.

I walked down the stairs and turned off the power and walked outside. I locked my house, hoping I wouldn’t have to unlock it until tonight. I turned around to face my friends.

All of their faces were pale white and their eyes were bulging out of their heads.

"What? You guys look like you’ve seen a ghost."

"No ghost. You just look really good in that dress," Ti was staring at me with his mouth wide open. I walked over to him and pushed his jaw closed.

"Its very unattractive when a guy stands there with his mouth wide open," Ti laughed as Tyler and Nick snapped into attention and closed their mouths.

"Yay! We were right! You look amazing in that dress!" Tiffany shrieked and jumped up and down, clapping her hands. Tiffany sounded like she had just won a million bucks on a scratch lottery ticket.

"That's No Surprise. She always looks great." Ti winked at me.

I blushed, ignoring Ti's comment. "Yes. You were right Tiffany." I winked at Bri and Adriana.

"Shall we go?" Tyler asked, offering out his hand for Brianna. She took it and stepped into the limo jeep.

"Yes we shall," I said, smiling ear to ear.

I stepped into the limo after everyone else. I was so happy right know. What I didn’t know was that this supposedly happy day would change my life forever......


Hey, i hope you liked this chapter! Sorry about all the details, i seem to have a habit of doing that, im trying to stop. i made this chapter a little longer and if you have any questions or ideasm let me know! 


-Em ^.~ 

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