ุจูˆุงุณุทุฉ Eternal_lovefictions

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๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ง ๐ฒ๐ง ๐ ๐จ๐ญ ๐œ๐š๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ฎ๐ฉ ๐ข๐ง ๐š ๐œ๐ซ๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐›๐ž๐ญ๐ฐ๐ž๐ž๐ง....๐Ÿฅ€ โ๐‹๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž'๐ฌ ๐œ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ž... ุงู„ู…ุฒูŠุฏ

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ุจูˆุงุณุทุฉ Eternal_lovefictions

Meanwhile Jungkook was inside his luxurious pent house, a fortress among his many properties. It was meticulously secured, with guards stationed at every corner and armed men patrolling every inch. The level of security was so tight that not even a fly could move without his permission.

The penthouse was a symbol of Jungkook's power and authority as the Mafia King.

After spreading the news of his death, Jungkook retreated to the safety of his penthouse. It served as his sanctuary, a place where he could strategize and plan his next move without fear of detection. Despite the luxury surrounding him, Jungkook knew that danger lurked outside. So, he stayed alert and ready to protect himself if anyone tried to mess with him.

Jungkook sat at the head of the meeting room table, his right-hand man Joo Jae Kyung by his side, as they discussed their plan against the Choi family.

Jungkook: Make sure to increase the level of security at the Jeon ancestral mansion. Increase the number of guards. I don't want any compromises when it comes to my family.

Jungkook commanded, his voice dripping with venom, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

Joo Jae Kyung nodded. Copy, boss.

Jungkook leaned forward, his gaze intense.

Jungkook: Is there any information about Choi Woo Shik?

Joo Jae Kyung: He hasn't done anything yet, but it's strange to see him quiet.

Jungkook: Track his location and send our spy to keep an eye on his every activ-

Jungkook's words were abruptly cut off by the loud ringing of his phone. An unknown caller flashed on the screen, causing confusion to etch across Jungkook's face. He paused for a moment before answering the video call, but his expression shifted to one of horror as he stared at the screen. His hands trembled at the sight in front of him. He stood with sudden jerk causing others to stand up also.

Video feed shows YN's battered form, tied to a chair a bucket of cold water splashed on her face, making her flinch.

Unknown caller: Look who I have here, Jungkook.

Jngkook: YN!

His heart sank in fear at the sight of yn and roared in rage.

Jungkook: What have you done to her, you motherfucker!!

Jungkook's grip on his phone tightened to the point where his knuckles turned white, his jaw clenched in a display of raw fury. His eyes burned with intensity, a red haze descending over his vision as he stared at the screen.


He roared, his voice echoing through the room with a chilling intensity.

The others in the room flinched at the force of his shout, the sheer power behind his words sending a shiver down their spines. Jungkook's rage was palpable, his determination to protect YN radiating from every fiber of his being.

Choi Woo Shik: (appearing on screen with a smirk) Ah, Jungkook. So nice of you to join us. I thought you might want to see the consequences of your actions.

Ingkook: Let her go, Choi, or I swear I'll-

Choi Woo Shik: (interrupting with a laugh) Or what, Jungkook? You'll come after me? It's too late for that. Your precious YN is in my hands now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Jungkook: (voice trembling with rage) just you wait there, Ill tear you apart, piece by piece, until there's nothing left of you.

Jungkook hurled his phone against the wall, the impact shattering it into a shower of broken pieces. His hands then found their way to his hair, gripping it tightly as if trying to anchor himself against the storm of emotions raging within him. The room fell silent, the only sound the ragged breaths escaping from Jungkook's lips as he struggled to contain the overwhelming torrent of anger and fear.

Jungkook's voice sliced through the tension-filled air like a knife, commanding attention from everyone in the room.

Jungkook: GUARDS!! "he bellowed, his tone demanding immediate action."

Instantly, the room sprang into action, with Jungkook issuing orders to his men.

Jungkook:Check the last location of YN and track the location of Choi and his men. I want the details of his whereabouts for the past 2 hours."

Joo Jae Kyung swiftly began working on his laptop, fingers flying over the keys as he accessed the necessary information. Meanwhile, the guards joined in, using their expertise to assist in the tracking process.

Joo Jae Kyung: Boss, the last location of Mrs. Jeon was the hospital "his voice faltering slightly' B-but..

Jungkook's attention snapped towards him, his eyes burning with a mixture of anguish and fury.

Jungkook: But What? "he demanded, his impatience palpable."

