Bet I can? (A Justin Bieber F...

By biebsthemaster

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Just a bet? Or are there feelings too? Could it be the end if she finds out? Read more.. More

Chapter 1 - Who is this?
Chapter 2 - Chai Tea or Hot Chocolate?
Chapter 3 - Jealousy intended
Chapter 4 - Scary movies? - NO!
Chapter 6 - Busted Incognito
Chapter 7 - I Would
Chapter 8 - We don't like the lights
Chapter 9 - Troubles when he walked in
Chapter 10 - Hey Babe!
Chapter 11 - Little problems

Chapter 5 - Why hate?

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By biebsthemaster

Hey Guys :) 
First I want to thank you for so many reads on this story. I would have never ever dreamt of that :) THANK YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE YOU!


So have fun with the new chapter :) 

Chapter 5

Why hate?

Laura’s POV

I woke up because someone has shut the door very loudly. I guess it was Justin, because when I turned around nobody was lying beside me. I sighed and stood up, stretched myself and put my hair into a ponytail. Then I noticed a sheet of paper lying on the bedside table. I quickly grabbed it and had to chuckle the moment I realized it was from Justin. I read it and my mouth formed into a smile. A huge smile.

Dear Laura, sorry for not waking up next to you, my manager called and forced me to come in my hotel, I’m going to text you today ;) I’m really sorry
PS: I took a picture of you sleeping. I thought it was cute ;) xx

This asshole. Taking pictures from me while I’m sleeping and not suspecting it is a No-Go. I shook my head, imaging how the picture would look like, definitely like crap, and under no circumstances it looks cute. I rolled my eyes and placed the sheet back on the bedside table, before I went to kitchen. I was hungry and my stomach felt empty. I haven’t eaten since like 12 hours or something. I made myself a cup of hot chocolate, and a bowl of colorful fruit loops, which I absolutely adore. Meanwhile chewing on them, I thought about yesterday. It was a wonderful day, and I definitely wanted to repeat it, but without all the drama with Luke. I also thought about the sense of our relationship. I mean, I’m going to America in less than two weeks for a whole year. Without him. And I don’t know if a long-distance-relationship would work out well with all his jealousy. I don’t think so. But by the thought of breaking up with Luke, my almost-two-year-boyfriend my body felt weak. I don’t know what I should say, but I guess there’s no other way since I have cheated on him by now.

I stood up and put the dishes in the sink. I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Justin. I asked him if I should break up, but I already knew the answer. I had to. I looked through my recent-calls and pressed on Julia’s name.

“Hey Honey!” I heard a sleepy voice say, short after she answered the call. I guess I’ve woke her up. Oups! “Hello July, I wish you a good morning, and now move your but over to my house, I really need you here!” I said and hung up before she could protest. I shoved my phone back in my pocket, and went straight to the bathroom. I have about half an hour till Julia is here at my flat and is going to kill me for disturbing her beauty sleep, but I really need her advice on how I should break up with my boyfriend.

I went into my bathroom and took a quick shower, washed my hair with my strawberry-scented shampoo and blow dried it. This took about 25 minutes. Shit. I ran into my walk-in-closet and chose just random clothes. The result was that I looked like a homeless, but I didn’t care. It’s just Julia, who’s killing me anyway.

The doorbell rang and I took a deep breath before I opened it. “YOU ARE DEAD!” Julia yelled when she saw me. “And you look like a homeless” she added and laughed her ass off. “I thought if I were dying anyway my outfit doesn’t matter” I laughed and embraced her with a hug. “So why are you fucking waking me up and calling me to come over?” she hissed, pushing me away so she could walk in. What the hell? “Yeah, come in” I said under my breath and rolled my eyes. Meanwhile she sat down on my sofa. “And you can also sit down” I said and gave her a glare. Even if she’s my best friend, sometimes I just could slap her in her face. And I know she’s thinking exactly the same. That’s what makes us being best friends.

