Idol lover

By JKsGirlll7

386 44 3

"Do me a favor before you leave here, I want to see the real face of the person who thinks of me for the firs... More

Characters description.
"First sight"
"Wait for me!"
"First "Hi!""
"Maybe we will meet again...someday!"
"Show me your real face!"
"I'm proud of you!"
"Yours Kim Yun-a!"
"I'm okay!"
"Did he keep his promise?"
"Did the girl live?"
"Jiminah is here"
"I'm sorry"

"You are the one... the one I know!"

20 5 0
By JKsGirlll7


I just got off the plane, I thought I would be tired, but I was energetic. I met someone yesterday, that smell, that body, that hair style seem familiar to me from this place. My trip was great with him, ah I wish I could see him again.

I entered the airport and while I was collecting my luggage, I came across people gossiping.

"You know Jungkook, he had just arrived here, he is here in America, he just add a story on his official account with words "hello america", oh girl can you think how super good would be of meeting him?"
-"Oh that would be awesome girl"

So me and Jungkook got off the plane at the same time, what a good coincidence. If only I had seen your face, at least I wouldn't have been a stranger at the concert.

"Well, the runways were empty, there were no planes other than the one I was on, neither private planes nor special charts,"-said one of the girls.

So what? Was Jungkook on our plane? There is no way anymore! I ignored these and turned on my phone and called Minah immediately.

"Babe, I just arrived, I'm walking towards the exit, you're here right?"

"Yes my babe, I'm outside waiting for you."

I hung up the phone and went out with my luggage, my eyes recognized her immediately, I ran to her with a smile, we both opened our arms wide.

"My love, my most beautiful and closest friend, welcome, I miss you so much!"

"Welcome, baby! I missed you so much too."

"Happy birthday to my little baby, I love you and I'm so proud to be your best friend! I love you my baby!"

"Aww you're gonna make me cry Thank you my bff I love you too!"

After we finished hugging, Minah took my suitcase and put it in the trunk of her car, and we both got in the car.

"We go home right away, eat, sleep, after we wake up, we shower, get ready and go to the concerts, our first concert is today, I will finally see Jack alive!"-she said with excitement, which made me even more happy and excited.

As I continued to drive on the roads, I rolled down the window and took a deep breath. I was very happy, everything was very nice.

"What is that? You are very happy, I think America did a good job for you as soon as you landed, or wait, are you excited for the concert too? Of course, you will be excited, we will celebrate your birthday, and the concert is a part of it."

"That's right, I'm very happy, I came abroad, I'm going to go to concerts, I'm going to travel with my best friend, the songs you sent to me accompanied me along the way, they were so beautiful, I even memorized the songs. There are also other things, but I'll tell you later."

"Hmm, will see. Okay, tell me whenever and wherever you want, we are here anyway."

We came home, I went into my room and put my suitcase in a corner of my room, I would take care of it later, at that moment Minah called because the food was ready. After we finished eating, we watched TV, chatted and then we thought it was time to open my suitcase, so we went into our room, took my suitcase and opened it.

"Baby, what are these clothes? They can't be destroyed, we need to buy you new clothes, we are going to a concert to celebrate your birthday, you need to wear special clothes tonight."

"And what's so bad about these? I'll wear one of these."

"I think you have lived in a cave, my girl, I say Jungkook, the most loved and most admired singer of Korea and the world, the HOT Golden Maknae man, and going out with clothes like that?? No, is never possible, we are going shopping immediately."

"I even didn't check his profile, I don't know who is he, you say to me the "Golden Maknae"!"

"Oh come on, you will see him in the right time. Now let's go shopping."

We immediately got dressed, went out, got in the car and entered one of the most beautiful and largest stores in New York. We went into a store and started choosing clothes. I went into the booth and started trying on the clothes one by one and after an hour, we finally chose a nice outfit, I chose a short with a deep slit red long v-neck satin dress and bought it.

After doing our shopping, we sat in a cafe in the shopping mall and chatted. She told me what she was doing in America these days and I told her what I was doing on my holiday and my birthday. I missed talking to her so much. After coffee and desserts, we went home into my room and slept in the same bed, I missed sleeping with her.

We already sleep together some nights, even though we both have a room. She is like my sister to me, so I don't mind sleeping with her, there are nights we see films and serials so fall asleep in our shoulders.

