The Fault in our Bands~Book O...

By PenguinBaes

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I'm Alex clifford. I'm Michael Clifford's twin sister. This is the story of how my brother's band, 5 Seconds... More

Chapter One- Alex
Chapter 2-Alex
Chapter 3-Alex
Chapter 4-Niall
Chapter 5- Alex and Niall
Chapter 6- Alex And Niall
Chapter 7- Alex
Chapter 8- Niall
Chapter 9-Alex and Niall
Chapter 10-Alex and Niall
Chapter 11-Alex And Niall
Chapter 12- Alex
Chapter 13-Niall
Chapter 14- Alex & Niall
Chapter 16- Alex & Niall
Chapter 17- Alex
Chapter 18- Alex
Chapter 19-Niall
Chapter 20- Alex
Chapter 21- Alex and Niall
Chapter 22- Alex & Niall
Chapter 23- Alex & Niall
Chapter 24-Alex and Niall
Chapter 25-Authours P.O.V

Chapter 15-Alex & Niall

81 3 0
By PenguinBaes

I smiled and ran around the stage. We were on the last song of yet another show. I don't know where we are, but thats not my job. I laughed as Louis pratically tackled Niall bringing him to the ground. They do alot of stupid things on stage but the funniest things happened off stage. 

We quickly finished the last song and did the final bow. Then we all headed backstage to change because we had a interview in about half an hour. I stole one of Ashton's long sleeved sweaters and put on black skinny jeans while sliding my black vans back on. I threw a random shirt at Louis who was running around needing a shirt. I saw Luke come out in a old penguin sweater of his and smiled. The fans would go crazy with that shirt considering it was during "Fetus" times. 

We all finished then got into the van we had to use while we were in the city and such to head to the interview. We got there a couple minutes early. Once the band names were called we all came out. The interviewer knew I was coming along and smiled at me considering I wasn't the kind of person who liked to join in the interviews. We said our hellos and sat down, me ending up squished between Luke and Niall. Luke kept glancing at his phone when he thought no one was looking but I didn't think much of it. 

"So, Alex. What is it like being on tour with these boys?"

I looked up and thought for a minute.

"As much as security and staff say its hard its really not. Sure, during rehearsals the boys can get rowdy and get outta hand but other than that they are pretty chill and it's alot of fun. Except in the morning when I have to make sure I get the right cereal for each boy so they don't flip and complain but ya know it's still alot fun."

After a few more questions from the interviewer, they decided to have us read stuff that fans tweet us. They decided to have me go first and what I had to do was read the first thing I saw and reply. I logged onto my twitter on my phone, tweeted the hashtag #TweetAlexM and waited. In less than a minute I started getting lots of tweets. The first one was a question.

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM What's it like dating Niall?"

"Well, Niall's a very sweet guy and of course being around all the other guys make it fun. It makes it fun. But Niall all in all is a nice and supportive guy. He's also very caring and does his best to make sure I make good choices. He's kinda like every fangirls dream girl."

I finished that one then went to the next one.

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM You're really pretty and cool."

"Thanks uh..Aleiah"

I read a couple more until I got to these three.

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM Your useless to us. The only reason all these "fans" are nice to you is because your dating Niall. "

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM Go kill yourself you ugly bitch."

"AlexGClifford #TweetAlexM You don't even deserve someone like Niall. Your just an attention hog who only likes our Nialler for the fame."

I read each one slowly, more and more tears brimming my eyes. I nodded and then stood up and walked away. I was used to a little hate but nothing like this. All these haters know I have a bad past and knew this would hit me. I heard the interview apolgized for something then heard Michael come up behind me. I looked up at him and hugged him, crying into his chest. 

I looked up and saw Niall there and ran to him. I looked up at him and hugged him, him hugging me back tightly.

"I-I love you Niall." 

I grabbed his hand and looked up at him seeing his beautiful blue eyes glossy. I grabbed his hand.

"I love you too Alex." 

He kissed my head not caring that the camera was catching it all. I did though. I looked at the camera and ran back out. I went in the van and sat there. Not caring about the rest of the interview. The boys had to finish it so I sat and waited. It would be a while until they ended because it was a fairly long interview. I saw Niall's guitar and picked it up and started strumming to "Over Again."