“Tell me your problems!” Julia urged me. “Well…” I stumbled. “I have to break up with Luke and I don’t know how to do it, because I’m shy and you know…” I said, maybe a bit too quickly, because her asking expression went over to a really confused one. “What? Can you maybe just talk a little bit slower?” she asked. “I…have…to…” I started but she interrupted me. “You know what I mean, not that slow” she begged, facepalming herself. I laughed, even if I shouldn’t, because it’s a serious talk. “July, I have to break up with Luke and I don’t know how I should do it.” I repeated. Her eyes widened. “You have to WHAT? Breaking up with your boyfriend after a perfect relationship?” she said unbelievable. “You’re kidding me right?” she added, but her mouth formed to an ‘o’ when I shook my head. “I’m serious” I assured her. “I kissed Justin yesterday, no, screw that, he kissed me, more than one time. And I really liked it. It felt good, different than with Luke.” I explained her. Her jaw dropped to the floor. “But, two years, perfect rela…” she tried to say, but I interrupted her: “It wasn’t that perfect” “Whatever…” she said still thinking I was kidding her and shaking her head. “Don’t lie to me!” she begged. “Julia! Listen! I’m fucking serious, and I would be glad if you just could shut up about Luke and give me an advice how I should break up with this guy!” I yelled at her angrily. “Sorry” she muttered.

“Well call him and say you want to talk to him in person” she suggested, now patting my back because I was sitting next to her. “And then?” I asked insecure. “Then he is going to suggest you to come over and you can tell him that you’re breaking up with him because yesterday you made out with a guy called Justin” she said and looked at me. “July, stop that, that’s not funny!” I replied and gave her a death glare. That really wasn’t funny, because Luke would kill Justin if he would find out. “Just tell him that you don’t love him anymore!” she screamed and threw her hands up in the air. “Yeah, but I’m scared!” I whined. “You have to Sweety, and you know that” she reminded me. I nodded, wiping a tear out of my face. I loved him, but times are over. We were having a pretty good relationship, but everything has an end. And it’s not only because of Justin, I don’t want a long-distance-relationship. I’m too weak for something like that.

I took out my phone and immediately called Luke. “So? Do you miss me? Because I do. And I’m sorry” he said and tears ran across my face. I don’t know how I should end our relationship. I never did that before. “We have to talk” I said. “In person” I added, because I don’t want to be such an asshole and break up on the phone. “Sure. Come over in 10” he suggested.“I’ll be there” I said and got up from the couch, giving Julia and insecure look. She mouthed me, I think: “You can do it” but I’m not sure. “See you then” I replied and hung up the phone.

I stood in front of my still boyfriend’s house. It was big, his family wasn’t poor. His dad is a manager in a big company and his mother is a well-paid office clerk. He could have everything he wanted, but he has already everything. He stilled lived in his parent’s house, because he was going to college and can’t afford an own flat, and his parents won’t pay him one.

I ran my hand through my hair and took a last deep breath before I rang the bell. I heard steps from the other side of the big white door coming closer. A tall man opened the door and a smile appeared on his face. “Hey Laura, Luke is in his room. You know the way” he said and pointed his hand in the direction of the stairs. “Hello Mr. Tenns. Yeah, I know” I replied and went into the warm house. My heart beat faster and my breath was heavy when I stood in front of Luke’s room door.