We woke up with the sound of Minah's alarm, it was 20:33. We immediately went to our bathrooms and took a shower. She had bought fragrant shampoos and candles for me, I love my dear friend very much.

After washing thoroughly, I got out of the bath, put on my bathrobe and wrapped my hair in a towel.
I stood in front of the mirror and in the sink, there were very expensive and beautiful skin care products and makeup in front of me. This view was every young girl's dream.

After making skin care on my face, I applied moisturizer to my body. I didn't need any highliter or foundation, my skin was very nice and smooth.
When it was time to put on make-up, Minah entered my bathroom.

"Girl, I brought your dress, should I do your hair while you do your make-up?"

"Girl, you look so beautiful! And you got ready before me, don't think I missed it."-I said, laughing.

She left the dress on the hanger and came behind me.

"Well babe I will look beautiful, of course we will celebrate my sweetheart's birthday, and we will also go to Jungkook's concert, so you must be even more beautiful than me."

"Well, let's see if I can be beautiful."

We both laughed.

"You said you would tell me later, what happened today?"

"I met someone on the plane today and we talked."

"So? Who was he, what was his name, did you get his social media account, who is girl, tell me?"

"His name is Jeon, I mean just Jeon, I didn't get the name of his account, we talked so long and so nice that I forgot to ask. He is interested in good works, he has received awards, but I don't know in which sector he works, hr didn't say."

"Is it just a name? Every person has a surname. I guess the man wants it to be mysterious,"-she said, laughing.

"It's like that, I had a great time with him, it was very nice."

"Oh babe come on, don't fall in love with his good  face, then come and suffer from love."

"I didn't see his face..."

"What? How?"

"His face was wearing a mask, I found it strange, I asked him why he was wearing a mask, because after all, the Covid era had already passed, why was he wearing a mask, but he said he had to wear it because it would be long hours on the plane, and the air was going to be dirty."

"Wow, he's already mysterious."

"That's right, he was a mysterious but very nice person.

While I was doing my make-up, she was drying my hair. I applied moisturizer, eyeliner, white glittered eye shadow, mascara and red lipstick on. I did not need foundation, concealer, contour or blush, my skin was very beautiful and healthy. My hair was tied up in a messy bun, and my bangs were waving on their own. She parted them in the middle and threw them to the sides.

She placed her face on my shoulders and we saw each other from the mirror and smiled.

"Now we are the most beautiful and the mos hottest girls. Are ready to go and have fun?"

"Of course yes!"

Now we were ready, I wore my long and thin high-heeled shoes in nude color, and she wore blue high-heeled shoes, her dress was melon colored, so shoes of that color would suit her.

We made not 2 but 7 sprites of our favorite perfumes, took our bags, left the house and got in the car. We parked our car somewhere near the concert area and went to the place where the concert was.
I was shocked, there were millions of people here, so Jungkook was a very successful person, since there were so many people, and it was done in an open field, it was known that the future of trillions of people.

After checking our tickets, we entered our places, my friend was next to me and there were more than 100 million people, or rather fans, around me.
What made this man so famous and affectionate?

The countdown appeared on the large screens on both sides. Finally I'm gonna see him 3...2...1...and JungKook is here-wait-whAt...was he JungKook?....


"JungKook are you ready?"

The person who asked this was one of the assistant friends who gave me the microphone. I bit my lip with excitement and just nodded my head yes. While the other assistants were fixing my clothes and hair, my manager arrived at that moment.

"The person you asked about is here."

Finally, I can go out now, no matter how much my excitement doubles.

"She is standing in row 7 on your right, she came in a red dress. Come on, the countdown has started, you go in."-He said, touching my shoulder lightly with his hand a few times.

"Thank you!"

The countdown ended and the song started playing, at that moment my dancer friends and I went on stage. I didn't think this scene would be covered so much. In 2013, I was an unknown person, now I am someone loved by millions, this is the success of my self-confidence. My eyes immediately searched for him, he was looking at me, surprised. I immediately started singing my song, while I was secretly looking at him, this time he was smiling, singing my song and dancing with me. Many people danced to this song, but no one like Yun-a. I was going to sing my last two songs, but before I sing them, I thought I'd talk to my fans and my family.