Said I'd never leave her cause her hands fit like my t-shirt 

Tongue tied over three words 


Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt

Bodies intertwined with her lips

Now she's feeling so low since she went solo

I smiled as I sang Niall's solo

Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo

And It's no Joke to me

So can we do it all over again

If you're pretending from the start 

Like this

With a tight grip

Then my kiss

Could mend your broken heart

I might miss

Everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts

That Might Fit

Like this

And I will give you all my heart

So we can start it all over again

Can we take the same road

Two day in the same clothes

And I know just what she'll say 

If I make all this pain go

Can we stop this for a minute

You know 

I can tell your heart isn't in it or with it

Tell me with your mind, body, and spirit

I can make your tears fall down like the showers that a british 

Whether we're together or apart 

We can both remove the masks

and admit we regret it from the start

If you're pretending from the start 

Like this

With a tight grip

Then my kiss

Could mend your broken heart

I might miss

Everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts that might fit

Like this

And I will give you all my heart 

So we can start it all over again

You'll never know

How to make it on your own

And you'll never show

Weakness for letting go

I guess your still hurt

If this is over

But do you really want to be alone

If you're pretending from the start 

Like this

With a tight grip

Then my kiss

Can mend your broken heart

I might miss

Everything you said to me

And I can lend you broken parts

That might fit

Like this

And I will give you all my heart

So we can start it all over again

If you're pretending from the start

Like this

With a tight grip

Then me kiss

Can mend your broken heart 

I might miss 

Everything you said to me

And I could lend you broken parts

That might fit

Like this

And I will give you all my heart

So we can start it all over again.

I finished the song and them hummed a few more and messed with some cords until the boys finally finished the interview and then came back.

"Look guys I'm sorry for ruining the interview like that."

I kept my head low as I said that. I knew this tour couldn't stay as well as it has been going even with Niall getting injured. Something was bound to go wrong just like it always does. I felt Michael sit beside me and pull me in. He kissed my head and I looked up and hugged him laying on his side. When we got back all the boys decided we could just sing for a little bit because that always calms me down like it did in the van.


I laughed as Louis pratically tackled me on our last song on our first show in Stockholm. We did so many stupid things on stage but its funnier backstage. 

After finishing the last song and tacking a final bow we ran backstage to get ready for an interview we had in about half an hour. I ran in and threw on a white t-shirt with white skinny jeans and my white hightops. I laughed as I saw Alex throw a random shirt at Louis who was running around saying he needed a shirt.

Once everyone was ready to go we got into the van we have to use when we are in the big cities and such and went off to the interview. We got to the area where the interview was being held and waiting the few extra minutes considering we got there early. After the interviewer called our band names and introduced us out we said our hellos and got seated. Alex got kinda squished between Luke and I but she was doing pretty well. We said how we were doing and the interviewers asked us some simple questions then she asked Alex a question.

"So, Alex. What is it like being on tour with these boys."

I expected her to say annoying or something because thats what we are. We're pretty annoying. Her actual answer is actually pretty good.

"As much as security and staff say its hard its really not. Sure, during rehearsals the boys can get rowdy and get outta hand but other than that they are pretty chill and it's alot of fun. Except in the morning when I have to make sure I get the right cereal for each boy so they don't flip and complain but ya know it's still alot fun." 

All of us smiled when she mentioned the cereal because we do have a habit to flip when we don't get the right cereal. After a couple more questions the interviewer wanted to do this thing where we read things tweeted us. Alex went first. She had alot of good ones that made her smile and sometimes even blush. She had a question about what its like to date me and her response had me looking down trying to hide a blush with a huge smile on my face.

Then, she got three bad ones.

Each one she read her voice got slower and her eyes welled up with even more tears. By the third comment her voice was shaking along with the rest of her body and she was barely able to hold in the tears. She got up and walked off the interview stage area to a back stage area. The interviewer apolgize for something then Michael ran back. Alex looked up at Michael and ran into his arms and I could tell she was crying. That's when I got up and went over. People said that she didn't deserve someone like me and that she was a attention hog who only liked me because of my fame. I know that wasn't true. Alex has been in fame longer than her brother has because she would play guitar at school shows at a younger age than Michael did and became a popular teacher for a while before she decided to stop and help her brother with the youtube thing.

She saw me after a minute or two and ran over to me hugging me. I hugged her back tightly.

"I-I love you Niall"

She grabbed my hand and looked up and me, my eyes probably glossy while her beautiful greenish colored eyes were red and puffy from the crying. I know I said I would always support my directioners and I always will. Except ones who make fun of those who I love.

"I love you too Alex."

I kissed her head not caring if a camera was catching it all. Alex apparently did though. She looked at the camera behind me and ran out. I'm hoping and guessing she went to the van. I don't want her running off because lets admit it. She's related to Michael she's bound to get lost. I wanted to go after her and comfort her like a good boyfriend would. We had to finish this interview though. I went back and sat down. I couldn't keep Alex off my mind. I kept my head low and wouldn't answer any questions neither would Michael. The others had to keep answering for us the best they could but they were okay with it because even the interviewer understood.

We finally finished the interview and Michael and I ran out to the van Alex was in there thankfully.

"Look guys, I'm sorry for ruining the interview like that."

I looked at her and just gave her a little smile as she cuddled with Michael with the littlest of smiles on her face.

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