Finally I took all my courage together and opened the door to find an empty room. I went inside and looked around but I couldn’t see him. “Luke?” I said carefully. “Here babe” a voice said behind me before he hugged me from behind and spin me around to face him. He immediately kissed me but I was too weak because of all the thoughts whizzing around in my head to pull away. He pressed me against the wall and started to put off his t-shirt. I knew what he wanted. “NO LUKE” I screamed. “Put on your shirt again” I begged him. He looked confused but did what I said. “Actually I came to break up with you…” I stumbled and looked to the floor. Silence was in the air. “What?” he said quietly. I looked up to see his expression. It was confused and unbelievable. “I’m sorry!” I said and was about to left his room but he grabbed my wrist. “Don’t do that to me. Two years Laura. Two years!” he cried. “I know Luke, but I do not love you anymore” I said, stood there and had to watch him crying. “Why?” he said and looked in my eyes. “Is it because of this Justin?” he asked. I couldn’t say him this part of the truth. I know how aggressive he could be if someone’s annoying him. I didn’t say anything, but I guess this was a mistake. “Of course” he stumbled and turned around. “Let me alone!” he yelled. “Luke, it’s not because of him! It’s because of my journey to America, and I don’t want a long-distance-relationship” I cried. “Whatever” he muttered. “Leave!” he yelled at me. I did what he wanted and left the room, my body trembled and my heart was louder than ever before. I ran out of the house without saying goodbye to his parents, and I ran as fast as I could.

This was the right decision. I think. No, I’m sure. There was no more sense in this. I pulled out my phone and called my best friend. “I did it” I said before she could say anything. “Whoa, hello, first of all.” She snapped at me. “How?” she added. “I just told him why, but he’s thinking it’s because of Justin, and wouldn’t listen to me” I whined. “Shit, he gets aggressive easy right?” she said. Fuck. Yes. He does. What have I done? Nooo. “Fuck, Julia… I messed up” I said and shook my head. I was at home now, finally. “You did.” July agreed. “Want me to come over?” she asked but I denied. “No, I have to go food shopping” I told her. “See you then” I said and hung up. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and wiped some tears from earlier out of my face.

I was back at home when my phone buzzed. Either it was Julia wanting to know if she should come over now, or Justin who has finally read my message I sent him hours ago. Thank God it was this boy who made me smile.


Don’t worry, I did before I left ;) ur decision babe, but I would say yep…


He kissed me before he left? He’s sweet. Like really sweet. Luke wouldn’t have done that.  But times with Luke are over, thank God. I thought about what to write back, but soon I knew it. “I just did it, and I’m glad I did it…” 10 seconds later I got a reply. Gosh, this kid is fast. “You broke up? Fine…I mean cool ;)” Was he happy about it? Seems so. Justin was happy that I broke up with my boyfriend. This is awesome. I want to hug him right now. I want to smell his perfume, I want to rumple this hair, I want him to kiss me passionately. “Yeah, kind of. U have 2 show me the pic you’ve made, bc I’m sure it doesn’t look cute” I texted back. “It is, I’ll be there in 15 ;)” Wait what? I still look like if I’m a homeless. Fuuuck. I mean, I love the thought of him coming over, but now? Me looking like a mess? No. Not at all.

I quickly ran into my closet and changed in whatever I could find and looked endurable. Okay, I admit, I stood there for like 5 minutes and considered what to wear to please him. I decided to put on my read trousers and a shirt which had “I love music” on it. I love this shirt. This is like my whole life in three words.

Just when I was ready to leave my closet my doorbell rang anyway. “I’m coming” I screamed and ran to the door. I opened it and couldn’t believe my eyes. He was looking fucking amazing. He was smirking, holding flowers (again?) in his hands and embracing me with a tight hug. How I missed that. “What’s up?” I asked him coolly, not showing my amazement. “Nothing” he murmured, but something charged him. I felt it. “Don’t lie to me” I said. “There’s nothing, I swear!” he snapped at me. “Woah, sorry for asking! Can I see the pic now?” I excused myself and asked. “No” he said coldly. Why is he being so rude/upset to me? What happened he wouldn’t tell me? What have I done to him? “Justin, what’s up? Tell me the truth. Remember when I told you everything yesterday and you helped me?” I said to him, holding his hand and looking him straight into his beautiful eyes. Suddenly he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him.  He kissed me passionately on my lips, and his hands moved down to my ass. I didn’t care. Then he stopped and we broke apart. “My manager just told me that my fans are hating on me, because I said something in an interview…” he told me. Oh.

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