Contrapasso ♡-- Steve Rogers...

By OceanoKennedy

4.4K 230 67

Warning, this story will contain consensual but rough BDSM, and elements of power and submissiveness that mig... More

Life Turned Upsidedown
Learning To Submit
Going After You
Running Away with Bucky
Peggy Comes Back
Darkness and Love
Shocking Peggy
Betraying Bucky
Wedding Bells
Luna Rodgers
Luna Returns
Sokovia Accords and a Infinity Stone
Trying to Find Him
Part of your Mind
Dark Eyes
Two Hours Later
Rooster Returns
Cheshire Cat

Bucky and Peggy

165 6 0
By OceanoKennedy

Warning!! This story is a DARK ROMANCE, so it may not be a happy sunshine of a story, guidelines are followed but the theme is a dark one and the story is marked as mature. Still warnings need to be in place.

Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter contains elements of an extreme toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Your Point of View –--

He kept on holding you, not saying anything, you were in comfortable silence for a while, he kept gently kissing the spot where he had given you the shot, your emotions caught up with your brain and you started sobbing. It wasn't so much regret as it was uncertainty and fear.

"I know, I am going to be here, I am not going anywhere..."

"I am scared that if I have a might go back to her, no matter what I do you never let her go."

He pulled back and put my hand on either side of cheeks and made you look up at him, the tears were still going down your cheeks – he whipped them away with his thumbs, for a moment you were utterly lost in his blue eyes.

"If you are pregnant, I would destroy anyone and everyone if I am kept from you, I know I have been an asshole, and even thought I have apologized, I know that it might not be enough – not by a long shot. All I can do is prove it to you over time with my actions...from this moment forward I am at your side. All you must do is love and submit to me – and I am yours forever."

His words offered some comfort. Slowly one of his hands moved down and gripped your ass.

"Shall we start trying now?"

Suddenly we were surrounded, you hadn't even heard them come in, and you half wondered how long they had all been listening.

You were shocked because they were holding guns, after the initial shock you saw they were not guns... well they looked odd.

"Steve let her go."

You looked to the side of him and saw Bucky standing there, his eyes were filled with worry.

You looked at Bucky, after a moment he made eye contact with you, narrowing his eyes as they filled with more worry, you mouthed the words. 'I'm okay'.

"Seriously?" Steve growled moving, he put me being him trying to protect me, it was all in vain because they had us fully surrounded.

"You need to come out of the water, let a doctor look you over, don't make us tranquilize you." T'Challa said levelly.

'Oh, so that is what the guns are - interesting.' You realized.

Steve let out a sigh.

"Alright..." He kissed the top of your head then leaned down and whispered in your ear. "Please don't run Baby Girl, go to your room and cuddle with Rooster, I'll come find you when they are done with me."

When he moved you lowered yourself deeper in the water, you were feeling exposed in your bathing suit.

Steve, butt fucking naked got out of the pool – you watched him set down the syringe at the side of the pool, you could see the fact that he was naked make the guards and both T'Challa and Bucky.

They all walked out but Bucky stayed, he gave his gun to a guard who was walking out and then when everyone was gone Bucky grabbed a towel, and held it out for you.

You got yourself out of the pool and let him wrap you in the towel, you were shivering, he stepped forward to hold you and when he did you stepped back, as if he burned.

He looked down and saw the syringe=e, wordlessly he moved and picked it up, he looked up and your eyes met, he held it up.

"What did he reject you something?"

Slowly you nodded.

"What was it?"

You blushed and looked away from him, wrapping your arms around yourself, you were suddenly shy around him. You realized you should just tell him the truth.

"It's to...make it possible for me to have a child with a super soldier."

Bucky said your name with a tone that was between sadness and envy.

"I'm heading back to my room."

Suddenly you found yourself exhausted, was it a side effect of the drug? You had no idea, you left Bucky there, you looked at him and he was looking at the water seemingly lost in thought, you put on tour flip flops and made your way slowly to you room.

You walked to the bathroom and scrubbed your whole body, shaving and getting clean, when you stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a nightdress you felt like a new woman. Rooster looked up at you and gave you an appreciative meow.

Smiling and feeling beautiful and relaxed you got into bed, falling asleep when your head hit the pillow.

{The Next Day}

You were woken up by a hand gently on your face, you opened your eyes and saw Steve sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Morning Baby Girl." He smiled.

You sat up and looked at the end of the bed, there was a breakfast tray, what looked like eggs, ham, bacon and potatoes – it was on one plate but it looked like enough to feed two people.

"With the shot your metabolism is going to be increasing, so you are going to be hungrier."

