The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

4.6K 230 361

After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

A Nightmare Revisited.

91 7 1
By IStoleTime

Chapter 29!

A Nightmare Revisted 

31th of October 2022- The Los Angeles Ministry

Writer's Note: Some may recognise the theme of this chapter, I thought a little aftermath of The Big Plushie Nightmare would be fun to write.


The hallways of the Ministry were decorated with orange and green paper chains, the white candelabras lamps glowed red. The scent of sweet incense drifted throughout the unholy church, a couple of lit carved pumpkins sat in a dark doorway. Paper bats and spiders hung from most of the stain glass windows, the unholy church was showing it's true face. It was late in the evening, the Clergy employees were winding down. The working day was now over, but the night was just beginning. The spooky hour was yet to come, it was time to greet All Hallows' Eve.

Albany had helped Sister with the unholy night of events, there had been many things to do before the chimes of midnight rang out throughout the Ministry. Alcoholic fruity punch, spooky music, games and conversations between employees had been delightful. The ghouls and ghoulettes had joined in with pumpkin carving, they had taken part in a peculiar apple bobbing game with their own rules. The spooky buffet had gone down a treat, the soiree Sister had planned was running smoothly.

Copia had been mingling with Clergy members, his Papa duties continued at the soiree. He was dressed in his papal robe and his face was painted, his mitre was upon his head. Sister Imperator had decided last minute that everybody should attend in something formal, she didn't want cat ears and devil horns greeting his dark excellency to the Los Angeles Ministry. 

Albany had remained at her Father's side, he wanted his youngest child close in case he needed her assistance. He had spoken with many old connections from the Italian Ministry, the guest list had been international this year. Mr Saltarian soon joined Papa Nihil, their conversation about training Copia and increasing his workload had caused Albany's mind to wander. Taking a sip of her fruity punch her gaze explored the hallway, she recognised a few of the guests from the different departments around the unholy church. A smile crept across her features when she noticed Copia standing with Sister, he was eating a slice of pumpkin pie. His superiors were busy discussing Clergy business, he didn't look like he was paying much attention. Slicing his delicious treat with his fork he accidentally flicked some of his dessert onto the floor, his gaze wandered around the hallway before he kicked it towards one of the other guests. Their gaze soon met, he waved his fingers at his lover. She returned his greeting with a finger wave of her own, but her Father's voice caught her attention when he said her name more than once.

" Albany!" Papa said.

" Yes, Papa?" Albany asked.

" Were you listening to me?!" Papa asked.

" Of course, Papa." Albany replied.

" Then what did I say?" Papa asked.

" Erm, can you please repeat what you said?" Albany asked.

" Go and get something to eat." Papa said.

" But I'm not hungry right now..." Albany said.

" What Mr Nihil meant was we need to discuss something in private." Mr Saltarian said, his gaze was intimidating. " Now would be a great moment for you to leave."

" Oh..." Albany said.

" Go and have a slice of pumpkin pie, there's only fifteen minutes left until midnight." Papa said.

" Okay, fine! I get the hint..." Albany said.

Albany left her Father and Mr Saltarian, her fingernails drumming against her glass cup she stopped by the buffet table. She helped herself to some chips and dips, she wasn't in the mood for anything sweet. The soiree continued, the guest chatted amongst themselves. A little commotion from one of the guests caught her attention, she heard someone saying they saw a small creature running into one of the offices. Not long after that there was another sighting of something unusual running around the guest's ankles, this new supernatural presence was concerning. The encountered in her room last night came flooding back to her memory, she was beginning to wonder if there was an unknown creature roaming the unholy church. A familar voice booming from across the hallway startled Albany, her gaze immediately forced on the direction it came from. Her Father beckoned his only living child to rejoin him, it was almost midnight.

" Albany, it's time!"

Taking one last look around the hallway she approached her Father, he had been joined by Sister and Copia. The guests soon settled down when Sister began her speech, she had the honour of welcoming his dark excellency to the Ministry yet again this year. She spoke about how the Clergy were proud of Copia achievements, the band's success and the wealth they had gained from the tours was benefitting their world domination funds. Papa Nihil even had a mention, his former lover was pleased with his saxophone performance. His dark excellency was  pleased with everybody's hark work, he planned to reward his faithful followers in the future. The first chime of midnight was soon heard when Sister's speech ended, it was time for Lucifer's arrival. 

The clocks of the Ministry chimed in turn, the hallways of the unholy church were plunged into darkness. The walls began to creak and crack, a faint crimson glow emerged from the shadows. A cold breezed drifted along the hallway, the scent of sweet incense sticks lingered in the air. The candles on the buffet table flickered, the odd napkin blew from it's plate. The ghouls and ghoulettes whispered in their own ghoulish tongues, they couldn't contain their excitement any longer. The guests braced themselves, someone important was being summoned to this unholy event. The Old One, his dark excellency himself had been invited to the spooky celebration. He was bringing in the season of the witch, it had been arranged by the Clergy.