Joo Jae Kyung hesitated before turning the laptop towards Jungkook, revealing the horrifying sight of YN being forcefully pulled by Choi's men, her distress evident even from the grainy footage. Jungkook's heart clenched with pain, but his expression hardened with resolve. With a swift motion, he smashed the laptop to the ground, the sound of shattering glass echoing in the room.

As if on cue, a guard stepped forward with crucial information. Nate: Boss, the location of Choi is about 5 km away from the penthouse.

Jungkook wasted no time.

Jungkook: Prepare our team and send them to the building to cover it from the outside. Tell them to not let anyone leave that building.

One his guard nodded before rushing out to prepare the team.

Jungkook: Be ready Joo; we are leaving in 10 minutes."

Joo Jae Kyung: B-but boss "He hesitated, but one steely glare from Jungkook silenced any protest.


Jungkook's voice brooked no argument. Joo Jae Kyung nodded hastily.

Joo Jae Kyung: Yes, boss.

With determination etched into his features, Jungkook prepared to confront Choi and rescue YN, his resolve unshakeable as he geared up for the impending battle.

Jungkook swiftly connected the earpiece to Nate, one of the best tracker in his team, as he dashed towards his car. With a forceful pull, he swung open the door and slid into the driver's seat, his movements sharp and urgent. Two cars trailed closely behind, carrying his guards. With a determined look in his eyes, Jungkook slammed the gear into place and accelerated, the engine roaring as he raced through the streets at breakneck speed. The wind whipped through the open windows as he maneuvered through traffic, his focus solely on reaching their destination.

As they arrived at the location of the building, Jungkook brought the car to a screeching halt.

Jungkook: Here?

He declared, his gaze fixed on the decrepit structure looming before them.

Nate: Yes, boss. It was his last location, and we didn't see him coming out.

Nate's voice cracked through the earpiece.

Jungkook ended the call and tossed the earpiece onto the passenger seat before stepping out of the car, fury radiating from every pore. His guards quickly followed suit, surrounding him with a protective barrier as they moved forward. With purposeful strides, Jungkook advanced towards the building, his anger fueling his determination to confront Choi and rescue YN. Every step brought him closer to the confrontation he had been preparing for, his resolve unyielding as he prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Jungkook entered the building, his senses on high alert, he signaled his guards to split up and search in different directions. With each step he took, the tension in the air grew thicker, his heart pounding in his chest. But to his surprise there was no one inside the building. Not even a single guard.

Then, amidst the chaos and danger, his eyes fell upon the lifeless form lying on the ground. Without a moment's hesitation, he dropped his gun and rushed towards her. She was covered in blood. A huge amount of blood was oozing out from her lower part

Her body was covered in bruises, blood seeping from her wrists tied to the metal chair. Her head showed signs of being slammed against the wall, leaving her barely breathing and almost lifeless.

Jungkook: Yn!!

He whispered hoarsely, his voice trembling with emotion. Kneeling beside her, he gathered her bloody body into his arms, cradling her to his chest. His heart constricting with fear and anguish.

Jungkook: "Y... YN, open your eyes! Wifey!"

He pleaded, gently tapping her cheeks in a desperate attempt to rouse her. But there was no response, her limp form offering no comfort or reassurance.

Checking her pulse, Jungkook felt a cold dread settle in the pit of his stomach. It was dangerously low, and time was running out.

Jungkook: "JOO!! JOO!!" "he called out, his voice echoing through the empty corridors,

summoning Joo Jae Kyung to his side.

Jungkook carefully cradled Yn's lifeless body, his heart heavy with fear and grief. Joo Jaekyung's eyes widened in horror as he rushed to Jungkook's side.

Jungkook: I need the best medical team in Korea at the hospital now. Clear the hospital and tighten security. No one gets in."

His voice trembled with urgency as he hurried towards the waiting car. Guards opened the door for him, and he settled in the back seat with Yn on his lap.

Joo Jae Kyung's voice crackled as he spoke through the earpiece worn by the guards, his tone commanding yet laced with a sense of urgency.

Joo Jae Kyung: Ensure the hospital is emptied. Double the security within the perimeter. Get the best medical team ready.

Jae Kyung's focus remained on the road ahead, on the other hand yn's almost lifeless body lay on jungkook's lap, the weight of her pain and suffering pressed heavily on his heart. Her once vibrant spirit seemed dimmed, her features twisted in agony from the brutal torture inflicted upon her by his enemy.

each shallow breath she took felt like a dagger in his chest, a reminder of his failure to protect her. gently, jungkook brushed a strand of hair away from yn's pallid face, his fingertips lingering on her cold skin.

the sight of her bruised and broken form stirred a storm of emotions within him, guilt for not being able to shield her from harm, rage at the ones responsible for her suffering, and a fierce determination to ensure her safety no matter the cost is.