He was right, you normally didn't feel this much hunger when you woke up. You moved to get to the food but he stopped you, putting his knuckled under your chin, he had serious look on his face, Rooster rubbed his leg then went back and laid down.

"I am having them sent Peggy to a second Wakanda site on the other side of Africa – I told her that I needed to be with you and we would be trying for a baby, moreover you and I need our privacy right now – you need to be remined of the natural hierarchy when it comes to us..."

Your heart soared at hearing that he had sent her away – you would have paid money to see her reaction when he told her the two of you were going to start trying for a baby, this was a significant move, he was setting her aside, and was now fully focused on you.

Before he could continue you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him close.

--- Peggy's Point of View ---

"I'm sorry Peggy, I care about you, and a part of me will always love you – you were my first love but she – she is my last. I want to be with her, I want to grow with her. I'm not the same man you met at Camp Lehigh in 1941. Her and I...we are going to be trying for a family..."

"She isn't right for you Steve."

He shook his head, I could see the annoyance in his eyes and it broke my heart.

"I'm sorry, but she is right for me – and I have been one fucking idiot not to see it."

"Why...why wouldn't you want a child with me?"

"Because I couldn't see a child between us – I had tried that, she is stronger than you Peggy, both physically and mentally."

"You are going to regret this."

He shook his head, and suddenly he couldn't look at me in the eyes, I saw pain on his face, but I wasn't sure why he was upset, he was the one that was hurting me.

"I...I'm sorry." Without another word he tuned and walked out of the room, I sat down, feeling so defeated in this moment, knowing that I couldn't do anything to stop this.

I closed my eyes against the memory – the pain was still clear in my heart, I was no longer in Wakanda, but in a small site, 1/8th the size – I felt like a prisoner, hell in many ways I was a prisoner.

I wasn't about to be defeated that easily, I had to wait it out, and when they were drawn into a false sense of security I would come back to haunt them – and I prayed for her sake that she wasn't pregnant by then.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

"Is everything alright White Wolf?" I turned startled; in spite of my super soldier, I hadn't sensed T'Challa coming up to me.

Calling me 'White Wolf' was a mark of affection.

"I'm fine, thank you."

I looked out at the city, glimmering in the morning sunlight.

For reasons that I was not able to emotionally figure out at this moment, the idea of her getting pregnant by him – it unsettled me. But because I couldn't pinpoint why I wasn't ready to share my feelings.

"Do you love her?"

I narrowed my eyes, turning away from the city and looking over my shoulder at him.

"My feelings are complicated on the matter." I muttered.

"Love is complicated, but the question is a simple one – a yes or no would suffice White Wolf." I had turned and I was looking back out over the city, but I could all but hear the smirk on his face. I closed my eyes against the sun, enjoying the warmth on my face.

I thought about it, he did have a sound argument.

"Yes, I do love her."

"I am sorry, loving someone who loves someone else has to be one of the most bitter pills to swallow."

I turned and faced him, leaning back against the railing letting out a sigh. "You're telling me, I know that there is nothing I can do to change it, but it pains me to see them together."

"You could go to the other site for a while – so they are not so in your face, Peggy is there, and you can watch and make sure she isn't getting up to anything."

I let out a sigh and shifted my eyes to the side, I felt my eyes narrow as I started thinking about it.

"That might not be a half bad idea." I muttered. I kind of didn't want to be here when he was trying – to procreate.

I looked up at T'Challa somewhat warily.

"You can go now; I'll call ahead and have living quarters made up for you."

I walked by him and put my metallic arm on his shoulder.

"Thank you brother." I sighed.

"Take care White Wolf."

--- Your Point of View ---

He wasn't kidding about being hungry – when you had let go of his neck and looked at the food you immediately went over and started eating, he smiled, you were a little self-conscious when he was watching you because of how much you were eating.

"It's okay Baby Girl... I'll be back soon, get dressed please."

You noticed there was a sadness in his eyes, no...more like desire.

"What is wrong."

He turned and looked at you shocked, then his eyes softened, and he had a slight smirk that made him look even more handsome.

"I want nothing more than to fuck you all day – it has been forever since we had spent the day in bed, making love – but I want to actually spend some time with you." His eyes met yours and the look that he gave you was pure lust.

"Finish eating and get ready." His voice was suddenly firm and dominant.

I cast my eyes down, it was somewhat automatic and submissive.

"Good girl." He turned and left the room.

You took a quick shower and got dressed, putting up your hair you walked out of the bathroom feeling very refreshed, waiting for Steve you sat down on the bed and started rubbing Roosters furry head.