The breeze soon dropped and the darkness eased, it wasn't long until a silhouette crept along the wall of the hallway. The Old One was finally here, his chosen form was now known. A giant head, dark eyes and a familiar style of dress. Copia's spoon slipped from his hand, it clink against his plate before it fell onto the floor. His mismatched eyes grew wide, the thing from his nightmares was standing before him. Everyone's attention was drawn to the frontman, there was whispers amongst the guests about his odd behaviour. Albany was unsure what had spooked her lover, she couldn't even comfort him since her superiors were attending the event. Her gaze returned to the upcoming chosen form of his dark excellency, she was eager to see his form this year.

Emerging from the crimson glow his dark excellency's unknown form ventured forward, but something small soon followed after him. Little legs and a giant wobble head with red eyes, it was dressed in a familiar red cassock. The small creature hurried along the hallway, it caused a couple of the guest to jump out it's way. A plate smashed and sandwiches were scattered across the floor, it was leaving a trail of destruction in it's path. Albany covered up her mouth and looked at her lover when she heard his voice, he didn't sound pleased with the situation unfolding in front of his very eyes.

" Ah shit!" He said.

Sister gave a side glance at her little Cardi, she had no idea why his language was so colourful. Copia shifted on his feet, his eyes were darting around the hallway. He looked unsettled, it seemed like he wanted to leave the soiree early. His voice was soon heard over the commotion, he made sure his departure was known to everyone surrounding him.

" I'm very tired, it's time for bed!" Copia said.

" Are you okay, Cardi?" Sister asked.

" I'm fine, I'm cool..." Copia replied, he handed his plate to his motherly figure. " I ummm, just have to go now! Bye, bye!"

Copia hurried through a crowd of guests, he then disappeared into another hallway. The soiree soon ended when Copia exited, it had caused a stir amongst the guests that Papa Emeritus IV had left the event without speaking to his dark excellency. Aether soon informed Sister that Copia had retreated to the family longue, the form Lucifer had chosen this year had spooked him. They soon learnt that Copia had been spooked when he had noticed a fan had made a costume of the Copia Plushie, but when small Plushie appeared it had brought back the memories of a nightmare he had on the tour bus months ago. Papa Nihil had laughed over the information, he had found it amusing. Albany had no idea about his nightmare, she felt sorry for him.

Sister Imperator left the hallway with his dark excellency, Mr Saltarian and Papa Nihil. Their business elsewhere was unknown, but the sight of the giant Plushie following them was quite amusing to onlookers. Albany began helping some of the ghoulettes tidy away the buffet food, the ghouls were busy sweeping the hallway and taking down some of the decorations. The employees were leaving one by one, the hallway soon emptied. Albany volunteered to take the rubbish bag to the kitchen, she also wanted to make sure Copia was safe in the lounge.

Leaving the hallway Albany made her way to the kitchen, she dropped off the trash bags and headed towards the family lounge. A scream echoing down the hallway caused her to quicken her walking pace, it seemed like small Copia Plushie was causing mischief somewhere around the Ministry. The hallway began silent once again, the lounge's doorway was in her sights. Stopping in front of the open doorway she spotted Copia sitting on the couch, he was drinking a cup of coffee. She watched him drinking his hot beverage, he hadn't noticed his lover standing in the doorway just yet. His gaze was focused on the fireplace, the sound of his cup and saucer rattling disturbed the silence of the room.

Albany knocked on the door frame and softly said her lover's name before she entered the lounge, her presence was soon revealed to him. Copia's gaze met with her own, his mismatched eyes were wide. He looked terrified, he wasn't his normal cheerful self. The cup on the saucer continued to rattle, his hands were shaking. Copia had been spooked by his dark excellency's chosen form this year, it made it worse that one of the mini Copia Plushies had been pocessed with something supernatural. Albany sat down next to her lover on the couch, she lovingly touched his arm before she spoke.

" You're hands are shaking..." She said.

" I'm fine." He said, his speaking tone was soft. " I wasn't expecting his dark excellency to take that form this year, it makes it worse that there's been more sightings of the little Copia Plushie creeping around the Ministry."

" I think that Plushie was in my room last night, that's probably what I saw underneath my dresser." She said.

" That peeping little shit!" He grumbled.

" Luckily it can't hurt anyone, but I believe that it's constant jump scares will become an issues with the Clergy." She said before she took the cup and saucer from his hands. " Why didn't you tell me about your Plushie nightmare?"

" You know about that?" He asked.

" Aether told Sister about it, he said it spooked you on tour." She replied.

" I bet Pops laughed about it..." He sighed.