"Armyyyy, woww, you are so many! I hope you had fun this evening. It will be almost 12 o clock midnight and I know you are very tired while dancing and singing my songs with me. The last two songs are left to sing, before I sing them, I want to thank you from all of my heart and all of my soul! Thank you! Thank you for supporting me, for respecting me and most importantly for loving me and enjoying this evening with me! The song I will sing now is for those who love but cannot get together, for those who see the love as impossible. What I want to say is, believe in love, no matter how impossible it is, I'm sure if you truly love with your heart that love will never be impossible, that love will come true! Believe in love, but believe in yourself first!"

Everyone clapped and cheered.... After I sang my last two songs, everyone applauded, and you could feel the cheers coming from within. I was very happy with them, the view was very beautiful, I was smiling, my gaze shifted to her for a moment, she was thinking like crazy, she was very happy, it was very beautiful.

"I love you! See you at other concerts! Stay strong and full of love!"-I said, raising my hand and making a heart shape with my fingers.

We left the stage, all the helpers ran to wipe my sweat, give me water, and change my clothes.

"You did a very good job, I'm proud of you!"-the person who said that was my manager, he was smiling proudly in happiness.

"Thanks I appreciate that!"

I got in the car and started to drive, people were standing on the side of the road, waiting for me to get out. When my car appeared, everyone was saying goodbye to me, waving their hands, so I rolled down my window, waved my hand and sent them my heart shape. I was very happy, seeing them so happy, they give me hope and motivation to work harder, be more successful and make my family and my hyungs happier and prouder. While driving on the road, I leaned my head against the window and focused all my thoughts on her.

I first saw her in that restaurant, she was very beautiful, I did some research on her and found out that she was a very nice girl. I found her account on social media, the posts she posted were things that were relevant to me, I looked at her old posts and she was posting very nice things, meaningful words, beautiful memories, funny things. I stalked her all the time, but when I realized she didn't know me, I was even more shocked, how could she not know me? It's a good thing I stalked her then, because I wanted to go to that ball, I wanted to be her prince, and I did. On that plane, I saw the inside of her heart, I saw her thoughts and feelings, I saw the joyful child that was still inside her.

She was beautiful, sexy, outspoken and mysterious, there were all the good things about her. She came to my concert, I saw her at my concert on the occasion of her birthday, the most important thing that made my first US concert even more special was that she was there and danced to my songs and sang with me. When I thought about all this, a smile appeared without me knowing.

"Who was that young girl?" - the person who interrupted my thoughts was my manager.

"Someone important..."

"Are you in love?"

"Maybe, I do not know"

"What do you feel, you must have looked at her many times."

"When she laugh, for example, it takes my breath away, you know when there is a souvenire that have chance that will break, you want to protect it thoroughly and sometimes you don't want to touch it, you are afraid that you might break it even with your hands with your touch, but at the same time you want to look at it, touch it, keep it with you and protect it throughout your life, that's exactly what it is, like this feeling."

"Say, I fell in love? Remember this, you are different, he is different, you are famous, he is ordinary like other people."

"I can see what you mean by your warning, it's not necessary, but thanks!"

"This is not a warning, Jungkook, this is a recommendation, so that there will be no bad news about you in vain."

"Nothing bad will happen, don't worry, everything is under my control."

I said and turned to the window again, looking outside.

After a while, we arrived at the hotel and I went into my room, took a shower and fell asleep as soon as I went to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I immediately looked at my phone, it was 07:33. I logged into his account and looked at the posts.

"I've never had so much fun in my life, my favorite birthday gift and my favorite birthday fun."

"I saw you again, it turns out you are a well-known person..."

"Handsome people become famous, but they also become unreachable. I wish I could reach you... I wish you were mine..."

"I guess I'm stupid, I'm daydreaming on my own."

When I read these, I didn't know what reaction I would give first, I didn't know whether I would be surprised or laugh. After fiddling with my phone, I wanted to get up and take a shower, I got rid of my clothes and got into the shower, the warm water was raining on me. After getting out of the shower, I was going to put on my clothes and make breakfast for myself. I didn't want any restaurant, room service, or ready-made food, I was going to cook my own food.

After cooking and eating, I was working on my phone again, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door, it was my manager.

"Good morning, handsome young man! We are returning today, the suitcases are ready, it's nice."

He came in and sat in the living room section of my room.

"Yes, it is, but I want to tell you something."

I handed him the coffee cup and we were both drinking it.

"What's that Jungkook?"

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