"You ready Baby Girl?"

Startled, you looked up to see Steve leaning against the doorframe smiling at you.

"Where are we going?"

"To see abu simbel temple, and a few other sites the next week or so, so you need to pack for a warm climate, we can buy clothes there if you would like some new ones."

You felt your brain start to studder – that was in Egypt, you thought that it was far away, then you became aware of where you were – yeah – you actually were not that far from Egypt.

"Sound's amazing, why are we going there, wait, did you say a week?"

"I am renting a large paddle steamer – we are going to be traversing the River Nile for a while... and before you ask, yes you can bring Rooster."

"I, that sounds amazing but are you not a wanted man."

"I have paid the crew for their silence, and I am tired of being couped up, I know we are not married but I would like to have some kind of honeymoon with you. No Bucky, no Peggy, no Wakanda, just the two of us having a simple vacation."

You thought about it.

"I would like that..."

"Come on, pack a quicky bag, you can find one in the closet, I will go get the hovercraft ready for us."

---Bucky's Point of View ---

{Wakanda site B}

"Can I get you something?" I asked Peggy, she was sitting in the window of one of the housing units – it was a similar city to Wakanda – only much smaller, she turned and looked at me with a smile, I couldn't tell if it was fake or not.

"No, thank you...I remember you, Steve thought that you had died – you were a part of the howling commandos? I'm sorry I haven't talked much to you. I did read your file, well as much as they were willing to give me."

I looked down a little bit shy, I had memories of trying to hit at on her back in the 1940's, she only ad eyes for Steve – and I felt like I made one hell of an ass of myself.

"That's alright, I'm sorry that you have been pulled from you time. I imagine that is frustrating."

I knew that she has been just the biggest asshole and headache to Steve, but sometimes a bit of empathy can go a long way.

I walked over and pulled up a chair across from her, giving her an understanding smile.

"You have no idea."

"Actually, I kind of do understand what you are going though, when I was the winter soldier my mind was scrambled like an egg, I lost track of time – it was hard adjusting to the 2000's, in my mind when my memories came back I was still stuck back into 1940's."

She gave me a thoughtful look.

"You do know something about it." She gave me a smirk; it looked good on her. "I imagine that must have been frustrating." She slyly threw back at me.

"I guess I deserve that."

"Actually would you like to get some food." She smiled at me, I gave her a reluctant smile back.

"Yes, I'm starving."

--- Your Point of View ---

You were standing at the edge of the launch platform, holding a bag in one hand and another was holding Rooster.

You were doing your best not to blush red, you had asked Shuri when you first got here if she could get you some nightgowns – because you couldn't really go out them and buy yourself – but the gowns that she gave you was – kinky.

This hovercraft looked newer than most, the back opened, and Steve walked out, looking at you with a smile, he grabbed your bag.

"Are you ready to go?"

You nodded, he motioned with his hand so you could go first, you shivered under his touch.

{8 Hours Later}

It was nighttime when we got there, you had slept on the ship, so you were mostly awake.

Under the nearly fully moon the paddle steamer was so beautiful, white, two stories high, the name HORUS was on the side in solid black lettering.

You didn't know what to say, it was extravagant.

"We have this boat to ourselves, we have a skeleton crew – all Wakandian so we are safe from prying eyes, we are going to go up and down the Nile for a week or so. The provided litter and food for Rooster..."

"This is amazing, I...I don't know what to say."

"Just let us be together." He gently pushed you forward on the wood plank and walked onto the deck.

"Travel down the Nile, find a spot where we can stay for anchor for the night, we are to exposed here – we should keep on the move as much as we can." He said to a man, the guy nodded and walked to the front of the ship.

Gently he led he, still holding Rooster up to the top level, when you got to the room you saw that it was modern furnished, the boat looked like it was from the 1930's or something, but clearly it had been renovated. Bathroom had a tub and shower, big king-sized bed.

"Freshen up, I'm going to go talk to the crew."

You nodded, Rooster jumped from your arms and curled up on the chair in the corner. Steve kissed your forehead and then left the room.

{30 Mintes Later}

You were wearing a short teddy dress that was black and lacey, you were sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me.

"Baby Girl...are you hungr...woah." He stopped, looking at you.

Wordlessly he shut the door behind him, walking around he opened up the windows, the moonlight pulling into the room as he turned off the lights.

"I have missed you Baby Girl, please let me have you – it's been so long, and you can't tempt me with wearing something like that."

"I missed you to Steve."

You gulped as he stood at the foot of the bed, looking down at you he held out his hand, you sat up and took his hand and roughly he pulled you to your feet – spinning you around he wrapped his arms around your upper torso.