" Papa did, but he wont dare say anything about it if he knows what's good for him." She said.

" That's good to know, baby." He said, his gaze returned towards the fireplace. " I just need to stay awake for the next twenty-two hours until midnight strikes again, then we'll be safe."

" I'm unsure if I can stay awake for that long, it's already been two hours since midnight." She said with a sigh. " I'm exhausted and ready for bed, it's been a long day."

" There's extra strong coffee in the kitchen and there's paperwork in my office that needs finishing." He said.

" But Halloween is meant to be our day off..." She said.

" I will bend the rules this year just to stay awake." He said.

" I guess just the once won't hurt." She said with a reassuring smile. " Sister will understand, it should be okay."

" I hope it's okay too." He smiled.

Albany took a sip of her lover's coffee, she would have to try and stay awake for Copia's sake. She didn't want to sleep if he was on edge, he may need her help in case the little Copia Plushie showed up again. They both sat in silence, the tickling of the mantelpiece clock kept them awake for now. A booming voice echoing down the hallway disturbed the peace, the anger in their voice told them both that there had been another Copia Plushie incident. 

" How dare you!"

Albany and Copia shared a concerned glance, they dared not venture into the hallway in case they got targeted next by the possessed soft toy. They had both recognised the voice, it belonged to Papa Nihil. A shadow from the hallway crept through the doorway, it was soon followed by the phantasm that haunted the Ministry. Papa Nihil's features were rageful, he wasn't impressed with the situation he had found himself in not long. He stopped by his favourite armchair, his arms folding his voice disturbed the silence of the lounge.

" I saw that damn doll again!" Papa grumbled, his features were graced with anger. " If I was alive we wouldn't be having issues like this, the boy is useless!"

" It's not Copia's fault, it's probably a trick that his dark excellency thought would be funny for Halloween." Albany said.

" Well, I don't think possessing a toy is very funny!" Papa said.

" Neither do I, Pops." Copia said while he got to his feet. " I'm going to take a shower and stay in my  office for the next few hours, it's time to keep myself occupied for the rest of the day."

" Do you need any help?" Albany asked.

" Absolutely not!" Papa said, his gaze fell upon his only living child. " You're staying here with me! I'm not letting you out of my sight while that soft toy is running around the Ministry, it's already flashed it's ass at me in the hallway!"

" The Plushie has an ass?" Copia asked.

" It did two moonies at me already!" Papa frowned.

" That's good, that's very good." Copia said, his gaze fell upon his lover. " If you would excuse, I have work to do. Try and get some sleep. Goodnight."

" Goodnight." Albany said.

Copia waved his fingers at his lover, he bowed his head at superior before he left. The lounge fell silent once again, the tickling of the mantelpiece clock returned. Papa Nihil sat down on his armchair, he told his only living child that he would watch over her if she wanted to get some sleep. Albany wasn't sure if she could sleep right now, the thought of the little creature roaming the unholy church was making her feel very much awake for now.


Eleven Hours Until Midnight 

The Los Angeles Ministry was silent and calm, the antics of the possessed Copia Plushie had eased for a moment. The night had passed by quickly and daylight graced some parts of the hallways, it was just after 12pm. 

Albany was carrying a tray down the hallway, she was delivering a meal order to Copia's office on the behalf of Sister Imperator. She had made him some coffee with evaporated milk and a Bologna sandwich, there was also a chocolate pudding cup for his dessert. She had managed to get some sleep in the lounge, but her Father's ghostly snores had woken her up just before 8am. She hadn't had anymore encounters with the demonic doll, she was hoping it had gotten trapped somewhere until midnight. Turning into another hallway she could see light creeping into the hallway, the door to Copia's office was ajar. Stopping outside of her lover's office Albany carefully pushed the door open with her shoulder and entered the room. 

Albany could see Copia slumped over his desk, his snores could be heard from where she was standing. He had fallen asleep at some point during the day, his plans for staying awake had failed. Her gaze explored the office while she ventured forward, she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Her voice was soon heard, she softly spoke to her lover in a playful.

" Copia, it's time to wake up!" She said.

A loud snore escaped his lips, he mumbled something unrecognisable while he stirred in his sleep. Albany placed the tray down on his desk and lovingly ran her fingers through his hair, she then softly kissed the top of his head. Copia slowly sat up on his chair and stretched his arms above his head, but a gasp escaping his lover's lips startled him. Albany's eyes grew wide, her lover's face had been vandalised. A fake mustache and sideburns had been drawn on his face with a black marker pen, it seemed like the little Copia Plushie had somehow managed to get into Copia's office without his knowledge. 

" What happened to your face?!" She asked.

" My face?" He asked.