Jungkook tenderly caressed Yn's head, his heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice grip of despair. Tears gathered in his eyes, blurring his vision as he pressed soft kisses to her forehead, longing for any sign of life to return to her. He held her tightly, as if by sheer willpower he could bring back the time and he could save her.

His trembling fingers traced over her baby bump, each touch a bittersweet reminder of the life they had created together. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he felt their unborn baby for the very first time. In that moment, he felt a surge of love and protectiveness towards the tiny life growing inside Yn, a flicker of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness of despair.

A few minutes passed and the car screeched to a halt in front of the hospital. A mask of cold determination hiding the storm of fear raging within jungkook's mind. "What if I'm too late? What if-

His internal turmoil was interrupted as Joo Jae Kyung hurriedly exited the car, opening the door for him with a sense of urgency. The sudden movement jolted Jungkook out of his thoughts snapping him back to the grim reality of the situation.

When they reached the hospital, it was all empty as the most dangerous mafia was arriving at the hospital with YN being almost lifeless. Bulky armed men. were placed at every nook of the hospital.

Jungkook, emerged from the backseat cradling Yn's limp body. the atmosphere was tense, with bulky armed men stationed at every corner. The guards, vigilant and alert, immediately recognized Jungkook and lowered their weapons, bowing in deference.

Joo Jae Kyung followed closely behind jungkook, his senses on high alert and his gaze darting around the imposing estate, searching for any signs of danger. as they navigated through the corridors of the mansion. The air was heavy with tension, the silence broken only by the distant echoes of their footsteps.

Jungkook's heart clenched as he carried YN's fragile form through the doors, where doctors were already waiting with a stretcher.

With a mixture of urgency and tenderness, Jungkook carefully placed Yn's bloodied body onto the stretcher, reluctant to let go of her even for a moment. As they approached the entrance to the operating theater, his grip on her hand tightened, unwilling to part ways with her in her time of need.

As they transferred YN onto a stretcher, Jungkook hovered anxiously nearby, his eyes never leaving her face, his heart filled with fear and hope intertwined. But as they drew closer, Yn's bloody hand slipped from his, leaving him with a sense of despair and fear that threatened to engulf him.

Doctor: Mr. Jeon, just wait outside please,

He watched helplessly as the doctor swiftly ushered Yn into the operating theater, the door closing behind them with a finality that echoed the gravity of the situation.

Inside the OT:

The medical team swiftly connected wires to Yn's body as machines beeped loudly, signaling her critical condition.

Doctor Kang: Prepare for immediate intervention. We need to stabilize her vitals. Call the blood bank, we might need to transfuse her immediately."

Nurse: Doctor her blood pressure is dropping rapidly!!

Doctor Lee: Get the defibrillator ready. We might need to shock her heart into rhythm.

Jungkook stood outside the emergency room, his hand pressed against the glass as he watched YN being treated by the doctors. His heart sank at the sight of her fragile form surrounded by medical equipment and bustling medical staff. Each beep of the monitors felt like a dagger to his heart, amplifying his worry and fear for her well-being. He wished he could be by her side, holding her hand and offering her comfort, but for now, all he could do was watch and pray for her recovery.

The doctor ripped Yn's bloody shirt, preparing to administer shocks.

Jungkook: Don't this to her.

He whisphered as he saw Doctor pressed the defbrillators on her chest and ribs area and the way her body rises up and down because of the shock. Tears left his eyes as he saw her lifeless body enduring each and every pain without uttering a single word..

With a heavy heart, Jungkook turned away from the glass window of the operating theater, unable to bear the sight of Yn in such a vulnerable state. Leaning against the window, he closed his eyes, the last of his tears falling silently down his cheeks. The guilt of not sharing her pain gnawed at him, consuming him from within. His heart ached for his wife and unborn child, suffering while he stood helpless on the sidelines.

His hands, stained with Yn's blood, seemed to mock him, a stark reminder of his failure to protect her. His clothes, soaked in her blood, bore witness to the agony he felt. He sank to his knees, overcome with grief, as Joo Jae Kyung and the guards looked on in shock.

Joo Jae Kyung, understanding Jungkook's pain, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering silent support. But Jungkook's sorrow quickly morphed into seething rage, his eyes darkening with intensity.

Jungkook: I want Choi and his men in the basement within 2 hours."

His voice was low, filled with barely contained fury, sending shivers down the spines of everyone present. Without hesitation, Joo Jae Kyung nodded, immediately springing into action to carry out Jungkook's command.

To be continued...

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