"You look do delicious...but are you wet for me? Are you ready to be Daddy's good little girl and surrender fully to me."

His other hand slowly moved down your body, you shivered and let out a whimper and squirmed at the touch as he reached down father.

"You don't have to struggle, just submit, I will not hurt you, trust me baby, give in and let me fuck you."

His hand moved even lower, going down your inner thigh then up, his fingers entering you as he pulled you against him – Steve's fingers were cold and it was a strong contrast to how warm your core was.

"Good girl, you are so fucking wet, is that for me? Is that because of me?"

Words failed you and all you could do was nod your head and whine.

He picked you up by your underarms and put you on the bed – gently shoving you down on your back, you were momentarily shocked at this display power until you realized he was a super solder, he could easily pick you up.

You watched as he stripped naked, slowly, so you could get a good look at him he crawled up on the bed, he didn't move onto of you, but he stayed on his knees that were spread, grabbing your legs he moved you so your lower body was raised, then wrapping his arm under your lower back he slowly sank is cock into you – making your body arch.

He reached down, his fingers going around your throat, not squeezing, but letting you know that he could, with the other hand he grabbed your hip, and started pulling you to him, setting a steady rhythm he kept going, showing you no mercy with his roughness. You did your best to comply and not fight him, your pleasure increased as he kept at you.

"Such a good Baby Girl..." He purred.

--- Crewmate's Point of View ---

{Early Morning}

We were under strict orders to give Captain America and her female companion complete privacy on this ship, they were in an upper deck in a private basically soundproof room.

She seemed nice if not a bit shy, many of us were wondering if he was married to her, because this seemed for all intents and purposes – a honeymoon.

"Morning, are we having to go ashore for breakfast?" I jumped a little and turned and saw him standing behind me with a smile, with a full beard and some slight bedhead.

"Uh, morning Mr. Rodgers, no we don't – we might have to re supply in the next three days or so, but we will be astride a port by then."

With a soft sigh I looked around the kitchen and then grabbed a card that had all the food we could prepare.

He took and seemed to be focused on reading it, I wanted to ask him questions but I knew that I shouldn't interrupt him when he is reading, and the questions might be to personal, so I decided to shelve them.

"Is your companion not coming down for breakfast?" I wondered if they were going to be taking breakfast in the dining hall.

He gave a smirk; it was on his face then quickly it left his face.

"She is tied up in something at the moment – have two orders of Ful Medames brough up and left outside our door, knock twice."

I nodded and he handed me back the card.

"Thank you."

--- Your Point of View ---

You were naked laying on the bed, this morning he had asked you if he could collar you.

Seeing it made you weak in the knees, and you consented, he had collared you and chained you to the bed.

He had cum in you first thing in the morning after he chained you to the bed, then he said he was going to find out about breakfast – he put a pillow under your hips – to keep his cum in you as he left the room.

Like the good girl that you were you obeyed him and stayed in that position why he was gone.

The door opened and closed quickly, you looked at him, he gave you a smile, you felt his eyes look you over like he was ready to eat you.

"Good Girl...your hips are going to be elevated after every time I cum in you – are you going to be a good girl an let me do that?"

"Yes Daddy."

"I love when you call me that, we are going to have the Egyptian dish Ful Medames for breakfast, if you don't like it ill have them make you something else – but I am thinking why we are here we should try the local food."

"That sounds good."

Slowly he sauntered over to the side of the bed, gently pushing you down so you were laying on your side.

With his fingers he slowly ran his fingers across your body, goosebumps erupted all over your skin, making your body shiver.

He sat at the edge of the bed and then leaning down his lips replaced his fingers, he kissed down your side and then gently pushed you on your back.

His lips gently took one of our breasts sucking on it and the other roughly played with the other, after torturing you sexually for what felt like forever he pulled back.

"Fuck...your body is going to change so beautifully when I get you pregnant." He moved and you thought he was going to fuck you again when there was two knocks at the door.

"Damn that was fast." He moved off of you, disappointment on his face.

"You hungry?"

"Very." You added, he walked quickly and opened the door, with super soldier ease he grabbed and carrying in a tray that looked heavy with two covered plates on it, and an assortment of drinks.

You two had a private table in the room – Steve had informed you that he was going to fuck you on it, he set the food down and then walked over, unhooking your chain.

You were starving, you got up and instantly walked to the food, Steve said nothing, but he started eating as well.

"Are you willing to revisit the marriage thing?" He asked suddenly, making you choke on your hard boiled egg.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

We were walking around the city, having grabbed donuts and coffee – I was bored, and I was finding that her company was oddly comforting.