Copia's eyebrows furrowed, he touched his features with his finger tips before he took a handheld mirror from his desk's top draw. Looking at his reflection a horrified gasp escaped his lips, the look of shock in his mismatched eyes told his lover that he was surprised at his new appearance. Albany sat down on the edge of the desk, she tried to hide her amusement when her lover tried to wipe away the black marker with his handkerchief. The possessed Copia Plushie had played a trick on the sleepy Papa, it's whereabouts for now were unknown. Copia soon broke the silence between them, the frustration in his voice wasn't hidden.

" Ah shit! Look at my face!" He whined.

" Is it coming off?" She asked.

" Not yet, but with some soap and scrubbing it will come off easy." He replied.

" I must admit that you look very handsome even if they're fake." She said

" You like this?" He asked, his gaze met with his own. " Do you miss my old face?"

" I do miss your mustache, it use to tickle my top lip when you kissed me." She said.

" You miss the tickle, huh?" He asked.

" Sometimes." She replied.

Copia hesitated for a moment before he wheeled his office chair towards his lover, he then took her hand in his own. He tenderly kissed it and tickled her wrist with his finger tips. Their gaze soon met, his mismatched eyes were filled with desire. A giggle erupted from Albany when Copia guided her onto his lap, his arms wrapping around her he immediately teased her lips with his own. She managed to stop his playful behaviour by cupping his face with her hands, his mismatched eyes explored her features before he spoke.

" Did you manage to get some sleep?" He asked.

" I slept for a few hours in the lounge, but I kept waking up because Papa was snoring." She replied.

" The old guy?" He asked.

" Yes, the old guy. My Father." She smiled before she took a plate from the tray. " I made you a Bologna sandwich with extra lettuce and a dollop of mayonnaise. No cheese, just the way you like it." 

" That sounds very good." He said.

" And some coffee, also a pudding cup." She said while she offered him half of the sandwich. " You need to keep your strength up, there's another eleven hours and thirty minutes until midnight."

" That long, huh?" He asked.

" Yes, but for now open wide." She said, she playfully wavered the sandwich. " Here comes the aeroplane!"

Albany brought the sandwich to his lips, he immediately took a bite of it which caused her to laugh. He managed to get some of the mayonnaise down his chin, she wiped it away with her thumb and continued to feed him until he asked for some coffee. She returned the plate to the tray and took the cup from the saucer, it had cool down slightly since she had delivered it to his office. Copia took a few sip of his hot beverage, he soon broke the silence between them.

" As anything else happened around the Ministry since that Plushie showed up?" He asked.

" Well, Papa made a complaint. He found the Plushie in his casket this morning." She replied before she took a sip of the hot beverage. " The mess wasn't pleasent, it caused Papa to have another accident."

" My condolences to the Plushie." He said.

" Copia, be nice!" She smiled.

" Anything else?" He asked.

" Mr Saltarian didn't escape without an encounter." She said while she placed the cup on it's saucer. " It left chocolate hand prints all over the windscreen inside of his car, he reported it to Sister Imperator." 

" Was it chocolate?" He asked.

" I hope it was chocolate..." She replied.

" How about Sister?" He asked, his speaking tone was filled with curiosity. " Did the doll prank her too?"

" Not unless the Plushie wanted to be burnt alive on the spot." She replied.

" That's good to know." He said, his gaze focused on his pudding cup. " Are you going to feed me my pudding cup next?"

" Only if you share some of it with me." She said.

" We have a deal." He said.

Albany took the pudding cup and the spoon from the tray, she then opened the dessert. Spooning some of the pudding into her mouth she soon shared some with her lover. Copia's fingers curled around her hand, he moved the spoon towards Albany's mouth without any warning. He managed to get chocolate down her chin and on her lips, the chair creaked beneath his weight when he leaned towards his lover. Licking the dessert away from her lips he cupped her cheek, his seductive behaviour soon turned into a loving kiss. A giggle escaped Albany's lips, but a voice from the other side of the office disturbed their tender moment.

" And what's going on here?"

Albany immediately looked towards the doorway, her gaze was met by a familiar face. Sister Imperator was standing near the entrance of the office, they hadn't noticed her presence until now. Copia's voice soon broke the silence of the room, his speaking tone was calm.

" Were having lunch, it's cool yes?" Copia asked.

" I purpose it's cool." Sister replied.

" I should get going, it's almost time for Papa's favourite tv show." Albany said.

" Papa is waiting for you in the lounge." Sister said, her hands cupped together. " I've just seen him, he's not happy that you're keeping him waiting."

" In that case I better hurry." Albany said.

Albany slipped from her lover's lap and placed the pudding cup on the desk, she said goodbye to Copia before she headed towards the office door. Sister stopped her for a moment and gave her a tissue, her superior informed her that she still had chocolate pudding on her chin. Albany immediately wiped the dessert from her chin and left the office, she was now running late for her television date with her Father.

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