"Do you like this girl that Steve is with?" Peggy questioned, I looked forward, sipping my coffee, we had

"Yeah I do." I wasn't going to tell her that we had been lovers, I didn't want to stir up any more trouble.

I looked over at her, she looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry that he is in love with her."

She let out a deep sigh. "I know, I just – I thought that our history would prevail and make him love me the way he did in the past."

"He's really not the man you feel in love with when you met him, before the serum – he has such a darkness in him now..."

"And she is the women for him more than I am?" She growled crudely.

I took another sip and picked my words carefully. "Not to say you are any less of a women, but she can handle him."

She let out another sigh. "Maybe I should just give up on him."

"I don't think you have much of a choice." I playfully teased; she shot me a look, and after a moment of glaring at me she gave me a sly smile.

"Okay, for being rude I think you owe me dinner."

"Sure." I smiled.

--- Your Point of View ---

"Who do you belong to, who's body is this?"

You felt him grip your breast roughly with one hand and the other was fingering you, hitting that sweet spot with every movement of his hand, making you whimper and move against him – but he didn't let up.

"You...fuck you...please Daddy can I cum?"

"I don't believe you, say it like you fucking mean it Baby Girl – say it from your soul and then I will let you cum."

You let out a frustrated and somewhat defeated moan, your arms were raised up above your head, in cuffs that were tied to a wood beam across the roof, the thing was you were not on the steam ship, you were in a small house – a hut really, near Abu Simbel.

You had walked around all seen all of the ancient sites, Steve was good and let you explore, but he seemed to lose his fucking mind – and took you here in private and was taking what he wanted from you.

It was as if a switch had been flipped in his brain, you could feel both physically and emotionally the different in him.

He was a purpose now, a goal, an endgame – he was going to get you pregnant and was being more animalistic about it you had no doubt that he bred you on this trip – that was the word for how unhinged and sexually charged he was being.

"You know what I think?"

"What?" You moaned leaning your head back – why did he have to fucking be so... handsome.

"I think I should be punishing you until you get pregnant..."

"Please Daddy, I'm a good girl, it's going to take time..." You pleaded.


It was like he had control over you, the moment the words left his lip you came, hard, crying out, he covered your mouth with his hand – it was big enough to almost cover your whole fucking face.

Your orgasm seemed to settle as you came down for that high, your pelvis area was sore because he had held back your orgasm for so long, was it possible for a girl to get blue balls – clearly it was.

"Good girl..."

With alarming efficiency, he untied you and your arms dropped, with a moan he rubbed your shoulder rotators – each movement of his hand easing the tension that was there because your arms were raised for so long.

"Please don't punish me?"

He turned you around to face him, looking up you saw an unusual softness in his eyes. "I won't punish you, if you be a good girl and give your Daddy what he wants."

He put his hand on your lower stomach, leaning down he kissed you fiercely.

"Get dressed, we are taking our dinner outside today."

You did as you were told.

"By punishment, what did you have in mind Daddy?"

I heard him draw a deep breath and let it out.

"I'll collar you – even in public."

{Late Night}

You were looking out over the water as the steamer slowly moved down the Nile, with the clear water and the moon shining off it – it was mesmerizing, you thought that it might be a good idea to thank him for having this idea.

"You look stunning..."

He walked out on deck, you looked down, you had chosen a simple flowing dress with sandals, but when you looked at him you noticed he was dressed up.

"What's...what's with the outfit? I mean, you look so handsome."

"We are having a nice dinner...come here."

He slowly pulled you into this arms, one arm around your waist and the other interlocking your fingers and holding up your hand – it was then that you noticed that some soft piano music was playing, slowly he started moving slowly dancing with you on the deck. You closed your eyes and let yourself just be calm for one, enjoying the clean earthy smell of him and the comforting closeness of him.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

"You really should get some sleep."

"I am having such fun with you."

I smiled at her, there was no lie or deception in her voice, she was liking my company and for reasons I couldn't understand or fathom I was enjoying her company as well.

We were at one of the outside parks of the city, we had a picnic and the sun had fully set, I had a generator battery that was casting a soft light around what we were doing.

She really was stunning, I know that if I said this out loud I would be in trouble, but I missed women dressing like they did back in the 1940's even though she was in the current time – she still dressed smart – and I found that I liked it.

I wasn't sure who moved first, me or her, but before I knew it, even though we had only been talking for over day – soon we were kissing – her red lips were soft and delicate.

I wanted to pin her under me, but Peggy wasn't like that – I had to be slow, treat her like a lady. 

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